My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 38


Fu Shitian gradually woke up to the sound of birds chirping. Her mind was active, but her body was still sleepy. She hugged the "rabbit" in her hand and rubbed it as usual. The "rabbit" felt warm and made a low "hmm". Fu Shitian's arms stiffened and her sleepiness disappeared immediately.

What…what's going on? She opened her eyes in panic, and what she saw was a piece of white skin and a few strands of black hair. Looking down a little, under the thin T-shirt she was holding, she saw a slowly rising and falling curve.

Fu Shitian's whole body felt hot from the rubbing. He quickly withdrew his hand, his heart beating so fast that it seemed like it was going to jump out of his chest. Shi... Shi Yi

She raised her head cautiously, and through the already bright daylight, she saw Shi Yi's quiet profile. Shi Yi was lying on her side, her body in a half-hug position, her long hair scattered messily on the pillow, her long eyelashes trembling, her lips moist, and she had removed the coldness when she was awake, and was a rare softness.

How did they come back? How did they lie here together? Why didn't she have any memory of it? She didn't do anything strange, didn't she say anything strange? Did the long-awaited bed-sharing just pass by like this? Fu Shitian was filled with regret.

She stared at Shi Yi. Her mind told her to leave Shi Yi's arms immediately, but the fact was that she stared at Shi Yi's sleeping face, motionless, as if her limbs were trapped by something.

Her eyes roamed for a long time on Shi Yi's kissable forehead, nose, cheeks... and thin lips, and she slowly realized that the thing that was trapping her might be called desire.

No, Fu Shitian woke up in an instant, feeling ashamed for having such an offensive thought. Her heart was still beating fast, her hands and feet were weak, and she tried to withdraw from Shi Yi's arms as gently as possible.

Shi Yi frowned slightly, as if he was a little aware of it, but he didn't really wake up.

Fu Shitian's eyes were like water, and she stretched out her hand to smooth out the wrinkles for her, but in the end, her hand just paused in the air. Her hand fell back on the sheets, she sat up and got out of bed, and gently helped Shi Yi to press down the air-conditioning quilt.

"Good morning... my sweetie." She whispered in her heart, smiling, like a child who had stolen her favorite candy. She was secretly happy, picked up her clothes and went out to take a shower.

At 7:30, the alarm on the phone woke Shi Yi up. The sun was already shining on his face, and Shi Yi opened his eyes reluctantly.

Her arms were empty, her pillow was empty, Fu Shitian had gotten up without knowing when. This guy who disturbed her sleep actually slept well and passed out quickly. Shi Yi picked up a strand of hair that looked like hers and Fu Shitian's on the pillow and looked at it in the sun, with an unconscious smile on her lips.

She opened the door and went out to wash up. It was quiet all around. The door opposite was closed and everyone seemed to be still asleep. Where did Fu Shitian go? While she was still thinking about this, she saw a swaying figure next to the French window.

In the warm morning light, fine dust was floating in the air. Fu Shitian squatted, facing sideways to her, and watched an orange cat eat with dimples on her face.

The sun shone brightly on her, and her hair was as smooth and soft as the fur of the cat beside her. Shi Yi suddenly wanted to rub her.

She changed her direction and walked towards the balcony. Fu Shitian heard the noise and turned to look at her, her dimples deepening. "Shi Yi, are you awake? It's so early."

"Yeah." Shi Yi stood by the window, but didn't really reach out to rub it. "What do you feed it?"

Fu Shitian smiled and replied, "Egg yolk. I suddenly found it when I went upstairs this morning. I don't know where it jumped in from." She stood up and her eyes met Shi Yi's. Her heart fluttered and she became shy again: "Shi Yi, thank you for last night. I... I seem to have blacked out and don't remember anything."

Shi Yi raised an eyebrow: "What, you don't remember anything?" He enunciated each word meaningfully.

Fu Shitian became nervous, "Did I... did I do anything weird? Or... did I say anything weird? Oh, I'm sorry, I... I just..." She became more and more anxious as she spoke, and her whole face turned red.

"I was kidding." Shi Yi squatted down and tickled the cat's chin.

Fu Shitian was stuck, feeling very upset. After a while, she was sure that Shi Yi was really teasing her, so she relaxed and said angrily, "Shi Yi..."

