My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 26


A pale light shone into the pitch-black basement, making a round spot on the wall. Although there is light, it sets off the darkness elsewhere. Kefir held up the flashlight and walked forward cautiously in small steps, while Quentina followed behind him tremblingly.

"I just said why the rent of this house is so cheap, there must be something tricky! I thought it was just the poor living conditions, but I didn't expect it to be a haunted house!" The female vampire said faintly, "This is not a simple supernatural film, but Murder horror movies! There are only ghosts in ghost movies, but there are real corpses in murder movies! Could there be a murderer lurking nearby? Or, the owner of this hut is actually a bloodthirsty murderer?"

Kefir deflected the flashlight, and the pale light moved to the left. Suddenly he gasped, let go of his hand, and the flashlight fell to the ground with a "snap" and went out. Quintina screamed.

"Miss Quintina! Why are you panicking! Don't you have night vision!"

"I'm panicking because of my night vision! I can fucking see everything!"

Kefir picked up the flashlight amidst her deafening screams, hurriedly turned it on, and shone it on the place just now.

An old-fashioned reclining chair appeared in the pale light. A skeleton was lying on the reclining chair with its head tilted, wearing a rather luxurious silk robe.

"That's it! That's it!" Quentina was so frightened that she almost turned into a bat. "A corpse! My God! I would never have imagined that there was such a horrible thing under the holiday cottage! Corpse! I want to complain! I want to Sue the landlord and the intermediary company for bankruptcy!"

Kefir took a few steps forward with a blank face, looked at the skeleton carefully, turned his head and sighed helplessly: "Miss Quintina, you are making too much fuss. I think this is not a corpse at all, but a human skeleton model. "

" do you say that?" Quentina turned pale.

"If it's really a corpse, it's rotten like a bone, so the clothes on it won't be so clean." Kefir tugged at the silk robe on the skeleton, "Look, the clothes are so clean, they're as good as new. "

"Is it really a model...?"

"Definitely. Which landlord would rent out the hut where the dead body is hidden in the basement? Isn't it afraid that the tenant will call the police? It would make sense if it was a human skeleton model. Well, the landlord of this house actually put clothes on the model and put it on." In the basement, it's too nasty."

"What a bad taste! It's obviously boring! The world's boring star!"

"After all... why are you afraid of a corpse? Aren't you an undead creature..."

Quentina was filled with righteous indignation: "People can scare people to death. Why can't undead creatures be afraid of dead people? Besides, even if this corpse can move, vampires and skeletons are two completely different undead creatures, and they cannot be generalized! They are both mammals. Don't humans scream when they see bats and mice!"

"It won't hurt you!" Kefir went around behind the recliner, grabbed the skeleton's left hand, shook his hand at Quentina friendly, and said, "Hello, Miss Vampire, I'm Little Skull, Nice to meet you!"

In the light of the flashlight, Quentina's complexion changed drastically, and the originally pale vampire complexion now looked like a layer of chalk.

"Corpse, corpse..." She pointed at the skeleton on the recliner, hesitated to speak.

what happened? Kefir lowered his head.

The skull was originally tilted, but now its head was straightened. Kefir swore that he never moved the skull, only touched the arm! After a few seconds, the skull's head turned to Kefir, and the neck bone made a "creaking" sound.

"Young man, it's rude to put my arm down," said the skeleton.

Finally freed from werewolves and vampires, Augusta was able to enjoy a moment of peace. He lay on the bed, sleepy gradually. He thought about it and didn't understand why he was so unlucky recently? Either entering the police station or falling into the water and getting sick, it seems that all the bad luck of the year has been spent. Hope to be lucky in the future, otherwise he will really...

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The door was slammed open, and Kefir and Quentina rushed in and threw themselves on Augusta. The magician almost vomited out all the herbs just now under the weight of the two of them.

"What's wrong!" he yelled angrily, "this is my bed, not a shopping mall with a holiday sale! Why are you jumping on my bed! No! Get the kefir off! Don't get into my blanket Li!" He kicked the werewolf youth away.

"Your Excellency Augusta, something is wrong!" Kefir burst into tears.

"What's up?!"

"The hut has a basement. We entered the basement and found that there was..." Quentina grabbed the blanket to cover her sobs.

Augusta guessed: " there a magic book for summoning the Great Evil God?"

The two shook their heads violently, unable to even speak. Augusta was full of question marks. Since it's not a horror movie, what is there in the basement that can scare them like ostriches

There were light footsteps outside the door. clatter. clatter. clatter. The sound was hard, not like the sole of a shoe hitting the floor. clatter. clatter. clatter. Footsteps came to the door. Augusta's heart hung in her throat. He instinctively wanted to release a defensive spell, but now his mind was a mess, and he couldn't remember half of the spell!


The half-closed door was pushed open.

A skeleton in a green silk robe enters the room.

Augusta was speechless.

What are you doing? Why are there skeletons in the holiday cottage? This is definitely the direction of horror movies! Kefir Quintina, what did you do in the basement to get a skeleton? Are we going to be hacked to death by this guy? I never thought that my own life would be confessed here! Having said that, why on earth does a skeleton appear in a good holiday cottage!

"That..." Augusta said hesitantly, "are you the god of death?"

Skeleton: "..."

Augusta groaned regretfully. "Oh! I knew it! I should have made a will long ago, and I shouldn't have listened to Kefir and Quentina's slander! It's good now, it's too late! My inheritance belongs to those annoying people distant relatives!"

The skeleton raised his right hand and scratched the back of his head. Augusta didn't know why it did this action, theoretically the back of his head wouldn't itch. Presumably it was meant to show confusion.

"Uh... Although I don't know what you misunderstood," the skeleton said politely, "but I'm not the god of death."

"Then what are you!"

"What do you mean by 'what am I'? It's really rude. Young people nowadays are becoming more and more impolite. It's really going downhill. They should at least ask 'who are you'." The skeleton said ramblingly.

Augusta collected himself (he was dizzy, as if the fever was getting worse), and wanted to ask who the skeleton was. Unexpectedly, Quentina suddenly shouted: "Don't ask, Mr. Augusta! If you ask, it will say 'Oh, you know too much, you must not take your life, die'. I know, This is the usual routine of horror movies! Don't ask!"

"That's right!" Kefir echoed, "I haven't watched many horror movies, but Miss Quintina seems to have seen a lot. She must have a reason for saying that!"

"You two are enough!"

"You can't ask, Mr. Augusta! Also, we can't teach it our names, otherwise... Oops, has our name been leaked just now? Wow, I'm still young, I don't want to die again !"

The skeleton looked at them (if it had eyes) and yelled and screamed, as if the end of the world was coming in a second. Even if they don't come, their screams are enough to overturn the earth. The skeleton watched calmly for a while, then suddenly said: "Actually, I am the landlord."