My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 53


Without changing her ticket, nor wanting to change it, Fu Shitian sat at the station. Suddenly, it was time to say goodbye. She returned to Ningcheng on the original train.

It was already 7:30 in the evening when I arrived at Ningcheng's house. The house was completely dark, with only a faint light coming from under Fu Siyu's door. There were still no slippers belonging to Fu Shitian in the shoe cabinet. Fu Shitian sat there in a daze for several seconds, changed his shoes, and walked to Fu Siyu's room in a good mood.

She raised her hand and knocked on the door. After just two knocks, the door opened. Fu Siyu leaned against the door with his arms crossed, and there was an obvious sneer on the corner of his lips. "Hey, let me see, who is back?"

Fu Shitian forced a smile and asked, "Xiaoyu, where are your uncle and aunt? Are they working overtime?"

"How would I know?" Fu Siyu sneered. "How could I know something that even you, the God of Literature, don't know? My parents would be so touched to know that you, a busy man, can still spare some time to care about them."

“Xiao Yu…” Fu Shitian was at a loss.

Fu Siyu hated this look of hers the most, as if she was the most wronged, innocent, harmless, and in need of sympathy. He didn't even want to give her a sarcastic smile, "Do you have anything else to do? If you have nothing else, please don't show up in front of me and disgust me, okay?"

Fu Shitian's face turned pale, and he couldn't hold back his smile, but he still cared about her: "Have you eaten?"

"My parents are not here, so please stop pretending, okay?" Fu Siyu seemed to have touched a nerve. His voice suddenly rose eight octaves and he became furious. "Why are you pretending? Why are you pretending!"

If you really cared about her, you wouldn't have hidden away and come back only now when you knew she needed comfort the most because she failed the college entrance examination.

She turned back to her room, suddenly picked up something, and threw it fiercely towards the door. The box hit the door with a loud bang, and the lid was knocked open. The torn notebooks, broken pens, and smashed rabbit ornaments inside... were all shattered and fell to the ground.

It was the gift Shi Yi gave her on the Lantern Festival.

Fu Shitian lowered his head and stared blankly, as if he couldn't react.

"You keep pretending! Keep pretending!" Fu Siyu roared.

There was no more hope. The pain came belatedly, Fu Shitian raised his hand to hold on to the door frame, and suddenly his vision went dark.

"Why do you treat me like this..." Her voice was as hoarse as if it had been sharpened by sandpaper.

Fu Siyu's eyes also turned red, "Why? Fu Shitian, you actually asked me why, and I wanted to ask you why?" Her tears rolled down, she could no longer bear it, "Why did you come back! Why did you show up in my house! Why did my parents take you in! Why do you have to be better than me in everything! Why did you make me unable to go to high school, and now I can't go to college, why!"

"Why isn't it enough that your father ruined other people's lives? You also want to ruin mine." She was hysterical.

One wrong step leads to another. From the moment Fu Shitian appeared in her house, everything was wrong!

"Fu Shitian, don't you want to come back? Why did you come back? Get out, get out of my house!"

Fu Shitian felt cold all over, swaying, biting her lower lip until it bled, but she dared not even make a heavy gasp. She should have said "I'm sorry", but sadness and desolation bent her spine, and standing upright like this had already used up all her strength.

Sorry, that’s not what Fu Siyu wanted to hear.

Fu Siyu suddenly kicked the door hard, pushed Fu Shitian away and walked out the door, "Okay, if you don't leave, I'll leave, I'll leave, okay!"

Fu Shitian was anxious and dizzy, and she fell to the ground without holding on to the door frame. "Xiao Yu..." she called weakly.

Fu Siyu didn't look back at her. His swaying steps gradually merged into the darkness.

Fu Shitian's world fell into darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, Fu Shitian regained consciousness and struggled to open her eyes. At first, there was a blinding light in front of her eyes, and gradually, the light revealed its shape. It was the ceiling, the ceiling at the door of Fu Siyu's room. This was the real world where she should be.

She seemed to have fainted.

It would be nice if I never woke up. For a moment, this thought flashed through her mind, and then she was shocked by herself.

In the cold light, she seemed to see the woman's gentle smile again: "Come here, you are my little sun, my hope."


