My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 29


Augusta, who was immersed in sleep, seemed unwilling to wake up. Kefir called several times before he opened his eyes in a daze. The young werewolf in the darkness didn't seem to wake up at all.

"Is... who's there...?" he muttered, "Carvodian... is that you?"

He blinked vigorously to disperse his drowsiness: "Oh... so it's Kefir..."

Kefir was terrified. How could His Excellency Augusta mistake him for Lord Cavodian? In his opinion, they don't have the slightest similarity in appearance, physique, and voice. No matter how lame they are, they won't be mistaken! Could it be that His Excellency Augusta dreamed of Lord Cavodian just now, so that he confused dream and reality? But who is bad for him to dream about, why did he dream about...

"What's the matter, Kefir?"

The voice of the magician awakened the werewolf youth from his complicated thoughts.

"Uh... well... it's time for you to have dinner."

Augusta sat up with difficulty, Kefir quickly grabbed a few pillows and put them behind him.

"I feel like I just had lunch?"

"Because you've been sleeping!"

Augusta nodded, motioning for Kefir to serve. Dinner is still thick soup. For the weak magic book, everything tastes the same. It is better to eat some food that is easy to digest. During the meal, Kefir sat dejectedly on the chair beside the bed, his ears and tail drooping feebly, and the gloomy aura surrounding his body could be discerned even by Augusta.

"What's the matter with you?" The magician put down the spoon, and put the soup bowl and tray on the bedside table beside him, indicating that he had finished his meal. He had no appetite anyway. "Why are you frowning?"

Kefir grabbed the corner of his clothes: "Just now... how did you mistook me for Lord Cavodian?"

"I didn't wake up at all just now." Augusta said lightly.

His calm tone caused another serious blow to Kefir. How can this kind of thing be easily taken away with a sentence of "didn't wake up"!

"You have been born for a long time because of this?"

"What do you mean 'just because of this'?!" Kefir kicked the chair away, threw himself on Augusta's lap, and beat the quilt angrily, "I am the one who has been taking good care of you! It is me! But you put I mistook it for someone else! How could I be willing!"

A hand fell on the top of his head, ruffling his hair and shaggy wolf ears. "I know it is you."

Kefir's eyes were moist, and he looked up at the magician: "You know?"

"I just have a cold, not a vegetable."

"Then you still... you still treat me as someone else..."

Augusta looked away and looked at the curtain pretending to be meaningless: "I told you I didn't wake up..."

"Did you dream of Lord Cavodian?"

"Hmm... that's right. I dreamed about something from the past."

Kefir's ears suddenly perked up. "What's the matter?"

Augusta pulled him away from her by the ear. "Do you like to inquire about other people's private affairs so much?" Kefir yelled "It hurts!" He covered his ears and jumped back to his chair. "How can it be regarded as a 'private matter'?" He said dissatisfiedly, "It has something to do with me too! I want to know... no, I must know!"

He propped his hands on his knees, with an attitude of "If you don't tell me, I will pester you for the rest of your life". Augusta pretended to cough twice, and said helplessly: "It's an old story, it's not worth mentioning. I was a classmate with Cavodian in college. Our university and another nearby college hold a friendship rowing every year. During the race, I happened to be on the same boat as Cavodine. The boat capsized accidentally during the race, and I couldn’t swim. After falling into the water, I was so frightened that my brain went blank and I even forgot the spell. Cavodine saved Me. At that time... well, like now, I was sick for a few days, and Cavodian took care of me until I was cured. This is what I dreamed about."

Kefir was even more entangled. He knew that Augusta was as famous as Cavodian, and he had heard that the two were good friends in college, but he never expected that their relationship was so close? Your Excellency Augusta even dreamed of Cavodian being kind to him? Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling more gloomy and heavy.

"So you guys are so close," he said dejectedly, "I thought it was just ordinary friends..."

Augusta's face suddenly changed. "Who is better than that bastard!"

"He not only saved you, but also took care of you when you were sick," Kefir swallowed back the words "you still can't forget this after so many years", "isn't that good?"

"That's all in the past!" Augusta snapped. Kefir didn't know which reverse scale of Augusta he touched, which made him furious. This kind of anger is not the kind of petty anger of "annoyed by the venomous tongue of the unicorn" or "furious because of Kefir's stupidity". The hatred in my heart. What's wrong, Mr. Augusta? Just now, they were fondly recalling the precious "friendship" between the two, but suddenly it became a sworn enemy

Kefir was dumbfounded, watching the magician throw away the pillow and retract into the quilt in panic.

"What the hell happened...?" he asked cautiously, "If you don't want to say it, I won't ask..."

"There is no reluctance!" Augusta gritted his teeth, "It would be a good thing for one more person to know that guy's despicableness and treachery!"

