My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 91: Chapter 91


Shi Yi was a man of his word. He said he would transfer living expenses to Fu Shitian, and after waking up, he really transferred a whole school year's living expenses to Fu Shitian at one time. The amount was really too large, and Fu Shitian felt uneasy and guilty, and hesitated to speak.

Shi Yi seemed to see that she was going to regret it, and his brows darkened. "Si Tian, you should know that I am not the kind of person who likes to drag things out and go back and forth."

She was really a little angry, and said in a light tone: "If you want to quit, quit me too."'

Fu Shitian's face turned pale, and she swallowed all the words she had discussed. "Shi Yi..." She pulled Shi Yi's sleeve helplessly and said, "I didn't. I just wondered if I had turned too much."

Shi Yi's expression lightened up a bit. "Then you may have underestimated my ability to spend money. Maybe I need your subsidy."

The atmosphere became more relaxed, and Fu Shitian said helplessly: "It's better this way."

Shi Yi's expression also warmed up. He rubbed Fu Shitian's head and smiled faintly.

This matter is now settled.

With Shi Yi's explicit and implicit suggestions, Fu Shitian adjusted his part-time work rhythm and returned to the pace of the middle of the freshman year, which was sufficient but not too tiring. In contrast, he naturally earned less money.

At first, Fu Shitian still couldn't be completely calm. She tried hard to lower her sense of boundaries and tried to trust and rely on Shi Yi more, but the long-standing self-protection mechanism could not be put down immediately. Occasionally, the feeling of uneasiness and lack of confidence would still emerge and bother her.

Shi Yi couldn't fully understand, but she could sense it a little. She didn't deliberately say anything to Fu Shitian about this matter, but she gave Fu Shitian enough respect in every move. From buying expensive birthday gifts for friends to going out for milk tea together, she deliberately reported to Fu Shitian and asked Fu Shitian to pay. Occasionally, she would reflect with her whether she had spent money that she shouldn't have spent, which subtly strengthened Fu Shitian's sense of belonging and control over their common property.

It has to be said that these measures greatly contributed to the breakdown of Fu Shitian's defenses and the increase in intimacy between them.

In the beginning, Fu Shitian tried to secretly keep accounts to separate the expenses of the two people. Later, as they divided the expenses, she understood more and more about Shi Yi's feelings for her and for their "family", and she felt more and more that this was not right.

Shi Yi was serious when he said he would give her a home. She was really letting Shi Yi down by going through so much trouble to separate from him.

There is a psychological burden if they don't break up, and there is a psychological burden if they break up. But if they don't break up, Shi Yi can at least be truly happy. Fu Shitian completely convinced himself and accepted Shi Yi's greater financial contribution. The two gradually got along well. The days became busy as usual, but not tiring. It was a fulfilling and balanced busyness.

For the first time, Fu Shitian realized what it meant to enjoy life and youth.

Shi Yi asked her to buy an electric bike. When they had classes, they would ride the small electric bike in and out together, always going out together. When they had no classes or had part-time jobs, Shi Yi would pick her up and drop her off. On weekends, they would go shopping and have dinner with Jian Luhe, Yin Fanlu, Chen Xizhu and others, or stroll around the streets together and see the scenery around Shanghai, or go back to Shi Yi's suite together, cook something delicious in the kitchen, watch something nice in the cinema, do what they wanted in the bedroom... and feel how time slips through their fingers in each other's endless enthusiasm.

In mid-April, the college will hold the annual class song competition for freshmen and sophomores, and the school has also issued a notice on the innovation and entrepreneurship competition. The innovation and entrepreneurship competition is based on the school level, and teams can be formed across colleges. For people like Shi Yi who are aiming for postgraduate study, this kind of competition is insignificant, but for people like Chen Xizhu and Fu Shitian who are looking for employment, if they can enter the provincial competition or even the national competition, it is still very cost-effective to write it on their resume when looking for a job in the future.

Chen Xizhu had an idea and wanted to create a team, so she invited Fu Shitian to join. Fu Shitian was afraid that it would take up too much time, so she asked Shi Yi for her opinion. Shi Yi encouraged her to join, and even offered to postpone the May Day trip, so Fu Shitian agreed.

