My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 137: Chapter 137


She had seen this name before—when they met by chance in the hospital that day. Jin Mingruo also teased Shi Yi and was obviously a potential target for Shi Yi.

At that time, Jin Mingruo joked, "Is there a chance?" After so many days, they are still in touch, it's true... There is a chance.

Fu Shitian forced himself to remain calm, retracted his eyes, and put rice grains into his mouth as if nothing had happened.

Shi Yi picked up the phone, unplugged the data cable, said to the three people, "You guys continue with your work," stood up and walked out naturally.

She no longer considered Zhao Jing as a blind date. They had been promoting school-enterprise cooperation recently, and Zhao Jing was the liaison. The plan submitted a few days ago was rejected by the School of Journalism and Communication. As for the specific direction of the revision, Zhao Jing said that she would have to wait for the dean to return from a business trip in two days before she could give her an answer. Shi Yi guessed that this call was about this matter.

Sure enough, it was this matter.

She stood in the secluded courtyard in front of the restaurant for a few minutes, made preliminary arrangements for the follow-up cooperation, then hung up the phone and returned to the table.

"Are you okay?" Chen Xizhu asked casually.

Shi Yi shook his head: "It's okay."

Fu Shitian was quiet and didn't say anything. When she was about to continue drinking the soup in the bowl, he handed her a clean bowl and reminded her: "It's cold. Get a new bowl."

Shi Yi was stunned for a moment, but did not object, and a smile unconsciously appeared in his eyes.

She didn't notice at all that the people around her were no longer in the same mood as before. www.

The four of them ate leisurely and slowly in the restaurant for more than an hour before finishing this sumptuous lunch. When they opened the door curtain and went out, the sun was still shining brightly outside, and the heat was oppressive.

Shi Yi opened the umbrella naturally and walked side by side with Fu Shitian. Fu Shitian seemed to talk less, and he was as gentle and kind as he was in the morning.

After passing two more memorial halls, the four of us came to an old and elegant second-hand bookstore. Although it is called a bookstore, in fact, in addition to books, it also sells various exquisite small items and postcards. On the innermost wall facing the window, there are two long tables for tourists to fill out postcards immediately.

Chen Xizhu and Yin Fanlu both planned to write a few postcards to their friends abroad to express their concern for them. Fu Shitian and Shi Yi also picked two, wanting to write something casually to their family and friends.

There was already a couple sitting in the middle of the long table. Shi Yi, Fu Shitian, Chen Xizhu, and Yin Fanlu sat down naturally on the left and right.

It was completely impromptu. Shi Yi didn't have anything special to write, so he simply stamped a postcard with a pattern of a stone bridge in an ancient town, signed his name on it, and prepared to send it to Jian Luhe; on the other card, he drew a Peppa Pig, picked the cutest stamp and stamped it, and prepared to send it to his sister Jiajia.

It took only three minutes to write two pages. She sealed the envelope, put a stamp on it, and turned to look at Fu Shitian beside her.

Fu Shitian is still writing.

She held the pen with her slender fingers, her long eyelashes drooped, and her expression was calm and gentle, just like the way she looked when she turned her head. The sunlight passed through the eaves and windows, and cast mottled shadows on Fu Shitian's body. Shi Yi seemed to be able to hear how the wind outside the window passed through the corridor, how the pen tip rubbed across the paper... The flow of time became very slow.

It's so slow that it feels a bit alienated, as if it had never existed.

"That year, what did you write to the person you met ten years later?" Shi Yi's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Fu Shitian's hand trembled as he put the envelope in it, and he turned his head to look at Shi Yi.

Shi Yi's dark eyes were staring at her, and there seemed to be a tiny light flickering in them, like tenderness, expectation, and exploration. Fu Shitian couldn't tell what was what.

Her throat moved.

The two big characters "Zhao Jing" covered the tender love words on the postcard that year and flashed in her mind. The three characters "Jiang Cunxi" brought back Shi Yi's words "bad genes are indeed hereditary" and echoed in her ears.

She couldn't say it.

