My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 20


"Where is this a vacation cabin? It's simply the camp of the crew of "Survival in the Wild"?!"

"How could it be? If it's "Survival in the Wild", then you should eat ants now." Quintina folded the map nonchalantly, "It's not too late, let's go."

"... Oh. Then you all stand beside me, and I will waste a little magic power and use teleportation to move there."

Quentina yelled reproachfully: "Why use magic when things can be solved with legs?"

"This suspension bridge looks dilapidated, God knows if it will break! Use magic to be sure!"

"So what if it's broken! I'll turn into a bat, a unicorn can fly, you can do magic, even if Kefir doesn't know anything, there's a river below, if he can't fall to his death, he just needs to be able to swim. It's not dangerous at all. No!"

"When you say that, I think it's really dangerous!"

"It's this process that you enjoy when traveling. If you rely on magic to take shortcuts in everything, then what's the point of traveling!"

It didn't mean anything at all! I didn't come here voluntarily! "You mean we go straight over?"

"If you want to roll over, I have no problem."

"...Okay, I'll go, I'll go." Augusta sighed weakly, and again reluctantly succumbed to Quentina's lust.

The group discussed for a while, and decided to let the unicorn carry the luggage across the bridge first. Unicorns are of course against this. "I'm a noble unicorn, not a donkey pulling a cart, why should I carry luggage?!"

"Because you're the only creature here with four legs."

"You really have the guts to say it! Didn't you humans also evolve from monkeys! Bah! It should be degenerated! And why do you want me to cross the bridge first? Do you think I am a death squad?"

"You can fly," Quentina said, "even if the bridge breaks, you will be fine. The bridge shakes badly, and ordinary people have to hold on to the ropes on the bridge to walk smoothly, but Kefir held on to the ropes." No more hands to carry luggage. And you're the only one of us who doesn't need hands..."

Unicorn screams: "You're racist! I'm going to sue you!"

The other three scrambled to blame it. "There is no team spirit at all!" "Who told you that you don't want to change into a human form! You deserve it!" "If you talk too much, we will cross the bridge by ourselves and not take you to play!" The unicorn jumped angrily: "Fuck you! Hurry up!" Put your luggage up! This is the last time I will travel with you! I swear! The last time!"

Kefir finally unloaded the burden and could rest for a while. Although he wouldn't be out of breath from carrying the luggage, it was enough. He and Quentina strapped the luggage to the back of the unicorn, which kept muttering and cursing, not even the arctic wolf relative Kefir had never met and Quentina's distant cousin of the African vampire bat that never moved. over its curse. After tying up the luggage, the unicorn hummed and stepped onto the suspension bridge.

The suspension bridge was already swaying left and right by the wind, and the vibration of the unicorn walking made it shake even more, and it seemed that it would break at any time. Fortunately, the unicorn walked quickly and steadily, and he crossed the bridge and climbed to the other side of the canyon without any effort. Everyone was a little relieved, since the suspension bridge can support the weight of the unicorn plus the luggage, the weight of other people should be fine.

Quentina ordered the two gentlemen to behave like gentlemen and got a second chance to cross the bridge. She moved like the wind, walking on the suspension bridge like walking on flat ground, and reached the other side smoothly with catwalks, as if she was not crossing the suspension bridge, but walking a red carpet.

Augusta is the third, with Kefir at the back. The magician held onto the ropes of the suspension bridge tremblingly, and took a step carefully. A gust of wind blew, and the suspension bridge shook, making a creepy "creaking" sound. Augusta backed away immediately in fright.

"No!" he yelled hoarsely, "I don't think I'll make it!"

—And so there was the scene described earlier.

Augusta refused to move forward no matter what, while Unicorn and Quintina yelled and yelled on the other side. Seeing him standing still, the unicorn had an idea and switched to the aggressive method: "Augusta, you are not afraid, are you? Ouch, the majestic archmage dare not even cross a broken suspension bridge, you coward!"

