My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 18


Augusta claimed that he was going to retreat to refine medicine, so he stayed in the laboratory without taking a step. All three meals were delivered by Kefir outside the laboratory and placed at the door. The werewolf youth had never been allowed to enter the laboratory. Kefir had no idea what Augusta was doing inside, but once when he was delivering food, he saw a strange blue and green light flashing out of the crack in the door, which scared him and ran away, as if the laboratory was about to explode . Of course nothing happened in the end. The laboratory is safe and sound, and Augusta is still behind closed doors.

It went on like this for several days, and one morning, Kefir went to collect the dishes as usual, but what was unusual was that there was nothing outside the door. Hasn't Lord Augusta finished his meal yet? It's already this time, he must be too "forgetting sleep and food" for research!

Kefir mustered up the courage to knock on the door twice. nothing happened. He pressed his ear to the door, trying to hear something, but found nothing except that his ears felt a little cold. Just when he was about to give up, the door slammed open, and Kefir fell into the laboratory and bumped into Augusta head-on. There was only a loud noise, and the two fell to the ground like trees cut down by lumberjacks.

"Oh! It hurts!" Kefir screamed.

Although he was the one who threw Augusta down, he was also the one who was pressed down as an air cushion in the end. Because Augusta cleverly cast a space conversion technique at the moment of falling, the positions of the two exchanged instantly, and Augusta fell on Kefir.

"What are you doing sneakily outside the door? Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough, huh." Augusta brushed off the dust on the front of his clothes, and got up from Kefir's body, "But the timing is just right, I'm going to find you. "

"What do you want?"

Augusta took down a test tube from the test tube rack on the laboratory table, and it contained a dark brown liquid, like a tube of mud. He raised the test tube and waved it in front of Kefir's eyes: "I have refined a potion, but the effect has not yet been verified. I need a volunteer to help test the potion."

"I would like to be a volunteer!"

"I suppose so. There are no other werewolves here."

Augusta inserted the test tube back into the test tube rack, and took out a document from the drawer of the laboratory bench: "Then please sign this consent form."

Kefir took the document and glanced at it. It was filled with all kinds of obscure technical terms and Latin nouns. Except for the "Consent Form for Alchemy Potion Clinical Trial Volunteers" on the title, he basically said nothing. I didn't understand either... Your Excellency Augusta probably wouldn't harm him, so he hurriedly signed his name at the signing office and returned the document to Augusta.

"Very good, very good," Augusta put the document back in the drawer, "Let me first explain to you the possible side effects of this potion."

"Will I go crazy like I got the healing spell last time?" Kefir asked.

"...why use the phrase 'hit a heal' when you're 'hit a fireball'."

"Because it seems to do more harm than good."

Augusta squinted at him. Kefir obediently shut up.

"This potion won't make you nervous. But you may feel dizzy and tired."

"That's nothing."

"Vomiting, diarrhea, sore limbs."

"Sounds like symptoms of a cold..."

"Erectile dysfunction, incontinence."

"is it so serious?!"

"It's only theoretically possible!"

"Is it too late to repent now?"

"You have already signed the consent form!"

Kefir said with a sad face: "Your Excellency, can I..."

"No! Drink this, or get out of my house!"

"I drink... I drink..."

Augusta grabbed the test tube: "Then, please transform first."


"The function of the potion is to suppress the power of the werewolf. If it works, you will be forced to return to human form, and you will not be able to transform again in a short time. I will decide what to do next based on its effect, whether to change the formula or ... the law of ten thousand dharmas! Why are you taking off your clothes in front of me again?!"

Kefir pulled off his shirt, took off his T-shirt, revealing his lean muscles, and unbuttoned his trouser chain, and took off his naked body. Seeing that his movements are flowing and smooth, he must have practiced many times. Augusta looked away in embarrassment, trying not to notice the thing dangling between the legs of the werewolf youth.

"I'm ready, sir!"

"Oh..." Augusta replied perfunctorily, "Then let's begin."

