My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 40


"It's impolite and inconsiderate to secretly take photos of girls and post them on a public platform."

"I really like you. I should have asked for your contact information in person."

"This is not very frank and not very brave."

Shi Yi seemed to be seriously analyzing with her why she felt that this boy was not good, like an ordinary good friend or bestie...

Fu Shitian's heart, which had been lifted up, fell down again.

Even lower, "Shi Yi, do you like brave people?"

If you compare yourself to this person, you will find that he is not frank and not brave enough - I am one of them.

Shi Yi seemed a little confused by her question, and paused for a few seconds before replying, "What is the definition of love?"

"It would be more appropriate to use the word 'appreciation'. The quality of courage is something that everyone should appreciate."

Fu Shitian stared at the word "brave" and his eyes gradually darkened.

So, how should we define bravery? If she musters up the courage to pursue a dream, is that greedy or brave

Chen Xizhu was still concerned about her follow-up. Fu Shitian briefly told her about Shi Yi's reaction. Chen Xizhu started to make up stories for her again: "Shi Yi's reaction definitely exceeded the boundaries of ordinary good friends!"

Fu Shitian's heart was in ups and downs. He sat against the wall for a while, rubbed his forehead, sat back at the small table, and forced himself to concentrate on reviewing.

I can't let my imagination run wild. There are too many dramas. She warned herself. But her mind still wandered uncontrollably.

The consequence of thinking too much is that she didn't review well for this course, and she was not sure about the answers to several multiple-choice questions. After the test, she joked with Chen Xizhu and asked her to take responsibility. Chen Xizhu pushed it away and teased that she couldn't take responsibility. Whoever stirred up this girl's passion should be held responsible.

Fu Shitian bit her lip and smiled, unable to argue with her.

The senior year had already been cleared, and the new dormitory allocation schedule was issued before the holiday. Jian Luhe and Yin Fanlu wanted to wait until the day after the exam to move to the dormitory. Fu Shitian and Shi Yi had no objection, and only asked the dormitory auntie for the dormitory key, and occasionally packed some things and went there.

On the evening of July 2, there were still two days before the last course - Modern History exam. Shi Yi brought the printed review materials to the new dormitory. She found that this new dormitory, which had not yet been occupied, had a balcony with a wide view, facing the boundless sea in the distance, which was suitable for reviewing alone and also for relaxing.

She took the elevator to the 15th floor, and the door of dormitory 1510 was ajar. She pushed open the door, and with the light from the corridor, she saw a thin figure standing on the balcony with his back to her.

It’s Fu Shitian.

Why don't you turn on the light? Shi Yi closed the door, afraid of scaring Fu Shitian, and called her first: "Shitian?"

Fu Shitian seemed to be in a trance and did not respond.

Shi Yi walked behind her in the dark and called out again, "Si Tian."

Fu Shitian was obviously still frightened. She trembled all over, turned her head, stared with wide eyes, and opened her mouth slightly, looking panicked and cute.

Like a frightened little rabbit.

Shi Yi softened his voice and said, "It's me."

Fu Shitian was still in shock. When he saw that it was Shi Yi, his face flushed. "I'm sorry... Did I scare you?"

Shi Yi laughed, "Didn't I scare you?"

Fu Shitian's eyes were wet, "I overreacted."

Shi Yi smiled and suddenly asked, "Do you know that rabbits can be frightened to death very easily?"


"Don't turn off the light next time." She smiled faintly, stood beside Fu Shitian, looked at the dark sea in the distance, and asked casually, "What are you looking at?"

Fu Shitian looked over her profile at the darkness behind her that seemed to swallow everything. The emotions that had just been intense slowly subsided again. "I'm looking for stars," she said softly.

Shi Yi looked up and asked, "Are there stars tonight?"

Fu Shitian also looked up and said, "No, there are no stars tonight."

Why use the word "also"? Shi Yi was still wondering, and Fu Shitian repeated it again, "Shi Yi, there are no stars tonight either."

The tone was so low that it was like a whisper.

Shi Yi was stunned for a moment, then realized belatedly that Fu Shitian was... sad

In the dark, she couldn't see Fu Shitian's expression, and Fu Shitian didn't look at her. She just raised her head, her eyelashes trembling in the darkness, like a butterfly's last struggle in a hurricane.

The smile on Shi Yi's lips faded, and his thin lips were pursed into a straight line.

After standing in silence for a while, she reached out and touched Fu Shitian's slightly cool fingertips.

Fu Shitian trembled reflexively, and Shi Yi held her even tighter.

"Shi Yi?" Fu Shitian's heart beat faster.

Shi Yi said: "Do you want to talk to me?"

What to talk about? Fu Shitian's heart was beating as loud as a drum.

"Talk about your unhappiness." Shi Yi said in a flat tone.

Fu Shitian's heartbeat slowed down, and for a moment she didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed. The hand holding hers was very soft and warm, and it looked nothing like its owner, and she was reluctant to pull it back.

She looked up at Shi Yi, and Shi Yi looked at her. There seemed to be stars twinkling in his eyes, so focused and so gentle.

Fu Shitian's heart trembled, and his mood suddenly collapsed again.

She thought she would never talk about these useless emotions to others again, but she heard herself say: "Shi Yi, sometimes I feel that it would be better if I didn't exist from the beginning."

It seems that once you get started, the rest becomes much easier.

"My grandmother always said that if I hadn't existed, my father might not have insisted on marrying my mother and would have gone all the way. Maybe everything would be different now."

