My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 92: Chapter 92


In the early summer of May, in the quiet night, the shadows of trees swayed, the cicadas chirped faintly, and the lights in the School of Business Administration were bright. In a bright multimedia conference room, five young men and women sat around a table, finalizing all the details of the last team meeting before the school competition.

In fact, the necessary preparations have been almost completed, and the rest depends on the speaker's ability to respond on the spot. Because they are still very confident of breaking through the school competition and want to give the junior a chance to practice, Fu Shitian, Chen Xizhu and another sophomore male student from the Law School all recommended the sophomore female student from the School of Computer Science who is responsible for the technical part and the freshman female student from the Law School to be the speakers.

After the two speakers finished their mock speeches, the five people discussed and supplemented the missing parts, and the clock hand unknowingly moved towards nine o'clock.

The lights in the college classroom dimmed one by one, and there was a sudden knock on the door. The five people in the classroom turned their heads and looked towards the door in fright.

Shi Yi stood by the door with a slender figure, a little surprised: "Did I disturb you?"

Fu Shitian smiled instantly: "No, we thought the building manager was here to chase us away again." She pulled out the chair next to her to welcome Shi Yi.

Chen Xizhu agreed: "That's right. Hey, you don't know, we are almost scared to death by that fat building manager. Every time she is on duty, she starts to chase people away very early, and she has a sullen face, as if we owe her overtime pay."

Shi Yi walked in and teased: "There are people you are afraid of."

Chen Xizhu was dissatisfied: "You don't sound like you're praising me."

The other three team members laughed. They were from different departments and had not known each other for long, but thanks to the frequent team meetings and joint efforts on a project, they quickly became close friends. As a good friend of Fu Shitian, Shi Yi would often come to pick up Fu Shitian and take her back to the dormitory during evening meetings, and occasionally bring her some midnight snacks or desserts. At first, everyone thought she was aloof and difficult to approach, but after a few times, they treated her as an extra staff member.

"What delicious food has senior brought us again!" The law school junior's eyes lit up when she saw Shi Yi put the bag on the conference table.

Before Shi Yi could answer, the girl from the School of Design pointed out: "Haagen-Dazs! Right?!"

Fu Shitian looked up at Shi Yi, who smiled faintly and nodded, then opened the bag and pushed it to them: "I walked here, so it might have melted a little."

The junior schoolgirl said happily: "It's okay, it's okay. I'm already happy to have the supply pack." She pushed the Haagen-Dazs to the senior schoolmates and let them choose first.

The girl from the School of Finance chose a vanilla flavor, and the boy from the School of Law chose a chocolate flavor. Chen Xizhu picked a random cup and joked, "Shi Yi, please come more often. It would be best if you could come every time we have a meeting."

Shi Yi raised an eyebrow: "What?"

Chen Xizhu smiled and said, "This way we will have a supply pack every time."

Shi Yi curled her lips, "It's useless for me to come, it's Shi Tian's treat." As she said that, she handed the receipt to Fu Shi Tian and teased, "Boss, reimburse me."

The team members thought that Shi Yi was trying to trick Fu Shitian, so they just wanted to watch the fun and laughed.

Unexpectedly, Fu Shitian was stunned for a moment, staring at Shi Yi, and a smile slowly overflowed from her eyes. She took the receipt and replied to Shi Yi with a slightly red face: "Okay, I'll transfer it to you later."

The curve of Shi Yi's lips deepened.

She let her schoolmate choose first, and then opened the remaining two cups and handed them to Fu Shitian, reminding her: "Just eat a few bites to satisfy your craving, don't eat too much." Fu Shitian had her period these days, and Shi Yi was afraid that she would get a stomachache if she ate too much cold food.

Fu Shitian agreed obediently: "Yes."

The two of them sat upright, their bodies were not particularly intimate, but the intimacy that naturally revealed in their words still stunned the three people who were unaware of the situation.

