My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 23


Kefir and Quentina hurriedly carried Augusta into the holiday cottage. During this period, Augusta was always in a coma and unconscious. Kefir helped him take off his shoes, socks and coat (while doing this, Quentina kept staring at him, which made him afraid to do this), and covered him with a thick blanket. The unicorn could not enter the house, but could only poke its head through the window of the room, and asked in horror, "Is Augusta dying?"

"Shut your crow's mouth! He just has a cold!" Quentina said loudly, "Just drink plenty of water, keep warm, and get some sleep and you'll be fine!"

The unicorn is not convinced: "Just drinking water and resting can cure the disease?"

"Well... it should be like this... I haven't been a human being for a long time, so I can't believe it."

The unicorn retracted its head and screamed "You lied to me! Augusta is going to die!" It ran into the night and disappeared after a while, only the long cry still echoed in the forest.

Kefir looked at Quentina with tears in his eyes: "Is there anything wrong with Your Excellency Augusta?"

"...he just has a cold, why do you all act as if he has a terminal illness?"

"It's hard to say, His Excellency Augusta's body is so fragile..."

The female vampire held her forehead helplessly: "Okay, I understand, I'll go out and look around to see if I can dig up any herbs."

Kefir's ears perked up: "I didn't know you knew herbal medicine!"

"Nonsense! I've lived for hundreds of years. Is it strange that I know so much?" Quentina said as she walked out of the house, "Take good care of him and don't let him die before I come back!"

She opened the door and turned into a group of bats with a "poof", hula-la rushing into the sky. Kefir watched her go in awe, and it took a while to realize that the doors and windows were not closed, and the cold wind was blowing straight into the house. He hastily closed the doors and windows, fearing that Augusta would catch cold.

"Your Excellency Augusta, please don't die..." Kefir lay down beside the bed and touched the magician's forehead—it was still very hot. He whimpered, his ears drooping listlessly. It's all his fault. he thought sadly. If he hadn't stupidly tried to use the "drawing bridge effect" to enhance the relationship with Augusta, they wouldn't have come to vacation at all, and they wouldn't have passed the damn drawbridge, and Augusta naturally wouldn't either. fell into the water.

There were no ice packs in the cabin (since there was no refrigerator), so Kefir put a soaked towel over Augusta's forehead to cool him down. Augusta's eyes were closed tightly, and his brows were still frowning in his drowsiness. He didn't know if it was because of his physical discomfort or some unpleasant dream.

After about an hour, the window of the hut suddenly made a low knocking sound, as if someone was knocking on the window outside. Kefir came to the window suspiciously, looked out, but saw nothing, the lights were on inside the room, but it was pitch black outside, he could only see his own reflection on the glass. He pushed open the window, and a swarm of bats swarmed in, nearly knocking him in the face. The bats swarmed to the center of the room and gathered into a human shape, which was Quentina. She was clutching a handful of strange leaves, presumably the so-called "herbs".

"How is Augusta, alive?"

Kefir glanced sadly at the bed: "Alive."

"Go get some water to boil, I want to decoct medicine."

"You really know medicine..."

"Of course I understand!" Quentina looked offended, "Before the development of modern medicine, human beings relied on this to save their lives! Go fetch water!" She said as she walked towards the kitchen, "Because I understand this, I Almost burned to death as a witch once... Well, although it's more or less the same."

Kefir went to the water tank at the back of the house to pour water, and carried it to the kitchen. Quentina set up a cauldron (there was no piped gas, they could only burn firewood like people did a century ago), and directed Kefir to pour water into the cauldron, while she crushed the herbs and dropped them into the water while Muttering words in a godly manner. When the water turned an eerie dark brown color, Quentina conjured a mug out of nowhere (Kefir recognized it as Augusta's mug with his graduation photo printed on it), and scooped it out of the pot. He poured a full glass and handed it to Kefir: "Feed him to drink up."

Kefir stared at the strangely colored and pungent-smelling liquid in the cup with disgust: "Is this thing really drinkable? Otherwise, let's treat it conservatively..."

Quentina glanced at her mouth, looking like she really wanted to hit Kefir on the head with a big pot. The young werewolf shrank and said, "I'll go right away..."