No. She needs to grow up well and become the person her mother wants her to be.

She slowly supported herself and sat up. She called Fu Siyu first, but Fu Siyu didn't answer. Then she called Fu Jiantao and told him that she and Fu Siyu had quarreled and that Fu Siyu had run away from home and took his cell phone with him, but didn't answer her calls. Her uncle told her not to worry and he would call to see if she could.

She hung up the phone, picked up a piece of chocolate that she had been reluctant to eat, and held it in her mouth to relieve the dizziness. She was reluctant to throw away the wrapping paper and put it in her pocket. She stood up with the help of the door, and after she recovered, she went out to find Fu Siyu.

I walked to the first floor feeling weak, and then Fu Jiantao called and said that Wang Meifen had contacted Fu Siyu and was going to see him now. It was okay, don't worry.

Fu Shitian felt a little relieved. With a pale face, he remembered to go to the convenience store across the street to buy a loaf of bread and had his first meal of the day.

Twenty minutes later, she sat in the living room and called Wang Meifen worriedly, asking her if she had found Fu Siyu. Wang Meifen replied unhappily, "Found him," and hung up the phone.

Fu Shitian breathed a sigh of relief and felt completely relieved.

She picked up the treasures destroyed by Fu Siyu one by one and put them back into the box, opened the suitcase, put them away carefully, closed it, and dragged it into the room for temporary storage.

After waiting until after ten o'clock, Fu Jiantao came back alone. He said Fu Siyu had gone to her grandmother's house and would not be back tonight, and Wang Meifen was there to accompany her.

Fu Shitian agreed and took the initiative to apologize to Fu Jiantao: "I shouldn't have quarreled with Xiaoyu."

Fu Jiantao was helpless and touched Fu Shitian's head: "She, I don't know yet. Uncle doesn't blame you. She wanted to repeat the year, but her mother and I didn't allow her. She has been like carrying a bomb every day recently, blowing up whoever she sees. Don't bother with her."

Fu Shitian nodded, paused and said, "Uncle, I will go back to my hometown tomorrow to stay with grandma for a while."

Fu Jiantao immediately said: "No need!"

"Xiao Yu is in a bad mood and is already annoyed enough. I'm her elder sister, so I'll give in to her and let her be quiet for two days." She said playfully.

Fu Jiantao was stunned for a moment, thinking of the quarrel at his mother-in-law's house just now, and finally sighed and said, "I'm sorry for putting you in such a difficult position."

Fu Shitian's nose felt a little sour, but he immediately held it back and smiled nonchalantly, "Grandma will definitely be unhappy when she hears this. Why do you feel wronged when you go back to your hometown?"

Fu Jiantao relaxed his brows and patted her head lovingly.

That night, Fu Jiantao called the old man. The next day, Fu Shitian dragged the suitcase from Shi Yi's house, got on the bus again, and went to his hometown.

After a long bumpy ride, she stepped into the yard of her hometown. The moment she closed the door, the flexible bamboo strips in the old man's hand fell down.

"Tell me what I told you before!" The sound of "pa pa" continued, and the bamboo strips fell on her fair body again and again, leaving a swollen red mark after each hit.

"Don't cause trouble for my uncle and aunt." His teeth were trembling with pain and tears were welling up in his eyes, but Fu Shitian trembled without dodging or evading, and not a single tear fell.

"There's more!" The old man's face was grim.

"Don't make your sister unhappy."

"Then what did you do! Don't you think you haven't caused enough trouble in the family? I should have thrown you out back then and let you die." The old man beat him harder and harder, and became angrier and angrier.

Fu Shitian was trembling all over, and her mouth was full of the taste of blood. Just like countless times before, she endured it stubbornly without saying a word, and in the numb pain she kept convincing herself again and again that this was the punishment she deserved.

This is what she deserved.

Therefore, never have any unkind thoughts and always be a good person.

For the entire month of August, Fu Shitian lived in fear and trepidation in her hometown. She never contacted Shi Yi again, and Shi Yi never contacted her.

Chen Xizhu introduced her to a part-time job as a translator and asked about the progress between her and Shi Yi. Fu Shitian only said that Shi Yi actually had no other thoughts about her at all, and that they had always been too fanciful.

