My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 11


"Your Excellency Augusta, there is an unspeakable matter, and I hope to get your permission..."

In the afternoon of this day, Kefir came to Augusta's study in embarrassment and anxiety. He looked apprehensive, as if he was afraid that his request would offend the Archmage and he would be kicked out of the house.

Augusta held the book in his hand and turned a page without looking at him. "You want pocket money?" he asked casually.

Kefir was stunned.

"What's so embarrassing. How much do you want? Otherwise, I'll leave the shopping to you. Quentina used to do it. You can keep the rest of the money for shopping."

"No! Your Excellency! Why do you think so!" Kefir was incredulous, "I'm not asking for money!"

Augusta rested her left elbow on the desk, resting her forehead.

"Then what do you want?"

"I'd like to ask for a few days off."


Kefir blushed. "Because... the next few days, which is a special once a month for me, I have a little personal trouble to deal with..."

The magician put down the book in his hand and squinted at the werewolf. "Can't you just say 'the night of the full moon'? Why make it like talking about a woman's period?"

"... For our family, it is indeed similar to menstrual period!"

Augusta remembered what Cavodian said in his letter: "If you can take care of this kid's monthly trouble, I guarantee he will be a perfect house guard." Coming soon. No wonder Kefir and Quentina get along well, werewolves and women just have a common language.

"So what are you going to do?" he asked. "Let's just say, I'm neither a werewolf nor a woman, and I don't know what to do with your 'January special'."

"I want to find another place to spend the days before and after the full moon. During the full moon, I will transform uncontrollably, and," Kefir said sheepishly, "the full moon me will be more... impulsive and fanatical, more Aggressive. I'm afraid I'll hurt you if I stay in this house." He sneaked a glance at Augusta, afraid that he would be angry.

Augusta smiled instead of anger. "You? Hurt me - Archmage Augusta?" He sneered through his nose.

"I know that you are powerful, but you also have to admit that there is always an emergency in the world. I can't take any risk of hurting you and stay here."

"Where are you going on a full moon night?"

Kefir tilted his head and thought for a while. "There is a forest nearby, and I can stay in the forest. If I can get in touch with nature more when transforming, I will feel more comfortable."

Augusta imagined that Kefir was running freely in the boundless forest, grasping the vines and swinging between the tall branches, beating his chest and making a cry of "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Can I still say "no"? The magician sighed. "Of course, of course, no problem," he replied sullenly, "I'll give you three days off, you can go anywhere you want."

"Thank you, Your Excellency! I intend to leave tonight, but you can rest assured that everything will be arranged before I leave!"

The "well-arranged" that Kefir refers to is to hand over a note to Augusta after dinner, which specifies in detail the configuration of Augusta's three meals a day for the next three days, and the specific arrangements for each configuration. It can be eaten in the first few layers of the refrigerator and after heating in the microwave for a few minutes. Augusta was very grateful for Kefir's thoughtfulness, and crumpled the note into a ball.

"Kefir, I'm not an idiot," he said to the werewolf, "I know what to eat and how to use a microwave. How do you think I survived before you came to my house? By cutting my own thigh every day Do you eat meat?"

"Isn't it relying on Miss Quintina's feeding every three days?"

Augusta threw a ball of paper at Kefir, and Kefir ran away with his head in his arms.

"Get out! Get out now! I don't want to see you in front of my eyes within three days!"

"Yes, yes, obey Your Excellency!"

Kefir ran to the entrance, pushed the door open, then closed the door again as if remembering something.

"What are you doing?" Augusta asked puzzled seeing him go and come back.

The young werewolf took off his shirt, revealing his lean upper body. He shook his hair, folded the clothes neatly, and put them on the floor in order.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Augusta yelled, "Why are you taking off your clothes?!"

Kefir put his hands on his waist and unzipped his trousers: "Ah... because my clothes will be torn when I transform. I don't want to damage such a good dress... Your Excellency chose it for me yourself." He Rubbing his nose with his index finger, he added in a low voice. He took off his trousers, together with his underwear, completely naked now.

Augusta covered her eyes in annoyance. "Damn, do you have to take it off in front of me! Can't you just go out and find a place to solve it?"

