My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 26


In the high grill pan, only the skeleton of the grilled fish was left. Everyone was about 70% full and didn't want to eat, but didn't want to leave either, so they suggested playing some games and taking a break before eating.

Lei Yilin quickly opened a room for "You Draw, I Guess" and asked everyone to add their platform ID. Simply playing the game seemed to be less interesting, so everyone agreed that at the end of the game, whoever had the highest score after several rounds could designate the student with the lowest score to do something for her. As long as it was not too outrageous, anything would be fine.

Fu Shitian was very self-aware of his own painting skills, and asked quietly: "I... I won't participate, can I just be the judge?"

Jian Lu and Evil Smile exposed: "The system will judge, no referee is needed. Are you scared and want to run away?"

Fu Shitian covered her face, and Zhu Mo called her: "No one can escape." She rubbed her hands and said: "I have already thought about it. If I win, I will let the loser help me clean the dormitory next week. Hey, it's my turn to clean the bathroom again."

Shi Yi gave her a cold look and said, "Don't you want to wash it? Let's work hard. If we win, let her wash it for two weeks."

"Hahahahaha, Shi Yi you're too cruel, okay okay." Everyone pretended to condemn her while getting excited. "Two weeks is too short, let her take care of her for a month."

"Shi Yi, just wait for me." Zhu Mo was angry and said firmly: "You have to beat me first. I will definitely not be the loser!"

Fu Shitian was worried: I think it will be me.

The scoring rule for the game "You Draw, I Guess" is that the person who asks the question and draws the picture, the more people her picture can lead to correct answers, the more points she will get; the person who answers the question by looking at the picture will get extra points for each correct answer, and the faster she answers, the more points she will get.

The game proceeds counterclockwise, starting with Zhu Mo, followed by Fu Shitian, and ending with Lei Yilin.

The first round began, and Zhu Mo asked the questions.

Zhu Mo was obviously very experienced in the game. Although her drawings were not very pretty, they were drawn quickly and clearly, and everyone could guess the answers easily. She finished all five questions without leaving anyone unanswered, and she got the most points in this round.

"Wow, tsk tsk tsk, how come I am so awesome." Zhu Mo was very proud and felt that victory was already waving at him.

Fu Shitian gave everyone a warning with embarrassment: "I'm not very good at drawing, so it might be a little hard to guess..."

Shi Yi glanced at her, and thought of the two rabbits, with the corners of his lips slightly raised.

"It doesn't matter. It's hard to guess, which makes the game fun." She said lightly.

Zhu Mo: "I feel like I've been implied."

Everyone laughed out loud, and Fu Shitian put away his nervousness and clicked on the first question with a smile.

Fu Shitian began to draw carefully with his fingers, and the system prompted that the word consisted of two characters.

Everyone wanted to answer first, so they all looked at Fu Shitian's handwriting intently. They saw Fu Shitian chose a yellow brush and first drew two pointed ears and a flat head.

"Dog? Cat? Animal?" Everyone was guessing wildly.

Fu Shitian then drew a long body, added four legs, and a thick tail behind the buttocks. Finally, she used a yellow pen to carefully fill in the color of the animal.

"Is it a dog?" Lei Yilin hesitated. She believed that Fu Shitian was not being modest at all. Fu Shitian's painting skills could probably compete with her seven-year-old cousin.

Fu Shitian blushed, "No." She reminded, "It's two words."

Zhu Mo answered quickly: "Yellow dog!"

With a beep, the system prompted Zhu Mo that he had answered incorrectly and was prohibited from answering for three seconds. Zhu Mo let out a cry of grief and everyone laughed wildly.

"Local dog!" Yin Fanlu was ecstatic.

The system beeped her mercilessly.

"Wolfdog!" Jian Lu typed "da da da".

Fu Shitian quickly interrupted everyone to realize the point of their mistake: "It's not a dog!" It was too late, Jian Luhe was beeped.

"Hippo?", "Kitten?", "Cow?", everyone was guessing like crazy, and the time was almost up. Fu Shitian's cheeks turned red, feeling both amused and embarrassed.

With a "Ding Dong" sound, the system prompted that Shi Yi had answered correctly!

