My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 13


"Oh, it's really helpful! The attic is too messy. The last time I cleaned it up was probably more than ten years ago. Fortunately, you are here, so I can finally clean it up now."

That evening, Quentina and Kefir wore aprons, sleeves, and dust masks on their heads, and they cleaned the dusty attic together. The pair looked like doctors sent by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to an Ebola-affected area.

Kefir followed Quentina dejectedly. If he had wolf ears, they would be drooping listlessly by now.

"What's wrong?" Quintina keenly noticed Kefir's strangeness.

"Miss Quentina, Your Excellency Augusta must hate me! What should I do?" Kefir wailed, turned himself into a full moon night and appeared naked in Ladier Town, and was arrested in the police station. The story told the female vampire.

"Your Excellency Augusta said that I have lost all his face, and he has been ignoring me for the past few days. Woohoo, what should I do!"

After listening to Kefir's narration, Quentina made a headache: "This... what can I do, if it were me, I probably wouldn't want to talk to you..."

Kefir let out a miserable sob.

Quentina let out a long "uh—" "Don't be sad! Augusta is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Even if he is very angry, he will not let you pack up and leave! Maybe he will be angry in a few days and forget about it!"

"Really… "

"... this... I don't know if it's true, it's never happened before..."

"You might as well not say it!" Kefir looked even more desperate.

"How about this?" Quentina clapped her hands, "How about I say a few words of kindness for you in front of Mr. Augusta?"

"Can you?" Kefir's eyes lit up.

"Perhaps. But it might be counterproductive. Mr. Augusta doesn't like being nagged in his ear."

Kefir lowered his head again: "Forget it..." He grabbed the broom weeping without tears, intending to drown himself in the ocean of dust.

Suddenly, the two heard an earth-shattering roar that ran through the entire mansion: "What did you say?! You want to bring your boyfriend to my house as a guest?!"

Augusta has been distraught for days. Whenever he saw Kefir, the humiliating memory of going to the police station in a police car would come to his mind, making him wish he could smash his head with a rock. That stupid werewolf! People say that "pets cause trouble, and the owner suffers", which is absolutely true. Obviously Kefir was stupid, why would he be implicated! ah ah! He is ashamed to go to Radire Town again! How would he face Adele, Antusha and the Great Dominator in the future? Will be laughed to death!

Or... why not just send the werewolf away

No no no. Augusta immediately vetoed the idea. If Kefir is sent away, wouldn't he be the same as those irresponsible owners who discard their pets? Kefir is just a werewolf. As a human being, there is no need to have the same knowledge as him, otherwise wouldn't it be self-degrading

So in the past few days, Augusta gave Kefir a lot of work, and asked him and Quentina to clean up the attic that had been dusty for an unknown number of years. That way you'll see him less and be less angry.

It's a pity that God didn't let him do what he wanted. Even if there is no Kefir, there are still others to anger him.

Jingle Bell-

The phone in the study rang. Augusta, who was studying a large black tome, got up from the desk and grabbed the phone.

"Who?" he asked rudely.

"Oh, it's really rude not to say hello." A familiar female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"... Liliana?"

He heard it right, that voice was his friend (jokingly called "best friend" by many people)—the witch Liliana.

As soon as she heard her voice, Augusta felt an unknown fire in her heart.

"You still have the face to call me!" he roared.

"Why can't I call you!" Liliana looked surprised, "Is the unicorn okay? Did you come home safely?"

"How many days have it been since you came back to remember it!" Augusta said more and more angrily, "Speaking of which, you still have the face to mention unicorns! Back then you agreed to borrow it for a few days, and after the wedding, you would personally Send it back, what's the result?!"

"Hey... I have a special situation here, please listen to my explanation..." Liliana's voice lowered guiltily.

"I don't want to listen! The unicorn has told me all about it!"

"Oh, yes! That's very good, I needn't waste my breath."

"What's your tone? Why do you seem to feel good about yourself? Have you noticed that I'm angry?"

"I noticed it, but you have a surly personality and have always been moody, so I didn't care."

"You!" Augusta felt oppressed, "I don't want to talk to you!"

"But aren't you still talking? You are so strange today. What's the matter?"

"It's not all because of you!"

"What did I do wrong again!" Liliana yelled innocently, "Why do you always put the shit bowl on my head?"

"You found a boyfriend without saying a word, but you didn't tell me. I still heard about it from the unicorn! If it wasn't for it, are you planning to keep it from me forever?"

