My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 25


After tidying up the bed and the clothes she brought, Fu Shitian went to the cafeteria to have dinner alone. After she finished her meal and sat down, she took out her phone and realized that Shi Yi had asked her a few minutes ago: "Does Cheng Jialuo often do this?"

Fu Shitian quickly replied: "What?"

"It seems like he's difficult to get along with." Shi Yi said concisely.

Fu Shitian was slightly stunned, and the corners of her lips curled up. She found that she was always amused by Shi Yi's serious words. Then, she thought about her interactions with Cheng Jialuo in the first half of the semester, and the corners of her mouth drooped again. "Maybe... we need to separate people." Cheng Jialuo and Luo Qian seemed to get along well.

"Does that mean I don't get along well with you?" Shi Yi hit the ball straight.


"Have you ever had a conflict?"


"Very serious?"

Fu Shitian said calmly: "It should be quite serious for Jialuo." Otherwise, she wouldn't have been brooding over it for so long.

After almost half a minute, Fu Shitian did not continue speaking. The dialog box stopped at that sentence.

Shi Yi changed the topic and asked, "What about the other roommates?"

Fu Shitian paused for a moment, and glanced at the girls in front of her, who were talking and laughing while carrying their plates. At the beginning, they had experienced such a time in their dormitory.

"Everything is fine." Fu Shitian lowered his eyelashes, "It's just that I may not have integrated well."

She had reflected on herself many times. She regretted it because she had done something wrong to Cheng Jialuo; she regretted it because she had stood up for Cheng Jialuo; she regretted it because she often worked part-time and had little time to accompany Lulu; Song Chuyuan and Zhou Na were in different classes and had little interaction, so their relationship was very dull.

Everyone is actually right. It was she who didn't do it well.

"Are you always so used to looking for problems in yourself first?" Shi Yi's tone didn't sound like praise. "Aren't you uncomfortable?"

Fu Shitian's eyes rippled, not knowing if she was being coquettish: "There is still a little bit."

Shi Yi didn't reply for several seconds.

Fu Shitian's ears felt hot, and he quickly regained his usual sensible attitude and continued, "However, the dormitories will be reassigned in the second year of college."

"The school just started this semester." Shi Yi reminded.

"It's okay. I don't spend much time in the dormitory."

What she said was true. She was concerned about her new school life and needed to spend more time integrating into the dormitory, classes and clubs, so she didn't do many part-time jobs. This semester, she planned to wait for the scholarship to come in, and add the money from her part-time job to buy a cheaper laptop. Last semester, she relied on the library's electronic reading room and occasionally borrowed Lulu's laptop to get through many things that required computers. Now that Lulu's relationship with her has obviously faded, she is too embarrassed to borrow from her. But the money is obviously not enough, so she must take on more part-time jobs.

Since the parties involved said so, Shi Yi didn't say anything more.

In the second week of school, the school finally paid out the scholarships that I applied for last semester. After Fu Shitian checked the money in his account, he went to a milk tea shop two blocks away to pack a cup of milk tea after getting off the bus after his part-time job that night.

She met Shi Yi and Jian Luhe coming back from outside several times, both holding milk tea from this shop in their hands.

She sent a message to Shi Yi from downstairs of the dormitory: "Are you in the dormitory?"

Shi Yi said: "I'm here."

Fu Shitian entered the elevator with confidence, went up to the 13th floor, and knocked on the door of 1315.

After just two knocks, Shi Yi came to answer the door, wiping his hair.

It seemed like the first time I saw Shi Yi with wet hair just out of the shower. She was wearing slippers, with her sleeves rolled up, her long hair was messy, and she seemed to have lost some of her usual coldness and become more lazy and gentle, which made people blush and heartbeat.

Fu Shitian was stunned for a moment and almost forgot what he was going to say.

"Here you go." She found her own language.

Shi Yi looked at Nai Cha and questioned her with his eyes.

Fu Shitian smiled and said softly, "My admission scholarship has arrived. I'll treat you."