"!!!" Everyone was shocked and quickly looked at what Shi Yi answered in the dialog box - pervert. The time for answering the question was over.

"… "

"Damn, Shi Yi, how did you guess that?" Zhu Mo roared.

Fu Shitian also stared at Shi Yi with his bright eyes. Shi Yi said calmly: "Didn't Shitian draw it very clearly? Yellow wolf - pervert."

Fu Shitian was encouraged, laughed out loud, and nodded heavily: "That's right!"

"..." Zhu Mo was not convinced: "Okay, we are shortsighted, continue."

The second question came out, and the clue was still two words.

Fu Shitian first drew a vertical line on the whiteboard, then drew a circle on the vertical line and added a head of wild hair on the circle.

Good, stickman! Everyone sees it.

Fu Shitian changed to a red paintbrush and drew another circle around the vertical line under the circle.

"Are you going to hang yourself?" Jian Luhe asked.

Fu Shitian was shocked: "???"

Everyone laughed like crazy and rushed to answer "neck". Lei Yilin answered while complaining: "Si Tian, look at your painting. Who would believe that it was painted by such a pretty girl?"

"Beep!" The system punished Fu Shitian for his attack on Lei Yilin.

"Hahahahahahaha, I agree with what Lei Datou said." Yin Fanlu said, and really hit the "hanging" word.

"Beep!" Obviously not.

Fu Shitian glanced at Shi Yi secretly, and her ears felt a little hot. Is her painting really that bad? Then she drew for Shi Yi last time. It was so embarrassing. Did Shi Yi understand

Shi Yi happened to look up at her, and Fu Shitian looked away and said, "Let me give you a hint. It can be used as a gift."

"Scarf." Shi Yi lowered his head and answered successfully again.

"Why?! Shi Yi, how did you guess it?" Zhu Mo exclaimed.

"Isn't that just a scarf around your neck?" Shi Yi said calmly.

Fu Shitian was delighted. On her previous birthday, Shi Yi gave her a scarf as a gift. Shi Yi understood what she meant.

The next question was three words. Fu Shitian drew a rabbit head with a yellow brush.

This time Shi Yi answered immediately: "Rogue Rabbit."

Everyone was so surprised that they were no longer surprised. They just asked wearily: "Why is this happening?"

Shi Yi gestured to Fu Shitian to explain himself, and Fu Shitian answered obediently: "A yellow rabbit head."

"What's the connection between the yellow rabbit head and the rogue rabbit?" Jian Luhe was puzzled.

Fu Shitian's ears felt so hot that he stammered and didn't continue explaining.

"Does it mean that my mind is full of yellow rabbits?" Yin Fanlu reacted.

“Oh my god, hahahahahahahaha, good, good.” Everyone burst into laughter. Lei Yilin was convinced: “Si Tian, hahahaha, you look so pure, hahahaha, I can’t tell.”

"Si Tian, do you usually read novels?", "Do you know what the other kind of animation is called?" Everyone started to tease Fu Si Tian.

Fu Shitian couldn't stand it anymore, his ears turned red as if bleeding, and he subconsciously raised his eyes to look at Shi Yi.

Shi Yi's eyes flashed with a smile, and he said, "Let's move on to the next question."

Fu Shitian was saved.

Not surprisingly, Shi Yi was the first or even the only one to answer the next two questions correctly. At the end of the game, Shi Yi became the final winner of the game because of his outstanding score in Fu Shitian's main drawing and his stable performance in other rounds.

Fu·Children's painter·Si Tian, was unsurprisingly the last one.

Everyone expected the ruthless Shi Yi to come up with a harsh punishment to tease Fu Shitian, but Shi Yi was unexpectedly kind: "I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it."

"Let's go. Didn't everyone say that we want to go to Yinchi?" Shi Yi stood up and walked out.

The punishment in the game cannot be taken seriously. If it is not given on the spot, it will definitely not be mentioned next time. Everyone can hear that Shi Yi is going to let Fu Shitian off.

Everyone followed and walked out. Lei Yilin sighed, "Hey, if I lose, guess what Shi Yi will ask me to do?"

Zhu Mo replied: "Go clean the toilet."