It feels a bit like being wronged and a bit like being coquettish.

Shi Yi curled his lips, feeling warm all over, "Your sister called me, see if you want to call her back."

"Oh, okay." Fu Shitian's smile faded a little. When she heard this, she vaguely remembered Xiaoyu's call.

Xiaoyu seemed to be saying that Aunt Wang Meifen had a bad stomach recently, and a friend gave her a Japanese stomach medicine, which worked every time she felt uncomfortable. Now the medicine is all gone, and it is hard to buy anywhere, and she is too embarrassed to ask her friend for more, so she wants her to ask her boyfriend if he can buy a few bottles for her. What did she say

She doesn't remember.

I only remember that Xiaoyu seemed very angry and called her an ungrateful person.

Is Shi Yi next to him? Did she hear it? Fu Shitian was embarrassed.

Shi Yi said nonchalantly: "I didn't hear what she said, you see I'm useless."

Fu Shitian realized the meaning of her words and chuckled.

Shi Yi got up and went to wash.

After washing up, Fu Shitian was talking on the phone on the balcony. Shi Yi heard her say, "Well, I won't go back during the Duanwu Festival. I will apply to stay in school during the holidays. It's okay..." She stopped listening and went back to the room to wait for Fu Shitian.

After Fu Shitian finished the call, he returned to his room, and the two went downstairs to have breakfast together. Because everyone stayed up too late last night, Yuan Ning suddenly notified everyone in the middle of the night that two morning activities were cancelled, so everyone could sleep in later. She ordered breakfast, and the boss would deliver it in the morning and warm it in the rice cooker and pressure cooker in the restaurant.

Fu Shitian opened it and found that it was actually noodle soup.

She first served a bowl to Shi Yi, and then served a bowl to herself. The fried dough sticks had been left for a long time, and they were no longer crispy or crunchy, and had lost their soul. Fu Shitian saw Shi Yi eating calmly and asked her, "Is it delicious?"

“It’s not tasty.”

Fu Shitian agreed, "It's probably because it's been stored for too long." She took another sip, "Also, the ingredients used for the soup base are not right. The taste is too bland."

"You can?"

Fu Shitian nodded, "Well, I'll make it for you next time."

Shi Yi glanced at her and said, "You still owe me noodles."

The words were neither salty nor bland, but they had a flavor of asking for a debt. Fu Shitian was touched by the cuteness and coaxed softly: "I'm remembering it."

Shi Yi gave a faint smile, lowered his head and ate two more mouthfuls, the chopsticks holding the noodles resting on the bottom of the bowl, and suddenly asked, "Are you staying in school during the summer vacation?"


"Didn't I hear that there was a negotiation meeting and students were not allowed to stay on campus?" The meeting involved senior officials from many countries, and the security level of the entire city of Shanghai was increased. It has been rumored for a long time that students would not be allowed to stay on campus during the summer vacation.

"I seem to have heard about it, so we'll have to wait and see." Fu Shitian's tone dropped.

"Stay and work part-time?"

Fu Shitian lowered her eyelids and whispered as if jokingly: "Stay here to avoid a typhoon." She hid her emotions, but her attempts to cover them up made them even more obvious: "There are always big typhoons in Ningcheng in July and August." She was afraid of experiencing the big typhoon that happened to Fu Siyu after his high school entrance examination again.

Shi Yi wanted to say, "There are also some in Shencheng," but after a pause, she said, "If you can't stay in school, you can come to my house."

Fu Shitian's spoon stopped in mid-air, blinking: "..."

The air was silent for three seconds, and Shi Yi lowered his head to drink the soup: "If you don't want to, just pretend I never said anything."

"I do, I do!" Fu Shitian's eyes were filled with smiles, and his ears turned red. "I was so surprised that I couldn't react."

Shi Yi had a barely perceptible smile on his lips, and said nonchalantly: "I guess this will give you a chance to give me back my face."

Fu Shitian was stunned for a moment, then she covered her face and laughed. This was the first time she was so grateful to her aunt for letting her learn how to buy groceries and cook since she was a child.

After receiving Shi Yi's "living together invitation", Fu Shitian began to look forward to the school's official announcement that students would not be allowed to stay on campus during the summer vacation.

