My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 133: Chapter 133


If you subscribe a little more, the little cutie will be able to see me who is excited to the point of crazy right away~ So at 6:30 pm on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, she went out early, carrying a paper bag with a small wireless desk lamp that the director wanted to borrow, and unexpectedly met Shi Yi who was equipped with the same equipment at the entrance of the Xingdu Open-air Stadium.

Shi Yi was standing right in front of her, across an iron gate. She had a neat and pretty bun on her head, holding a paper bag in one hand and a cell phone in the other, looking up at the sky which hadn't gotten dark yet, wondering what she was thinking.

Fu Shitian was stunned: Isn’t she going home either

She followed Shi Yi's gaze and looked up at the sky. It had been cloudy all day and the moon had not appeared until now.

Isn't she a local? How could she not go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, a family reunion festival? Fu Shitian thought of some bad guesses, and with some worry, his eyes returned to Shi Yi.

But before she could figure out anything from Shi Yi's expression, Shi Yi suddenly withdrew his gaze from the sky and looked in her direction again accurately.


This was the nth time she had caught him like this. Fu Shitian panicked and subconsciously turned his head away, pretending to look elsewhere.

After the action was completed, Fu Shitian regretted it. They had already been discovered, and this would only make things more obvious. She twisted the strap of the paper bag with her fingers and cursed herself inwardly, saying that it was so rude. After all, they were classmates, so she should have gone up to say hello, right

She turned back to look at Shi Yi again, and was surprised to find that Shi Yi was still looking at her. Fu Shitian's throat slid, and she was hesitating whether to smile at Shi Yi, pretending that she had just noticed it, when Shi Yi suddenly curled his lips and turned his eyes away.

The distance was not far, and Fu Shitian was sure that he really saw a flash of smile on her face. But what did the smile mean... Fu Shitian couldn't tell.

Fu Shitian's cheeks began to heat up. So, should she still approach him to strike up a conversation

Before she moved, Shi Yi moved first.

Shi Yi walked towards her!

Fu Shitian stared at her, his heartbeat following her steps, thump thump, so loud that it seemed to jump out of his chest. She could no longer suppress her joy and shyness, and she smiled with her lips bent, her lips trembling, and a "what a coincidence" was on the tip of her tongue.

"Shi Yi! You come so early. Has everyone else not arrived yet?" A clear female voice sounded a second faster than hers.

Fu Shitian's words were stuck in his throat.

Shi Yi acted as if he didn't know Fu Shitian. He walked past her and stopped only one meter away from her. He replied to the female voice, "Well, I didn't see them. Maybe they are inside."

Fu Shitian stood there, his hands and feet stiff with embarrassment, and even his ears turned red.

"The person next to her is Senior Yuan Ning, the office director and my roommate." The female voice was still introducing them when another sweet female voice suddenly interrupted: "Hey, I think I saw my little secretary."

Fu Shitian realized something when he heard the name "Yuan Ning". He had no choice but to turn around and face Shi Yi. He smiled gently at Yuan Ning who was walking towards him: "Senior Sister Yuan Ning."

Yuan Ning said happily, "I said she looks like you." She pointed at the girl next to her and introduced her to Fu Shitian, "Sister Sui Meng, deputy director of the External Relations Department. There aren't many people from our department and the External Relations Department coming tonight, so we put the two departments together. We're all family anyway, so it'll be more lively with more people."

"Hello, senior sister." Fu Shitian greeted her obediently.

Yuan Ning raised her chin towards Sui Meng as if showing off a treasure: "I told you about our office beauty, Fu Shitian!"

Sui Meng laughed and gave a thumbs up, saying, "Director Yuan has good taste. But our External Relations Department is not bad either." She then waved her hand towards Shi Yi and said proudly, "I haven't finished introducing you yet. This is the flower of the External Relations Department, Shi Yi."

Yuan Ning nodded, her eyes lingering on Fu Shitian and Shi Yi, and said with satisfaction: "Hahaha, OK, OK." She shared with Fu Shitian and Shi Yi: "Let me tell you, the directors of other departments are jealous of our two departments. They said that we chose the people based on their looks this time. They are all very good-looking."

"Hahaha, this is slander. Let them be envious, jealous and hateful. Look at us, Si Tian and Shi Yi, are we not allowed to be both talented and good-looking?" Sui Meng was arrogant.

Fu Shitian didn’t know whether Shi Yi was looking at her with them, but she was too embarrassed to look at Shi Yi directly.

After Yuan Ning and Sui Meng finished their music, they linked arms, acting very familiarly, one holding another, and led Fu Shitian and Shi Yi towards the stadium.

"Shi Yi, which industrial management team are you in?" Sui Meng tried to find a topic.

"From Class 6."

"Hey? Si Tian, are you also in Class 6?" Yuan Ning turned and asked Fu Si Tian.

Fu Shitian nodded.

Yuan Ning was surprised: "So you are classmates, so did you come here together just now?"

Fu Shitian whispered, "No, I just happened to be standing close."

"Is that so?" Sui Meng looked at Fu Shitian, then at the silent Shi Yi, and said with a smile: "It seems like you two don't know each other very well. That's perfect. You two can sit together tonight and play some games to cultivate your relationship. Next time there's an activity, you can go together. It takes a hundred years to be able to ride the same boat together, but how many years will it take to be in the same class and organization?"

Fu Shitian bit her lip and said yes. When she heard Shi Yi's voice overlapping hers, she also said lightly, "Okay."

