My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 19


Augusta stood in front of the suspension bridge, with steep cliffs and rushing river below. The wind was howling, and the suspension bridge was swinging "creakingly", as if it would break at any moment.

Quentina and the unicorn stood across the drawbridge. The female vampire waved at him and moved her mouth, but the sound came to this end after a while, which shows how long the suspension bridge is.

"Mr. Augusta! Come here!"

Augusta hesitated. "Can I teleport there?" he yelled.

Quentina continued to wave: "What are you talking about, the wind is too strong and I can't hear you! Come here quickly! There is still a long way to go!"

Kefir said behind him: "Yes, sir, hurry up, if you are afraid, I can help you..."

The unicorn chimed in: "Could you please stop dawdling! You're not tired, I'm still tired! I want to go to the holiday cottage to rest!"

Go to your fucking vacation cabin! Augusta thought angrily. I shouldn't have agreed to this stupid proposal in the first place!

Things go back to two days ago.

"Recently, in order to develop new medicines, Your Excellency Augusta has been working hard without sleep and food." While cooking dinner, Kefir said worriedly to Quentina.

The female vampire turned her head and made a "poof" sound of suppressed laughter: "Please, can your ears not move when you talk next time? Every time you see me... pooh!"

Kefir hurriedly protected his wolf ears: "I can't help it! This is an unconscious movement and I can't control it!"

Quentina grabbed a chef's hat and pressed it to his head. Kefir put it on straight with a grumble.

"Back to the point, Miss Quentina! Your Excellency Augusta is working so hard every day, and he doesn't understand what 'combining work and rest' is, so I worry about him."

"Then tell him to come out and relax. Ah, how about going on a vacation?" Quentina clapped her hands, "It's a good vacation, relax your body and mind, generate inspiration, and enhance your relationship!"

"Increase...enhance feelings?" Kefir suddenly became interested in this word.

"Haven't you heard of the 'drawbridge effect'?"

Kefir shook his head.

"It says that men and women who meet on a suspension bridge are more likely to become lovers because they mistake the excitement, anxiety, and thrill of the dangerous thrill of the suspension bridge for a thrill. Believe it or not," see Kefi I showed doubts on my face, Quentina said decisively, "This is based on science!"

"According to what you mean, if Mr. Augusta and I go to a dangerous place for vacation, then we are more likely to... become..." Kefir stammered, his cheeks were hot, and he couldn't continue.

"Young man, believe in science! Besides, if you behave well during the journey, you may even impress Mr. Augusta."

Kefir immediately said: "I want to go on vacation, Miss Quintina!" His tail wagged quickly, showing that he was in high spirits.

The unicorn stuck its head through the window.

"Did I hear the word 'vacation'?"

"We're discussing it," Kefir replied.

"Vacation is good! I haven't been on vacation for many years! This black-hearted Augusta never gives me annual leave, bah! I knew that human capitalists don't have a good thing!"

"Unicorn! Don't spit! This is the kitchen, can you be more hygienic?"

"Bring me the cup from Augusta! I'm going to pooh in it!"

Kefir hurriedly put away the kitchen utensils and tableware to avoid being baptized by the unicorn's saliva.

"Have you decided to go on vacation?"

"No, we still..."

"It's been happily decided!" Quentina interrupted Kefir, drawing out her voice like a soprano, "A few days ago, I saw an advertisement for renting a vacation home in my mailbox. I'll go check it out!" She ran out of the kitchen happily, "The Cottage! Ah—I love Cottages!"

When her figure disappeared, Kefir asked the unicorn in a low voice: "Why do I feel that Miss Quintina just wants to go?"

"That's for sure. Public travel."

"What if His Excellency Augusta is unwilling?"

"He must be willing. Otherwise, when we are all gone and he stays at home alone, wouldn't he have to starve to death? He is not stupid. He can only survive if he walks with us!" The unicorn thought to himself Nodding self-consciously, he admired his own theory, "So the three of us must unite! We must never let Augusta get a chance to survive... Ah no, we must never let Augusta refuse the vacation proposal!"

"... Did you accidentally say the truth just now?"

Augusta is certainly not stupid.

According to his many years of experience in dealing with Quentina, as soon as he heard the word "vacation", he knew what the other party was up to. Of course, if you know it, you know it. In the final analysis, he doesn't have any good ways to deal with it. If Quentina and Kefir had left, then he would really have to starve to death. In a few days, the headline of the "Holly County Journal" would probably be "Terrible! The magician died of starvation at home". As for the unicorn...well, it doesn't make a difference whether it goes or stays.

According to Quentina (the small ad I got), the holiday cottage is located in a valley with beautiful scenery and isolated from the world. To go to this place, you have to go to the town of Radire, take a bus to the train station, and sit for three hours. Take the short train, get off and then take the bus. The last part of the road must be walked. Of course you can also drive. But Augusta does not have a car, because it is not used in daily life. He usually travels by the unicorn, an environmentally friendly, clean and energy-saving means of transportation (although it will become the laughing stock of passers-by). But today is different. No matter how powerful the unicorn is, it can't ride three people, and it is impossible for it to agree to let Quentina and Kefir ride it.

Augusta intends to use this to thwart the evil plans of the three of them.

"We can't go there." He said confidently, "It's impossible for three people to ride a unicorn together, and it's impossible to take a unicorn into the car. It's possible for a unicorn to transform into a human, but it would rather die than do that." of."

"I've already figured out a perfect plan, Mr. Augusta!" Quentina was full of confidence, "We can split into two groups. Kefir and I will ride in a car, you will ride a unicorn, and we will meet up at the end."