Because the school competition was approaching, after finding a mentor, the plan had to be finalized in a very short time, so time was very tight. After class, the whole team often borrowed a classroom to brainstorm and revise the plan together. Fu Shitian turned down several part-time jobs because of this, but she never missed any of the class song rehearsal activities and participated in every one.

This is a class matter, and she doesn't want to affect the honor of the entire class because of herself; what's more, she is the class monitor, and she should lead by example.

But obviously not everyone has this awareness.

Every time we rehearse, there are always a few people missing. In the first few times, only two or three people who really had something to do asked for leave, but as time went on, everyone's attitude became more and more casual. When we rehearsed again after May Day, one-third of the people were absent.

The arts committee member, Tao Lei, was a versatile and professionally competent girl, but she had a soft temper. She was simply unable to control this class, which had been reorganized after being divided but was still fragmented and lacked cohesion.

She was very anxious and cried several times in private because of her classmates' attitude towards asking for leave, but she was helpless and had to ask the class monitor Fu Shitian for help.

Actually, Fu Shitian was not good at dealing with this kind of thing, but she was in a position and fulfilled her responsibilities. She still comforted Tao Lei and promised her that she would help her with ideological work among her classmates.

In the evening, Jian Luhe and Yin Fanlu had not returned to the dormitory. After Shi Yi took a shower, she sat at the desk using the computer. Fu Shitian stood behind her to help her blow dry her hair. The two chatted casually. When this matter was mentioned, Shi Yi was afraid that she would be embarrassed, so she said that she could be the bad guy.

Fu Shitian touched and rubbed Shi Yi's head, and declined: "Shi Yi, let me try. I can't always hide behind you and let you protect me."

Shi Yi looked up at her and said seriously, "You can."

Fu Shitian was stunned for a moment, then she started laughing. She moved the hair dryer away, lowered her head and kissed Shi Yi on the forehead, and said softly, "But I also want to protect you and help you solve problems one day."

Shi Yi looked into her soft eyes for two seconds, laughed out of his nose, and acquiesced.

Before going to bed that day, she notified the class group that an emergency class meeting would be held after class on Thursday afternoon.

At the class meeting, she first conveyed the recent activities and requirements of the college, then solicited opinions on the upcoming class dinner activities, and finally, announced the recent tasks that the class committee members were busy with, so that everyone knew what they were doing recently and what the class was doing.

She started with the May 4th League Branch Style Competition, and expressed her feelings that when she and the student committee sorted out the materials, she found that everyone was really excellent. The various awards everyone won last year could not be summarized in a two-page PPT, and she praised everyone. She is beautiful and clean, with a gentle voice, and her words are particularly sincere and useful. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the topic can easily move on to the next one - another ongoing activity, the class song competition.

She asked everyone if they were satisfied with the class emblem designed on the uniform.

Of course everyone was satisfied. Tao Lei designed three patterns at the time, and the one they are using now was chosen by their own vote.

Fu Shitian then told the story behind the class emblem, what was Tao Lei's inspiration, and how Tao Lei had worked up several nights to design the class emblem, and drew countless drafts. Later, Tao Lei was going to invite a senior from the junior choir to come and help guide the harmony.

She said: "Leilei really wants to do this well. Our other class committee members are the same, whether it is the life committee member who looks for a suitable custom-made merchant and tries hard to lower the price, or the organization committee member who repeatedly edits and adjusts the accompaniment tape, everyone thinks that since they have to participate and spend time, they should try their best to do it well. If they can win the award, it will not only be face-saving and worthy of everyone's time, but also add moral education points to the whole class."

"But," she changed the subject, "recently everyone's enthusiasm for rehearsal activities has not been very high, which actually bothers us a little."

"So after thinking about it, I think I should communicate with everyone." Her tone was still gentle, but her smile was much more restrained. She was always gentle and smiling, but now she stopped smiling, which was enough to make people feel her seriousness: "I want to know what everyone thinks about this competition."

"Is it just our wishful thinking? Don't you think that the most important thing is to participate? Are these rehearsal activities arranged by our class committee also a kind of coercion for you?"

The whole classroom fell silent. No one wanted to be the first to stand out at this time.