Shi Yi gave a faint smile and took it with his hand: "Is that so. I'm welcome then, thank you."

Fu Shitian's dimples deepened. She liked the way Shi Yi was not polite to her. "Then I'll go back to the dormitory first."

Shi Yi nodded.

Before Fu Shitian turned around, he secretly glanced at Shi Yi again.

The next day, she asked Chen Xizhu to go buy a second-hand bicycle and brought Chen Xizhu a cup of the same milk tea. Chen Xizhu was also not polite to her and smiled expectantly: "Is there another scholarship that has not been issued?"

Fu Shitian smiled gently and chatted with her as they walked.

Chen Xizhu was concerned about how Fu Shitian's relationship with his roommates was recently. Fu Shitian did not hide it, so Chen Xizhu suggested that Fu Shitian could buy a small mountain bike without a seat. Firstly, Fu Shitian did not need to bring anyone with him, and secondly, it would also save him from being in a hurry to go to class and having classmates want to take a ride, and Fu Shitian would not refuse anyone.

Fu Shitian did not comment. When he arrived at the market, he picked out a half-new mountain bike with a seat, just like Chen Xizhu.

"Why do you want to buy a car with a seat?" Chen Xizhu was puzzled.

Fu Shitian dared to think about the answer in her heart, but she didn't dare to think about it. She bit her lip and smiled, and asked Chen Xizhu cunningly: "Then why did you buy a car with a seat?"

"Of course there are people I want to give a ride to." Chen Xizhu said as a matter of course.

"Your roommate?"

"No." Chen Xizhu denied it bluntly.

"That is?"

Chen Xizhu opened his mouth as if to continue speaking, but held back and changed the subject: "Boss, we are buying two. Can you make it cheaper? We will introduce a few classmates to you when we go back."

Fu Shitian blinked and felt that Chen Xizhu's reaction was strange, but he didn't ask any further questions.

After paying, the two of them rode to the school library. While sorting out the returned books, Fu Shitian received a message from Shi Yi, "Are you free on Saturday night? Yilin and I are treating everyone in the dormitory to a meal. Would you like to come?"

Fu Shitian stared at the screen and smiled.

Shi Yi... remembered her.

However, she hesitated, "You guys are having a dinner party in the dormitory, would it be inappropriate for me to go?"

Shi Yi said: "Lu He is also there, it doesn't matter."

Fu Shitian was still hesitating, and Shi Yi said, "Yilin doesn't mind either. She was going to invite everyone."

After Shi Yi said this, Fu Shitian put down his burden and agreed, "Okay, then please thank Yilin for me first."

On Saturday evening, she and Jian Lu went to dormitory 1315 to wait for Shi Yi and the others. A group of eight people left the school in a mighty and lively manner.

Fu Shitian was originally worried that Shi Yi and Lei Yilin might treat everyone to a Western meal, and that he would make a fool of himself, so he secretly searched Baidu for the etiquette of Western food and steak. Unexpectedly, Lei Yilin and the others were very down-to-earth and took everyone around and around, and finally entered a food stall on the side of the road...

Fu Shitian sat on a red plastic chair, smelling the familiar smell of oil smoke, and her nervousness disappeared. She looked at Shi Yi, who was standing on the opposite side of the road. Shi Yi was looking around the food stall, looking a little curious, but very comfortable.

Lei Yilin asked everyone to order food. Everyone ordered a few main courses. Lei Yilin generously ordered a few more dishes for herself and asked for a bunch of barbecue. Everyone kept shouting "Enough, enough, if it's not enough, order more later". She stopped, feeling unsatisfied, and sat back next to Shi Yi.

"How's it going? Did your sister show you the world today?" Lei Yilin raised her eyebrows at Shi Yi. "You've never been here since you were a child, right?"