"My sister also said that if I wasn't there, my parents wouldn't be arguing all the time, and they would be living a good life."

"My sister just cried at home because her college entrance examination results were not ideal. She couldn't apply to any of the colleges she wanted to go to. And it seems that the wrong start was me. During the high school entrance examination, if it weren't for me, plus the two points for being an only child, she could have gone to the best high school in the county." Because of these two points, she couldn't get her first choice and was relegated to a regular high school. She had to go through a lot of hardships to get through to the first-class line.

There was another storm at home at the moment, and she was hiding here.

"I've delayed so many people." She seemed to be merging into the darkness.

Shi Yi held her hand tightly, so tightly that it even hurt Fu Shitian a little.

"But this is not your fault. The cause and effect of life cannot be deduced in this way." The girl's voice was clear and cold, judging her, "All the results in life are nothing but people paying for their own choices. Once you make a choice, you have to bear the consequences. It's not others' fault."

To vindicate her, "Your existence is not the result of your choice, so what does it have to do with you?"

Just like what she said many years ago, "It's your father who did the bad thing, not you, what does it have to do with you?"

She always uses such an ordinary tone to say such unusual words.

Fu Shitian bit her lip, and suddenly an irresistible sense of fragility swept over her.

She quickly turned her head away, her chin trembling, not wanting Shi Yi to see her red eyes and tears.

Shi Yi felt depressed. She looked up at the sky, pretending that she saw nothing, and just gently stroked the back of her hand with her thumb.

In the air, Fu Shitian's breathing gradually became heavier.

Shi Yi said: "If you didn't exist, we wouldn't be able to meet."

Fu Shitian's heart seemed to be hit by something. She finally managed to hold back the urge to cry, but her throat became dry again. She mustered up her courage, curled her fingertips to feel Shi Yi's warmth, and asked softly, "Shi Yi, is our meeting something important?"

I couldn't help but hold my breath.

Shi Yi laughed softly from his nose, and said in a gentle tone, "If we hadn't met, I wouldn't exist watching the stars with you right now."

"It's quite important."

Although it was not the answer he wanted to hear the most, Fu Shitian was satisfied.

She raised her head and looked up at the darkness with Shi Yi. It was still the same darkness, but it was not the same darkness anymore.

"It would be nice if there really were stars." She finally felt like smiling.

Shi Yi glanced at her, his eyes rippled, "Do you like stars very much?"

"Well, when I was a kid and couldn't sleep, my mother would teach me to count the stars and tell me stories about the stars. She always said that every star represents a beautiful blessing from the universe to the world. So every time I look at them, I feel like I'm being blessed by something beautiful. Even though it's very far away."

Shi Yi sensed a hint of nostalgia.

"There will always be moments with stars," she comforted.

Fu Shitian smiled and said nothing. Even if there was, it didn't belong to her.

After a moment, she completely calmed down and changed the subject to show concern for Shi Yi, "Are you here to review?" She looked at the materials in Shi Yi's hand.

"Yeah." Shi Yi let go of his hand.

"Well... then you should hurry up and review. I won't disturb you anymore." Fu Shitian said tactfully.

Shi Yi could see that she didn't want them to meet under the lights, at least not tonight. She didn't try to persuade her to stay, but nodded, allowing the conversation to end in the dark.

Fu Sitian was about to leave when Shi Yi suddenly asked her, "Are you free at this time tomorrow?"

Fu Shitian was stunned for a moment, "Yes."

"Then come over at this time tomorrow."


"Look at the stars." Shi Yi said calmly.

Fu Shitian blinked, knowing that Shi Yi's words would not contain the kind of romantic meaning he wanted, so he cheered up and said, "Okay."

After dark the next day, Fu Shitian packed up his review materials and came as promised.

Dormitory 1510 was brightly lit. Shi Yi had already arrived and was looking through some documents with her head down. When she heard the noise, she turned her head, smiled slightly as a greeting, and stood up to walk out.

Fu Shitian was just about to ask her where she was going when there was a "click" and the lights went out.

Shi Yi walked back again.

Fu Shitian stood by the desk and asked blankly, "What... happened?"

Shi Yi seemed to laugh, but didn't say anything. She bent down and fumbled for something on the chair in the middle of the aisle.

Fu Shitian was still in wonder when the dark dormitory in front of her suddenly turned into a vast sea of stars. In the low blue sky, tens of thousands of stars were twinkling, shining, and illuminating her.

It feels like being in a wasteland or in a dream.

Fu Shitian felt dizzy for a moment, as if he was weightless and walking on clouds, or as if he had forgotten to breathe and was suffocating.

I suspected that I was hallucinating.

Shi Yi's voice rang in my ears: "Tonight, there are stars."

Her throat tightened and she turned her head to look at the source of the sound.

Under the starry sky, Shi Yi looked at her, his expression hidden in the bright starlight, so hazy, gentle yet so clear.

"At this moment, all the stars belong to you."

"Would you like to count?"

Fu Shitian heard her heart and blood creating a huge wave, engulfing her limbs. Her mind was struggling to breathe in the huge wave.

There is a desire that keeps asking.

If the stars belonged to me.

Can I be yours then

The author has something to say: Woohoo, sorry I'm late.

Shi Yi and Xiao Tuji from the small theater were taken away by Zhou Gong. Woo woo woo, only the bald me is still awake to date everyone.

Woo woo woo x﹏x