My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 138: Chapter 138


Fu Shitian's whole heart began to tremble, resonating with the rise and fall of Shi Yi's chest.

She called her "Come on", and asked her "Can we start over again?" Fu Shitian's back was stiff, and she didn't move, as if she was afraid that she was still dreaming, and two lines of tears rolled down silently.

My heart aches so much that I can't breathe.

She knew how proud Shi Yi was, and how difficult and serious it must be for him to say such words.

The guess that had been lingering in her mind since Shi Yi left with red eyes was finally confirmed. But in addition to the uncontrollable joy, she felt more pain and heartache in her heart.

Did she still miss Shi Yi

And, a mistake can last for many years.

She had always thought that Shi Yi was contacting her with the intention of revenge and mocking her, but it turned out that all these years, Shi Yi really had not let go and still loved her

So what did her leaving without permission mean to Shi Yi

She clenched her fists, and suddenly felt so painful that she couldn't control herself. She hunched in Shi Yi's arms, lowered her head, and tried to hold back her tears until her whole body was shaking.

The tears in Shi Yi's eyes instantly slid down and wet Fu Shitian's neck.

She hugged Fu Shitian tighter, resting her chin on the top of her head, trembling and rubbing gently and softly, as if she was hugging a fragile dream, or as if she was hugging an equally cold little animal, keeping each other warm.

No matter what the answer was, she thought, she had tried her best and had no regrets in this life.

All of Fu Shitian's persistence and rationality fell apart and disintegrated in her tears, her tenderness, and her fragility.

That was the embrace she longed for in her dreams, the person she wanted to follow until death.

But, is she really worthy of having it again, of being loved again

Her chest was trembling, she stopped sobbing, grasped the back of Shi Yi's hand around her waist, turned sideways and looked at Shi Yi.

In the darkness, Shi Yi was kneeling, his black hair was disheveled, his dark eyes were watery, his nose was red, and he seemed to be full of tenderness.

Fu Shitian's heart was swollen and painful, and she couldn't say "Shi Yi, you can have a better choice" anymore. If she said it again, she was afraid that it would be a humiliation to Shi Yi.

She was powerless to resist, but also unwilling to resist. Her eyelashes trembled, and a tear rolled down quietly.

Shi Yi raised his hand and used his thumb to wipe it for her without saying anything.

Fu Shitian bit his lip, and his breathing trembled with her touch.

"Shi Yi..." Her nails dug into her palms and she finally spoke with difficulty.

"Yeah." Shi Yi's hand froze for a moment, then he retracted it, curled it up against his thigh, and quietly waited for her next words.

There was undisguised uneasiness in her eyes.

Fu Shitian's heart sank again. She had never seen the calm, confident and steady girl show such an expression. She wanted to hug her desperately, but she couldn't.

She forced herself to calm down, looked into Shi Yi's eyes, and said, "Shi Yi, I am Jiang Cunxi."

Shi Yi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on, but still answered seriously: "I know. I was sure about it after I found out that you were allergic to mushrooms during our trip."

Fu Shitian shuddered in her heart. She had known all along. She used all her strength to straighten her body and continued, "I have lied to you, given up on you, and hurt you."

Shi Yi said: "I know. It doesn't matter. It's all in the past."

Fu Shitian suppressed her shame and pain, her voice becoming increasingly hoarse: "My father... my father is a murderer, and I am the daughter of a murderer. Bad genes flow in my body."

"Jiang Cunxi, shouldn't I have believed you from the beginning? Bad genes are indeed hereditary." The words that I had deliberately forgotten, spoken without thinking that year, suddenly became like a sharp sword, carrying the wind and snow of the past, piercing through the eardrum and going straight into the heart.