However, the notice of not being allowed to stay on campus has not yet been issued, and the notice of dormitory reassignment and exam month for the next academic year have arrived first.

The entire study atmosphere became tense, and the relationships between people became even more delicate. Occasionally, when Fu Shitian met classmates on the road, he would hear them asking, "Hey? How are your dormitories going? My dorm is about to start a quarrel."

There are too many people who thought they would be chosen but were abandoned and feel very upset. Cheng Jialuo, Luo Qian and Zhang Lulu are among them.

Perhaps this topic was too sensitive, Fu Shitian had never heard them discuss it openly in the dormitory, so she always thought they had all been assigned privately. Because she already had a home, Fu Shitian had never tried to inquire.

Unexpectedly, it was not like that. On the last evening of the day to submit the dormitory application form, she returned to the dormitory and found Zhang Lulu crying. After asking, she learned that the other five people in the dormitory had experienced a big fight in the dormitory in the afternoon. Zhang Lulu thought that Cheng Jialuo and Luo Xi would definitely choose her and someone else to form a new dormitory, but Cheng Jialuo and Luo Xi always assumed that they would form a new dormitory with Song Chuyuan and Zhou Na. As a result, Song Chuyuan and Zhou Na did not choose anyone, and found classmates to form a new dormitory, and all the forms were submitted.

The air froze at that moment. Zhang Lulu, Cheng Jialuo and Luo Qian all felt that they had been let down and betrayed, and the five of them quarreled fiercely.

Fu Shitian was grateful for this battle because of Shi Yi's existence, she could rarely be the person she wanted.

The atmosphere in the dormitory was even more terrifying than before. Fu Shitian would not stay in the dormitory if he could avoid it, and would not talk to them if he could avoid speaking, so as not to accidentally step on a landmine.

Two days before the calculus and corporate management exams, the entire dormitory stayed up late to study.

Before Fu Shitian became a student committee member, he was given the review materials - the final calculus exams of the last year's School of Finance and School of Management. He finished it two hours early, checked the answers once, and got one fill-in-the-blank question wrong. The answer was not explained in detail, and Fu Shitian calculated it twice, but couldn't figure out the correct answer.

Not wanting to waste time, but not daring to ask questions in the dormitory that was as dull as a "haunted house", Fu Shitian could only hold the test paper and find a suitable angle for the light from the desk lamp, take a photo, and post the picture in the class group anonymously, "Excuse me, has anyone done this set of tests? Can you show me the steps to solve this problem?"

The class group was silent, and no one paid any attention to her for several minutes.

Fu Shitian was embarrassed, but luckily she was anonymous and no one knew it was her. She gave up and locked the screen to prepare for the next test. Suddenly, her phone vibrated and the window reminded her that Shi Yi had sent a picture.

Fu Shitian was overjoyed and quickly clicked on it. It turned out that what Shi Yi sent was the detailed steps for this question.

It was clear and understandable. Two other similar questions were also attached. Fu Shitian suddenly understood.

"Thank you!" She pressed Enter.

After sending the message, she realized something was wrong—why was it no longer anonymous? And why was the bubble on the right

She subconsciously moved her eyes to look at the window name, only to find that Shi Yi was messaging her privately.

Sure enough, Shi Yi said: "You can ask me directly next time."

Fu Shitian's face turned red, "How do you know it's me?"

"You're the only one who would speak in that tone."

Fu Shitian blushed completely, feeling both shy and happy, and switched off to look at the class chat log. What was so special about her tone

The message popped up again, and it was Shi Yi who added: "I recognize your hand."

"Would you like to go to the library together tomorrow?"

The author has something to say: Shi Yi brought the little rabbit to a gathering of rabbit owners, and everyone played a game where they had to identify their own little rabbit by looking at the back of the little rabbit.

The little rabbits only showed their tails to people.

Shi Yi felt around one rabbit after another and soon found her little Fu rabbit.

Fu Xiaotuji nestled in her arms and said happily: How did you know it was me

Shi Yi rubbed her little tail casually: Only you can rub it and it turns red

The little rabbits turned red and glowed, and curled up into a ball.

Shi Yi: See, that’s it!

Little Bunny: Woo woo woo, Shi Yi is such a bad guy!

ps: The nickname of the little rabbit, Puyu of Cape Las, comes from Jeanette Winterson's "The Lighthouse".