My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 148: Chapter 148


Without telling Fu Shitian that Fu Siyu had come to see her at noon, Shi Yi and Fu Shitian stayed together for a long time. She held Fu Shitian in her arms and took a nap on the small bed in the lounge for more than an hour before reluctantly leaving Nanyuan. She had a social event in the evening, and Fu Shitian was worried that she would hurt her stomach if she was hungry, so he asked the waiter to deliver some exquisite snacks to fill her stomach. Shi Yi was surprised and happy, and the restrained affection when she took the takeaway box almost blinded her assistant Qiao Man's eyes.

Damn! It's getting sweeter and sweeter!

Qiao Man pinched her wallet and felt that she had to start preparing a wedding gift for her boss.

I don’t know if it was because he was in a good mood, but during the evening social gathering, Shi Yi was unusually easy to talk to. He accepted almost everyone and drank quite a bit of wine.

Seeing that her face was blushing, Qiao Man was worried that she was drunk. After she and the driver sent her to the community, she wanted to send her upstairs as usual, make her a cup of sobering tea, and wait until she fell asleep before leaving. Unexpectedly, Shi Yi refused.

"I'm fine." She said in a clear and cold voice, "Don't bother me, go back and rest."

Seeing that although there was fatigue in her eyes, Qiao Man was still awake, she felt relieved and did not cause trouble for herself.

Shi Yi watched her car disappear into the night, rubbed her eyebrows to ease her drowsiness, and turned to walk towards the security booth.

At half past ten, the restaurant closed. Fu Shitian was still in the kitchen preparing chocolate flavors to give to Shi Yi for the Chinese Valentine's Day when the cell phone on the kitchen counter rang.

The caller ID is "Baby".

Fu Shitian smiled, took off his gloves immediately and answered the phone.

"Hey, baby." She blurted out naturally.

Shi Yi seemed to be stunned for a moment before answering: "Si Tian?" Her pronunciation was unusually vague: "I think I dialed the wrong number."

Fu Shitian knew she was drunk as soon as she heard it, and frowned: "Baby, are you still in the hotel?"

Shi Yi said, "No, I went home. I was feeling a little down and couldn't find any honey to soak in water, so I wanted to ask the convenience store in the neighborhood to send me a bottle. They're open 24 hours a day. How could I have called the wrong number... So weird... So weird."

The more she spoke, the more confused she became.

Fu Shitian's heart was lifted. She pulled off her apron, unplugged the cooking appliances in the kitchen, turned off the lights and walked out. "You dialed the wrong number." She comforted Shi Yi: "Be good and don't call them. I'll take you there, okay?"

Shi Yi was so drunk, how could she feel comfortable asking a stranger to come to the door at this time.

Shi Yi's voice was a little drunk, but also a little sober, and he said, "No, it's too far for you to come here, it's too troublesome."

Fu Shitian pressed the elevator button while coaxing, "It's not far. I'll be there soon. Just close your eyes for a while. When you open them, I'll be here."

Shi Yi asked: "Do you have a random door?"

Her voice rose slightly, and it was so innocent and cute that Fu Shitian had never heard before.

Fu Shitian's heart softened all of a sudden, she was touched by cuteness. She walked into the elevator and said, "Yes, I have a random door, and I also have a bamboo helicopter..." Before she finished speaking, the elevator moved downwards, and the call was automatically hung up with a "beep".

Fu Shitian couldn't help but frown.

Fortunately, it was only two floors away, and the elevator quickly reached the parking lot. As soon as Fu Shitian got out of the elevator, he immediately called Shi Yi back.

It took Shi Yi a long time to answer the phone and he said "Hello" softly.

Fu Shitian opened the car door and explained softly to Shi Yi, "Just now in the elevator, my phone had no signal."

Shi Yi seemed to be even more drunk, and didn't seem to hear what she was saying at all. He just muttered in a low voice: "You hung up on me..."

Looking very aggrieved.

Fu Shitian had never heard her speak in such a tone before, and his heart was gripped. "I didn't, it was... the phone that didn't listen." Her voice was so soft that it could drip water, and she turned on the speaker and started the car.

Shi Yi still felt wronged: "You said you'd be there as soon as I opened my eyes, and I've already blinked several times."

Fu Shitian felt pained and soft in her heart, and she didn't know how to comfort her. Shi Yi said again: "It's so dark at home."

Her voice was as soft as a whisper: "Come... I..."

Come to an abrupt stop.

The call was automatically disconnected again.

Fu Shitian's heart trembled, and he called again, but no one answered. He called again, but the phone was turned off...

Fu Shitian's knuckles were shaking as she gripped the steering wheel, and she was extremely anxious. She suddenly regretted that she was too stubborn. Why didn't she agree to let Shi Yi move in with her, why didn't she wait for her at home, why couldn't she be with her when she needed care the most.

Obviously, no concerns are more important than Shi Yi's happiness and safety.

The last time she drove here, it took 20 minutes, but this time she managed to shorten it to 15 minutes. Because she was not sure whether Zhongbai Yunting allowed outsiders to enter, she drove to the gate of the community tentatively, lowered the window and asked. Unexpectedly, the security guard was very easy to talk to. He asked her to register as a visitor and did not ask her to call for confirmation. He directly opened the gate and let her in.