At ten o'clock, Jian Luhe returned to the dormitory. Yin Fanlu had not come back yet. The two of them were not in a hurry to take a shower. While the Internet was still connected, they sat at the desk and worked on the tasks at hand.

Chen Xizhu called, and when Fu Shitian picked up the phone, he heard her ask with interest: "Guess what Tong Jing and the others in the classroom asked me when you and Shi Yi went to wash your hands just now?"


"They asked me, 'Have you and Shi Yi known each other for many years? You seem to have a good relationship.' It was obvious that they wanted to find out something but didn't dare to say it directly."

Fu Shitian glanced at Shi Yi, frowned and asked, "What's your reply?"

Shi Yi noticed it, stopped typing, and asked Fu Shitian with his eyes: What's wrong

Fu Shitian hesitated for a moment and turned on the speaker.

Then Shi Yi heard Chen Xizhu's concerned voice coming from the loudspeaker: "I said that you are not only friends, but also roommates who spend every day together, so of course your relationship is good. However, it has just begun, and there are provincial competitions later. If you two don't restrain yourself a little, I think they will find out sooner or later."

Shi Yi was a person who understood things quickly and knew what they were talking about instantly.

Fu Shitian turned off the speaker, restored the receiver mode, and waited for Shi Yi's answer with his eyes.

Shi Yi had a faint smile in his eyes, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, they can think whatever they want, it has no effect on us."

Shi Yi's calmness made her calm as well. Fu Shitian felt relieved and answered Chen Xizhu like this.

Chen Xizhu was worried: "Shi Yi thinks so too?"

Fu Shitian looked at Shi Yi and replied with a smile: "That's what Shi Yi said."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for two seconds, and then Chen Xizhu's coquettish voice came: "Tiantian, I'm so sore."

Fu Shitian laughed: "What are you doing?"

"How can Shi Yi, this steely straight woman, be so good? How can you be so powerful that you can make such a steely straight woman bend into a paper clip. Woohoo, when will it be my turn to have sweet love?"

"Tiantian's love?"

Chen Xizhu was amused: "It's not you, Tiantian."

Fu Shitian also smiled: "If you are anxious, why don't you take the initiative yourself."

Chen Xizhu refused to accept it: "She was obviously the one who liked me first and flirted with me first, why should I take the initiative? No, I can't lose, I must let her take the initiative."

"Does it matter who takes the initiative first?"

"It's important!" Chen Xizhu said firmly. "It's a matter of face for the rest of my life! People might talk about it for the rest of my life."

Fu Sitian laughed dumbly and scolded her: "Childish."

Perhaps it was because the tone of the scolding was too intimate, Shi Yi suddenly looked sideways and frowned slightly.

Fu Shitian noticed it, reacted, and raised the corners of her lips. She stopped talking: "Xizhu, I have something important to tell you. I won't talk to you for now."

Chen Xizhu hung up the phone readily.

Shi Yi retracted his gaze, lowered his head and tapped the keyboard twice, pretending to be calm and asked: "What's the important matter?"

Fu Shitian dragged the chair, leaned forward, hugged her, and whispered softly in her ear: "To comfort you."

Shi Yi didn't expect this answer, and was immediately flattered. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, but he quickly held it back. "You're disturbing my typing."

Fu Shitian has been more relaxed and confident than before, and is not affected by Shi Yi's pretended cold face at all. She boldly continued to hug Shi Yi, humming: "Shi Yi, you smell so good."

Shi Yi was indifferent: "When do I not smell good?"

Fu Shitian said: "The taste today is very different."

"Hmm?" Shi Yi gave her some face.

Fu Shitian smiled and said, "It's a bit sour, with a fresh lemon scent." After saying that, she seemed to know that Shi Yi would be dissatisfied with this answer, and rubbed her shoulder with her nose in a coquettish manner.

Shi Yi finally couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed softly from her nose. She threatened: "I'll give you one more chance. What's the smell?"

