My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 75


Leaving is an easy thing, but solving subsequent problems is not.

If she worked harder, she could survive without any support from the old man, but this could not erase the fact that she had relied on her to survive. Even if there was no warmth or even gratitude, there was at least responsibility. If she just walked away and cut off all ties, she would have confirmed the insult of "ungrateful person", and she could not get over it.

Being a good child and a good person is the bottom line she has set for herself over the years. Over the years, she has read people's faces, been cautious, tolerated and compromised. There were times when she was tired and didn't want to persist, but when the thought flashed through her mind, she would think of her mother's hope, the scorn of the victim's family, the insults of her classmates that "the children of big bad guys are born little bad guys", and Shi Yi's affirmation to her that "your father is your father, you are you, I think you are good", and everything she is going through now is the punishment she deserved for being a bad child because of her one thought back then.

Would she become like her father? Would she become like her grandmother, like those who bullied her? Would she assimilate with them and be trapped in darkness forever

She doesn't want to. No.

But now, as she listened to the old man's abuse in the kitchen and looked at Fu Siyu's mocking face, the past scenes replayed in front of her, and a sense of sadness surged in her heart. Is it really meaningful to tolerate and give in? Why can't the kindness she has shown receive the same kindness in return from them

She was wrong that time, and she promised fate that she was willing to accept the punishment, she would not make the same mistake again, and she would try to be a good child from now on. The shadow was too deep, and she was too afraid to repeat the same mistake, so she tried her best to suppress all her thoughts and desires that were not good enough and not kind enough. But how is good and kind defined? Are people who are not tolerant, generous, and not liked by everyone not good people? She has never been so shaken as she is now.

The cell phone suddenly vibrated, and Fu Shitian guessed that it might be a message from Shi Yi.

She broke free from Fu Siyu's hand and continued walking out.

Fu Siyu was stunned, looking at Fu Shitian's back, as if she was a little bit unbelievable. She moved her feet, hesitating whether to follow him, but finally stomped her feet and followed him from a distance.

It was already dark outside. Fu Shitian walked back along the village road. Fifty meters away, there was a large field and no oppressive space. She couldn't walk far without anything. She just wanted to come out to answer the phone, take a breath, and calm down.

The message was indeed sent to her by Shi Yi, saying that she had arrived at Ningcheng Hotel.

Fu Shitian looked at the empty fields, cooled down his emotions in the cold, took a deep breath, and called Shi Yi back.

"Sitian? So early today?" Shi Yi's soothing voice came from the other end of the receiver, and Fu Shitian's tense nerves relaxed in an instant.

It seemed that all the hesitation and confusion found their answers in Shi Yi's call.

Tolerance and concessions were meaningful, at least they allowed her to meet Shi Yi and embrace the stars. She didn't know how to define a good person, but she knew what kind of person Shi Yi was.

She wants to be someone like Shi Yi.

She wanted to be the kind of person that Shi Yi expected her to be—no need to compromise, as long as she had a clear conscience.

Shi Yi's voice sounded sweet in his ears, the stars were twinkling in the sky, and Fu Shitian reached out to touch the stars through the void.

A smile slowly appeared in her eyes.

She finally grasped the key to unlock the shackles.

Shi Yi was discussing tomorrow's schedule with her, and she asked Fu Shitian what time she would arrive at the station so she could pick her up. Fu Shitian wanted her to sleep a little longer, so she said she could go directly to the hotel to meet her.

Footsteps were heard not far away. Fu Shitian turned her head and saw Fu Jiantao stopped a few meters away under the street light, looking at her.

Fu Shitian said hello to Shi Yi and hung up the phone.

Fu Jiantao raised his foot again.

He walked up to Fu Shitian and said gently, "It's cold outside, go back and eat. I've talked to your grandmother, and she agrees that you can go back to the city tomorrow. Go out and play with your classmates without worrying about home."

Fu Shitian looked at him for two seconds, feeling a little uncomfortable. To be fair, her uncle was very good to her. Many times, it was not easy for him to be caught in the middle. She nodded and said, "Thank you, uncle."

Fu Jiantao laughed and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Let's go."

He and Fu Shitian walked side by side, keeping a distance between them. "The old lady's thinking is out of date and she is extremely stubborn. Don't bother with her." He consoled her, "She and I have been mother and son for decades, and sometimes I get mad at her. But she is an elder after all. Sometimes she says something unpleasant to hear, and we just let it go in one ear and out the other. We should just pretend we didn't hear it. There's no need to argue with her."

Fu Shitian reluctantly said "hmm".

Fu Jiantao added: "Give her some way out when you get back, admit your mistake to her, and the matter will be over."

Fu Shitian paused, "Uncle..."

Fu Jiantao glanced at her sideways.

The girl's lips trembled and she said, "But I'm not wrong. I don't want to admit my mistake."

Fu Jiantao was stunned for a moment. Fu Shitian was always gentle, and this was the first time he saw Fu Shitian being so tough. Under the light, the girl's eyes were dark and shining, firm and resolute. Her face was still green, but she had completely lost her childhood immaturity.

Fu Jiantao suddenly realized that the girl had grown up quietly without him knowing when.

Did it start when I insisted on applying to Shenda University? Or was it before? I started to have my own ideas and became less submissive and obedient.

Maybe it's not a bad thing. Fu Jiantao hesitated to speak, and finally just sighed, rubbed her head with his big, broad hand, and didn't persuade her any more.

