My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 54


"Why is it so sudden?" Yin Fanlu had just heard about this.

Seeing that Fu Shitian looked very strange, Jian Luhe subconsciously tried to smooth things over: "Ah, actually, she just told me two days ago, so she may not have had time to tell you yet. She is like this, she always does things first and talks later."

Fu Shitian forced a smile.

Yin Fanlu asked, "Did the counselor approve it? Then are there only three people left in our dormitory? Will they suddenly send another student to live with us?"

Fu Shitian looked at Shi Yi's empty bed and his face became paler.

"I don't think so. The accommodation fee for this school year has been paid, so it won't happen for at least this school year." Jian Luhe guessed: "Maybe she will come back to live here when she finishes her family affairs?"

No. Fu Shitian knew in her heart that unless she changed dormitories, her existence would become a burden to someone else. If she was sensible, she should take the initiative to leave.

But shamelessly, she couldn't bear it.

She looked at the ladder that Shi Yi had stepped on, the railing that he had grasped, and the bed that he had sat on. She could still vividly remember the tenderness of Shi Yi sitting side by side with her under the starry sky on that summer night, holding her hand and letting her touch the starry sky.

The words "The stars are not out of reach, and neither is beauty" are still ringing in her ears, but she dares not dream of anything anymore. She was born in winter, and Shi Yi was the short summer she stole.

This is what she can keep now, the last bit of warmth that Shi Yi once gave her.

At six o'clock the next morning, just as daybreak was breaking, the entire dormitory building of the Business School was already filled with the hustle and bustle of people getting up and washing up.

At 6:30, the first flag-raising ceremony of the semester was held at the Chongwu Stadium. After changing dormitories, it took more than ten minutes just to walk there, and then wait for the elevator. If you are not careful, you may be late.

Jian Luhe, Yin Fanlu and Fu Shitian were not the type to waste time, and they were almost the first group of people to set out. When they arrived at the playground, there were only scattered groups of people there.

The place where they once stood is now occupied by freshmen wearing uniform camouflage uniforms and undergoing military training.

"We're here too early. Where should our class stand?" Jian Luhe stood in the middle of the lawn, looking around in confusion.

Fu Shitian looked up for her classmates or classmates from the next class. From afar, Shi Yi's tall and beautiful silhouette caught her eye unexpectedly.

Fu Shitian's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Shi Yi had her hair cut. Her waist-length hair was cut down to just past her shoulders. She was bathed in the morning light, clean and fresh, as if everything was beautiful.

Fu Shitian looked at it greedily.

"Si Tian? Si Tian!" Yin Fanlu called her, "Aren't you going? Lu He said to go take a look ahead."

Fu Shitian came back to her senses and said, "Let's go over there." She pointed to where Shi Yi was and said, "I saw Shi Yi."

"Where is it?!" Jian Luhe was excited and looked in the direction Fu Shitian pointed: "Wow, it really is."

She jogged towards Shi Yi, causing Fu Shitian and Yin Fanlu to jog after her as well.

"I thought you wouldn't have to participate in this kind of exercise since you were staying overnight." Jian Luhe patted Shi Yi's shoulder to scare her.

One meter away, Fu Shitian heard Shi Yi's sweet voice, "I do want to."

For a moment, Fu Shitian's heart and body soared, and she thought that nothing had happened. Shi Yi would greet her with a light but warm smile, just like he greeted Jian Luhe.

But the next moment, Shi Yi saw her smile disappear in an instant, and she quickly faced the reality.

Fu Shitian trembled her lips and wanted to greet him casually, but Shi Yi didn't even give her a cold look. She looked away as if she didn't see her and started chatting with Yin Fanlu who was greeting her.

Fu Shitian stood under the warm sun, beside her starlight, but felt as if he was falling into eternal night.

Is Shi Yi not just distancing himself from her, but even disgusted with her

The sky was completely dark, not a single ray of light could get through. Fu Shitian was on the verge of suffocation.

Except for the unexpected glance at the beginning, Shi Yi didn't look at Fu Shitian again until the flag-raising ceremony ended and the counselor finished his speech and announced the dismissal.

It was still early, and everyone was looking for their companions to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Jian Luhe also hooked his hand with Shi Yi and asked Yin Fanlu and Fu Shitian: "Let's go, shall we go for breakfast too? Should we go to the South Restaurant or the Central Restaurant?"

Shi Yi frowned slightly and was about to refuse, but Fu Shitian took the lead and said, "You guys go ahead. I'll bring Xiao Mian and go directly to the classroom. Can I help you reserve a seat in the third row?"

"Oh, sure." Jian Luhe was stunned and wanted to persuade him further, but Fu Shitian smiled softly and turned around and walked towards the left exit where few people went.

"Actually it doesn't matter whether it takes up a seat or not..." Jian Luhe finished what he didn't have time to say.

Shi Yi couldn't help but cast his eyes in the direction where Fu Shitian left. Fu Shitian was walking alone, his thin figure seemed like he would fall down in the wind. Shi Yi pursed his thin lips into a line.

Yin Fanlu's eyes moved back and forth between Fu Shitian and Shi Yi.

Shi Yi turned his eyes away and said, "Let's go."

She turned her back and followed the large crowd towards the exit, gradually forgetting Fu Shitian.

When Fu Shitian arrived at the teaching building, there was no one in the building and the classroom door was not open yet, as if she was the only one abandoned in this loneliness. She stood on the balcony and looked down at the patio, her eyes were a little red, but there was no tear, her eyes were empty.

Shi Yi. Shi Yi.

She shouted in her heart, shouted with longing, shouted loudly, shouted with sobs.

The right hand in his trouser pocket was pinching the most delicate flesh on his thigh.

I won't bother you.

Don't be afraid of me, don't hate me. Please.