Chen Xizhu felt guilty, thinking that it was her who had blindly encouraged Fu Shitian to have too many fantasies, and Fu Shitian even comforted her. Chen Xizhu remembered to remind Fu Shitian: "Would you like to consider changing dormitories after school starts? It's too torturous for her to hang around you every day."

"It's okay, it won't be that serious." This was her only hope.

Fu Shitian acted very calm, and after Chen Xizhu showed concern for her several times, she thought she had really let it go. After all, she had also gotten over it quite easily after her breakup.

It was not until the start of the semester when they took the bullet train to school together and saw Fu Shitian at the train station that she realized how wrong she had been.

Fu Shitian has lost a lot of weight. She was thin to begin with, and now she is even thinner, with not a single bit of flesh on her body.

She looked so pitiful and delicate, and attracted more attention. However, Chen Xizhu had no intention of appreciating her. "You came back from the refugee camp. You are so skinny."

Fu Shitian didn't care and teased her, "Are you envious?"

"I envy you so much." She was distressed, okay? After seeing through Fu Shitian's pretense of being relaxed, she now felt uncomfortable watching her smile.

She clearly hasn't gotten over it yet. Why was I so stupid before

But Fu Shitian didn't want to say more, so she could only pretend that she didn't notice anything.

When they reached the intersection of Fu Shitian's dormitory building and were about to go their separate ways, Chen Xizhu couldn't help but let go of the suitcase and hugged Fu Shitian emotionally: "Tiantian, I'll always be here for you if you need anything."

Fu Shitian was stunned for a moment, and a warm feeling rose in his heart. Just as he was about to raise his hand to pat Chen Xizhu on the back, Shi Yi's elegant figure flashed past in his peripheral vision.

Fu Shitian quickly turned her head to look for him. The road ahead was crowded with people, but the figure she wanted to see was missing.

It must be an illusion. She lowered her eyes, patted Chen Xizhu on the back, and said goodbye to Chen Xizhu.

She went up to 1510 and stood at the half-open dormitory door. She heard faint voices coming from inside. She unconsciously exerted force on the suitcase handle, took a deep breath, and pushed the door open with trepidation and expectation.

Yin Fanlu and Jian Luhe were wiping the table inside the door. They greeted her at the same time: "Si Tian, you're here."

Upper bunk, balcony, toilet, bathroom... Looking around, Shi Yi was not there.

Fu Shitian’s eyes darkened.

"Si Tian?" Jian Luhe's voice came again.

Fu Shitian came back to his senses and said embarrassedly: "Oh, I was distracted for a moment, and suddenly I remembered that I seemed to have forgotten to bring something. You came so early."

"Actually, I just arrived too." Yin Fanlu said with a smile, "I brought some local specialties for everyone. I'll give them to you later."

"I brought some too." Fu Shitian put down his schoolbag, took out some still-warm shortbread from it, and gave them to Yin Fanlu and Jian Luhe: "It's still hot, so it should still be crispy if you eat it now."

"It smells so good." Yin Fanlu's appetite was aroused.

Jian Luhe took a bite and said happily, "It's really crispy. It makes a crunchy sound when you bite it."

Seeing them enjoying their meal, Fu Shitian also showed a genuine smile on her face. After hesitating for two seconds, she pinched the remaining pancake in her hand and asked Jian Luhe softly: "Is Shi Yi not here yet? It may not taste good if it gets cold."

Jian Luhe swallowed the cake and said, "She came, took some food and went back."

"She went back? Then... will she come over tonight?"

Jian Luhe asked curiously: "Didn't Shi Yi tell you?"

"What?" Fu Shitian's voice tightened.

"She had some family matters and applied to live off-campus this semester."

The temperature around his body was drained away in an instant, and Fu Shitian felt cold from head to toe.

Shi Yi... is he trying to avoid her as much as possible

The little light that remained in life was extinguished.

The author has something to say: I won’t be roasting little rabbits recently. I’m going to serve a new dish - Chinese-style rabbit

(Why am I a little excited?)

Fu Xiaotuji hugged Ji Ji with heartache: Woo woo woo.