"No." A female voice came from the back row, breaking the solemnity. It was Wang Ruchun, who had been anonymously comforted by Fu Shitian before: "In fact, most of us think so, so we are all very cooperative."

Someone spoke up, and naturally others who shared the same opinion spoke up: "Yes, in fact, only a small number of people will not go."

"We discussed in our dormitory a few days ago whether our class rehearsed too little. There are other classes in the dormitory, and I saw that they rehearse several times a week. I was a little worried and was thinking about whether I should give you some suggestions."

Everyone expressed their support for the event, and those students who had other ideas were unable to speak.

Fu Shitian interrupted at the right time, "How about this, let's vote by raising our hands, and the minority will obey the majority. Students who think participation is more important and just going through the motions can raise their hands."

Of course no one raised their hand.

Shi Yi understood. Fu Shitian was using group pressure to put pressure on those who were unwilling to do so. This little rabbit, though hesitant, was actually very smart and had good control over the situation.

As expected, Fu Shitian burst into laughter: "No classmates think so? Then I will assume that you all agree to participate in this competition seriously."

In fact, it was a strong statement, but when she said it, it seemed negotiable and not offensive.

No one said anything and agreed.

Fu Shitian made the final decision: "Since everyone thinks this way, then let's all overcome it and really do this thing well, okay? This is the only time, and it should be the last class song competition in college. There will probably be no such opportunity for our whole class to get together to accomplish something in the future."

"Every time we rehearse, I hope everyone will try to come and participate. I also know that everyone's time is actually very precious, and everyone has various arrangements, so the frequency of our arrangements is not very high. We will try to make the time shorter and more efficient each time, and try to take up less time for everyone. I hope everyone can understand each other. Is that okay?" www.

Everyone listened in their hearts, but remained silent out of habit.

Shi Yi suddenly said: "Okay."

The whole class's attention was drawn to it. Shi Yi looked back at everyone calmly and asked, "What's wrong? Is it not possible?"

“…” For some unknown reason, the whole class felt funny, “Okay, okay…” A cheerful classmate agreed with a smile.

Fu Shitian's dimples rippled. She thought for a moment and added, "Because Leilei is so easy to talk to, if you need to take time off from rehearsal in the future, please tell me. If you really have something to do, of course it's no problem, but you must try to attend as much as possible, as there is not much time left for rehearsal."

This time everyone was very considerate and agreed in a long voice: "Okay..."

Fu Shitian was satisfied and returned to her usual gentleness: "That's fine. I won't take up any more of your time. Today's class meeting ends here. Let's disband and go eat."

The students in the classroom left in groups of three or two. Fu Shitian unplugged the USB drive on the stage and turned off the multimedia equipment. Tao Lei came to her and thanked her. Shi Yi was waiting for her in her seat.

Every time I keep a distance and look at Fu Shitian standing on the stage, the feeling is very different.

Her growth is obvious. Or maybe, she has many sides, and which side you can see depends on where she stands and which side she wants to show you

Tao Lei also left. Fu Shitian looked at Shi Yi from the podium with a smile on his face, "Let's go."

Shi Yi stood up and walked to the podium. Fu Shitian asked her, "Was I too tough just now?"

Shi Yi smiled: "Isn't it a little too late to worry now?"

That's true. Fu Shitian lowered his head and chuckled.

Shi Yi held her hand and walked out with her, teasing her: "Have you ever thought about it before taking on a job? You said Tao Lei is too easy to talk to, but you yourself are not easy to talk to?"

Fu Shitian vowed: "I will learn to be less talkative."

Shi Yi raised an eyebrow: "Aren't you afraid that others will be unhappy or dislike you?"

Fu Shitian was silent for two seconds, then said softly, "Not so scared anymore."

Shi Yi turned his head to look at her, surprise evident in his eyes.

Fu Shitian's eyes flashed, she lowered her eyes and whispered, "It doesn't matter whether they like it or not." After a pause, she raised her eyes and looked into Shi Yi's eyes, and asked shyly and frankly, "Do you like it?"

Shi Yi was stunned for a moment, and her eyes softened. She confessed, "I like it."

Fu Shitian's eyes were as clear as water: "That's enough."

Shi Yi gave her the confidence to be herself.

"I have already got the one I wanted most.",,Website,... :