My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 16


Augusta was scared out of his wits. Kefir, what are you talking about? Is this a line you memorized from some romance movie? And Herbert and Liliana on the opposite side, why are you looking at me with moved expressions? What a disgusting feeling! Are we going to have four of us hug each other and cry? Why did things become like this? help! Who will rescue me from the sea of suffering!

Finally, listening to Augusta's prayer, it was the great vampire Quintina who came to the rescue. She announced that lunch was ready. Augusta was rescued at last, and went to the restaurant with a fragile heart that couldn't take any more stimulation. The four enjoyed the lunch cooked by Quentina. During the dinner, Augusta and Liliana exchanged embarrassing things about their school days. Herbert laughed again and again, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Liliana and Herbert had other appointments in the evening, so they left in the afternoon. Augusta and Kefir walked them to the door and stood under the porch to wave them goodbye. Waiting for the red Porsche to disappear into the forest, Augusta put down his hands.

"Go back." He whistled. "Thank goodness she's gone at last, otherwise I would definitely lose my life."

"I hope Miss Liliana can stay."

"Huh?" Augusta raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay? Do you want her to live in my house? Don't you think I'm not annoying enough?"

"No, I mean..." Kefir stared at his toes, twitched for a long time before whispering, "If she doesn't leave, we can keep playing..."

"The chances of being debunked will also be greater."

Kefir drooped his head in frustration: "You're right, we're just...acting."

"As I said, don't think that I have any thoughts about you, and don't have any thoughts about me."

"But how can I not have thoughts about you!" Kefir exclaimed, "Everything I said today is sincere. I hope that I will no longer pretend to be a couple with you, but really become..."

"I really don't understand," Augusta interrupted him impatiently, "what do you like about me? I don't think I have any advantages, except for my wealth, my knowledge, and my magic power. What is there in me? Uniqueness appeals to you?"

"Aren't the three things you mentioned an advantage?!"

"So do you admire my wealth, my knowledge, or my strength?" Augusta sneered as he walked into the room.

Kefir thought to himself, His Excellency Augusta's tone is so narcissistic. No wonder it is said that "things are like their masters". A unicorn has that kind of character... I should have thought that its master was the same.

He caught up with Augusta: "No, sir! I like you because you are good to me. I know that I am useless and always cause trouble, but you never drive me away, but give me a chance. Although sometimes you are very strict with me, I know that you don't hate me in your heart... "

"Your request is too low!"

"And I know you need me!" Kefir grabbed Augusta's wrist. The magician shook off his hand, but Kefir grabbed him persistently again, "Excuse me, you lack common sense in life, if you don't have Miss Quentina and Miss Liliana, let you live alone, you wouldn't be alive at all." No! You need my care, and I am willing to take care of you!"

"All I need is a loyal servant."

"I stayed because I liked you!... Well, at first it was because I was afraid of being returned to Lord Cavodian, but then I was most afraid of leaving you!"

"What misunderstanding do you have about me?" Augusta asked in surprise, "Have I already said it? I don't want to have a relationship beyond friendship with creatures other than humans!"

"You are racist! Werewolves are also 'humans'! Many werewolves are transformed from humans! And most of the time I maintain a human form, you don't see me as a 'human' in your heart, it hurts me !"

"I understand what you said, but you are not human!"

"It's been said that you are racially discriminatory! Why do you have to limit your love object to the scope of 'human beings' in a narrow sense?!"

"Isn't it okay for me to be narrow-minded!"

Kefir was angry and anxious. Your Excellency Augusta is really indifferent, no matter how you say it, it doesn't make sense! In desperation, he blurted out: "You deserve to be unable to find a boyfriend until now!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it. Augusta's face turned blue and then pale, trembling with anger, clenched his fists, and his eyes were red as if they were about to breathe fire. Kefir couldn't help slapping himself hard in his heart. How could he speak without thinking? He just said something angry in a moment of anger, but His Excellency Augusta must feel that this is a great insult! This time he really wants to drive him away! How can I make him understand that I am not humiliating him? That's right... that's right! Didn't Master Cavodian explain it before? "If he insists on driving you away, just kiss him until he agrees!"

Kefir embraced Augusta with the strength of seeing death at home, and sealed his lips. Augusta was as stiff as a mummy, trying to turn his head away, but Kefir's fingers penetrated his hair and pinned the back of his head, preventing him from moving. Kefir pried open his jaw, pushed his tongue in, and savagely turned his mouth. Transparent saliva overflowed the corners of his lips and slowly slid down, making Augusta feel humiliated and messy. His physical strength is not as strong as Kefir's, so it is impossible to push him away, but there are other ways.

His right hand broke free from Kefir's grip, spread his five fingers, drew a symbol in the air, and then snapped his fingers.

Kefir was blown away by a huge force! He screamed through the ceiling, leaving a huge hole there and disappearing into the sky.

Augusta bent down, covered her lips with one hand and propped her knees with the other, panting. It's so presumptuous! he thought angrily. How dare that werewolf... How dare he be so rude to him! It's fine to kiss him forcefully, but he even sticks his tongue in! He simply bounced Kefir away with his magic power, but accidentally overdid it, causing Kefir to fly into the sky like a home run baseball.

Quentina stuck her head out from the kitchen: "It was so loud just now, what happened?"

Her gaze lifted from the flushed mage to the hole in the ceiling. "Did a piece of Sputnik fall?"

Augusta turned her head away, not wanting the female vampire to see her red and swollen lips.

"No, Kefir flew out."