In fact, he has always been worried that she is too soft-hearted and easily wronged. If she knows how to refuse and resist, she can protect herself better.

Thinking of this, he remembered something, "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day."

Fu Shitian was nervous, "Yes... yes."

"Is that your boyfriend?" Fu Jiantao asked straight away.

Fu Shitian was shocked and subconsciously denied it, "Ah, no." But his eyes avoided it.

Fu Jiantao saw through it immediately and said, "It's okay to be in a relationship. I'm not an old-fashioned person like your grandmother."

Fu Shitian hesitated, not knowing how to respond.

Fu Jiantao became more certain. Some things were not suitable for a grown man like him to say, but he was afraid that no one had told Fu Shitian and she didn't know.

He said tactfully: "However, girls still have to protect themselves. Girls are always vulnerable. But if something really happens, don't think about hiding it and solving it yourself. Tell your uncle. Health is the most important thing."

Fu Shitian felt embarrassed and heartbroken, and remembered what Fu Siyu had said, "Don't get anyone killed." In this respect, the father and daughter were exactly the same.

Fu Shitian responded quietly with "Yeah", and Fu Jiantao suddenly said, "You admitted it."

Fu Shitian: “…”

The two smiled at each other, and the dull and dejected feeling of being beaten when entering the house was diluted a lot.

Fortunately, after entering the room, Fu Shitian found that the old man had already eaten and returned to his room. Fu Jiantao did not force Fu Shitian to admit his mistake, so Fu Shitian pretended that nothing had happened, ate, cleaned up the kitchen, and went straight back to his room, waiting for the next day.

She slept early and rested well. Just after 4:30 the next day, when it was still dark, she got up and went downstairs to prepare breakfast and put it in the pot to keep warm. Then she took a shower, washed her hair, and put on her makeup in front of the mirror. After putting on makeup, blowing her hair, changing her clothes, and carrying her small bag, she couldn't wait to go out.

It was just dawn, there were few people on the road, and the air was cold and fresh. Fu Shitian walked against the cold wind, her cheeks stiff from the cold, but she still smiled, like stagnant water trapped in a deep pool for a long time, finally able to run towards her mountains and seas.

The morning sun gradually rose from the horizon, and the bus drove in the morning light, bathing in the light and heading towards warmth.

Fu Shitian was still searching for the flower shop nearest to the bus station on his mobile phone when Shi Yi's text message suddenly came in.

"I've arrived at the bus station, but I'm not sure it's the same one you arrived at. How many bus stations are there in Ningcheng?" Yesterday, Fu Shitian refused to say what time she arrived or which station she got off.

Fu Shitian was shocked, "There are three bus stations in Ningcheng." She didn't say it because she didn't want Shi Yi to get up early, but she didn't expect that it might make Shi Yi have to make an extra trip. She asked quickly, "Which bus station are you at now? I got off at Bainan Bus Station."

Shi Yi got Fu Shitian's words as he wished, curled his lips, took out the room card and walked out, saying to Fu Shitian: "I'm not in the wrong place. How long will it take you to get there?"

"About half an hour."

It's not too late. Shi Yi replied: "Okay, call me when you get there."

Fu Shitian thought she had already arrived, and she looked forward to it eagerly. It was too late to buy flowers, and she now wished that the bus could have wings and teleport to Shi Yi's side.

Finally, the bus arrived at Bainan Bus Station five minutes early in her eager anticipation. When the bus was about to arrive, Fu Shitian took out a small mirror to check her makeup and hair. It was only a month since they last met, and Shi Yi had seen her in all her simple and embarrassed looks, but for no reason, she felt nervous and sweet when she thought about meeting Shi Yi soon, and her heart was pounding.

She was waiting at the door early. When the bus arrived, she was the first to get off the bus as soon as the door opened. She walked out of the station while calling Shi Yi.

Shi Yi answered almost immediately: "Are you there?"

"Yeah." Fu Shitian's voice was so soft that he even felt it was artificial.

Shi Yi seemed to laugh, "I'm at the door, you can see me when you come out."

Fu Shitian's heart was lifted, and she walked faster and faster towards the station exit. Soon, she bypassed several cars and saw the figure she had been thinking about from five or six meters away.

She was too eye-catching. Fu Shitian believed that no one passing by would be able to resist turning back and secretly taking another look at her.

She was wearing a long waisted skirt with a black wool coat. She was tall and slender, with black hair like a waterfall and skin as white as snow. Her beauty was between the coolness of a girl and the elegance of a woman, like someone who walked out of a movie poster.

In contrast to her icy aura, she was holding a bunch of fiery red roses in her hand.

Fu Shitian's heart was pounding.

Shi Yi obviously saw her too. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and then, his cold red lips slowly curved up, and his whole aura miraculously softened.

People passing by were all looking at Shi Yi, but Shi Yi only had eyes for himself.

Fu Shitian's heart was filled with warmth. He tried very hard to control his steps and walked towards Shi Yi with great grace.

She stood in front of Shi Yi, looking at him shyly and sweetly: "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Shi Yi shook his head: "Neither."

Shi Yi ignored all the looks from all around. She pushed the red rose in her hand forward, and Fu Shitian reached out to take it with dimples on her face.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yi suddenly moved the red rose to his side and took a step forward.

Fu Shitian was caught off guard, and with his hands he fell into a warm embrace.

Shi Yi's faint smile came from his ear, and Fu Shitian's face turned red to his ears.