My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 55


"Ah, don't apologize, I don't mean to blame you." Yin Fanlu explained quickly, "I just think it's uncomfortable for you to be so awkward. If there really is any misunderstanding, Lu He and I may not be able to help you. Sometimes, some things just lack that little opportunity."

Fu Shitian looked at her, the smile on his lips tinged with bitterness, and he said softly: "Thank you. But, maybe not."

She knew too well that there was no going back between her and Shi Yi. The closeness of two hearts might depend on the cooperation of time, place and people, but the alienation of two hearts could be decided by Shi Yi alone.

She didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, so she changed the subject: "This paper is all fuzzy, should I ask the waiter to change it?"

Chen Xizhu immediately responded: "Yes, change it, let's clear out all the meat in this pot." She picked up several pieces of black roasted meat and put them on Yin Fanlu's plate, and put a piece of tender beef on Fu Shitian's plate.

The difference in treatment was too obvious. Yin Fanluo gritted his teeth: "Hey, you should be more like that."

The two of them started bickering again, and Fu Shitian was amused and started laughing again, as if nothing had happened. But it was obvious that she hadn't eaten anything.

Chen Xizhu had been secretly keeping an eye on her, feeling a little sad.

After returning, Fu Shitian informed her that he was safe and had arrived at the dormitory. Chen Xizhu chatted with her for a few words, wanting to show concern for her, but she didn't know how to say it appropriately. The "typing" status was displayed for a long time, but nothing was sent.

"I'm fine, don't think too much." Fu Shitian sent it over considerately.

She is really fine. She lives her life as hard as she did in the past, studying and working hard, trying to be a better person. Even harder.

She held class meetings for the freshman class where she served as a class assistant, assisted the remaining member of the Psychological Association in recruiting new members, took a part-time job at a training institution in the evening, and took on a large number of manuscripts for translation. She packed her time tightly and did not dare to waste even a minute.

Apart from the fact that she couldn't sleep all the time, she was really fine.

Yin Fanlu explained the situation to Jian Luhe that night, saying that Fu Shitian was unwilling to say more and that she could do nothing to help. Jian Luhe pondered and said, "Forget it, let's observe and see. If it doesn't work, we can't do anything." She couldn't imagine what a person with Fu Shitian's personality would do to make Shi Yi so upset.

On the third weekend of September, the college organized a non-sports physical test for all students. The sophomore classes were scheduled on Saturday afternoon.

The time for Fu Shitian's class was 2:30, and the class monitor Gao Yipei asked everyone to gather in front of the gymnasium at 2:15, so as to start and finish early.

Fu Shitian, Yin Fanlu and Jian Luhe arrived very early and hid in a place where there was no sunlight.

At 2:10, from a distance, Fu Shitian saw Shi Yi holding an umbrella and walking towards the gymnasium side by side with a tall and handsome boy. They seemed to be chatting happily, and the boy was gesturing with his hands from time to time, and Shi Yi responded from time to time.

Fu Shitian's heart trembled, and a feeling of fear and panic spread. This semester, it was not the first time she saw Shi Yi walking with this boy.

Shi Yi had already gotten closer. He folded his umbrella and looked up, looking for the location of the class.

Fu Shitian turned his eyes away, trying hard to restrain himself from looking or thinking.

At 2:20, they entered the gym early to start the physical test. The physical test teacher said that two students were needed to help, one to read the results and the other to record the results. Gao Yipei and Shi Yi, as the class monitor and the league secretary, took the initiative to take over these two tasks.

The first item was to measure height and weight. This item has always been the most feared by girls. Before they even stepped on the scale, everyone was already sighing.

Shi Yi stood beside the scale and was about to be responsible for checking the scale, when she noticed that several girls were staring at Gao Yipei. After thinking for a while, she said something to Gao Yipei, and asked Jian Luhe to come over and record the results.

According to their student numbers, everyone went on the scale one by one. Jian Luhe stood next to Shi Yi and recorded the results. Shi Yi's voice was very soft. Except for the person involved and the first two people in the team, the people behind him could not hear it at all. Everyone felt relieved.