The magician knew what it was like to transform into a werewolf. He had watched a video of a werewolf transforming in class when he was in college, but this was the first time he watched it up close in reality. Kefir bent down, with a thunderous growl in his throat, and his facial features squeezed together, as if in great pain. His physique continued to expand, his skeleton became larger, his muscles bulged, thick long hair protruded from under his skin, his facial bones protruded forward, and his nails grew wildly. In a few minutes, he changed from a handsome human youth into a two-meter-tall monster: with a wolf's head on his neck, well-developed limbs, sharp claws shining coldly, and his whole body covered with gray and white animal fur. Like a wolf that can walk upright and has unusually developed forelimbs.

His eyes were still ice blue, with the corners of his eyes raised like a wolf's, but they were very clear, appearing rational and sober. Augusta looked up at this strong creature that was very different from humans, and almost forgot to breathe.

"...Kefir?" he asked tentatively.

"It has changed for the better, Your Excellency Augusta." The werewolf replied. When he opened his mouth, his mouth was full of fangs, and his voice was different from before, even more low and hoarse, like a beast roaring.

" drink this potion..." Augusta stretched out her hand timidly and handed out the test tube. The werewolf took the little glass tube. Augusta had thought that his sharp claws would definitely crush the test tube, but the werewolf held it carefully and his movements were soft and quick, far beyond his expectations.

"Don't be afraid, Lord Augusta." The werewolf said, "I know I look scary, but I won't hurt you. I'm sane now. I'm still me, and I'm still Kefir."

Augusta nodded mechanically: "Okay, please drink it quickly."

The werewolf brought the test tube to his mouth and poured it in.

"How? How do you feel?" Augusta excitedly picked up a small notebook, intending to record Kefir's reaction.

"Well... it's so hard to drink."

"This doesn't count! What about other feelings? Have you sensed the 'magic power of the moon'?"

"Your Excellency, it's broad daylight, where can I sense the 'magic power of the moon'..."

"Then how do you feel? It doesn't matter, tell me everything, I will make a record of the experiment."

"Stomach seems to be a bit uncomfortable, as if I drank something very bad."

"Hmmm, 'causing stomach upset', what else?"

"I feel sick, sir!"

"'Nause and vomiting', this is also expected." Augusta pointed to the side with a ballpoint pen, "The bathroom is over there, so feel free to vomit, it's okay."

"I feel a little uncomfortable too, it's so itchy!" The werewolf scratched his arm.

"'Skin itching', I didn't expect this, maybe it has something to do with your constitution, do you have sensitive skin?"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" the werewolf yelled suddenly, collapsed to the ground, and curled up into a ball. The process of transforming into a werewolf was reversed on him once, the bones shrank, the hair retracted, and the sharp claws turned back into ordinary nails. Kefir wailed and howled, returning from werewolf form to human form.

"I don't feel right all over, Your Excellency Augusta!"

"Are you all right? Can you stand up?"

Kefir got up tremblingly, his knees were shaking. He has almost turned back to human form, except for two wolf ears on his head and a hairy wolf tail trailing behind his buttocks.

"The creepy feeling!" he complained, "like forcefully spitting out something I just ate! Speaking of which... I feel like throwing up again..." As he spoke, the ear on the top of his head drooped listlessly, Augustus Tower just couldn't take his eyes off his wolf ears!

"Uh, Kefir, can you try to transform again now?"

"Do you really want to do this, sir?"

"I want to test its transformation suppression effect." Augusta stared at Kefir's ear, speaking very confidently.

"Okay, I'll try..." Kefir muttered. He closed his eyes, arched his back, tensed his muscles, and mobilized all his strength. After a while, he lowered his shoulders: "No, sir, I can't transform! Your potion is working!"

"Hmm... um... is that right..." Augusta was noncommittal, "Then can you... fully transform back into a human state?"

"Haven't I turned back into a human now?"

Augusta tapped the top of her head with a ballpoint pen. Kefir touched his head and jumped back in fright: "How could this happen! My ears! Why can't they change back?"

"And behind you..."

"My tail!" Kefir turned around in fear, trying to find his own tail, like a puppy chasing his own tail in vain.

"Why can't the ears and tail change back? Your Excellency Augusta, how could such a thing happen!" Kefir wanted to cry.

