My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 17


Kefir opened the door, staring at the visitor suspiciously and vigilantly. The visitor also stared at him with a look of contempt and disdain.

"Mr. Augusta Holwich's, please?"


The visitor rudely stuffed a receipt under Kefir's nose: "Express delivery, please sign for it!"

His Excellency Augusta hadn't woken up yet, and Kefir didn't want to disturb his lucid dream (he seemed to be researching some new topic recently, and stayed up for several days in a row), so he signed the courier on his own initiative. The arrogant courier and his companion unloaded a gigantic box from the van parked at the door, and carried it into the entrance. There are terrorists who order raw materials for nuclear bombs from the Internet.

As soon as they left, Kefir slammed the door behind him. He doesn't like express delivery, let alone the courier. He suffered a lot on the way to be sent to the home of His Excellency Augusta, and he still remembers it firmly!

However, what exactly does His Excellency Augusta mail order? Why is it so huge and heavy that it takes two couriers to carry it

Kefir didn't dare to open the package without authorization, so he could only circle around it, put his face on the lid of the box, and sniffed the smell inside, hoping to sniff out clues to determine what was inside. Too bad he didn't smell anything. Some kind of odor-blocking spell was cast in the box, and no smell leaked out.

Why is it sealed like this? Why is it so mysterious? This size, this weight, could it be... Could it be...

That day, when Augusta got up early in the morning and went downstairs to have breakfast, the first scene he saw was Kefir squatting in the porch and weeping bitterly, just like a primary school student discovering that his beloved pet goldfish had turned white.

"What's wrong with Kefir? Are you injured? Did you cut your hands while cutting vegetables? Or did the last healing technique produce any new side effects?" Augusta asked nervously.

Kefir raised his eyes from the crook of his arms, bent his mouth down, and cried again.


"Huh?" Augusta was dumbfounded.

Kefir wiped away his tears pitifully, "I'm neither smart nor cute. I always get into trouble and make you angry. Are you finally going to drive me away?"

"what are you talking about?"

The young werewolf sniffed and looked sadly at the giant cardboard box placed aside. "Master Cavodian sent you a new servant, you don't need me anymore!"

Only then did Augusta realize the existence of the carton. His previous attention was all attracted by Kefir, so that he turned a blind eye to such a huge object... His eyesight really got worse and worse!

"Oh, you said that," Augusta suddenly wanted to laugh, but he suppressed the urge to laugh wildly, and tried his best to say in a majestic voice, "That's the magic material I ordered for casting spells."

"What?" Kefir was startled.

In order to convince him, Augusta opened the seal on the box in front of him. After opening, the contents of the box were unobstructed: bundles of lavender, eyeballs soaked in glass bottles, unknown animal fur, Sun-dried withered green leaves, two pieces of crimson raw ore, many small parcels wrapped in charms... so many things are stuffed into a big cardboard box, no wonder the box is so heavy.

Kefir opened his mouth a few times like a stranded fish, as if he wanted to say something, then smiled through his tears, hugged Augusta, and wiped his tears and nose on his home clothes: "Great! You I don’t want me! I’m worried to death! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I can stay!”

Augusta stuck out her tongue in her heart. Although he thought this kind of Kefir was very interesting, he still pushed him away in disgust: "Don't rub the dirty things on me! It's disgusting!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!"

"Move the box to my alchemy laboratory!"


Kefir's physical strength is much greater than that of ordinary humans, even if he alone lifts a box that weighs more than himself, it will not be difficult. He carried the box upstairs, and Augusta followed him, opened the door of the alchemy laboratory for him, and instructed him to put the box in a suitable corner.

There are several laboratories in Augusta's mansion. Kefir knew of their existence, but never entered. Augusta had warned him that the contents inside were extremely dangerous, and if he accidentally broke into it, he might lose his life. Kefir had heard the story of "Bluebeard" and swore he would never be so curious as to sneak in—of course, he didn't think Augusta would hide corpses in the laboratory, but the magician's laboratory For ordinary people, it is always a dangerous place.

In addition to the alchemy laboratory, there are also physics laboratories and medical laboratories in the house. In a corner of the basement, there is a mysterious small room with a seal on the door. Kefir never dared to approach it, because every time he Entering the basement, you will feel a dark and cold breath flowing out from under the seal. According to Miss Quentina, it was Augusta's Dark Arts Laboratory. "If you go in, you will never come out. Even if you come out, Mr. Augusta will kill you to keep your mouth shut." Quintina threatened. Kefir thought she was just scaring him, but he decided not to go near that room as long as he lived.

Now that he was finally lucky enough to see the true face of the alchemy laboratory, he was a little excited. But when he entered, he was immediately disappointed. The laboratory is not as fantastic and treacherous as he imagined, there are no dark crucibles, potions with strange bubbles, hideous plants, shivering small animals in cages, but clean glass Containers and laboratory benches, many unnamed chemical instruments, a shelf of colorful medicines, a tall stainless steel filing cabinet, and even a periodic table of elements with Mendeleev's face on the wall. Even if someone told Kefir that this was the chemistry classroom of the school, he would probably accept it without thinking.