Things have changed and times have passed, so what’s the point

"I don't remember." She smiled faintly, turned back and continued to put postcards away without much concern.

Shi Yi's smile froze on her face, and her tender feelings were suddenly chilled. There was that cold, resistant atmosphere again. It was obviously such a good, tender topic that could open up the situation. But Fu Shitian refused to take it.

Shi Yi looked at her deeply, embarrassment, coldness and pain tugged at her heart. She once again felt like a fool who was obsessed with her.

That's ridiculous.

She said nothing more, grabbed the two postcards in the envelope, stood up, found a mailbox and posted the postcards.

When Chen Xizhu, Yin Fanlu and Fu Shitian had delivered the postcards and were looking around for Shi Yi, Shi Yi came back from outside the door.

She held an opened parasol and explained calmly, "I happened to see an umbrella store next door, so I went to buy one."

Chen Xizhu and Yin Fanlu looked at each other in bewilderment, their eyes wandering over Fu Shitian but not daring to be too obvious. What happened? It had only been 20 or 30 minutes, why were these two people frozen again

Fu Shitian looked at Shi Yi forbearingly. She vaguely knew what Shi Yi was unhappy about, but she didn't know how to comfort Shi Yi. She was afraid that if she said the words on the postcard, it would shatter the last bit of her strength and rationality.

Thus, silence became the only option, and even the scorching sun could not melt the frost between Shi Yi's brows.

Chen Xizhu and Yin Fanlu didn't dare to get involved, so they just considerately pretended that they didn't notice anything and tried their best to act as relaxed and casual as they did in the morning.

The scorching heat of the sun gradually subsided, the sunset glow spread across the sky, and the lights on both sides of the river became gradually clear.

The four of them stopped on the bridge to take pictures of the river view under the sunset. Yin Fanlu said she was thirsty and wanted to have a cold drink. There happened to be a milk tea shop not far under the bridge, so Chen Xizhu and Shi Yi went there to buy milk tea, while Fu Shitian stayed on the bridge to accompany Yin Fanlu to take pictures.

I don’t know if it’s because the heat has subsided and it’s more suitable for sightseeing, but there are more tourists in the scenic area in the evening.

Pedestrians were constantly passing by on the old stone arch bridge. Fu Shitian stood by the guardrail of the bridge, waiting for the new wave of pedestrians to pass so that he could take a photo of Yin Fanlu with the sunset glow and the lights on the river. Suddenly, he saw a little boy of about two or three years old appearing from under the bridge on the left, running crookedly and hopping on the bridge, and was about to go up and down the stairs on the right.

Suddenly, the child's feet slipped, and he tilted, and was about to roll down the stone steps.

Fu Shitian was anxious and took a step forward reflexively. She leaned over and tried to reach out to grab the little boy. But before she could stand firmly, her other hand holding the mirrorless camera was bumped by the little boy's parent who ran over anxiously.

Caught off guard, Fu Shitian lost his balance and bumped into the low stone railing, hanging in the air and falling backwards.

In an instant, screams were heard everywhere.

"Si Tian!" Yin Fanlu's terrified scream broke through the noise and reached his ears.

Chen Xizhu's heart tightened, and he looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Yin Fanlu on the stone arch bridge, shouting something to the people around him in panic. The water under the stone arch bridge was rippling violently, as if something had just fallen.

Chen Xizhu reacted and felt weak all over. He was about to run to the bridge when he heard another cry beside him—Shi Yi climbed over the railing of the corridor like the wind and jumped into the river.

The moment the cold river water touched her skin, Fu Shitian instinctively grasped at the void, trying to struggle. But it was too late, the darkness and dampness instantly engulfed her.

She fell into the river and couldn't breathe.

She had learned to swim with Fu Siyu for a while, and she subconsciously paddled to float to the surface, but as soon as she moved, she felt a sharp pain, and her leg cramped...

Her breath-holding state was broken and she choked on the water. The pain of suffocation spread infinitely in her chest and she felt like she was on the verge of death.

This thing that I had been looking forward to day and night finally happened, but it didn’t seem as happy or liberating as I had imagined.