"I'm just going to tell you..."

"Still quibbling! Last time you broke our date, was it because you were dating your boyfriend? Well, you're ungrateful, since lovers are more important than friends in your eyes, well, you'll lose a friend forever Already!"

Liliana pondered.

"What? I've hit the mark, so you dare not say anything?"

"You bastard..." the witch said slowly, "Are you jealous?"

"Varied… "

"Seeing that I have a lover, but you are still single, is it unbalanced?"

"I, I didn't! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Don't deny it, I know you so well, how can I guess wrong? What's more, your sour smell is about to overflow from the receiver. Alas, a man's jealousy is really terrible."


"Huh? So you're not jealous of me?"

A drop of cold sweat fell on Augusta's forehead. He grinned, pretending to be calm and sneered: "Hehe, of course not, don't use your villainous heart to judge my gentleman's belly. I'm just angry at you for not keeping the agreement and hiding the secret. Do you have a boyfriend? Shit."

"Oh, I'm so happy that you are so tolerant. Then you won't object if I bring my boyfriend to your house as a guest?"

Augusta felt like he had hit a chain lightning spell. "What did you say?! You want to bring your boyfriend to my house?!" He screamed.

"Last time I broke the appointment, it was my fault, so this time I will bring a gift to your house to compensate you. My boyfriend will also bring it. You are my best friend, how can I not let you What about meeting? As long as you don't get jealous or snatch him away."

"Who, who cares about that kind of thing!"

"Then it's settled. This Saturday, as always."

"Very good, and I will welcome you as always!" Augusta said the last few words through gritted teeth, and hung up the phone with a "bang".

He propped his hands on the table, and the cold sweat on his forehead fell on the table like raindrops, and even wet the pages of the book. The study door was opened a crack, and Quentina and Kefir were peeping through the crack. As soon as Augusta raised his eyes, the two immediately closed the door in panic.

"Don't hide, I saw you!"

The study door opened silently, and the female vampire and werewolf youth stood outside the door with smirks.

"We didn't mean to eavesdrop." Quentina poked Kefir with her elbow.

The young werewolf was shocked, and said, "Miss Quintina is right! We have been listening openly!"

Quentina slapped him across the head.

Augusta panted as if she had just finished a marathon: "Forget it, I have to tell you anyway. Liliana is visiting this Saturday, and I want you to be prepared. Quintina must come over to cook in advance that day. There is a problem ?"

"It's so formal this time. Usually you never let me stay, but Miss Liliana will bring food anyway."

"Because..." Augusta's voice sank, "because this time Liliana will bring..."

Kefir swallowed involuntarily. He heard the buzzing of the glass, and the dust falling from the door. Your Excellency Augusta is really angry! Amazing magic power surged out of his body, shaking the entire space, like an unexpected earthquake!

"She will bring her boyfriend along..." Augusta grabbed her hair, "That woman!!! She must have come to show off to me!!! How could she miss such a good opportunity!!!"

"Calm down, Mr. Augusta!" Quentina yelled, "You're going to tear down the whole house!"

"How calm do you want me to be!" Augusta yelled, "I should have rejected her! Damn it! But that would make me look so small! Damn it!"

"But isn't your current reaction right in her arms? If Miss Liliana is here to show off to you, then why don't you let her have the chance to show off?"

Augusta thumped the table, leaving a crack on the mirror-smooth surface. Kefir couldn't help shrinking back. Your Excellency Augusta actually has this kind of power... It seems that his usual beating and scolding of Kefir can be regarded as "gentle".

"What can I do? Unless I also have a lover, I can't stop Liliana from showing off to me!"

"Can't you just find one too?"

"Where can I find it!"

"You don't have to 'really' find one, just find someone to pretend to be. As long as Miss Liliana 'thinks' he is real, everything will be fine!"

The "earthquake" stopped. Kefir and Quentina each held on to one side of the door frame, finally heaving a sigh of relief. Augusta stared at the female vampire with a frightened expression.

"It's easy for you to say... Who can you pretend to be?"

Quentina picked up Kefir's collar and pushed him into the study: "Isn't there a ready-made one here?"

Kefir was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating. He asked the vampire in a voice not much louder than a mosquito: "What are you doing!"

Quentina maintained an impeccable smile while pronouncing with the corner of her mouth: "Aren't I just saying something nice for you?"

Kefir gasped. "Miss Quintina, I have never heard such a beautiful language in my life, please be sure to say a few more words!"