My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 163: Chapter 163


The morning light shone into the room through the gap in the curtains, and Fu Shitian woke up in Shi Yi's arms. It was quiet all around, as if the world was still asleep. Fu Shitian looked up at Shi Yi who was still sleeping, full of attachment, and stayed in her arms for a long time before waking up - this was not their own home, this was in Shencheng, Shi Yi's mother's home!

Oh no, what time is it? Have I woken up too late? Fu Shitian regretted.

She moved her body carefully, trying to get out of Shi Yi's arms without waking him up. Not surprisingly, Shi Yi quickly moved his arms and held her tighter.

"Sleep a little longer." Shi Yi's voice was lazy, as if he had not fully woken up. It sounded like an order, but also like he was acting coquettishly.

Fu Shitian smiled and coaxed, "Okay, you go back to sleep, I'll get up first, okay?"

Shi Yi remained indifferent and said nothing. Like a koala, he wrapped his legs around her and held her in his arms.

This situation is not uncommon. Fu Shitian has become accustomed to her child becoming clingy when it is time to get up.

She adjusted her posture so that Shi Yi could hang on her body more comfortably. She stretched out a hand with difficulty, gently rubbed the back of Shi Yi's head, and coaxed her: "It seems a little late, let me get up and go downstairs to take a look, okay? Soon Jia Jia will laugh at the sisters for being lazy pigs."

Shi Yi didn't say anything, as if he thought she was talking too much. He moved one hand behind Fu Shitian's head and gently held it, so that her face, nose, and mouth were all pressed against his chest, so tightly that she couldn't speak.

Fu Shitian was buried between the fragrance and softness, feeling her childishness, and was very soft-hearted. She compromised and allowed her to hold her like this for dozens of seconds, and then stretched out her tongue, gently licked Shi Yi's skin under her nose, and moved slowly.

The soft and warm touch was like a feather brushing against the tip of one's heart, making one's whole body numb. Shi Yi's heart skipped a beat and he woke up completely.

She let go of Fu Shitian a little, squinted her eyes and looked at her, smiling, and said in a low voice: "Do you want to get up later?"

Fu Shitian took the opportunity to slip out of her arms, and instantly retreated to the bedside, with a cunning look in his eyes: "Next time."

He looked like he had succeeded in playing a prank.

Silly girl. Shi Yi couldn't help but snort and let her go. She sat up and didn't sleep anymore, and asked, "What time is it?"

Fu Shitian got out of bed and replied, "It's half past seven. What time does Auntie usually have breakfast?"

Shi Yi said: "It used to be 8 o'clock on holidays, but now I'm with Jia Jia, so I'm not sure."

"Then I'll go and take a look." Fu Shitian took out clean clothes from the suitcase, changed into them, and went into the bathroom to wash and dress.

Shi Yi touched the chest that had been kissed by Fu Shitian, curled his lips, and was about to get out of bed to wash up, but suddenly thought of something, so he walked quietly to the door and opened it.

Outside the door, the corridor was quiet, and Jia Jia's door diagonally opposite was already open.

Shi Yi's eyes moved downwards and fell on the small Christmas tree near his door.

On the small Christmas tree, the Christmas stockings that she and Fu Shitian had hung yesterday had been taken down and were now lying peacefully under the tree, bulging and obviously filled with something.

Shi Yi raised the corners of his lips, retracted his eyes, gently closed the door, and returned to bed as if nothing had happened.

When Fu Shitian came out dressed neatly, Shi Yi was still leaning on the bed, reading the financial daily on his tablet.

Although the air conditioner was on in the room, Fu Shitian was still afraid that she would catch a cold. She took a nightgown from the hanger and put it on Shi Yi, kissed her, and said, "Good morning. I'll go downstairs and take a look first."

Shi Yi smiled faintly and said "hmm", then replied: "Okay, I'll go down in a while."

She watched Fu Shitian walk to the door, open it, walk out, and then stop as she expected.

"Baby..." Fu Shitian's hesitant voice came, she turned around and said, "It seems like there is something in the Christmas stocking?"

Shi Yi suppressed his smile and replied calmly, "Maybe Santa Claus has been here."

Fu Shitian blinked, looked back at the Christmas stocking, and then looked at Shi Yi: "..."

Shi Yi was amused by her unbelievable look and said to her, "Are you stupid?"

Fu Shitian suddenly had an idea, his nerves relaxed, and he laughed out loud.

Is Aunt Fang so cute? She really doesn't look that cute at all.

Shi Yi confirmed her guess with his eyes and said, "Bring it in and have a look."

Fu Shitian responded: "Okay." She squatted down, carefully picked up the socks, held them in her hand, and walked back to the bed.

The two socks in my palms seem a bit heavy, but I can’t guess what they are by looking at their shapes.

Shi Yi put down the tablet and helped her take the things out of the socks.

The sock that was opened first contained a small card and a brooch. On the card was written "Merry Christmas, Yi Yi", indicating that it was for Shi Yi.

The brooch is in the shape of a round silver phoenix, which is simple and luxurious, exquisite and generous, and matches Shi Yi's usual dressing style very well.

Fu Shitian was sincerely amazed: "Auntie is really good at choosing."

Shi Yi felt a warm feeling in his heart, and he uttered an almost inaudible "hmm" and turned his attention away to remind her: "Look at yours."

