My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 2


"Ah, so I really misunderstood."

After some fussy explanations, Quentina finally accepted the fact that the strange young man was a packaged "gift" rather than a bed partner who played SM bondage games with Augusta.

"Let me just say, Mr. Augusta is such a nerd, and he is still a 'magician' at a young age. How could he suddenly play like this!" Quentina laughed, but the expression on her face was not very convinced. , in her opinion, Augusta is more like a pervert in the perennially depressed life.

The corner of Augusta's mouth twitched: "Now that you understand, come and help me pack and send this guy back."

"No!" The werewolf youth realized that the two had already stood on the same front, and immediately began to wail, "Please don't drive me away! I will take care of your daily life! I will help you look after the nursing home! I don't need a salary, just three meals a day! Don't drive me away!"

"Mr. Augusta, the tape is ready!" Quentina suddenly helped with extra enthusiasm.

"Thank you, ma'am!"

The young man looked at her tearfully: "Beautiful lady vampire, please..."

Quintina was unmoved by his compliments: "Come on, Mr. Augusta, I can't wait to pack him."

"Why are you so active?" Augusta asked.

The beautiful vampire bared her fangs, "If he is really as capable as he said, wouldn't I be unemployed?" She turned and went to the entrance to get the box, "The unemployment rate is so high now, how much work do I need to find a job suitable for vampires? Difficult..."

After the box was brought, Quentina held the tape and together with Augusta slowly approached the werewolf youth, marching towards the enemy camp like an army. "Mr. Augusta, please untie the rope on him first."

"That's too dangerous!" said the magician.

"Do you want to send it away with the chair?" The vampire raised his eyebrows. "You untie the rope first, and I'll tie him up with tape immediately..."

"it is good!"

The young man looked terrified and tried to move back, but it didn't help. Augusta silently recited a spell, and the rope on the young man disappeared with a "snap". Before Quentina could subdue him with tape, he jumped up and grabbed Augusta's shoulder suddenly!

Damn werewolf, how dare you attack me! The magician was furious, and immediately gave up his previous restraint, planning to use his precious magic power to teach this ignorant werewolf a lesson. An attack spell came to mind, the magician opened his lips, and before he could say it, he was blocked by a pair of cold lips——

The young man sealed Augusta's spell with his own lips, and continued to deepen this unexpected kiss under the shocked eyes of the magician. Augusta quickly recovered from her panic, and pushed the young man away—if not, he would have stuck his tongue in!

"Presumptuous! What do you want to do!" The magician took a few steps back, covering his lips, and bumped into the cabinet. How dare this damned guy kiss him casually! This is... This is his first kiss!

The youth was very wronged. "Master Cavodian asked me to do this." He put all the responsibility on the archmage who was not at the scene, "He said that Your Excellency Augusta's surly personality was completely caused by the lack of care since childhood. 'If he insists on sending you away, kiss him until he agrees,' he said."

Augusta's blood pressure soared to a critical value in an instant. "Do you believe what he said?!"

The young man said pitifully: "How do you know if you haven't tried it..."

Augusta found that he really had a communication barrier with this guy, so he turned to Quentina: "What are you waiting for? Come here and get this guy... Quentina?"

The vampire whose name was called looked at them stupidly, and smiled ambiguously: "I don't know why, but I suddenly felt that it would be good to keep him..."

The comrades-in-arms suddenly rebelled! Augusta watched as Quentina told the young man arrogantly: "You can stay if you want, but you must be obedient. Do whatever I tell you to do. Be diligent and don't procrastinate, otherwise I won't let you go." Mind to taste the blood of the werewolf..." She bared her fangs.

After the young man found out that his position was stable, he immediately began to behave: "Of course, I will be obedient! But...but what will you do?"

Only then was Augusta able to intervene: "Exactly! Do you want Quentina to lose her job?"

"Why are you unemployed? It's a promotion!" The vampire cupped his cheeks, "I've been promoted from an ordinary domestic worker to a housekeeper. I'm so happy."

"Hey! Find out who the owner of this house is! It's me! Don't make decisions for me without authorization!"

His protests went unheeded. Quentina and the young man walked out of the kitchen talking and laughing. "I haven't asked your name yet."

"My name is Kefir."

"Ah, my name is Quentina, a descendant of Lilith. By the way, I have to find you some clothes to wear first. I know that Mr. Augusta has a few clothes that you never wear, and you can probably wear them. But he You don't mind the eccentric taste, do you?"

"Of course I don't mind!"

I don't mind! Augusta cried out silently in his heart.

"Liliana! Come and save me! I'm going to die if I don't hurry!"

In the study, Augusta, huddled behind the curtains, is on the phone to his friend (Cavodine sarcastically calls her "bestie"), the witch Liliana.

"God, Augusta, do you know that I'm on the other side of the ocean, and there's something called 'jet lag' in the world?" Liliana on the phone yawned weakly.

"Of course I know! But this is an emergency!"

