My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 147: Chapter 147


Subscribe more, and the cute little girl will be able to see me excited to the point of madness~ Fu Shitian smiled, put down her phone, and lay down to stare at the ceiling. After a long time, she unlocked her phone, took a look, locked the screen again, turned over, and buried her face in the pillow.

On the Monday after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Class 6 had no classes in the seventh and eighth periods in the afternoon. Gao Yipei, the male student leader, applied for the classrooms for the fifth and sixth periods in advance. After the classes, all the students stayed and waited for the head teacher to arrive, and then directly carried out the class cadre election activities.

The election is conducted one by one according to the position. Those competing for the same position will give a unified speech first, and then vote. If the votes are the same, the candidates with the same votes will have an additional round of elections. After one is determined, the next one will be moved on.

The first position to be elected was squad leader. This position was indeed a hot topic, with five candidates in total. Gao Yipei, the male leader, won the position with a high number of votes without any suspense, thanks to his responsible performance during military training.

The second position up for election was the League Secretary. The competition for this position was as fierce as Cheng Jialuo expected, with one more candidate than the class monitor.

Cheng Jialuo felt that being the first speaker was more advantageous, so as soon as the class teacher announced the start of the election for the League Secretary, she was the first to go up. She introduced herself as usual, talked about her glorious experience as a student cadre in high school, and then explained why she wanted to run for this position. She said that the League Secretary was a position very close to the Party and the League, and that her family members were all D members. She said that under the influence of her family, she yearned for this aspect and pursued progress. She wanted to have the opportunity to exercise herself. Of course, she also hoped to provide services to everyone in this position and lead everyone to build a loving, united, progressive and excellent Industrial Management Class 6.

Her speech was fluent and clear, and the audience responded enthusiastically. After she came off the stage, Luo Xi and Zhang Lulu both gave her a thumbs up, expressing their confidence in her.

The speeches of the next few candidates were all quite standard, with nothing particularly outstanding. Cheng Jialuo felt that even with her good looks from military training, she was almost certain to win.

Until the last one, Shi Yi came on stage.

"She's actually interested in this kind of position." Fu Shitian heard the students in the back row whisper in surprise. "She doesn't look like one at all."

"So what does she look like?" another classmate asked.

"Well, like the cultural committee member or something, right?"

"Hahahaha, you think the cultural and arts committee member sounds like someone who is pretty." Zhang Lulu couldn't help but turn around and join in the heated conversation.

“Hahahahahaha…” Everyone laughed in a low voice.

Fu Shitian felt a little uncomfortable listening to their jokes. She agreed with the compliments on Shi Yi's beauty, but Shi Yi was far more than just beautiful and worthy of everyone's attention and recognition. She watched Shi Yi calmly walk onto the stage, and watched her calmly look around the audience with one hand on the podium. For some reason, she was not nervous for her at all.

She believed in Shi Yi.

Shi Yi waited until the whispers in the audience died down before she calmly opened her mouth to greet everyone. Her words were clear and her tone was well-paced. Her stage presence directly overwhelmed everyone who had come on stage before her. Her speech was unique.

All candidates are expressing the same idea in reality. They hope that everyone will give them a chance to exercise themselves. They want to know what they want to get from this position and what they are willing to pay for it. Only Shi Yi said that she wanted to bring something to everyone. She said that everyone came from all corners of the world and it was a rare opportunity to gather together at the end of youth. She hoped to have the opportunity to add some color to her and everyone's youthful memories, so that many years later, when everyone recalls the time spent in Class 6 during their freshman year, they will think it is worth remembering. Learning should be fun, and playing should be more fun. This is her goal for the people in Class 6.

When she spoke, her tone and expression were not as friendly as those of the previous students. In fact, the temperament between her eyebrows and eyes was still cold and solemn. It did not become softer because of such idealistic and romantic words, but it gave people a different sense of conviction.

She was very confident and sincere, and spoke eloquently and methodically, listing her preliminary plans for possible class activities if she were elected. She used her thorough preparation to tell everyone that she was not just talking.

She was like a luminous body, firmly attracting the attention of everyone in the audience. Maybe she was not the most likable person, but Fu Shitian was sure that Shi Yi must be the most attractive.

Even after Shi Yi finished his speech, the head teacher commented that among all the people who had taken the stage, Shi Yi spoke the most appropriately, had the calmest stage presence, and had the demeanor of a general.

Fu Shitian looked up at her like everyone else, as if he was looking up at the only star in his lonely sky.

This round of secret ballot began. The rules were the same as before. Everyone wrote down the names of six candidates on the paper distributed and ticked the name of the person they supported. A maximum of two and a minimum of one were chosen. The person with the most votes would be elected.

Fu Shitian's seat was between Luo Xi and Zhang Lulu. Zhang Lulu was copying down the names of the candidates without distraction. After Fu Shitian finished copying down the names, he quietly leaned towards Zhang Lulu, quickly put a tick behind Shi Yi's name, folded the ballot paper twice, and held it in his palm.

I wanted to secretly confirm that Rosie didn't see it, but my eyes met Rosie's.

"You write so fast." Rosie turned her eyes away and continued writing her name.

Fu Shitian hummed, his heart pounding.

The votes were collected and the counting began. Everyone stared at the word "正" on the blackboard, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

After the other four candidates received a few scattered votes, most of the votes were concentrated on Cheng Jialuo and Shi Yi. The two's votes were getting closer and closer, sometimes Shi Yi had one more vote, sometimes Cheng Jialuo had one more vote. It was visibly that Cheng Jialuo's face was getting worse and worse.