"...he flew out by himself?"

"I bounced him with magic power."

Quentina groaned feebly. "Oh my god, is he okay? Although the werewolf is physically strong, he was knocked into the air by your magic power and then fell from mid-air..."

You won't fall to your death, will you? !

Augusta hurried out the door. He just wanted to teach Kefir a lesson, not kill him!

Kefir was nowhere to be seen on the grass around the house, only a unicorn was lazily nibbling on a stalk of green grass.

"Unicorn, have you seen Kefir?"

The unicorn nodded.

"Where did he fall?"

"Fall in the east." The unicorn replied deeply.

"Damn you! If you don't speak human words, I'll cut off your horn!" Augusta stepped forward and kicked the unicorn, "Take me to Kefir!"

"Ah! I'm hurt!" The unicorn screamed, and fell to the ground, "Aplagueo'bothyourhouses!" After that, it rolled its eyes, opened its mouth halfway, foamed at the mouth, and twitched After a while, he tilted his head and didn't move.

([Note] Mercutio's last words in "Romeo and Juliet".)

"You're fucking dead again!" Augusta jumped angrily. Of course, it is impossible for the unicorn playing dead to ignore him. The helpless magician could only run to the eastern forest on his own legs. After running only a few hundred meters, he was out of breath from exhaustion. Usually too lack of exercise, and now finally revealed the consequences. He first cursed the unicorn a hundred times in his mind, then chanted the spell, cast a teleportation spell, and moved himself to the edge of the forest.

The forest that surrounds the mansion is quite old, having existed when the Augusta family moved and settled here. There is a gloomy and cold atmosphere in the deep and dense forest, which makes people shudder. Augusta shuddered and mustered up the courage to enter the forest.

"Kefir!" he shouted, "Where are you, Kefir!"

After a while, an angry voice replied: "This... here... Your Excellency..."

Augusta walked quickly in the direction of the sound, tripping over raised tree roots several times on the way. By the time he found Kefir, which had fallen in the woods, his body was already covered in fallen leaves and mud, making him look like an explorer who had survived alone for a week in the wilderness.

Kefir was lying under a pile of branches. His head and limbs were covered with bruises and abrasions. It is unknown if he had injured any bones. Augusta knelt beside him at a loss, touched him lightly, and then withdrew her hand in panic, fearing that the touch would hurt him more.

"You... are you okay?" the magician asked tremblingly. After finishing speaking, he patted his forehead hard, "I'm such an idiot, you don't look like you're fine..."

"I'm fine, Your Excellency Augusta." Kefir squeezed out a smile, "It's just staring, tinnitus, and body pain..."

"Don't move, I'll take you to the hospital! No, no, call an ambulance!"

"No need sir! I'm really fine!" Kefir said, "I'll be fine in a while. We werewolves are born with self-healing ability. After being injured, we just need to rest for a while, and the injury will heal itself. In the past, our tribe often held wrestling competitions , I have suffered more serious injuries than this, and it is not a serious problem... "

"Really… ?"

"Of course, how could I lie to you!" Kefir spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You vomited blood! Ahh, Wanfazhifa! You vomited blood! You said it was okay! I'll call an ambulance!"

"It's really unnecessary!" Kefir shouted hoarsely, "Maybe when the ambulance arrives, I'll be cured! I don't want to trouble you anymore... I said those words unintentionally, not my original intention , please don't be angry..."

Augusta licked her lips nervously. "I'm not angry anymore, Kefir. I'm sorry, it's my fault. I just wanted to use magic to bounce you away, but I accidentally used too much force... Do you, do you need something? I'll bring it to you ! You are bleeding! Do you want a drink?"

"No need, Your Excellency Augusta..." Kefir said weakly, "If you really want to say..."

"Huh? What do you need?"

"I was bounced because I kissed you. If you kiss me and get bounced again, we'll be even." He smiled, "But I won't bounce you, so you Can you give me a kiss?"

He looked expectantly at Augusta. However, what he waited for was not a kiss on the lips, but a heavy punch on the chest.

"Whoa!" He spat out another mouthful of blood.

Augusta's head burst into blue veins, and he punched Kefir's chest with a fist, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Don't think too far! I haven't pursued what you offended me yet!"

"I will die, Your Excellency!" Kefir burst into tears.

"It's okay, I will cure you!" Augusta drove his own magic power, transformed it into life-healing power, and injected it into Kefir's body. "I'm not very good at healing magic, maybe there will be side effects... Anyway, you will heal yourself, and it probably doesn't matter if there are side effects."

A faint white light glowed on Kefir's body, and the scratches and bruises faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye. He could even hear his bones creaking and healing quickly. The pain gradually disappeared, replaced by a wonderful, warm comfort.

He jumped up, and the branches and leaves on his body fell down one after another.

"I seem to have recovered!" He touched his chest in amazement, "Your magic is amazing!"

Augusta snorted: "Is there any pain in your body?"

"It doesn't hurt! It doesn't hurt at all! I feel full of power!" Kefir jumped up and down excitedly, "I love life! I love human beings! World peace! Hallelujah! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" , dancing out of the forest.

Augusta broke into a cold sweat, summoned a pen and a booklet with magic, and recorded: Name: The Sixth Magic Power Configuration Living Cell Rapid Proliferation Living Injury Repairing Technique (healing technique for short)

Uses: Heal damage caused by high falls and friction

Effect: damage healed

Adverse reactions: Experimented by coyotes, this spell may cause hallucinations, madness, hyperactivity and impaired judgment.