My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 28


Quentina and Kefir each brandish a branch and chase the unicorn.

"It's all your fault! We were kicked out by the landlord!"

"His Excellency Augusta is still ill, what do you ask him to do!"

The unicorn wailed: "I didn't know that the skeleton's heart is so fragile, and I can't stand it after just a few words! He doesn't respond to Augusta anyway!"

"That's His Excellency Augusta's kind heart! You have such a cheap mouth, it's fortunate that His Excellency Augusta hasn't driven you away yet!"

"You have ruined a good vacation! How are you going to pay for it!"

The unicorn continued to howl: "What's so good about this holiday? What's the joy in living in such a dilapidated house that doesn't even have running water?"

"This is called natural ecology, you know what a fart!"

"You caused His Excellency Augusta to fall into the water and get sick. Of course, the holiday will not be good!"

The unicorn screamed and ran around. "I was wrong! Let me carry you away! Don't fight!"

For the first time in its life, it violated its own principles and carried three people to the suspension bridge. The unicorns are so fast that it took them less than an hour to reach the suspension bridge, cross the canyon, and successfully fly to the other side without the suspension bridge.

The canyon is empty, and the broken suspension bridge hangs down the cliff, swaying weakly in the wind.

"What to do, this suspension bridge..." Kefir looked anxiously at the falling ropes and planks, " we need compensation?"

"Let the unicorns make money and pay for it!" Quentina said.

"You depraved woman! You were also booing beside me at the time! You are also guilty of the same crime!"

"Stop making noise!" Augusta yelled. He was riding on the back of the unicorn, still feverish, dizzy, and nauseated from motion sickness from the unicorn's poor flying skills. "I'm sick of you guys! Every time I get into trouble, I have to clean up the mess. I should really fire you!"

He tugged roughly at the unicorn's mane and forced it to walk to the edge of the cliff. The unicorn glanced down tremblingly, then quickly retracted: "Augusta, don't you want me to jump off to apologize for my death?"

"Shut up!"

Augusta raised his right hand, spread his five fingers, and chanted the spell in a low voice. The silver light spread like ripples from where he was. Kefir exclaimed: "I've seen this spell! It's a restoration spell!"

The broken suspension bridge hanging from the cliffs on both sides was pulled up by some nameless force, the broken planks returned to their original positions, and the broken ropes were connected to each other, as if someone had reversed the process of disconnecting the suspension bridge. Not long after, the suspension bridge has been restored to its original state.

Quentina and Kefir couldn't help applauding. "As expected of Mr. Augusta, now we don't have to be accused by that skeleton!" "If we had known about it, we would have teleported there with magic, otherwise there wouldn't be so many incidents."

Augusta didn't respond to their cheers, and the body on the unicorn's back couldn't help shaking.

"Your Mightiness!"

Kefir quickly supported the magician, if he was one step too late, he would have fallen off his horse. Augusta's face was pale, his breathing was short of breath, and his forehead was full of cold sweat. Kefir secretly screamed that it was not good, Augusta was already sick and used magic, so he must be exhausted now!

He climbed onto the unicorn, sat behind Augusta, put his arms around the magician's body, and let him lean against his chest so that he would not fall.

"Hurry up, unicorn, take us home!" Kefir urged.

"Get off! How can I carry you two! What about the luggage?" the unicorn yelled.

"Don't worry about your luggage! Your Excellency Augusta is like this, can't you persevere a little bit? You don't have the spirit to endure hardships and stand hard work!"

The unicorn cursed, but managed to keep the two of them off. It took off directly, and Quentina turned into a group of bats and followed behind them. Their luggage was left in the forest. Anyway, there are no valuables in it, and there are probably no thieves in the forest, so come back later when you have time.

The unicorn flew very fast, and the high altitude was cold and windy. Kefir hugged Augusta tightly, not only to prevent him from falling, but also to protect him from the wind and cold. Augusta's skin was burning hot, like burning coals. He leaned softly in Kefir's arms, unconscious, but frowned or twitched from time to time, as if he was having a nightmare.

Although the Unicorn claims to be "faster than a jet", it is impossible to fly at that high speed while carrying passengers. Even if it does not stop, it took nearly three hours to get home. When the familiar house came into view, Kefir was so moved that he almost burst into tears. As soon as the unicorn stopped, he jumped down with Augusta in his arms. Bats gathered at the door, returning to the posture of a female vampire. Quentina's hair was singed and smoky from flying in the sun for too long. She took out the key from Augusta who was being hugged by Kefir, and opened the door lock. Kefir rushed in impatiently and put Augusta back on the bed in his bedroom.

It seems that Augusta's complexion is a little better because of returning to the familiar environment. Kefir lay on the side of the bed anxiously, with Wolf's ears lying on top of his head weakly. Quentina grabbed a hand mirror and straightened her singed hair in front of it.

"What should I do? Are you going to be sent to the hospital? But the hospital seems to be far away... Can the doctor in the private clinic in the town go out to see you? Do you want someone to come?"

"Even if a doctor is invited, he will only tell you to drink plenty of water and rest more. I have seen a lot, and it is not as good as my herbal medicine." Quentina groaned.

A faint moan sounded from the bed. Augusta raised his hands and pinched the corners of his eyes, then opened his bloodshot eyes.

"I... where is this?"

"We have already returned home, Your Excellency Augusta." Kefir replied.

"Oh..." Augusta stared blankly at the ceiling, and it took him a while to realize that this was indeed his bedroom. "I passed out again?"

"Yes. Are you going to the hospital? Or have the town doctor call?"

"No, it's not a serious illness..." Augusta said vaguely, "It will be fine after a night of sleep."

"Then do you need anything else? You can also take a shower. The bathroom at home has hot water and is very warm."

"No need, I just... just want to take a rest." Augusta's voice became softer as she spoke, with a strong sleepiness welling up on her brows.

"Shall I change your pajamas for you?"

Not knowing whether to succumb to the power of the disease, or to agree sincerely, Augusta nodded. Kefir said to Quentina: "Can you make some food? Mr. Augusta hasn't eaten well since last night..."

"Well, there should be some ingredients at home."

After the female vampire left, Kefir took out Augusta's pajamas from the closet and helped the magician change into them. Augusta was half asleep and half awake, knowing to cooperate with him. Quentina quickly made a vegetable soup, Kefir fed Augusta half a bowl, the latter said he had no appetite, and lay back on the bed, curled up in the soft quilt. Kefir tucked up the quilt for him worriedly. Every once in a while, Kefir helped Augusta take a temperature measurement. Although the result was not a "high fever", the temperature did not drop.

As night fell, Kefir turned off the ceiling light in the bedroom, and only lit the wall lamp with a mild light. It was almost dinner time, and even if Augusta pleaded that he had no appetite, he had to be forced to eat something. Kefir tiptoed to the bed and gently pushed the magician: "Your Excellency, wake up, it's time for dinner."

Augusta, who was immersed in sleep, seemed unwilling to wake up. Kefir called several times before he opened his eyes in a daze. The young werewolf in the darkness didn't seem to wake up at all.

"Is... who's there...?" he muttered, "Carvodian... is that you?"