But I’m really tired.

She was struggling a little too much.

She stopped paddling, wanting to escape, wanting to give up, but a strong hand wrapped around her waist from behind, lifted her up, and dragged her out of the water.

The hot air was inhaled into his lungs, and Fu Shitian vomited a mouthful of water reflexively and started coughing violently. In the misty water, Fu Shitian saw the swaying afterglow in the sky, the woman's red eyes, and pale lips.

"Shi Yi..." She murmured in her throat, unable to make a sound.

Shi Yi turned around, dragged her, and swam hard towards the nearest river bank with one hand.

The river bank was already full of people. The safety officer let down ropes and lifebuoys. Chen Xizhu and Yin Fanlu also leaned out most of their bodies to help.

Fu Shitian was conscious. He was supported by Shi Yi and cooperated with the safety officers' rescue. He was pulled to the river bank and collapsed to the ground.

Someone was patting her back, someone was wrapping her with clothes, and someone was asking her: "Are you okay? How are you? Are you short of breath?" She could only shake her head weakly, staring intently at Shi Yi being pulled ashore, and then running to kneel on one leg beside her.

"Shi Yi..." She opened her lips and called silently, her weak eyes were full of her reflection.

Shi Yi looked at her without blinking, his whole body dripping with water and trembling almost imperceptibly.

She had almost lost her forever.

She is always like this, and may turn around and leave in the next second; she always feels that she can grab her if she reaches out, but when she really reaches out her hand, it is always empty.

What exactly does she want from her? What exactly does she want to do with her

Grievance, fear, and despair all surged into Shi Yi's heart. His eyes were red. He stood up suddenly, turned around resolutely and walked out of the crowd.

Fu Shitian's face turned paler and he struggled to stand up, but was held down by Yin Fanlu who was beside him.

Chen Xizhu reacted, said "I'll go and take a look", and hurriedly chased after him.

"Shi Yi..." As soon as she caught up, Shi Yi stopped, turned his back to her, and said in a low and hoarse voice: "I'm fine, you go take care of her."

Chen Xizhu's words of dissuasion suddenly stopped in his throat.

Shi Yi cried. She could hear it.

Shi Yi also knew that she had not concealed it well. She didn't want this to happen, but she couldn't hold back her tears, just like her love for Fu Shitian.

She no longer cared whether Chen Xizhu followed her or not. She bit her lower lip tightly and staggered out of the corridor, into the crowd, and into the vast world where Fu Shitian was not.

One street, two streets, three streets... The little rabbit pendant on her trouser leg was always stuck to her leg, rubbing her. She finally couldn't hold on any longer and turned into a long and narrow alley, slowly squatting against the wall, hugging her knees, curling up, sobbing exhausted and panting in the unfamiliar alley.

I cried away all my grievances, anger, fear, dignity and pride.

Night fell. She wiped her tears, stood up, sent a text message to Yin Fanlu, and walked back to the B&B in a dishevel.

In the B&B, Yin Fanlu was already waiting for her with the door open.

"Si Tian is fine, she's taking a shower. You should also go take a shower soon, otherwise you will catch a cold." She didn't ask anything.

Shi Yi thanked her for not asking anything.

She lifted her weak legs and walked upstairs. The lights on the stairs came on. At the end of the stairs, on the right side of the corridor, Fu Shitian's door was open.

She seemed to have just finished taking a shower. She didn't turn on the lights, was wearing pajamas, had wet hair, and sat with her back to the door, motionless, as if she had merged into the lonely night.

Shi Yi's heart felt empty and painful.

She walked into her room step by step, bent her legs and knelt on her bed, and hugged the body that was so thin that it hurt her hands from behind, tightening her arms inch by inch.

"Come on."

"You win."

"Shall we start over again?"

She coaxed in a low voice, and her warm affection penetrated Fu Shitian's soul through the close back. You changed the website address again and again and again, everyone save the new website address again, the new mobile version website address mw and the new computer version website address www.w. After everyone saves it, open it at the new website address, the old website address will not be open in the future,,,