"It's alarmist. Your so-called 'emergency' is probably on the level of 'Quentina is on strike again'? Well, sooner or later, Quentina is hundreds of years old and has to take care of you, a giant baby. It's really difficult for her. I would go on strike if it were me." Liliana said, "Well... In fact, human beings can live for a month without food and only drink water, just hold on, wait until I bring you food next week..."

"It's worse than that!" Augusta interrupted her nonsensical speculation, "That old bastard in Cavodian sent me a werewolf! Now he and Quentina have formed an alliance to capture my house! Except for the study and research The rest of the outside world has fallen!"

"Oh..." Liliana dragged her voice, "Do you need me to teach you a surefire countermeasure?"

"Teach me! Please!"

"You go out now."

"no problem!"

"Find Quentina."


"And surrender to her."

"... what the hell!"

"At least you can save your dog's life."

"I'll just die!" Augusta dropped the phone angrily. Sure enough, you can't rely on an unreliable guy like Liliana at a critical moment! He has to learn to save himself!

The magician brought a ladder and climbed up the bookshelf, intending to find the most powerful one among his rows of thick magic books. "The Most Ferocious Witch and Witch in History and Her Curse"? Those witches are just as unreliable as Liliana. "A List of Ancient Curses"? Most of those curses have failed. "Black Magic Tracing and Prospect"? Phew, what a prospect. "Let Your Opponents Suffer - Archmage Mobius Teach You One Hundred Practical Curses". This sounds like a good idea. Although I really want to find out why Mobius wrote a book about the curse, the most urgent thing is to regain the lost ground.

Augusta took out the book and couldn't wait to open it. However, the book was too thick, like a heavy stone, almost crushing his arms. Staying at home all year round and lacking exercise, the weak magician lost his balance the moment he opened the cover and fell off the ladder.

If Augusta is a normal magician, then he will cast a spell that slows down the fall, such as feather fall or buffer. But he is not an ordinary magician, so when he fell down, his mind turned and he cast the space transfer magic!



Two loud bangs sounded at the same time.

Augusta patted the dust off his clothes, and was satisfied to see that he managed to save himself again with his spell. And the object of the space transfer magic—the werewolf Kefir, was pressed on the ground by him, acting as a human air cushion.

The werewolf youth was happily cleaning the living room with Quentina just now, and was teleported to the study in a blink of an eye, and was immediately smashed to pieces by a heavy object—this is the second time today!

"It hurts! It hurts! I'm going to die!" he screamed.

Augusta slapped him on the head: "Shut up!"

Kefir shut his mouth obediently. He watched the magician get up from his back with tears in his eyes, straightened his pajamas as if nothing had happened, and then said in an unapologetic tone: "You are too thin, it hurts me so much."

The study door opened leisurely, and the vampire Quentina leaned against the door coquettishly: "I don't mind feeding him a little fatter."

"Don't waste my food!"

"Come on, it's as if you cooked the meal yourself."

"Even if I didn't make it, I bought it with my money!"

Quintina thought for a while, and waved to the werewolf: "Okay, let's go, let the great Augusta do it himself."

Kefir got up from the ground, rubbed his sore waist, and followed Quentina aggrievedly. The two figures quickly disappeared in front of the stairs, and the door was closed with a "bang" shortly afterwards, marking that the two people had left the house.

Augusta was stunned for a few seconds holding his magic book.

What are you doing! he thought. I haven't done anything yet! So easy to regain lost ground? Would it be so simple! This must be a conspiracy, for sure!

The magician put the book on the desk, turned around and ran downstairs, checked all the windows and door locks, and made sure that the vampire hadn't tampered with them. He even cast a small detection spell at the expense of magic power, because vampires are born magicians, and it is hard to guarantee that Quentina will not set magic traps.

everything is normal. It appears that the vampire, who had just proclaimed herself the housekeeper, and her werewolf minion had really retreated. Augusta was intoxicated with the joy of victory, and ran back to the study like flying, intending to send Liliana the good news...

Then he smelled a strange smell.

Aromatic, tantalizing, sweet, rich in sauces and natural flavors—grilled meat.

Augusta rushed to the window, and was horrified to see Quentina and Kefir set up a bonfire in the yard of his house, and they were leisurely roasting meat! How dare they have a picnic in his courtyard! It also roasts the meat so deliciously!

The smell of roasting meat reminded Augusta that he hadn't eaten for almost a day. He was so hungry that his saliva was about to flow out under the lure of the smell of meat.

calm! the magician warned himself. I am Augusta who challenged the Sixth Magic Path with Cavodian and almost won! I will not lose to the humble desires of the flesh! Even Liliana said that a person can live for a month without food! As long as he persisted for a week, he would be able to wait for Liliana who came to help him in a timely manner! He is not afraid!

The laughter of Quentina and Kefir drifted into his ears with the wind, arousing his hunger even more.

"Miss Quintina, your craftsmanship is really good!"

"Eat slowly, don't choke. Would you like some cumin powder?"

"Thank you! It's such a blessing to eat your delicious food!"

"You kid has such a sweet mouth! Come on, this piece of meat is roasted and here it is for you."

Augusta was devastated.

"You two bastards!" He opened the window and yelled at the two people who were having a picnic in the courtyard, "Come back to me! I want to eat too!"