It was Fu Shitian's turn. Fu Shitian took off his shoes and stood on the scale without looking away. Shi Yi raised his hand to press the height bar, and his white hand flashed in Fu Shitian's peripheral vision. Fu Shitian carefully glanced at Shi Yi. Shi Yi's jawline was very tight, without a trace of smile. Fu Shitian lowered his eyes, and his throat was dry.

Soon, Shi Yi read out calmly: "167, 45."

"Wow! Si Tian, you are too thin!" Jian Luhe was shocked while recording. The girls who heard it were also amazed and envious.

Fu Shitian stepped down quickly, smiled shyly, and quickly left Shi Yi's sight. This was the case for every project, she never stayed in front of Shi Yi for too long.

After finishing the last project, she greeted Jian Luhe, "Luhe, I'll wait for you outside."

Shi Yi couldn't help but look up at her back, with a mystery in his eyes that even he couldn't make out.

Jian Luhe noticed it and deliberately asked her, "What are you looking at?"

Shi Yi retracted his gaze and read out the result as if nothing had happened: "3100."

It's too subtle. Jian Luhe lowered her head to write her grades, and she became more and more certain that something extraordinary must have happened between Shi Yi and Fu Shitian.

My curiosity is piqued.

She made an appointment with Shi Yi on Sunday night. She used the excuse that it was too hot and she wanted to swim. She took her swimsuit and went back with Shi Yi to the villa where Shi Yi and his mother lived during high school.

There is an outdoor swimming pool outside the villa. When she was in high school, Jian Lu and her family lived close to this place, and they often came to use the swimming pool to escape the heat when it was hot, to have fun when she was in a good mood, and to relax when she was in a bad mood. Shi Yi looked like a cold person, but in fact he was a very easy-to-talk and reassuring person. The swimming pool had heard countless little secrets she told Shi Yi, and occasionally, she could also pry out some of Shi Yi's little secrets here.

After the two showered, they changed into swimsuits and stretched their arms and legs before entering the water. Jian Luhe stared at Shi Yi's long legs and thin waist, and then said, "I wanted to ask you when I weighed myself yesterday, but then I forgot about it. How come you seem to have lost weight recently?"

She used the word "also" unconsciously, but Shi Yi obviously thought of something.

Her throat moved and she almost wanted to say something concerning, but she finally suppressed it rationally. "You sweat a lot in the summer," she said perfunctorily.

She put on her goggles, jumped into the water, and immersed herself in the suffocating cold. Don't ask, don't pay attention, don't care, she warned herself.

After swimming vigorously for several rounds, the two sat by the pool, drinking drinks and enjoying the breeze. Jian Luhe's feet were swaying in the water, and as usual, she took the initiative to talk to Shi Yi about her recent troubles, most of which were related to Deng Yiran.

We have just started a relationship and we are in a long-distance relationship, so there are always a lot of bumps and bruises.

Shi Yi was not good at comforting people, but he was always a good listener. However, Jian Luhe noticed that Shi Yi was obviously distracted.

She stopped talking and asked concernedly: "What's wrong?"

Shi Yi came back to his senses and looked at her, his eyes were filled with gloom, "Nothing."

What kind of existence is liking someone? Maybe it is just an illusion that can be corrected.

Jian Luhe asked carefully, "Are you in a bad mood recently?" She didn't smile much to begin with, and it was even rarer recently.

Shi Yi remained silent and did not deny it.

"Is it... related to... Fu Shitian?"

The three words "Fu Shitian" fell into her ears, like a needle piercing her heart. The girl's pale face appeared in her mind again, so clear. Mingming, Mingming had tried so hard not to pay attention to her.

"Lu He, I don't want to talk about this." She frowned, her tone extremely low.

Jian Luhe was stunned for two seconds, then smiled and eased the atmosphere, "Okay, I know, I really won't ask again, okay?"

Shi Yi looked at her for a long while, then sighed softly, "Hmm."