Fu Shitian smiled softly and did not answer.

Shi Yi refused, "Hmm?"

Fu Shitian had no choice but to whisper back, "The taste of heartbeat."

Shi Yi commented: "Not sincere."

Fu Shitian felt aggrieved: "How is it insincere?" She bit her lip, and bravely pulled Shi Yi's hand and pressed it on her chest, wanting her to feel her heartbeat.

However, just as Shi Yi's hand touched the door, it suddenly creaked open and Yin Fanlu stood at the door, looking at them.

They looked at each other, and the air was silent for two seconds. Yin Fanlu subconsciously closed the door again.

Shi Yi and Fu Shitian: “???”

"… "

Did she misunderstand something

Fu Shitian let go of Shi Yi and bounced back, blushing completely. Shi Yi pursed her lips, her face calm, but her ears were actually slightly hot. She stood up and said, "I'll go open the door."

Fu Sitian was as thin as a mosquito: "Okay."

When he opened the door, the night wind blew in. Yin Fanlu was standing by the corridor railing with her back to the wall, enjoying the breeze. Shi Yi called her, "Fanlu."

Yin Fanlu turned her head and couldn't help but smile like a flower when she saw her.

Shi Yi felt embarrassed and amused, but she didn't show it. She asked calmly, "Why did you leave?"

Yin Fanlu finally stopped laughing: "I don't know, I did it subconsciously."

"It's not what you think." Shi Yi explained, but he felt as if he was trying to cover up something when he said it.

Yin Fanlu wanted to laugh again. But she was a person of propriety, and was afraid that Shi Yi and Fu Shitian would really feel embarrassed, so she held back her laughter and said seriously: "I know, I believe you."

After a pause, she smiled again. While she was laughing, she explained, "I can't help it. I don't mean anything else. I just think you are great and I am happy for you."

Shi Yi rarely looked embarrassed. She changed the subject: "Are you busy lately? I see you go out early and come back late every day."

Yin Fanlu suppressed her smile, sighed and said, "I've been a little troubled lately." After a pause, she suddenly asked, "Shi Yi..."

She hesitated and asked: "If it were you, would you choose to start a relationship that would probably not have a result?"

Shi Yi was stunned by her question.

Before she could answer, Yin Fanlu smiled again and said, "I'm just worried about my friend. It's okay, don't worry about it." After saying that, she turned around and went into the dormitory.

Shi Yi still answered her from behind: "Don't ask me."

“In fact, the answer will come naturally.”

"If you can resist not starting, it probably means you don't like it that much. It's fine not to start, you will get over it sooner or later. If you can't resist, don't suppress it. You will know if there is any result only if you keep going."

Yin Fanlu turned around and looked at her.

Shi Yi's expression was gentle, with a kind of understanding and consideration that showed he understood but didn't want to expose the truth.

Yin Fanlu laughed and said with emotion: "Shi Yi, you have become more emotional. Is it true that you are different after falling in love?"

Shi Yi just smiled and said nothing.

Maybe. If there was any difference, it was the new look that Fu Shitian had carved out for her.

She likes herself this way.

Yin Fanlu didn't say anything more. She turned around and went back into the dormitory, greeting Fu Shitian as if nothing had happened. Shi Yi knew that she didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

When the lights were turned off at night, Shi Yi and Fu Shitian lay down, typing and chatting head to head under the light of the starry sky instrument.

Shi Yi discussed with her: "Si Tian, can we move out next semester?" Although everyone has a good relationship and being bumped into occasionally like tonight is not a big deal, it is still embarrassing if it happens too many times.

Fu Shitian looked at her steadily, dimples deep in her eyes, and lowered her head to answer, "Okay."

This time, Shi Yi asked in a relaxed tone, and Fu Shitian answered in a relaxed tone.

It seems to be the most natural thing. ,,Website,... :