Fu Shitian's heart began to get uncontrollably nervous. In a sense, this gift represented Fang Ruohua's true acceptance of herself now.

She carefully took out the box and card from the Christmas stocking. The card was the same as Shi Yi's, with "Merry Christmas, Si Tian" written on it, but the box was different, a little bigger than Shi Yi's.

Fu Shitian took a deep breath calmly and slowly opened the jewelry box. As the box opened, a white jade bracelet that was so transparent and moist that it seemed to glow slowly appeared in front of Shi Yi and Fu Shitian.

Fu Shitian was stunned for a moment, and Shi Yi was also stunned for a moment, but then, the smile could no longer be restrained and overflowed from his eyes.

"This is too expensive." Fu Shitian looked at Shi Yi in panic. Even if she didn't know much about jade, she could see how expensive this bracelet must be.

Shi Yi was calm and took the bracelet to put it on her hand: "The thought is very valuable. So, if she gives it to you, just keep it."

Fu Shitian retracted her hand, looking serious: "It's really too valuable, I can't accept it." She stood up, bit her lip, hesitated for a few seconds, and said: "I'll take it down and give it back to Auntie."

Shi Yi looked at her, and leaned back on the bed, his eyes helpless and doting: "Then go ahead."

She was no longer worried about her mother being alone with her.

Fu Shitian looked at her as if asking for help. Shi Yi smiled faintly, calm and composed, with no intention of going downstairs with her to help her.

Fu Shitian stood there for a few seconds, laughed helplessly, scratched Shi Yi's nose with his index finger, grabbed the bracelet, and went downstairs by himself.

There was no one in the living room downstairs, the door was open, and there were faint sounds, as if Fang Ruohua and Jia Jia were talking.

Fu Shitian walked towards the source of the sound and finally found Fang Ruohua and Jia Jia next to the swing in the garden.

Jia Jia noticed her first and gave her a shy smile. Fang Ruohua was pruning branches and noticed it. She followed her line of sight and saw Fu Shitian. She smiled and greeted him, "Good morning, did you sleep well?"

Fu Shitian smiled back at her and said shyly, "Good morning, Auntie. I slept very well. I went to bed a little too late."

Fang Ruohua didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, it's Jiajia and I who got up early. Children don't sleep much, so they get up at a certain time, so I have to follow them."

Fu Shitian comforted her: "Auntie has worked hard. When Jiajia grows up a little bit, she will feel more sorry for her mother, and then Auntie will be able to relax a little."

Fang Ruohua smiled, neither saying yes nor no. She looked at the jewelry box in Fu Shitian's hand and asked, "Is it still suitable?"

Fu Shitian immediately said, "Thank you, Auntie. The bracelet is very beautiful. I have never seen such transparent jade before. But it is too expensive. Auntie, I can't accept it." She placed the jewelry box in front of Fang Ruohua with both hands.

Fang Ruohua put down the pruning shears, reached out to take the jewelry box, and asked calmly, "Why can't I keep it?"

Fu Sitian hesitated: "It's too expensive..."

Fang Ruohua disagreed: "This is a gift from me to you. It's not expensive, but I did spend a lot of time to choose it." She opened the box, took out the bracelet, raised her eyes and asked Fu Shitian: "Do you think the jade is old-fashioned and don't like it?"

Fu Shitian quickly explained: "No, Auntie."

Fang Ruohua's eyes were calm: "Is it because you are still upset about my disapproval of you and Yi Yi before, and you don't want to accept my things?"

Fu Shitian was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue: "Of course not, Auntie, don't get me wrong, I have never thought about it that way."

Fang Ruohua smiled and said, "Then why can't you accept it?"

Fu Shitian was speechless.

Fang Ruohua reached out and held her hand, put the white jade bracelet on her wrist, and said, "Then accept it. We will be a family from now on. What I can give to Yi Yi, I can also give to you."

Fu Shitian's arms were stiff, his throat moved, and he murmured helplessly: "Auntie..."

Fang Ruohua looked at her steadily, remained silent for two seconds, and explained: "Please forgive me for what happened in the past. You are a very good child, I have always known that, and I have no problem with you. It's just that as a mother, I can't watch my child take the smaller road instead of the smoother main road and do nothing."

Fu Shitian's throat was a little dry, and he said, "Auntie, I know, I understand you."

To be fair, Fang Ruohua's cutting off of Shi Yi's financial support did affect the direction of their relationship, but the real reason for their breakup was not her, but themselves, or to be more precise, herself.

Fang Ruohua had never done anything wrong to her. Compared to her, Shi Yi was hurt more.

Now that time has passed, she just wants to heal the hurt that Shi Yi had suffered in the past with Fang Ruohua.

Fang Ruohua looked at her for a while, then she smiled and patted Fu Shitian's hand with a loving look in her eyes.

Fu Shitian looked at her and smiled, forgetting all past grudges.

When Shi Yi estimated the time and came downstairs, she saw Fang Ruohua and Fu Shitian standing together in the garden, tending to the flowers and plants, one holding scissors and the other holding a watering can. Jia Jia stood between them, pointing at the branches and asking curiously, while Fu Shitian and Fang Ruohua smiled and answered her one by one.

In the sunlight, the clear white jade bracelet sparkled on Fu Shitian's slender wrist.

Shi Yi leaned against the door and looked out. She felt that although spring had not yet arrived and the flowers had not yet bloomed, she could already see the spring scenery all over the garden.