Well, this matter is over. Jian Luhe quickly brought up the past, "You were too fierce just now, you scared me."

Shi Yi smiled and asked, "So what do you want?"

Jian Lu and Cunning: "Change to an easier question, you must answer it!"

Shi Yi raised his eyebrows.

Jian Luhe looked ambiguous: "What's going on between you and Xia Ke recently? I've seen you come to the academy with him many times."

Shi Yi's smile faded again. She stared at the ripples in the swimming pool, without any shyness or joy on her face.

After a long silence, she turned to look at Jian Luhe and her lips trembled. Just when Jian Luhe thought she was going to answer him, she suddenly took off the bath towel from her shoulders, slipped into the water again, and swam away.

"Wow! Shi Yi, you are cheating!" Jian Luhe felt that he was being fooled. He kicked the water with a mixture of anger and amusement, then jumped into the water and swam after him.

"Don't run away. Explain yourself clearly."

After the National Day, Shenyang University will hold a school-level sign language gymnastics competition, and the School of Business Administration will naturally participate. Sign language gymnastics is affiliated to the Psychological Association. Fu Shitian is a cadre of the Psychological Association and one of the main persons in charge of this project.

After watching the movements they choreographed, Jian Luhe thought it was quite interesting and took the initiative to sign up to participate.

On Friday night, all the contestants were rehearsing on the long steps in front of the gymnasium. When the time was almost up, everyone was ready to leave, but unfortunately the weather started to rain heavily. No one had an umbrella, so they had to run upstairs and hide under the eaves at the gymnasium entrance.

Fortunately, the rain in Shanghai is always like this, it comes and goes quickly. Five minutes later, the rain gradually subsided. The junior sister in charge of the exercise suggested: "Why don't we just go when it's a little lighter?"

No one had any objection.

A few minutes later, the rain stopped. The person standing in front reached out his hand to feel the raindrops, "Okay, it seems we can go now."

"Really? Let's go, before it rains again." Everyone couldn't wait to run downstairs.

Fu Shitian and Jian Luhe also walked down together. Just after they went down two steps, Jian Luhe suddenly pulled her hand and said excitedly in a low voice: "Shitian, look at those boys over there wearing the same basketball uniforms!"

Fu Shitian subconsciously followed her gaze and looked towards the road in front of him on the left.

In the deep night of rain, several boys wearing bright red basketball uniforms were walking and chatting in the drizzle. Xia Ke was among them. He held the basketball and looked back at his teammates from time to time. On his young face was a confident and bright smile. It was like the only bright color in the night.

Jian Luhe said, "Did you see that boy who is obviously more handsome than the others?"

Fu Shitian had a bad feeling in his heart, and muttered with a trembling throat, "Hmm."

"What do you think?" Jian Luhe laughed, "He confessed his love to Shi Yi the day before yesterday."

"Shi Yi promised him..."

Fu Shitian's head was buzzing, he stepped on empty air and fell down.

Jian Luhe heard the sound, turned her head and saw Fu Shitian falling in front of her.

Everything happened in a flash. Fu Shitian's frail body stopped at the last two steps, motionless, like a lifeless doll.

"Si Tian!" Jian Luhe was so frightened that he ran down with trembling legs.

Fu Shitian was too weak to get up, the world was spinning and everything in front of him was black.

Shi Yi lied to her. The stars never belonged to her, and neither did beauty.

She thought she had become numb from the pain.

But it turned out that just because she lied to herself that everything was fine, it didn't mean everything was really fine.

If you lie to yourself and think it won’t hurt, then it won’t hurt.

She was in excruciating pain.

Shi Yi…

Shi Yi…

She murmured the name again and again in her heart.

Jian Luhe's worried face came into view, and Xia Ke's concerned voice also reached his eardrums: "Classmate, classmate, are you okay?"

She tried hard to smile.

Strings of crystal tears rolled down her cheeks and fell into the dirty water on the ground.

"Shi Yi..."

She let herself shout out the name.

The sound was too faint and no one could hear it.