Kefir turned to the magician generously, without any intention of hiding his naked important parts. "What if the clothes are left outside and someone steals them? We are all men, and you have what I have, and I am not afraid of being seen by you. Besides, everyone was born wearing nothing. Wouldn't it be nice to be honest with each other? ?”

What a fart! What strange customs does your werewolf society have? ! You are not afraid of being seen by me, can't I fucking not want to see you! ! !

"Leave quickly while it's dark and no one is around! I don't want to be rumored that 'someone is running naked near the house'!"

"Okay!" Kefir was full of confidence, "Please don't worry, I will only be away for three days. If there is any emergency, you can... find Miss Quintina!"

"If you say it, you don't say it!"

Finally, Kefir said good night to Augusta and went out happily. Augusta didn't know whether Kefir was happy to finally be able to transform, or happy to be able to get rid of him at last? It shouldn't be the latter... I hope it's not the latter.

He looked at Kefir's neatly arranged stack of clothes, and then glanced at the empty room. Kefir was not there, and he always felt that something was missing in this room, which made him feel a little lonely. He wandered around a few times, picked up the ball of paper that was used to smash Kefir, unfolded it, and pasted the crumpled note in the kitchen.

The next day, Augusta got up as usual, went to the dining room after washing up, and found that there was no one there. According to past experience, a hot breakfast should have been placed on the table at this time. He immediately remembered that Kefir had asked for leave. He had to arrange breakfast himself. Alas, even though the werewolf had only been in the house for less than a month, he was completely used to having Kefir around him. Augusta was uncomfortable without him.

He took out milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables from the refrigerator according to the content of "breakfast on the first day" on the Kefir note. At this time, he heard a "bang bang" knock on the window. The kitchen has a window that opens out. Augusta pushed open the window, and the unicorn thief poked his head in.

"Augusta, did you hear any suspicious noises last night?" it asked, "It came from the direction of the forest, it seemed to be howling wolves. Strange, there have never been wolves in our area. Could there be wild wolves migrating?" Is it coming? Or is this a sign of some kind of catastrophe? It is said that before an earthquake strikes, animals will show abnormal phenomena... "

No, I think you're quite normal now... Augusta picked a carrot from her breakfast and fed it to the unicorn. The unicorn gladly accepted.

"You probably heard Kefir," he said. "He took leave yesterday and went to the forest to prepare for the night of the full moon. You know, the werewolf, the full moon, the call of the wild."

The unicorn gasped: "You mean, he's about to...even now...transformed into an ugly, evil, bloodthirsty and cruel werewolf prototype?!"

" can remove the big string of attributives in front of the 'Werewolf'." Augusta cracked an egg and cracked it in the frying pan.

"It's scary!" the unicorn screamed, even drowning out the sizzling of fried eggs, "You have such a horrible pet! Augusta, I usually take care of you so hard. After all, you are a small, humble and fragile human being. As a higher creature, I have to protect the weak like you to maintain the diversity of the earth's biosphere—but I don't want to take care of the werewolves. Horrible monster!"

Presumably Kefir thinks the same about you! Noble you have not kicked the humble me to death, I really want to thank you Ron!

"You don't have to 'care' Kefir if you don't want to. I think he's old enough to look after himself."

"Oh, this is so hard to be human!" The unicorn uttered a high-pitched cry, the voice was not like a normal speech, but like singing, "Do I have to make a difficult choice between my personal feelings and the justice of the world? Yes To follow the calling of the heart, or to die for something nobler? The tragic heroes of ancient times are nothing more than this! I am almost weeping for myself!"

"Shut up." After frying the eggs, Augusta poured herself a glass of milk.

"Oh." The unicorn said sullenly. "I want some oats. Where's my oats?"

It seems that this is what you really want!

"Can't you wait? I'll finish my breakfast first, and then I'll get yours."

"But I'm hungry! Are you finally going to start abusing me? I knew that you humans are not well-fed, and you have never been well-intentioned!"

Unmoved by its protests, Augusta took a sip of her milk. "You can eat grass." He suggested, "It's spring now, and the grass is growing luxuriantly. You can chew it according to a certain pattern, and finally you can get a pattern of 'grass circle', which may even become a new tourist attraction in the town. , pull up the GDP."

"Go to hell!"

The unicorn retracted its head. Only a "click" was heard.

"Ah! My horn is stuck! It's stuck on the window! Help!!!"