In the end, Shi Yi narrowly defeated Cheng Jialuo by three votes.

Fu Shitian breathed a sigh of relief.

After the two most popular positions were filled, the competition became much easier. There were three candidates for the study committee, two candidates for the arts committee, and only two candidates for the psychology committee—Fu Shitian and another quiet boy.

After the candidates were announced, the boys went on stage to give their speeches first. Fu Shitian took a deep breath quietly in the audience, and the phone in the drawer vibrated.

She lowered her head and glanced quickly, and found that the message was actually from Shi Yi.

Shi Yi didn't say anything, but just sent a [check] emoticon.

Fu Shitian couldn't help but turn his head to look at where Shi Yi was.

Shi Yi was not paying attention to the speech on the stage. She was looking at her. When their eyes met, he tilted his head towards her and smiled very lightly.

Fu Shitian heard the sound of his heart and blood beating rapidly.

She turned her head back and tried hard to control herself, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help curling up. Her ears were burning, but the tension was gone. She felt like Shi Yi was fighting alongside her.

In the end, she was elected as the psychological committee member with a large advantage.

The election class meeting lasted until the end of the eighth class. Cheng Jialuo looked very bad all the way, and was obviously in a bad mood. Luo Qian and Zhang Lulu comforted her from time to time, and Fu Shitian followed Zhang Lulu and was very quiet.

She felt she had no position. Although others didn't know, she felt hypocritical when she said words of comfort.

Although she felt a little sorry, she did not regret it.

The road was full of people finishing classes. Cheng Jialuo felt that it was lunchtime and didn't want to go to the cafeteria to squeeze in with the crowd, so she asked Luo Xi and Zhang Lulu if they wanted to go back to the dormitory to order takeout. Luo Xi and Zhang Lulu both agreed, so Fu Shitian said consciously, "Then I'll go to the cafeteria by myself. Do you have anything you want me to bring?"

Cheng Jialuo took out her phone and forwarded a text message to Fu Shitian: "Can you help me get the package? It might be a little difficult to get this time."

Fu Shitian agreed without hesitation: "It's okay."

Zhang Lulu said, "Please bring me five yuan worth of fruit. You know what I like to eat the most."

Fu Shitian replied: "Dragon fruit and watermelon."


Luo Xi wanted to say something but stopped herself. Fu Shitian was puzzled, so she shook her head again and said it was nothing.

Fu Shitian didn't think much about it. She went to the cafeteria and ordered two vegetarian dishes. After quickly finishing her dinner, she went to the supermarket on the first floor of the activity center to help Zhang Lulu pick out more than five pieces of fruit, and then went to the express storage point on the second floor to pick up the express.

When Fu Shitian saw the package, he finally understood what Cheng Jialuo meant by "a little difficult to carry" - she didn't know what she bought, but she packed it in a thick woven bag. It was very heavy, the woven bag was bare and dirty, and it was neither easy to hold nor to carry.

Fu Shitian had no choice but to tie the plastic bag containing Zhang Lulu's fruits into a knot and put the whole thing into his schoolbag. He then took turns carrying the woven bag with both hands.

I walked and stopped along the way, sweated all over, and it took me a lot of effort to deliver the express back to the dormitory.

As soon as she entered the dormitory, she saw Cheng Jialuo and Luo Qian sitting in their seats, looking like they were chatting. She smiled and greeted them, "Jialuo, where do you put this express delivery?"

Luo Xi glanced at her and said something to Cheng Jialuo in dialect.

Cheng Jialuo responded with a dialect sentence without any emotion.

Then, she instructed Fu Shitian politely, "Put it under the mirror at the door, a little to the side, not where there's water, fold it up and put it there."

Fu Shitian did as she was told. As soon as she straightened up, she saw Cheng Jialuo holding a one-dollar coin, standing it on the table, and flicking it with her fingertips.

The coin began to spin on the table, and Cheng Jialuo asked her casually: "Thank you, Si Tian. How much is this trip? It's a bit heavy, is one dollar enough? If not, I can add another fifty cents."

Fu Shitian’s smile froze on his face.

Fu Shitian lowered her head and sat on a stone bench by the roadside, with a hint of shame and joy in her dimples. "Does the restaurant still sell Band-Aids? How did you know my shoes rubbed my feet?"

"No, I'll try my luck and ask the diners for it." Shi Yi felt a little hot from walking, so she lifted the hair behind her neck to her shoulders to dissipate the heat. "I guessed it by looking at the way your right foot walked."

Fu Shitian took off his shoes and socks, bit his lip and whispered, "Shi Yi, you are so considerate."

Shi Yi admired her shy look, his eyes fell on her heel which was bleeding from a large skin breakage, and he denied it, "No, it depends on the person."

Fu Shitian paused, and looked up at Shi Yi quickly, with surprise and expectation suppressed in his eyes.

The author has something to say: The little rabbit pendant complained: Your hands are sore after just a short while? ? Shi Yiyi, you disappoint me so much.

Shi Yiyi remained calm: After all, you are just a pendant.

Little bunny pendant:

Shi Yiyi picked up Fu Xiaotuji and rubbed him softly: Good steel should be used on the blade.

Fu Xiaotuji blushed and hummed: Woo woo woo.

She also wanted Shi Yiyi to hurry up and her hands would be sore.