"Despicable and treacherous... You mean Lord Cavodian?"

"Yes, it's him! He used to be my best friend, but he betrayed me! We once broke up... Even though we are reconciled now, I still can't forgive him." Augusta clutched the corner of the quilt, as if holding It is regarded as Cavodian, and it must be crushed to death, "That guy... you also know that he has a bad personality. To put it bluntly, he is 'ambitious', and to put it bluntly, he is 'do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Can be used at will, with no regard for other people's feelings'. I didn't see his true face at first, thinking he was a decent and good person, I was really blind... "

He cursed a bunch of words that cursed Cavodian incoherently, and he found his logic when he finished cursing. "We have to start from the beginning... Cavodian and I are classmates. I come from the Hollich family, which can be regarded as a noble family, but his background is very ordinary. It is said that his parents still think that he studied economics in college until now." …We became friends after that rowing race. Cavodian was a talented young magician. Considering his background, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a once-in-a-century wizard. I admired him very much at the time, I even defended it when someone made fun of his parentage. Until my junior year in college…”

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, "A well-known event in the magic world happened that year—have you ever heard of the 'Magic Dao Challenge'?"

Kefir was taken aback. "I seem to have heard... It seems to be a contest between magicians?"

"That's right... that competition is held every eleven years. It is said that it used to be a trial set up by a certain archmage to test his disciples. Later, it gradually evolved into a competition that all magicians can participate in. You can imagine it as a competition among magicians. Olympic Games. All contestants will be air-dropped to an isolated island. There is a mountain in the center of the island, and a trophy is placed on the peak. The winner is the one who gets the trophy. That is to say, the winner of the game There may be one, and there is no such thing as a sporty thing like 'two people with equal strength and the same trophy'. The contestants not only have to compete with each other, but also have to fight against all kinds of weird magic traps on the island, so often all The army was wiped out, and no one won the trophy. When I competed, there have been no winners for three consecutive years. At that time, because I and Cavodian both participated in the competition, there were even rumors: the winner of this competition It must be one of the two of us. To be the final winner means to be recognized by the magic world to some extent, and even the lifelong dream of many magicians is to win in the 'Magic Dao Challenge'.

"Another special feature of the competition is that all contestants can only use magic in a certain field. If they use magic in another field, it will be regarded as a violation and must be disqualified. As for the specific field of magic, it is Before the competition, the organizing committee decided by lottery. At that time, the one drawn happened to be the "sixth magic way" - power. Unfortunately, both Kavodian and I were the least good at this field of magic. So we agreed to form an alliance , fight against other contestants and the traps on the island together, and wait until we reach the top, we will fight each other. In theory, this is the most feasible and efficient method. And I trust Cavodie 100% Well, I firmly believe that he can't stab me in the back. We passed all the way, and when we were about to reach the mountain where the trophy was placed, we were suddenly attacked.

"The magician who attacked was defeated by me, willing to admit defeat, and withdrew from the arena. Unfortunately, Cavodian was injured in the attack. Although he was not fatally injured, he could no longer move forward. Even if I took him to the top , to fend off others in the middle, and when it comes to the final battle, he will definitely not be my opponent. In this case, the only way is that he voluntarily abstains. Those who abstain will be taken away from the island by the staff responsible for monitoring the game be hospitalized.

"Carvodian was very sad. I know he always dreamed of winning the game. With his strength, maybe he could beat me. However, he failed and lost here. I feel very sorry for him. I know he wants to win the championship. Prove yourself through this competition, prove that he will not lose to any 'blue-blood nobles', even if he comes from an ordinary background, he can still become an archmage. I even thought... I am still young, so what if I lose this competition, eleven years later, I'm only in my thirties, at the peak of my strength, and I can compete again, and there's no one I can compete with at that time. So I made a decision... "

Augusta lowered her eyes, her body trembling in pain. These old events are like the sharp claws of the devil, tearing open the scars on his heart that have already healed, making it dripping with blood again... No, maybe these scars have never healed, and in the dark night that no one knows, there is still endless blood flowing. known blood.

"I used a spell that healed his wounds and allowed him to move on. However... you probably guessed it, that spell just happened to be outside the field, so I'm... disqualified. Cavodian healed Afterwards, I was taken away from the scene by the staff. Later, Kavodian defeated others one after another, climbed to the top, won the trophy, and became the first person to win in 33 years. Special thanks to him at the ceremony I said that he would never have won the championship without my generosity and friendship, so I should have half the trophy. Although I felt sorry for him at the time, I was also very happy for him, and he finally got what he wanted. My friend, I am also honored. But... "


"But I found out later," Augusta's voice fell. Just now, he still had a little feeling and honor of recalling the past, but now there is only coldness left, "He did that on purpose. Everything is in his plan."