Fu Shitian didn't take it seriously and thought Shi Yi was just responding casually.

As a result, when they arrived at the stadium and waited for the other new officers, everyone found seats on the football field inside the runway and sat in a circle. Fu Shitian sat down casually with her legs crossed, and when she turned her head, she saw that Shi Yi had actually sat down next to her.

But Shi Yi's eyes were fixed on the person in the middle of the circle who was looking for an angle to place the lamp, and he didn't seem to pay special attention to him. Fu Shitian secretly took a deep breath to wake himself up, thinking it was just a coincidence.

The desk lamp was put away, Yuan Ning clapped his hands, and the informal joint meeting between the two departments began.

As usual, we started with self-introductions, and after that, we played some small games to help everyone quickly get familiar with each other.

The first game is for everyone to introduce themselves again, but this time the introduction has a format - XXX who loves XX. For example, Yuan Ning is "Yuan Ning who loves to sleep", Sui Meng is "Sui Meng who loves to make trouble". Others have to introduce the hobbies and names introduced by others, and randomly check. If you can't say it, you will be punished.

Fu Shitian didn't know what was going on in her mind. She kept reminding herself not to get too close to Shi Yi, but at the same time she couldn't help but secretly hope that Yuan Ning would pick her to identify Shi Yi, or that Shi Yi would identify her.

She wanted so badly to call Shi Yi openly, to let her see her, with only her in her eyes; she also wanted so badly to hear her three-character name pronounced by Shi Yi from her soft and beautiful lips, to prove that she had also been carefully remembered by her, even if it was only for a few seconds.

It's just a little game, isn't that greedy? She convinced herself.

However, until the end of this round of the game, Fu Shitian did not get this opportunity.

She felt a little lost, yet a little relieved.

The next game was the carrot squat and gold and silver flipping game. Most people fell for it, including Shi Yi. When the punishment was settled, Shi Yi chose truth or truth.

Yuan Ning looked at the boys on the field who were staring at Shi Yi with bright eyes, and said jokingly: "I will try to get some useful benefits for the boys."

The boys cheered and made faces.

Yuan Ning asked: "Shi Yi, what type of boys do you like?"

All the boys in the audience held their breath. Fu Shitian lowered his head, his eyes falling on Shi Yi's right hand resting on his knee, and his heart began to lift.

"I haven't thought about this issue." Shi Yi said seriously.

Yuan Ning refused to give in. "That's not a good answer. It's not too late to think about it now. Don't you agree?"

Everyone started to cheer: "Yes, yes, now think about it."

Fu Shitian pursed his lips and counted the lines on Shi Yi's knuckles. When he counted to his index finger, Shi Yi was still silent.

Sui Meng couldn't wait any longer and decided to change the question: "It's so hard to summarize, so let me change to something simpler. If you only look at the face, which boy here best meets your aesthetic standards? This can be answered."

Shi Yi laughed, and this time answered quickly: "MEI one." She pronounced "MEI" very lightly, like the second or third time, and it was hard to hear clearly.

Sui Meng asked: "Do you mean 'none' or 'everyone'?"

Shi Yi raised his eyebrows and said cunningly: "Minister, this is your second question."

Everyone on the field laughed and Sui Meng laughed and scolded: "Well, Shi Yi, you look like a serious person, but you are so cunning."

Everyone quarreled for a few more words and finally let Shi Yi go.

Fu Shitian moved his eyes away from Shi Yi's fingers and breathed a sigh of relief. After he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt ridiculous. Actually, there was nothing wrong with listening to what type of boys Shi Yi liked... right

Sooner or later.

The last round of the game is the classic one dollar and fifty cents game. Boys represent one dollar and girls represent fifty cents. Sui Meng calls out the numbers, and boys and girls quickly form the corresponding numbers. Those who are left alone or unable to form a group will be eliminated and will be punished after the game.

Fu Shitian was a slow-moving and introverted person, and was not particularly good at this kind of lively game. When Sui Meng was the first to shout out five dollars and a half, everyone started shouting and looking for a group to hug.

There was chaos all around, with shouts and laughter everywhere. Fu Shitian was unable to react for a moment and stood there, not knowing which group of people to run to, nor was he too embarrassed to just run up to anyone and hug them.

"How much is this? Five dollars? Fifty cents short?" A counting voice came from somewhere, and a boy called her, "Here, Fu Shitian, here, fifty cents short, come here quickly."

Fu Shitian looked around and took two steps forward to look for the source of the sound. A slightly cold hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her in the opposite direction. She staggered two steps and fell into a soft embrace.

"Here." Shi Yi's cold voice came from above her head.

Almost at the same moment, a "crash" sound was heard, and a hard, horn-shaped object poked Fu Shitian's back hard, causing Fu Shitian to stagger forward in pain.

"What are you doing?" A woman's scolding voice sounded behind him.

Fu Shitian hissed and turned around to see that there was a middle-aged woman and a little boy of four or five years old standing behind him. The woman was holding the little boy with one hand and a shopping basket with the other, showing a protective attitude.

"Do you know how to walk? You almost stepped on someone, do you know that?" The woman was still angry and her voice was a little loud.

Fu Shitian realized that the step she took back just now must have almost bumped into them. She was thin-skinned and was scolded twice. She was embarrassed and her ears turned red. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't see it. Is it okay?" She apologized repeatedly. You changed the website address, and changed it again and again. Everyone save the new website address again. The new mobile version website address is mw and the new computer version website address is www.w. After everyone saves it, open it at the new website address. The old website address will not be open in the future.,,,