Shi Yi glanced at her, curled his lips, and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Sun Han, the leader of the dormitory, distributed disposable chopsticks to everyone and laughed at Lei Yilin: "A few days ago, you were hugging someone's thigh and calling him daddy. Today, before you even warm up the money, you call yourself sister? Shi Yi, don't bring her next time."

Zhu Mo added insult to injury: "Boss is right, people like this need to be punished."

“Stop.” Lei Yilin begged for mercy, her expression changed instantly, she hugged Shi Yi’s arm and started acting, “Ah, Dad, I was wrong, Dad, love me again, Dad…” Her words were so pretentious and disgusting.

"Hahahaha, Lei Yilin, you must have been from Sichuan in your previous life." Jian Luhe was stunned.

Everyone else in the dormitory couldn't help laughing, and Fu Shitian was also smiling.

Shi Yi frowned, looking disgusted and wanting to pull her arm out. The boss, wearing an apron, shouted at them from a distance: "Do you want coriander for grilled fish?"

Jian Luhe shook her head, and Yin Fanlu replied for her: "No coriander."

Shi Yi suddenly stopped struggling, turned around and asked the boss: "Are mushrooms included in the ingredients?"

Fu Shitian's heart was moved when he heard the boss reply: "No, do you want more?"

"No, don't add it." Shi Yi turned around and reminded Fu Shitian: "Next time you avoid certain foods, you should tell them yourself."

Fu Shitian looked at her, and with bright eyes, he said "hmm", and quickly lowered his head. She heard a car speeding by on the side of the road, and her heartbeat seemed to be faster than the car...

The dishes and barbecue came up and everyone was eating enthusiastically. During the conversation, Fu Shitian finally understood why Lei Yilin wanted to treat everyone today.

Lei Yilin was admitted to university. According to custom, each of her relatives gave her a big red envelope, which added up to tens of thousands of yuan. Her parents said she had grown up and asked her to manage it herself. Lei Yilin kept throwing it in her card. After school started, she accidentally saw Shi Yi looking at funds one day, so she asked out of curiosity and asked Shi Yi to recommend a few funds to her. Unexpectedly, Shi Yi helped her analyze it seriously and took her to the next level.

She was too lazy, so she just followed Shi Yi's allocation to buy and sell funds. The market surged two days ago, and after she sold the funds, she suddenly found that her income for the past six months was more than 3,000. She was in a good mood and wanted to thank her God of Wealth. It happened that the semester had just started and the dormitory had not had a dinner party, so she decided to treat everyone to a meal. It is better to share happiness with others than to enjoy it alone.

Shi Yi agreed, but offered to share half of the cost, on the grounds that her fund had also made a lot of money.

Everyone was studying economics and management, and they were all interested in financial management and savings, so the topic gradually turned to this. Fu Shitian listened quietly, and felt that their world seemed a little far away from him. But the next second, they would laugh and grumble while biting the barbecue: "This squid skewer is delicious!", "Hey, you try this, it's so spicy.", "Shitian, you eat it too, are you embarrassed? Tsk, you still need me to help you pick it up..."

In an instant, we became so close again.

Fu Shitian sat among them, ate with them, laughed with them, and vaguely felt that there was no difference between him and them.

They are all just ordinary 18/19 year old college students.

On such a peaceful night, you can also relax with a few good friends, eat skewers, chat and laugh, and feel the cool night breeze under the white woven lamps.

Enjoy your youth.

At most, different from Shi Yi.

Shi Yi is indeed different.

Fu Shitian looked at Shi Yi who was also taking small bites of the barbecue skewers with his hands, lowered his head and smiled as he thought:

Different kind of charming.

The author has something to say: Shi Yi: Why are you secretly looking at me

Fu Xiaotuji is shy: I want to hide you in my dream tonight.

Shi Yi: What’s the point of hiding in a dream

Fu Xiaotuji: Just... just sleep... sleep

Shi Yi was surprised: Just go to sleep, why are you stuttering

Fu Xiaotuji's face gradually turned red, and he stammered and could not answer.

Shi Yi took a small electric fan to blow away her hair and cool it down: