My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 87


"You are so smart, you should be able to figure it out if you think about it."

Shi Yi looked at this sentence again and again, his brows gradually furrowed. Was this just an excuse to not say more, or a meaningful reminder

If there was something behind her words, what was the meaning behind them? She tapped the screen with her fingertips, hesitating about the next sentence, but Chen Xizhu didn't give her the chance to ask further questions: "I have to continue with my class first."

Shi Yi typed "OK".

Chen Xizhu said that he was going to class but he did not leave immediately. Shi Yi saw that the "typing" above the chat window moved for a long time, but this time, no message came.

Shi Yi watched the screen go dark, rubbed his eyebrows, and sighed softly.

She could understand Chen Xizhu's reluctance to say more. She was the one who made things difficult for Chen Xizhu. If she were Chen Xizhu, she would not be willing to rashly get involved in her friend's love life. Moreover, she shouldn't do so. This was not in line with her own principles.

Even asking Chen Xizhu about this matter was against her principles. Over the years, she had always drawn a line in her heart when interacting with others, maintaining a distance that made both parties comfortable. If she had concerns about something when she asked it in person, it was very likely that it was something you shouldn't ask or know. In that case, don't ask and pretend you don't know. Anyway, she wasn't someone who had to know.

She followed these principles very well before she met Fu Shitian. She could even do the same for Fang Ruohua.

But... Si Tian is not someone else.

Fu Shitian was the person closest to her. He was the one who belonged to her and was in perfect harmony with her.

But no matter how close they are, they are still two independent people, each with their own little thoughts and inviolable personal space.

This was the first time that Shi Yi entered into such an intimate relationship, and she didn’t know how to strike the right balance.

I had no taste for the food and finished a cup of oatmeal.

The bed above creaked, and then the bed curtains were pulled open with a big movement.

Shi Yi leaned back in his chair and looked up at the upper bunk.

Fu Shitian had disheveled hair and was walking down the ladder quickly with her back turned.

"Slow down." Shi Yi frowned and reminded.

Fu Shitian paused and quickly turned to look at the source of the sound, with panic still on his face: "Shi Yi? You... you didn't go to class either."

Shi Yi laughed and said, "Leaving you alone in the dormitory, waiting to be taken away by the wolf?"

Fu Shitian landed on the ground with both feet, staring at Shi Yi, with sweetness slowly jumping in her eyes. She said softly: "I'm sorry, I slept late. I don't know if my phone ran out of battery and turned off, so the alarm didn't ring."

Shi Yi said: "I locked him up."

Fu Shitian showed a surprised expression.

"I see you slept soundly." Shi Yi was calm, "It's rare to be able to sleep in. The investment teacher doesn't call on us very often, is that okay?"

Fu Shitian nodded, of course: "It's okay." As if to convince Shi Yi, she stuck out her tongue shyly: "I was really too sleepy this morning. I might fall asleep in class even if I go."

Shi Yi tightened his fingers around the spoon and asked casually, "Are you so sleepy?"

Fu Shitian said softly: "Yes, I don't know why."

Shi Yi pursed his lips, looked at her, and didn't speak for two seconds.

Fu Shitian became inexplicably uneasy.

Helplessness and tenderness appeared in Shi Yi's eyes. She reached out and took Fu Shitian's hand. Fu Shitian obediently let her lead him to sit on her thighs, face to face.

She put her arm around Fu Shitian's waist, tilted her head slightly to look at her, and asked softly, "You really don't know why?"

Fu Shitian looked into her eyes, moved his lips but made no sound. He felt a little helpless.

Shi Yi considered and pointed out: "You don't sleep enough. Feeling sleepy means you don't get enough sleep, and your body is reminding you. Si Tian, you should work hard, but people's energy is always limited. How can your body bear it if you keep overdrawing like this?"

Shi Yi was not someone who liked to repeat the same thing. This was her second reminder. Her tone was not serious, but Fu Shitian could tell she was serious.

She bit her lip and promised with difficulty: "Okay, I will pay attention. Wait... it will be fine after this busy period." After this busy period, she saved enough money to go on a trip, the tuition for the next semester, living expenses... and a whole summer vacation. She kept the living expenses given by her grandmother in the card and didn't touch it. Not spending the money given by her grandmother, the pressure is greater than she imagined.

Why are you still busy during this period

Shi Yi was not satisfied with this answer. But she could see Fu Shitian's embarrassment, so she held back the words after some hesitation. She raised her hand and rubbed the back of Fu Shitian's head, and stopped there.

The next day was Saturday, Xiang Ye was on a business trip, and Shi Yi agreed to accompany Fang Ruohua to the prenatal checkup. Fu Shitian had a part-time tutoring job, originally from 9:30 to 11:30 in the morning. But the parents suddenly informed Fu Shitian that they had something to do during the day, and asked if it was convenient for Fu Shitian to change to 7 to 9 in the evening.

Once in a while, Fu Shitian was too embarrassed to refuse and agreed politely.

The journey was not far, and it only took more than 20 minutes by bike. But Shi Yi was worried and wanted to drive her there. Fu Shitian thought that Xiang Ye was not at home, and although there was a live-in nanny, it was not as safe as having a family member. Fang Ruohua might want to keep her daughter overnight to get close to her, so she declined and said no, that road was brightly lit at night, and she used to walk there often when she worked part-time at night, so there was no problem.

Fu Shitian was always very persistent about the part-time job's pick-up and drop-off. She didn't want to trouble Shi Yi so much. Part-time jobs are not a one- or two-day thing. Some things are not a big deal in the short term, but they are annoying in the long term. She was afraid that if she got used to it, Shi Yi's enthusiasm would fade one day, which would make her sad.

Seeing that she was determined, Shi Yi thought that she didn't like it, so he didn't insist.

At 6:50 pm, Fu Shitian arrived at the student's home as usual, ten minutes early. Soon after she arrived, spring rain came and poured down. The student joked that she was too accurate in tapping, and the parent corrected her, saying that it was the good habit of reserving time that brought luck, and asked the student to learn more. Fu Shitian smiled modestly, hoping that the rain would stop at nine o'clock, otherwise it would be too inconvenient to ride a bike with an umbrella.

The student is a sophomore girl in high school. Her grades are not very good, but she is very well-behaved and has a serious attitude towards learning. However, her skills and understanding need to be improved. This week, she just took the first monthly exam of the new semester. The girl's ranking has improved compared to the previous semester. So she is full of fighting spirit and initiative in learning. Fu Shitian also feels particularly accomplished in the class. I talked about two more extension questions, and before I knew it, I was overtime by fifteen minutes.

The parents liked her very much and generously charged her an extra half hour, but Fu Shitian politely confiscated the money. It was still raining outside, so the parents offered to take her home, but Fu Shitian declined and just borrowed an umbrella from them.

After walking out of the student's door and getting on the elevator, Fu Shitian finally had time to open his phone and check the messages. When he finished, he casually glanced at the phone screen to check the time and it seemed that there was a new unread text message.

But the phone was too old. It took two or three seconds to click on a text message to go into the inbox. I had just scanned the message and saw that the sender was Shi Yi. Before I could read carefully what Shi Yi had sent, the screen went black and the phone turned off automatically.

The battery is old and has tripped again.

Fu Shitian was anxious and angry. She pressed and held the power button, but there was no response. This was not the first time. Fu Shitian felt a sense of restlessness rising in her heart. Shi Yi is back? She glanced at her watch and saw that it was already 20 minutes later than the time she told Shi Yi to come back. She took two deep breaths helplessly and suppressed her emotions. As soon as the elevator door opened, she hurried out, walking and running.

Shi Yi hadn't received a reply from Fu Shitian and was becoming increasingly uneasy.

She was still hesitant about whether to stay with Fang Ruohua. But at around 7 o'clock, it started to rain heavily outside, and she couldn't sit still anymore. She found an excuse and went back to the dormitory from Fang Ruohua's place. On the way, she sent a text message to Fu Shitian, asking her if she had brought an umbrella and if she wanted to pick her up. Fu Shitian didn't reply, and she guessed that it was inconvenient to look at the phone during class.

But after nine o'clock, ten past nine, and twenty past nine, Fu Shitian still didn't reply to her.

Shi Yi was worried and directly called Fu Shitian's cell phone.

Unexpectedly, a cold, mechanical female voice came from the other end, "Hello, the number you dialed is turned off..."

Shi Yixin suddenly groaned, and a feeling of uneasiness spread throughout her body. She had always been a calm person, but at this moment, she couldn't keep her composure at all. The more she thought about it, the more upset she became. She should have insisted on sending her over!

She asked Yin Fanlu, who was helping Chen Xizhu with her daily gaming routine, "Did Si Tian bring an umbrella when she went out?"

"I didn't notice." Seeing that she looked unhappy, Yin Fanlu stopped and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Shi Yi said: "She told me that the tutoring would end at 9 o'clock today and she would be in the dormitory by 9:30 at the latest. But I sent her a text message at 8 o'clock and she didn't reply. I called her just now and her phone was turned off."

Yin Fanlu comforted her: "It must be that the electricity is out. Don't worry. Isn't it still half past nine?"

Shi Yi pursed her lips into a line, convincing herself in her heart. But her emotions were completely out of control, and she clearly felt that her heart was not at peace at all, and it was clearly hanging high in the air, making her feel very uncomfortable.

She stood on the balcony, looking down at the empty school road through the rain, her eyes filled with longing, and every second seemed like a year.

It's okay, she said to herself.

This was the first time in her life that she felt such concern and fear.

But Fu Shitian seemed to know nothing about it. It was already 30 minutes past midnight, or even 40 minutes past midnight, and she didn't show up as promised.

Shi Yi's heart was completely in turmoil, with many ups and downs.

Yin Fanlu was also a little uneasy because of her emotions. After all, there have been many news reports about girls walking alone at night and getting into trouble. And Si Tian is so beautiful...

"Could it be that he was delayed during the make-up classes? And it was raining heavily today, so he rode slower than usual?" Yin Fanlu comforted Shiyi's mind, and also comforted her own mind.

Shi Yi's face was solemn. He clenched his fists until his fingertips turned white. He endured it for another ten minutes.

Fu Shitian still hasn't returned.

In the boundless night, the rain was getting heavier, and the sound of "pa pa pa" seemed to hit Shi Yi's heart, and each sound was connected with countless shocks, making her more and more upset and unable to calm down. Shi Yi sank her eyes, looked through the address book, and found the phone number of the student's parents that she had specifically asked Fu Shitian for when he started working part-time, and pressed the dial button.

Soon, the call was connected.

Shi Yi politely expressed his purpose: "Hello, I am Fu Shitian's roommate. Sorry to bother you, but I would like to ask if Shitian came to your place for extra lessons tonight? Then what time did she leave your place? Well, it's okay, but she hasn't come back yet, and her phone is turned off, so I'm a little worried."

The other parent said truthfully that Fu Shitian finished fifteen minutes late. But logically, he should have gone home. It might be that the heavy rain delayed him on the way.

Shi Yi thanked him and hung up the phone. The panic in his heart was not relieved at all by this call.

It was like there were two little people arguing in my mind. One little person was saying that it was normal to be delayed because of the late departure and heavy rain; the other little person was saying that the parents also said that I should have returned by chance.

It was too painful. Why was there such torture

After another three minutes, it was almost ten o'clock, and Fu Shitian still hadn't been seen. Shi Yi's face darkened, and he grabbed his umbrella and car keys and walked out of the dormitory.

Yin Fanlu was anxious: "Shi Yi, where are you going? Are you going to find Si Tian? I'll go with you."

Shi Yi paused for a moment, then calmly arranged: "No need, you wait for her in the dormitory, and if she comes back, call me."

Yin Fanlu thought about it and it made sense. She said "Okay", but before her words were blown away by the wind, Shi Yi's figure had disappeared at the dormitory door.