Augusta hurriedly jotted down the words "ears and tail" in the notebook: "Well... I guess, maybe the potion will produce some kind of 'incomplete transformation' effect? It just makes you stuck between 'transformation' and 'transformation'. Between 'not transformed'... it's really weird, I didn't expect it at all..."

Kefir turned around in a daze, covered his ears with one hand, and tried to grab his own tail with the other: "Then what should I do? Can I change back?"

"I don't know... Maybe you can change back naturally after the effect of the medicine wears off?"

Kefir was about to cry: "What if I can't change back? Is there an antidote?" When he said this, his tail flicked from side to side anxiously.

"It's not poison, where's the antidote!" Augusta turned her head and covered her mouth, trying to suppress her smile. Kefir's appearance was so funny that he almost fainted from laughter! No, absolutely not laughing! Kefir will be mad!

In the end he couldn't help it.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Augusta dropped the notebook, leaned against the laboratory table, tears overflowed from the corner of his eyes, "I'm sorry Kefir, I didn't mean it, but your appearance, your appearance... hahahahahaha …”

"How can you laugh at me! You made me like this, and you still laugh at me!"

"I didn't laugh at you, it's just... I couldn't help it... Hahahahaha..."

"I know I can't meet people with my appearance, you not only don't sympathize with me, but also laugh at me! It's too much!"

Augusta laughed limply, "Oh, isn't it cute... Humans like things like animal ears and tails, what kind of bunny girl, cat girl..." However, Kefir is neither a charming bunny girl nor a coquettish girl. Pretty cat girl, a big man with wolf ears protruding from his head and a tail dragging behind his back, this is really... "I sympathize with you, but... Hahahahahahahahaha I didn't mean to laugh..."

He laughed for a full five minutes, and finally stopped the laughter with the will of an archmage, tried to keep his face straight, and said seriously: "I will find a solution, don't worry, let me draw some blood first, test it Check the concentration of the drug in your blood..." He stretched out his hand to grab the needle, his hand was still shaking because he laughed so hard just now.

Kefir folded his arms around his chest, biting his lip awkwardly: "Forget it."


"I... It doesn't matter if I can't change back..."

"Did I hear wrong?"

"I said," Kefir raised his voice, "even if I keep in this state, I don't care!"

"Why, Kefir, don't you like this?"

"You like this!" Kefir blushed, "Since I came to your house, it's the first time... I saw you smiling so happily."

His tail wagged slowly and his ears moved rhythmically, "If it pleases you to look like me, then I'll keep it like this."

Augusta couldn't stop laughing. What's up with this guy? Why can you say such things so casually? Is he throwing a tantrum or is he sincere

"Then can I touch your ears?" Augusta asked tentatively.

Kefir lowered his head: "Of course!"

Augusta pressed the top of his head and scratched the base of his ears like a puppy. Kefir narrowed his eyes, and Wolf Ears fell back comfortably.

"Really don't care about these?" Augusta asked in a low voice.

"Well! As long as you like..."

Kefir's wolf ears were soft, with a fluffy texture to the touch, which made Augusta feel better.

"You can touch my tail if you want."

boom! He received a blow to the head.

"Why hit me!" Kefir shouted innocently.

"Isn't that touching your ass? Who wants to touch your ass! Fuck off!"

Others reacted less forgivingly than Augusta to Kefir's wolf ears and tail from a failed drug trial.

"Hahahahahahahahaha what's the matter with ears and tails! Mr. Augusta's hobbies are so strange hahahahahahahahaha! He even cut a hole in his trousers to show the tail! I never knew you had Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Quentina laughed and beat the ground with her hands.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Can't we just keep one pair of ears? Having both makes me laugh so hard hahahahahahahahaha !” The unicorn rolled on the ground laughing.

"Miss Quintina! Unicorn! Can you please stop laughing! It was a complete accident! What's so funny!" Kefir cried in vain.

"Enough! Shut up, both of you! Quintina, I'll fire you if you laugh again! Unicorn, believe it or not, I'll donate you to the zoo!" Augusta growled.

But the two of them laughed wildly as they rolled to the other side of the grass, too far to hear Augusta's threat.

"Go so far and don't come back!"