Shi Yi was so painful that she lost her voice. She suddenly understood what Fu Shitian was worried about and what she was hesitating about. She had never really thought about it that way. At that time, she was too angry, too unwilling, too painful, and too disgusted to see Fu Shitian's calm and indifferent appearance, so she just wanted to catch all the sharp words, wanted to hurt her, wanted to make her suffer, wanted to find the slightest evidence that Fu Shitian would also feel pain, have feelings, and be reluctant.

But what was said was said, and the harm done was done. She didn't know how to explain it or how to make amends.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I never really thought about it that way. I'm sorry, I was just too angry at that time, I..." Her eyes were misty again, and regret covered her cheeks.

Fu Shitian felt distressed and stopped her: "Shi Yi, don't say sorry, you have nothing to apologize to me. I am not saying this to blame you or to make you feel bad."

Shi Yi looked at her helplessly.

Fu Shitian said gently and sadly: "Shi Yi, in fact, I have always regretted that I concealed it from you back then. I rashly entered your life and was with you without giving you enough choices."

Shi Yi was moved, and the tears that had been accumulating in her eyes overflowed. She reached out her hand again, and directly hugged Fu Shitian into her arms, hugging him tightly, her voice so hoarse that it sounded like a breath: "I know, I know everything. From the beginning, I knew you were Jiang Cunxi, you were Lailai. I know how timid, cruel, and heartless you are, but I also know how kind, warm, and brave you are. No matter who you are, no matter what you look like, I like you."

"If I could, I would have wanted to stop liking you. But I can't do it." Her soft tone contained pain, "I know everything. Come on, the only thing I don't know is whether you still love me."

It was so gentle and warm. Fu Shitian's mind was falling, and every cell in her body was clamoring for her to agree, for her not to leave, and for her to sink into despair. But she still gritted her teeth and insisted on breaking free from Shi Yi's arms.

Shi Yi's empty arms fell down, and he stared at her forbearingly, as if waiting for the final verdict.

Fu Shitian uttered the last words with a pale face.

"Shi Yi..."

"I have depression and have been taking medicine for two years. I have thought many times that it would be better if I could die. I don't know if I am really completely cured and will not have a relapse." Her voice was soft and she lowered her eyelashes, as if relieved.

She endured the pain every day, hoping to die in an accident. This was her life for most of the past six years. She once thought that she would never get better.

Shi Yiru was struck by lightning.

what did she say

Even though her mind refused to believe it and she hadn't reacted yet, tears were already pouring down her cheeks. Her back, which had been straight, collapsed, and she hugged herself with her arms, her shoulders shaking.

Fu Shitian heard a very thin and short whimper.

Shi Yi burst into tears. Her cold and beautiful face was covered with water marks, and her thin lips were stained with blood.

Fu Shitian's soul even began to hurt.

She had never seen Shi Yi cry so hard and in such a state of embarrassment. Her heartache and pity sparkled in her tears, like stars studded in the sky, wishing they could illuminate all the long dark nights she had gone through.

Fu Shitian finally couldn't control himself and knelt up. He stretched out his hands and hugged Shi Yi tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to rub him into his bones.

Shi Yi hugged her back, sobbing in her ear, and said in a tearful voice: "It's okay, baby, I'm not afraid, and you don't have to be afraid either... No matter what happens, I will always be by your side. With me here, I will definitely make you happy in the future, okay?"

Shi Yi rarely said sweet words. Fu Shitian knew that the words she said were promises from the bottom of her heart. She never broke her promises.

Fu Shitian surrendered. She couldn't bear to do so. She couldn't bear to do so. So she forgave her and let her be selfish and force herself once more.

A smile appeared on her lips, but tears fell from her eyes.

"Shi Yi, I gave you a chance. You can't blame me." She whispered softly in Shi Yi's ear, kissing the bitter tears on Shi Yi's cheek, all the way to her eyelashes, nose bridge, and nose tip. Shi Yi had been crying and did not reject her.

Fu Shitian kissed her lips lightly, looked at her, and said in a hoarse and tender voice: "At that time, what I wrote on the postcard was - To my love, my sunshine, my starlight: I love you, forever."

The signature is Jiang Cunxi.

Shi Yi's misty eyes lit up, his heart beat violently, and the blood in his body seemed to come alive in an instant.

She couldn't bear it any longer and moved forward, hugged the back of Fu Shitian's head and kissed him deeply.

Hungrily, affectionately, grinding, sucking, licking inch by inch, breathing intertwined, lips and tongues touching, mixed with tears, slightly bitter, but mostly sweet.

The temperature around me was rising, and just as the gun was about to go off, footsteps were heard on the stairs.

Fu Shitian let out a whimper and tried to retreat in panic, but Shi Yi refused to let her go. He chased after her and swept around her for a few seconds until the footsteps got closer. Then he rubbed Fu Shitian's nose with a lingering feeling and let her go.

As soon as Fu Shitian was able to breathe freely, he immediately stepped back, looked towards the door, and sat upright.

Shi Yi felt so soft-hearted when he saw this.

It was the same when she first kissed her many years ago.

She reached out to wipe the water marks on her lips and lowered her voice to tease her: "Weren't you very bold when you responded to me just now?"

There was still a hint of flirtatiousness in Fu Shitian's eyes. He turned his head and called her, "Shi Yi..." It sounded as if he was shy, but also as if he was doting.

Shi Yi benefited a lot from it.

She sat down, moved to the bedside, put her feet on the ground, and said, "I won't bother you anymore. Go change your clothes. I've made them dirty. I'm going to take a shower too."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xizhu arrived: "Si Tian, have you finished your shower?"

Fu Shitian and Shi Yi turned around and looked outside.

Chen Xizhu and Yin Fanlu walked closer and could see clearly that there were two people sitting in the dark room.

What's going on? Why is Shi Yi here? Is it the wrong time to come? Have they cried? Why are their eyes so bright and wet? What should we do? Is it too late to retreat now? Chen Xizhu and Yin Fanlu were stunned where they were, not knowing whether to advance or retreat, with barrages of comments flashing wildly in their minds.

Shi Yi and Fu Shitian looked at each other. Fu Shitian raised his lips and smiled lightly. Shi Yi knew the answer in his heart.

She turned on the light in the room, turned around to look at Chen Xizhu and Yin Fanlu, and said openly, "I'm sorry for scaring you today."

Chen Xizhu and Yin Fanlu were stunned: "No, it was all an accident, why are you being so polite?"

"Then I'll just say it straight."


Shi Yi reached out and held Fu Shitian's hand. Fu Shitian let her pass through his five fingers and interlocked their fingers.

"We've made peace." Shi Yi said.

The air suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Blinking his eyes, Chen Xizhu suddenly clapped his hands and cursed: "Oh my god!" He danced with joy.

Fu Shitian and Shi Yi smiled with some blushing faces. Yin Fanlu reminded Chen Xizhu: "Teacher Chen, be steady, the floor is going to collapse."

Chen Xizhu stopped with difficulty.

Yin Fanlu turned around and looked at Fu Shitian and Shi Yi, curved her eyebrows, and suddenly hugged Chen Xizhu without any image, hanging on her, jumping up and down: "Ah ah! Damn! Finally!!!"

Chen Xizhu, Shi Yi, Fu Shitian: "..."

The birds perched outside the window were startled by the joy in the house and flew away with their wings flapping. Fu Shitian heard the sounds of wind, water, branches and leaves, and the breathing of all things in the world for the first time in a long time.

Time began to flow again.

The four seasons rotate.

Her midsummer is back.

The author has something to say: The little rabbit twisted the corner of his clothes, his face red, and spoke in a lower and lower voice: It doesn’t matter if the clothes get dirty.

You made my... dirty, it doesn't matter... you changed the URL, and changed it again and again. Everyone should bookmark the new URL, the new mobile version URL mw and the new computer version URL www.w. After you bookmark it, open it at the new URL. The old URL will not be open in the future.,,,