My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 27


The screams of the three stopped.

For a while, the hut was terribly silent, and even the breathing of several people could be clearly discerned. A big crow croaked twice in the forest outside the window, as if laughing at the farce.

Augusta was skeptical: "What evidence do you have?"

The skeleton raised his left hand and raised his middle finger.

Augusta was furious: "How dare you make such an obscene gesture! Believe it or not, I chopped off your hand?!"

Kefir tugged on Augusta's sleeve and whispered, "It's a ring! It's a ring!"

On the middle finger of the skeleton's left hand is a gold ring with a shield-shaped emblem on it. It pointed to the door again, and Kefir and Quintina ran out to take a look, only to find that the same emblem was painted on the door, like a family emblem of some kind of nobleman. They hadn't paid attention at all before.

"...It's really a landlord..." After listening to Quentina's report, Augusta sighed with emotion.

There was no emotion on the skeleton's face, but Augusta guessed that it was probably very unhappy. "Bullshit. Why am I in this house if I'm not the landlord?"

"We're not landlords either, so don't we stay here as well?"

Skeleton: "..."

Quentina hurriedly came out to smooth things over: "Mr. Landlord, don't pay attention to what he said! He is sick, he has a fever, and his words don't count!"

Augusta stared at the female vampire: "You are the only one who is sick!"

Quentina lifted the blanket to cover his head, pressed him back on the bed, and said to the skeleton with a smile, "Listen, he's just talking nonsense!"

"Oh, is this gentleman sick?"

"Yeah, I didn't fall into the water, and I caught a cold."

"It's unfortunate." The skeleton said regretfully, "Are you here for vacation? You can't play around when you're sick. You have to find a way to get well soon."

Kefir's eyes lit up: "Could it be that you have medicine for colds at home?"

"No." The skeleton said decisively.

"...Then why do you need to say such a word!"

"Show me you care. It's just social language, don't mind it."

"I'm happy for nothing..." Kefir muttered.

"I think there should be a lot of herbs growing in the forest." The skeleton said, "Hasn't this vampire lady already boiled herbal juice? The disgusting smell has been wafting into the basement, and I can smell it in my sleep Well. Fortunately, I even asked the people from the intermediary company to pile up a pile of sundries at the entrance of the basement, but it turned out to be completely useless!"

Quentina frowned displeasedly: "You don't even have a nose, but you can still smell the medicine?"

"It's really rude, how can you point out other people's flaws!" The skeleton clutched his chest.

Augusta struggled to get out of the blanket: "That herb is so bad, even the skeletons know it tastes disgusting! I don't want to drink that thing anymore!"

"Mr. Landlord just said that it smells bad. What smells bad doesn't necessarily taste bad!" Quentina defended her herbal medicine.

"This smells bad and tastes bad! I might die sooner if I drink it!"

"Then stop drinking it and rely on your fragile immune system to heal yourself!"

"I wish I could!"

"This gentleman, you can't say that." The skeleton said, "You still need to drink the medicine. A small cold may develop into a serious disease! I had a cold that developed into pneumonia, and I died. The medicine at that time was too underdeveloped."

Everyone in the room was silent.

Why bring up such a heavy subject, Mr. Landlord! Augusta thought. I used to be in a good mood, but now I have hit rock bottom! You are indeed sent by the god of death, right? Alas, if I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have come to spend this damn vacation!

"Let's change the subject!" The landlord probably sensed the entanglement in everyone's hearts, and said happily. (Augusta suspected it had mentioned this on purpose, just to spoil their mood.) Everyone nodded in agreement. "You can call me Leopold. As you can see, I was the owner of this house and the surrounding land in life, and of course in death. I haven't asked your names yet."

The three reported their names. After hearing this, Leopold said in surprise: "Hollich... I have heard that you are the famous nouveau riche from Holly County... Oh no, are you a descendant of the new upper-class Holwich family?"

Kefir and Quentina looked at Augusta with half-smiles. They knew the Augusta family was once (and is) pretty rich, but it was the first time they heard the term "upstart"...