He returned to Augusta's bed with the cup in his hand, and gently shook the magician: "Your Excellency?"

Augusta's eyelids moved, but she didn't wake up.

Kefir was worried. How can His Excellency Augusta drink this so-called "herbal medicine"? I'm afraid I can't pour it directly, so I have to ask Miss Quintina for a funnel...

Suddenly, he had an idea, and he poured down a big gulp of the medicinal soup (the taste was so disgusting that he almost spit it out), lifted Augusta's head, and fed it mouth to mouth. Augusta rolled his throat and swallowed the soup. Kefir looked at the remaining half of the glass of liquid without tears. Although I can take the opportunity to kiss His Excellency Augusta, but the taste of this thing is really...

He suddenly turned his head and found Quentina poking out half of her head from the kitchen, looking at him with burning eyes. He shivered. Miss Quentina's eyes are so strange... What does she mean? Warn him not to act for his own benefit

"Cough, cough, cough..." A cough made Kefir's attention turn away from the female vampire. Augusta struggled to open his eyes, turned sideways and coughed non-stop.

"Your Excellency! You are awake!" Kefir was very excited.

Augusta coughed for a long time before calming down. "What did you drink for me?" he asked angrily. "Unicorn vomit?"

"No! It's the herbs picked by Miss Quintina!"

"She must be planning to kill me..."

"That's really herbal medicine!" Quentina yelled dissatisfiedly, "I know more about herbal medicine than you do! If it doesn't work, you can still treat it as a placebo!"

Augusta stared blankly at the ceiling, her eyebrows knit together. He reached out to touch the towel on his forehead, then lowered his hand weakly.

"I feel like I'm dying... this must be a flashback..."

"You are sick. Drink the soup and rest for a night, and you will feel better tomorrow."

Augusta glanced at Kefir sadly, and a weak voice flowed from between her lips: "Kefir, Quintina, come here..."

The female vampire ran to Augusta's bed and asked with concern, "Sir, what are your orders?"

"I am going to dictate the will now, and you two are witnesses, please help me record it. I, Augusta Holwich, own the movable and immovable properties as follows..."

"Your Excellency Augusta!" Quentina and Kefir yelled at the same time to interrupt him.

"What nonsense are you talking about! You have a cold, not an incurable disease!"

"Cold..." Augusta's lips curled down. "Do you know how many people die from influenza every year?"

"You will never become one of them!" Quentina said, "Even if you get the most terrible infectious disease, I can guarantee that you will not die!" She patted her chest and said confidently, "In Before you die of disease, I will first turn you into a blood race, so nothing will go wrong!"

Augusta let out a groan that seemed to come from hell. "Thank you for your great kindness, it really doesn't have any consoling effect..."

"Listen, Kefir, Mr. Augusta has the strength to argue with me, the herbal medicine must have worked!" Quentina beamed.

"It's a flashback." Augusta gave her a white look, "Don't you think my words are confusing and there is a problem with logic?"

"Your logic is exactly the same as usual, there is no problem at all!" Quentina jumped up, "How about I boil some more herbs?"

It was a question, but Quintina didn't wait for Augusta to answer before rushing into the kitchen. Augusta looked like she wanted to stop it but was powerless, and turned to Kefir weakly: "Stop her... that damn thing she boiled will kill me..."

"That's herbal medicine," Kefir protested softly, "it's good for your health..."

Augusta hummed in despair: "You guys are going to rebel... I'm going to fire you and let you pack your bags and go home... I'm going to pack you up and send you to Cavodian..."

Kefir threw himself on top of him, flapping his wolf ears up and down. "As long as you get better, pack me up for whoever you want! As long as you get better..."

"Kefir...rolling off of me...I'm about...suffocating..."

The young werewolf hurriedly propped himself up. "Sorry, Your Excellency, I've overwhelmed you," he said, "Do you have any orders? As long as I can do it, I will do my best!"

"Damn... can you change your tone? I just have a cold, not a terminal illness..."

Kefir thought for a while, changed his tone, and said enthusiastically in a tone similar to that of a TV shopping salesman: "Do you need anything? Kefir sincerely serves you!"

The corners of Augusta's mouth trembled, as if he wanted to laugh, but unfortunately he couldn't laugh in the end.

"I want to take a shower," he said.