Quentina added fuel to the fire: "What a disappointment! Such is the cowardice of human beings! Ah, human beings!"

Augusta gritted her teeth angrily: "You two wait for me!"

A hand on the shoulder of the magician. "Your Excellency, don't listen to them. It's just a suspension bridge, there is no danger." Kefir said, "I will follow you. If you fall, I will be responsible for pulling you back!"

"...Hmph, I'm not afraid! I'm an archmage, and it's not sure who will save who!" Augusta muttered.

He knew that there was no way out, only forward. After crossing the bridge, he must teach those two winking guys a lesson!

He grabbed the drawbridge rope again and took a cautious step. The bridge shook a lot, but not to the point where it was impossible to walk at all. He slowly moved forward a few steps, only to feel the bridge shake, and it turned out that Kefir followed him onto the bridge. Augusta regretted it at this time, and should have let Kefir stay where he was. If there is one more person, the suspension bridge will bear more weight. What if it breaks? Moreover, every time Kefir took a step, the bridge deck would vibrate slightly, making Augusta even more unstable. But he couldn't repel Kefir, it was too embarrassing, so he had to bite the bullet and move forward. He stared at the opposite bank, not daring to look down at all, for fear that he would fall...

Augusta moved slower than a snail, and the unicorn on the opposite side couldn't wait. It raised a hoof as a prank, and stomped heavily on the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge immediately bumped up and down. Augusta quickly hugged the rope, not daring to move.

"Hahaha, look at you! We should bring a camera here and take a picture of your embarrassment. If you dare to disrespect me again in the future, I will publish your photo! Hehehehe..." The unicorn shook his head triumphantly .

"Damn it! Unicorn, if you dare to step on the suspension bridge, I will cut off your horn!"

"Oh..." The unicorn made a gesture to withdraw its hoof, but stepped on it three times in a row unexpectedly! The drawbridge trembled like a flat boat on heaving waves. Augusta screamed in fright and almost collapsed on the bridge. The unicorn turned to Quentina happily: "How is it?"

Instead of stopping, the female vampire gave him a thumbs up: "Good job! Suspension bridge effect, science!"

"Then I'll step on it a few more times!"

But before the unicorn had time to make waves again, there was a "pop", and the rope on one side of the suspension bridge suddenly snapped! The bridge deck lost its balance and tilted to one side! Augusta didn't react, and the whole person slid down the bridge. At the critical moment, Kefir grabbed him with quick eyes and hands, and the other hand grabbed the unbroken rope. The two were hanging in mid-air, with the abyss and the rushing river under their feet.

"Oops, I'm off!" the unicorn was shocked.

"Don't worry, don't move around! Let's just... ah."

Just as Quentina finished speaking, another rope on the suspension bridge snapped. Kefir and Augusta held hands and fell into the abyss together, only the screams of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——" are heard endlessly.

A cold wind blows. The unicorn turned to Quentina: "I didn't mean to, it was an accident."

Quentina pursed her lips and shrugged: "Go and explain to the judge."

"You are an accomplice! You are also guilty!"

"Just kidding, don't be nervous. Don't you forget, Lord Augusta knows levitation magic."

The unicorn was instantly relieved. "That's right! I forgot! That means there's nothing wrong with it! Hahahaha..."

"That's right, there is no danger! Hahahahahaha..."

"But will Augusta be too late to cast the spell?"

"It doesn't matter, there is a river below, and you can't die if you fall."

"Yeah, you're so smart! I was almost scared to death!"

"False alarm! It's okay!"

"However, Augusta doesn't seem to be able to swim...?"

"Kefir will definitely. Swimming is the instinct of canine creatures. He will save Augusta."

"That's right, why didn't I think of it! You are still witty, you are worthy of being a vampire who has lived for hundreds of years, and has rich experience!"

"It's disgusting, don't praise people so much..."