"What are you looking at!" Augusta shouted, "Who in the world is rich from the beginning? There must be a process of accumulating wealth! No matter what era, ordinary people become rich, and there are also rich people who become rich overnight. Bankrupt in time. Why are you looking at me like this!"

Leopold said, "That's right. I think you are renting a cheap house in the wilderness like mine for vacation now. You are probably not an upstart."

Kefir and Quintina turned their heads and laughed. Augusta thumped the bed angrily: "What are you kidding about? Did I want to come on vacation? Quintina rented this house on her own initiative, and I didn't know it beforehand!"

"I'm trying to save you money," Quentina said.

"Didn't you even sell the land in front of your house and build a small town?" Kefir said, "And let the unicorns go out to work and make money."

"My family sold the land to develop real estate!" Augusta was going crazy, "The money from the land sale is now used to invest in other businesses! As for the unicorn, it is an adult animal, let it go out to work What's wrong? Is it right to be an idle son and sit at home all day long?"

"Oh, isn't that talking about yourself?"

"I'm a magician! I'm not idle! I'm doing research every day! Are you sick with your eyes and can't see?"

"Anyway, I haven't seen any research results." Kefir said.

"Are those two ears on your head a decoration?!"

Kefir covered his furry wolf ears: "Can this also be called a 'research achievement'? It is clearly a 'failure product'!"

"Many things in the world are invented by mistake!"

"Are you going to market the potion that makes werewolves grow ears and tails as a 'new invention'?!"

"It's a good idea. There's a business opportunity," Quintina said.

"I agree. If the promotion is successful, you can 'explode' a second time." Skull said.

"If I die today, I must be mad at you!"

The window of the room was suddenly and violently knocked open, and the unicorn stuck its head in, with a basket in its mouth. It threw the basket to the ground, and the wild fruits and mushrooms in it fell out one after another.

It stared at Leopold for a moment without speaking. Augusta thought it was frightened and was going to scream and flee into the forest after a while, but it just sniffed air from its nostrils, and said disdainfully, "Huh, nouveau riche taste."

"I implore you to repeat?" Leopold asked.

"The clothes on your body are really upstart taste."

The skeleton looked down at his green silk robe: "Is there something wrong with this dress?"

"Typical Augusta style, nouveau riche taste." It said the word for the third time, "I didn't expect you to dress like that, but even the summoned skeleton soldiers have to dress like you. I really convinced you."

"I was not summoned!" Leopold raised his voice. "I am the landlord of this place!"

"Really? I thought you guys were going to train Kefir's retrieval skills, but you couldn't find a suitable bone, so you just summoned a skeleton soldier to make up for it. Kefir, if this skeleton runs out of the door now, you won't be able to Do you want to chase it involuntarily?"

Leopold turned to Augusta: "Your strange horse with horns is so outspoken, it dares to say anything."

Augusta spread her hands: "It's a virtue."

"Is that drawbridge yours too?" asked the Unicorn.

"If you're talking about the suspension bridge in the upper canyon, it was indeed built with my funds, and the property rights should belong to me."

"Can you fix it? Otherwise we won't be able to go back. Although we have other ways to cross the river, it's so troublesome."

"What happened to the drawbridge? Is it broken?"

"What do you think?"

Skeleton screamed: "You broke my drawbridge?"

"What do you mean 'we broke it'? Your broken suspension bridge has been in disrepair for a long time. It should have been broken long ago. It is a miracle that it has been supported until now!"

"There is magic on the suspension bridge. Unless it is destroyed by humans, it will not be broken no matter how bad the natural conditions are, so it must be broken by you!"

Augusta, Quintina, and Kefir lowered their heads guiltily. The suspension bridge was indeed broken by the unicorn, and there is no room for excuse... Unicorn, why don't you open any pot and carry which pot! Why not mention the suspension bridge

"How can there be such ridiculous magic in the world!" The unicorn was not reconciled.

"Yes! Of course you, a frog in a well, don't know! After breaking my drawbridge, how will guests come to the holiday cottage in the future?"

"Worry about the fart! No one wants to come to this kind of dilapidated house in the deep mountains and old forests!"

… So Augusta and his party were kicked out.