This is just great! The unicorn has turned into a mobile prison, and as long as he's on its back, he'll never get away!

So he had to reluctantly agree to the proposal to go on vacation together. Anyway, the research has just entered the bottleneck period. Instead of sitting at home every day and worrying about it, it is better to do something else to change your thinking.

Quintina immediately contacted the vacation cabin renter and got the keys. They only spent one day packing, and another day later they were on the road. They parted at the gate of the mansion, Quentina and Kefir (carrying a lot of luggage) went to the town to catch the bus, and Augusta stepped on the unicorn. Before leaving, Quentina told the unicorn: "You must keep an eye on Mr. Augusta, don't let him escape. If he wants to escape, you can stab him with your horn!"

The unicorn said that Quentina's teachings must be kept in mind. "Are you kidding! I can fly! I'm faster than a jet! Can he escape?!"

... Are you traveling or escorting prisoners? !

Augusta, riding on the back of the unicorn, felt as if she had fallen into a large pit dug by three magical, non-human beings working together. This must be a shocking conspiracy against mankind! If the unicorn wanted to kill him, it couldn't be easier, as long as it turned somersaults casually while walking in the air... For this reason, Augusta silently recited the spell of levitation all the way to prevent the unicorn from rebelling. And the unicorn complained endlessly about Augusta's weight all the way, from the weight of his three meals a day to his bad habit of never exercising, as if what he was carrying was not a skinny magician, but a An overweight whale. Why does this guy have to go on vacation with him? Doesn't it live a holiday life of eating and waiting to die every day

Three hours later, the unicorn landed beside a forest road, not far from a bus stop sign. The speed of the unicorn is much faster than the car, the train (but it has not yet reached its top speed, the acceleration and airflow brought by the super speed, and then, the unicorn did not use the super speed to kill him, oh Gusta really thanked it), they naturally formed earlier than the werewolves and vampires over there. So Augusta had to stare at the unicorn for an hour before seeing a bus slowly coming along the road. I don't know if it was Augusta's illusion, but he felt that the bus was shrouded in a layer of holy light—it must have come to save him from the fire!

The bus traveled the final distance unhurriedly and stopped at the stop sign. After the door opened, a woman in a tight black leather jacket and a motorcycle helmet jumped out of the car first. Needless to say, it must be Quentina. As a vampire, she cannot see the sun. If she wants to act under the scorching sun, she must wrap herself airtight. If she exposes a little, she will smoke like a steak on a barbecue grill. The one who followed her out of the car was Kefir, who was carrying a pile of luggage and was miserable. He wore a wide-brimmed hat with the tail tucked into his trousers to hide the wolf's ears and tail, and a coat with a long hem to hide it, otherwise his trousers would be seen to bulge suspiciously …

There are other passengers on the bus. At this moment, they all came to the side near Augusta, pointing at the people and animals on the side of the road, and taking pictures as souvenirs, full of interest. Their whispers (not really whispers, some people spoke quite loudly) naturally reached Augusta's ears.

"Look! Is that a unicorn? Wow, this is the first time I've seen a live unicorn!"

"That man is actually with a unicorn, is he..."

"He's still a virgin at that age, right? Puff puff puff..."

Augusta blushed and held back desperately so as not to throw a big fireball at a car of people.

"Have you been here long ago? Have you been waiting for a long time?" Quentina greeted Augusta. She was wearing a helmet and her voice was muffled. The horned beast tried, but no chance..." The helmet hid her expression. Augusta guessed she must be snickering inside the helmet.

"I thought you were going to perform "Death Comes" halfway! Hurry up!" Augusta said viciously.

Quentina took out a crumpled map from her pocket, turned it over and over for a long time but couldn't figure it out, and finally it was Kefir who turned the map upside down and they found the right direction. "Just follow the road in that direction!" Quintina folded the map, put it back in her pocket, and said casually.

"Are you reliable? What if you get lost!"

"What does it matter! We brought a compass, as long as we walk in one direction, we will be able to return to the original place sooner or later. The earth is round. Young people, you must believe in science!" Quentina gave a thumbs up.

I am a magician, and you tell me to believe in science? ! Augusta complained.

A human, a werewolf, a vampire, and a unicorn set off immediately, heading in the direction Quentina pointed, following the road into the forest. Soon, the asphalt road disappeared from under their feet, turned into a concrete road, then turned into a dirt road, and finally there was no road at all, and the group could only walk through the forest.

"Quintina, are you really in the right direction?" Augusta asked anxiously while pushing the branches hanging from the top of her head, "Didn't you say that the holiday cottage can be reached by car? That should be on the road Workable place? There's no goddamn road now...”

"Well, the ad must have been exaggerated..."

"Isn't that too exaggerated?!"

Like a primeval forest expedition, they overcame obstacles and finally entered a place where the vegetation was slightly sparser. However, what appeared in front of them was not the comfortable vacation cabin that Augusta had dreamed of, but a canyon stretching in front of them, with only a dangling, old-looking suspension bridge flying over both ends of the canyon.

Kefir looked at the canyon and took a long breath. Augusta thought that he wanted to express his heart and express his emotions about the scenery in front of him, but he exclaimed: "The suspension bridge!"

Is your focus originally there!

Quentina took out her crumpled map again: "The drawbridge! Looks like we're on the right track!" She pointed to the map, on which a crooked route like an earthworm was drawn, with a cross in the middle and a line next to the cross Small print - "Drawing Bridge".

"Cross the suspension bridge and go down the river to reach the holiday cottage."

"Where is this a vacation cabin? It's simply the camp of the crew of "Survival in the Wild"?!"