Misty eyes blurred, she tilted her head back and blinked away rapidly.


The cheerful laughter of classmates rang out in the corridor. She pinched her leg, curled up the corners of her mouth, and tried hard to smile in a sociable manner.

The classroom door opened. She gave the three-person seat in the middle to Shi Yi, Jian Lu and Yin Fanlu, and sat alone in the two-person seat in the second to last row on the far right.

Jian Luhe arrived and saw her sitting so far away. She asked curiously, "Why are you sitting so far away?"

Fu Shitian smiled and said, "I'm used to this position."

Jian Luhe curled her lips and let her do what she wanted.

The third and fourth classes were computer classes, so we had to change classrooms to another teaching building, which was a long way away. All along the way, there were the sounds of Jian Lu and Chirping, Shi Yi occasionally responded once or twice, and Yin Fanlu and Fu Shitian walked side by side behind them.

When they arrived at the classroom, Shi Yi chose the computer closest to the aisle, and Jian Luhe sat down next to her, followed by Yin Fanlu, and Fu Shitian sat down last.

After half of the computer class, Jian Luhe suddenly realized that he had written a small note to Yin Fanlu.

"Do you feel that the atmosphere between Shi Yi and Si Tian is weird today?"

Yin Fanlu replied: "You just discovered it."

Jian Luhe: “…”

What's going on? During the summer vacation, the two of them were as close as a pair of pants. She looked at Shi Yi, then at Fu Shitian, and decided to ask Shi Yi after class.

As a result, when the class was over, Yi didn't wait for her. He just told her to go home for dinner and left.

Jian Lu was caught off guard and had to go to the cafeteria to eat with Fu Shitian and Yin Fanlu, full of questions.

During the lunch break, she texted Shi Yi, "What happened between you and Fu Shitian? Did you have a fight?"

Shi Yi replied to her after more than half an hour: "No. It's okay."

I'd never believe you. But no one could get Shi Yi to say what she didn't want to say, and Jian Luhe was helpless.

In the afternoon class, the situation was the same: Fu Shitian and Shi Yi met but didn't say a word. Shi Yi left as soon as the class was over and didn't eat with them.

The next day, Fu Shitian told Jian Luhe and Yin Fanlu that she would ride a bike to and from school from now on, and would no longer walk or eat with them.

Every day, Fu Shitian was the first to arrive in the classroom to help them save seats. She would occupy every three-seat available. She would always sit alone in the back row, as if she was avoiding Shi Yi, or exiling herself.

Jian Luhe and Yin Fanlu couldn't stand it anymore. After discussing, they decided to split into two groups for classes. Jian Luhe and Shi Yi would go to get out of class and eat together, while Yin Fanlu would be responsible for accompanying Fu Shitian. And they would try to find out what happened to these two people.

They suspected that Shi Yi's sudden decision not to stay at the hotel might be related to this incident.

The first weekend of the new semester happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the first dinner party was originally scheduled for this day at the end of the last semester. As expected, Shi Yi excused himself and couldn't come. Jian Lu and Jian Ren couldn't get together, so they followed their parents' wishes and went home to celebrate the festival.

The dormitory life in her sophomore year was nothing like what she had been looking forward to so passionately. Fu Shitian gradually became numb to the pain.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chen Xizhu asked Fu Shitian to go to a barbecue buffet to reward herself. Yin Fanlu was alone, so Fu Shitian asked her to join them.

I thought Yin Fanlu and Chen Xizhu would be restrained because they were not familiar with each other, so Fu Shitian even sat next to her to avoid embarrassment. Unexpectedly, the two of them often played games together during the summer vacation and were already very familiar with each other.

It was just a matter of turning the meat over a few times while eating barbecue, but the two of them could actually act like they were in an arena, doing a lot of technical analysis, showing disdain for each other, and arguing with each other, having a lot of fun fighting.

Fu Shitian found it funny and suspected that she came here to eat saliva instead of barbecue. Gradually, she was also influenced by the two of them.

The atmosphere was just right. Seeing that Fu Shitian seemed to be in a good mood, Yin Fanlu seized the opportunity to ask, "I have a question that I have been wanting to ask you recently. Of course, you don't have to answer it if it is inconvenient for you to do so."

Chen Xizhu answered quickly: "Generally, if you know that others may not be able to answer this kind of question, you can choose not to ask it if it is convenient."

Yin Fanlu looked at Chen Xizhu kindly, and Chen Xizhu smiled with his little white teeth: Come and bite me.

Fu Shitian chuckled and said softly, "It's okay, just ask."

"You... have you and Shi Yi had any misunderstandings recently?" She looked at Fu Shitian's face.

The smile on Fu Shitian's lips faded instantly, and the atmosphere froze.

Chen Xizhu cursed inwardly and kicked the opponent. What's wrong with Yin Fanlu? Eating can't stop her from talking. She keeps talking about things that are not related to the topic.

Yin Fanluo remained calm and motionless.

Fu Shitian frowned, and suddenly laughed from his nose, breaking the solemn atmosphere.

"The person you kicked was me." Fu Shitian looked at Chen Xizhu helplessly.

Chen Xizhu cried out "Ah" and apologized quickly, while Yin Fanlu gloated over the misfortune and laughed so hard that her body shook. After laughing, the two of them tacitly wanted to move on from this topic, but unexpectedly, it was Fu Shitian who brought it up again: "There is no misunderstanding between Shi Yi and me."

Reading out this name so openly again, I felt as if I were in another world.

"I did do something that bothered her." She lowered her eyes and apologized very seriously and sincerely: "I'm sorry, I affected the atmosphere in our dormitory."

The author has something to say: I saw the cute little girl say in the comments

We were also the ones who watched the stars together.

Suddenly I was abused