The journey was smooth and they found an empty space in the toll parking lot and parked the car. Fu Shitian picked up the bag and called Shi Yi again while walking and running quickly towards the building where Shi Yi's home was.

The night wind messed up her hair and her heart. She didn't care about anything else. She was completely satisfied and the only thought left in her mind was to see Shi Yi.

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed between the sky, earth and buildings.

Fu Shitian panted, got into the elevator, and went up to the floor where Shi Yi was.

Room 2302, Building 3. She didn't know why, but she remembered it so clearly after having been here only once. She had only been here once, but now standing in front of this silver-gray door again, she felt so familiar and nostalgic.

It seemed as if in a dream, she had lingered and stopped at this door countless times.

But at that time, she was not even qualified to enter in dreams.

She took a breath and called Shi Yi's phone again, but it was still turned off. She had no choice but to ring Shi Yi's doorbell in the dead of night.

After a long time, no one answered.

Fu Shitian's heart was in suspense, his hands felt weak, and he pressed it twice more.

There was still no movement in the room.

Did Shi Yi fall asleep? She shouldn't have asked the convenience store staff to come up after hanging up the phone, right

Fu Shitian was frightened by his own thoughts and panicked. He pressed the doorbell twice and accidentally pressed the password unlocking button next to it.

A digital panel popped up, and Fu Shitian stared at the familiar panel in a daze.

When I first lived with Shi Yi, the suite that Shi Yi lived in also had such a digital combination lock.

For some unknown reason, she reached out and touched the digital touchpad.

"5, 2, 0," she pressed the numbers one by one hesitantly, with her throat dry, "1, 0, 1."

"Ding ding ding", the door lock opened.

Fu Shitian opened her eyes wide and her arms stiffened. The ecstasy of the door opening mixed with an indistinguishable sadness suddenly engulfed her.


This password was specially changed by Shi Yi on the first day they officially lived together. At that time, she asked Shi Yi why he changed the password, and Shi Yi just curled his lips in a good mood and asked back: "Guess why?"

I love you, Shi Yi. This homophony is too obvious. Her eyes rippled, but Shi Yi was flirting with her, burying his head in her shoulder and humming, shyly not answering.

A long time later, under the influence of affection and intimacy, Shi Yi finally confessed: "520101, not 520, 101, but 52, 0101."

0101 is Fu Shitian’s birthday, the anniversary of their relationship, and also the day when Fu Shitian helped her regain her home.

520101 means I love Fu Shitian.

Every time they enter the password, Fu Shitian likes to enter 520, 101, and Shi Yi likes to enter 52, 0101. It seems that every time they open the door, it is a confession of their love for each other.

Fu Shitian loved this string of codes very much, and also loved Shi Yi's restrained and silent romance.

When did Shi Yi change the password back? Or has she always used this password

Fu Shitian felt like something was choking his throat.

She opened the door and stepped into the empty darkness of the room.

It’s really dark at home...

"Shi Yi..." She closed the door and called Shi Yi in a hoarse voice.

The room was silent, with no response.

Fu Shitian turned on the light without changing his shoes, and called out "Shi Yi... Yi Yi... Baby..." more and more softly and urgently. He quickly searched the empty living room and kitchen and came to a half-open door.

"Baby..." She knocked on the door.

There seemed to be a very slight sound from inside the door.

Fu Shitian's nerves suddenly tensed up and he quickly pushed open the door.

There was no light on inside the door, it was dark, the light from the corridor came through the open door and rushed into the room. With the weak light, Fu Shitian saw that the room was large and empty, with a bed, which should be the bedroom. The distance from the end of the bed to the wall was full of cute and exquisite little rabbits - rabbit dolls, rabbit figurines, rabbit music boxes, rabbit aromatherapy machines... www.

Shi Yi was also sitting on the floor, with her hair loose and wearing a nightgown. She sat on the edge of the bed facing Fu Shitian, quietly looking at the colorful little rabbits on the floor. Under the moonlight, her figure was lonely, proud, delicate, and lonely, like a lonely queen trapped in a fairy tale castle.

Fu Shitian's heart suddenly felt like it was being tightened by something, and it hurt so much that he could hardly breathe.

She walked lightly, calling "baby" softly, and approached Shi Yi.

Shi Yi turned sideways and looked at her.

Only then did Fu Shitian see clearly that she was holding a plush rabbit in her arms - the one that Shi Yi gave her during the summer vacation of her freshman year, but she was unable to take it away after they broke up.

She stood there in a daze.

Shi Yi's dark eyes were slightly drunk, as if he recognized her. There was a misty light in his eyes. He smiled but whispered hoarsely: "You're back."

It seemed like he was talking to Fu Shitian in front of him, or like he was talking to the lover who had not returned for many years.

Intimate and sad.

In an instant, Fu Shitian felt pain in all his internal organs.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

How long had she left her baby alone

The author has something to say: Today is Shi Yiyi, who is both milky and sinister.

The onlookers: cunning and treacherous!

No martial ethics!


Jiang Lailai shyly said: I... I can... I like it very much

(Grandma's, grandma's, come, repeat after me, the third tone ~ laugh and cry.jpg),,