Everyone laughed wildly, and Lei Yilin said the classic line again: "Same person, different fate."

"You're pretending to be a human again, a kebab." Someone responded, and the whole street was filled with their cheerful laughter.

Because the lake was not far from the food stall where they were dining, they arrived quickly. It was the largest lake in the area where Shenda University was located, and it took some time to walk around the lake.

The spring night breeze is still a little chilly, but not cold, it is refreshing and comfortable. Walking along the Yinchi Lake, we passed many red-walled and green-tiled buildings with a strong historical atmosphere. As outsiders, Yin Fanlu, Zhu Mo, and Lei Yilin all experienced the night scenery of this area for the first time. The night was pleasant, and the spires of Western-style buildings swayed in the clouds and tree shadows, which was unexpectedly stunning.

Their pace slowed down and they took out their mobile phones to take pictures from time to time. Jian Luhe walked beside them and spontaneously took the role of tour guide to educate them about the history of these buildings.

Shi Yi followed a few steps behind. Fu Shitian walked beside Shi Yi and did not follow him to take pictures.

They arrived in front of a church-like building. Yin Fanlu and the others took turns looking for angles to take pictures. Shi Yi turned around and stood by the lake, looking at the pavilion and the silver moon reflected on the lake.

Fu Shitian hesitated for a second, then stood beside Shi Yi, one person away from him.

The wind by the lake ruffled Shi Yi's long hair and skirt, blowing away her coolness: "I didn't expect to play so late. Will it delay you?"

Fu Shitianxin followed the reflection of Shi Yi's long hair in the lake and said, "No, I'm very happy."

"Will they be too noisy?"

"No." Fu Shitian said softly, "He is a very enthusiastic person."

Shi Yi's eyes rippled slightly, and he asked, "If you have the chance, would you be willing to be roommates with them?"

Fu Shitian was stunned for a moment, and her eyes lit up. Was it what she thought

Shi Yi said, "In the second year, we will be divided into four-person rooms. If you don't have a better choice by then, you can consider staying with me, Lu He, or one of them."

The surprise in Fu Shitian's eyes blossomed undisguisedly. Shi Changyi, what better choice could there be than this? !

She nodded quickly, and Shi Yi reminded her: "There is still time, you don't have to rush to reply."

Fu Shitian was stunned by the surprise, blinking his eyes, looking a little silly. "Can I give you an answer now?"

Shi Yi curled her lips and was about to speak when Lei Yilin and the others who were not far away finished taking photos and shouted to them, "Shi Yi, Si Tian, let's go, we're done."

Zhu Mo trotted down from the iron gate of the church and shouted, "Shi Yi, let's organize a cycling trip here next time. I think this stretch of road is perfect for this."

Before Shi Yi could respond after turning around, Jian Luhe exposed her shortcomings: "Hahahaha, she can't ride a bike, it's useless for you to look for her."

"Hahaha, really? Then we'll do it by ourselves without bringing her along." Everyone started planning seriously.

Shi Yi didn't take their joke seriously and turned to look at Fu Shitian.

It seems like he is still waiting for Fu Shitian's answer.

Fu Sitian's heart warmed up and he said, "Shi Yi, I do."

Shi Yi was slightly stunned, then his smile became more obvious and he nodded. "Then let's go over there."

Fu Shitian nodded.

Shi Yi had just taken two steps when Fu Shitian suddenly called her: "Shi Yi..."

Shi Yi turned around and looked at her.

Fu Shitian walked quickly to her side, ignoring the heat on his cheeks, and tried hard to invite her: "I can ride a bicycle, I can take you next time."

Under the street light, the girl looked at herself with eyes that were clean and bright, as if they were full of herself.

Shi Yi unconsciously lowered his voice and agreed: "Okay."

The author has something to say: Shi Yi took his rabbit to the veterinary hospital: What breed is this little rabbit

Doctor: Let me take a look.

Oh, it’s me, the rogue rabbit.

A pair of eyes that have seen too much.

Fu Xiaotuji: I am not! I didn’t! You are talking nonsense, wuwuwu…

(I saw a cute little girl say this in the comments before, hahaha, it’s so cute.)