"This is the alchemy laboratory?" Kefir looked around, hoping to find a hidden secret door, telling him that these chemical instruments were just appearances to deceive the world, and the real alchemy laboratory was elsewhere.

"What do you think the alchemy laboratory should look like?"

"Uh, more... mysterious and terrifying?"

"What misunderstanding do you have about my profession!"

Kefir scratched his head in confusion: "I always thought that your laboratory should be like the towers of those white-bearded old wizards in the movies."

"The old wizard with the white beard in the movie can stab people with a sword!"

Augusta curled her lips mockingly, took a flask from the shelf where various containers were placed, and pulled out a glass syringe from the cabinet.

"Come and sit down." He motioned for Kefir to sit by the lab table, "roll up your sleeves."

"What, what are you doing!" Kefir hugged his elbows nervously, "You want to draw my blood? Are you going to turn me into a lab rat?!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Sit down!" Augusta roared.

Kefir sat down obediently, rolled up the sleeve of his left hand with a bitter face. When Augusta drew his blood, his face wrinkled like a month-old orange, as if what Augusta held in his hand was not a small needle tube, but a grenade launcher, ready to They'll blow half of his head off.

"I'm not doing this for your own good!"

After drawing the blood, Augusta gave Kefir a fierce look.

"Drawing my blood is not for my own good..." the werewolf youth wept.

"What do you think I ordered so many materials for!"

"I have no idea… "

"It's all because of your once-a-month troubles!" After finishing speaking, Augusta let out a "bah", "Damn it, I also got the problem of Cavodian! It's because of your full moon night Transformation thing!"

"I... what happened to my transformation...?"

"Don't you think you didn't cause enough trouble on a full moon night?"

Thinking of his own experience of "running naked" into the police station, Kefir blushed: "I didn't do it on purpose! At that time, I was unconscious, my behavior was out of control, and I didn't even know what I did!"

"So I plan to make a potion that will make you unable to transform on a full moon night, or keep awake after transforming."

Kefir jumped up with a "hula": "Really? Can you invent that magical potion?"

He stared at Augusta in admiration, his eyes sparkled, the magician at this moment was no longer a mortal in his eyes, but an omnipotent god! "Not only me... our entire werewolf race will be grateful to you!"

Augusta cleared his throat in embarrassment: "Hey, I can only say try. So many alchemist masters have tried to refine this potion throughout the ages, but they have all failed. I dare not say that I must be better than them. "

"You will succeed! I have confidence in you!"

... What blind trust. Augusta thought feebly.

"Ahem, that's right!" He changed the subject nonchalantly, "I have some questions to ask you. I can't make potions unless I understand them."

"Just ask! As long as I can answer, I will know everything!" Kefir patted his chest.

"Except for the night of the full moon, can you also transform at ordinary times?"

"Of course, I'm an adult werewolf, and I can control my transformation at any time."

"Can you stay awake while transforming?"


"That is to say, on the night of the full moon, you werewolves will transform uncontrollably and cannot stay awake, but this is not the case at all?"

"That's right! Because the full moon has magic power, we are inspired by the magic power of the moon, so we lose control."

Augusta pondered for a moment. The magic power of the full moon... Kefir said it very naturally, but it is difficult for human beings to understand this illusory concept... I really don't understand what he is talking about!

"Explain this so-called 'magic of the full moon.'"

Kefir was in a dilemma: "I don't know how to describe it... It's a strange power from the moon. As long as you feel it, your body will lose control... Ah, it's like hearing beautiful music, people will involuntarily follow it. Just like dancing!"

It's not a snake, who would dance with it! "Then what is the source of this 'magic power'? Is it the light of the moon? Will you transform on a rainy night when you can't see the moon?"

"Also transforms, so I guess it's not from Moonlight..."

Augusta nodded. "I don't think so. The moonlight is the reflection of the sun. If it's because of the moonlight, why don't you change your body during the day? So it must have nothing to do with the light. Then is it related to the gravity of the moon? Just like the tide, the tide before and after the full moon is also will be more violent than other times…”

"Very likely, many people in our clan think so!"

"Well... I understand. Gravity is not my field of expertise. I can only try my best. I can't guarantee that I will be able to do it."

Kefir clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture. "I believe in you! Even... even if you can't do it, it doesn't matter..." He said, lowering his head shyly, "You care about me so much... I..." He rolled his eyes and quickly changed his words, "We werewolves, I thank you from the bottom of my heart !Getting your attention means more to me than anything else…”

Augusta took a step back reflexively, for fear that Kefir would pounce on him and lick him or wipe tears on him. Luckily werewolves didn't do that. The magician secretly sweated. The werewolf didn't turn into a dancing snake, he was about to turn into a snake!