My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 3


Quentina, who swallowed Augusta's food with resentment, felt that she had never been so humiliated in her life, that she would throw away her armor and armor in front of the joint roasted meat of a vampire and a werewolf. The most humiliating thing was that he thought the barbecue was delicious. When Quentina spread a few skewers on the grill and said with regret that this was the last batch, Augusta even had a dispute with the werewolf youth. . He used his precious magic power to cast a locking spell on Kefir, making him stand on the courtyard lawn for ten minutes before grabbing the last barbecue. He chewed the roast, leaving the howling Kefir and Quintina bossing him and telling him to clean the grill, and he went back to the house triumphantly, and then suddenly realized: what the hell is there to be proud of!

We must send that werewolf away! He retreated into the study, rubbed his hands, and thought about the plan. Werewolves are not easy to deal with. They are quick to move, and they will definitely not be able to fight head-on. It is better to tie him up and pack him while he is asleep. Yes, just do it!

He immediately happily searched for the magic that could make the werewolf youth sleep unconscious, even if the Pompeii volcano erupted under his ass, he would not be aware of the magic, and secretly copied a few magic words from the phone book that could be picked up at night. The courier company number of the package. He didn't want to wait a second longer, he must send Kefir away overnight!

After getting ready, he looked at the spell he had written down with satisfaction, and glanced at the clock on the wall—it was already midnight. Unlike most magicians who like to stay up late and start their daily life only when the sun is high, Augusta maintains a good work and rest habit. He should have gone to bed at this time. The werewolves didn't necessarily have the same habits as him, though. Considering the sleep time of ordinary people, Augusta decided to do it at two o'clock in the morning. Until then, he should rest and rest.

He tiptoedly closed the study door and sneaked back to his bedroom. In order not to alarm others, he didn't even turn on the light, and came to the bedside in the dark. While he was complacent, he lifted the quilt...


An object rolled down from the bed, knelt on the ground and screamed hoarsely: "Don't kill me, Your Excellency Augusta! Please spare me!"

Augusta took a closer look, "Are you... Kefir?" Under the light of the fire, he could clearly see the other person's face—it was the werewolf Kefir.

Augusta extinguished the magic fire and turned on the light with a "snap". The bedroom brightened up. The bedding on the bed was messy, and Kefir was kneeling on the ground with tears in his eyes, naked, without even a pair of underwear.

"What are you doing in my bed?!"

Kefir was still in shock: "I... I'll warm your bed!"

The magician felt as if a blood vessel had burst in his brain.

"Who told you to do that! I never gave that kind of order!"

The young werewolf proudly puffed up his chest: "You can't say that! If you have to instruct me to do everything, wouldn't I be a robot? As a loyal servant, I must think of what you think, and worry about you What's urgent is to get things done before you open your mouth, so that... "

"I don't want someone to warm my bed at all!" Augusta interrupted him angrily, "It's spring, not winter, why warm a bed! Even in winter, there is something called 'heating' you know ?!"

Kefir looked at Augusta with wet blue eyes like a dog who knew he had made a mistake. "But your house doesn't seem to have heating." He said pitifully, "Do you need me to warm your bed in winter?"

Augusta beat his chest lightly to prevent himself from fainting. Forget about warming your bed! he warned himself. This guy will spin around a problem and bring your IQ to his level! Then you are doomed! "I said that there is no need to warm the bed!" He stared at Kefir firmly, and said without doubt, "Also, why are you not wearing clothes?!"

"Because it's faster to transfer heat without wearing clothes!" Kefir was elated, as if he had finally accomplished something worthy of commendation.

"Get out! Get out! Don't enter my bedroom without my permission!" Augusta pointed at the door of the bedroom and ordered Kefir to leave. The werewolf youth stood up, without any intention of hiding his important parts, and left just like that. Augusta slammed the door behind him, making an earth-shattering "bang" sound, expressing her dissatisfaction. He returned to the bed, and glanced at the crumpled sheets and bedding that Kefir had slept on with disgust. Fortunately, he didn't have a cleansing habit, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to sleep.

He changed into his pajamas, snapped his fingers to turn off the light, climbed into bed, and thought angrily, he must send the werewolf away! Where did it come from and send it back! In addition, he had to "thank" Cavodian for giving him this great gift, making him regret making such a "wise" decision.

Augusta was gnashing her teeth with hatred on the bed, when suddenly, the bedroom door opened with a "squeak". The magician sat up keenly, turned on the bedside lamp, and stared at the crack of the door vigilantly, ready to blast the entire door and the people behind it to the Galilee Islands at any time.

A furry head sneaked in through the crack of the door.

"Your Excellency Augusta," Kefir said angrily, "may I come in?"

"No." Augusta refused coldly.

The door opened wider. The werewolf youth put on his pajamas (it looked tight on him, and the sleeves and trouser legs were shortened because it was originally from Augusta), holding a soft feather pillow in his arms, lying on the ground ghostly.

"What do you want to do? I told you not to come in!" Augusta became nervous.

"Can I, can I sleep with you?"

Augusta grabbed the quilt tightly, covered her chest, and said in horror: "No! What are you thinking in your mind!"

"Don't get me wrong!" Kefir shouted, "I mean, you sleep on the bed, and I make a bed next to you..."

"That's not OK!"

"I dare not sleep alone, I'm afraid..."

"My God, how old are you?! Do you want your mother to sing a lullaby before you fall asleep?!"

Kefir flattened his mouth aggrievedly, "I don't have a mother, she's dead."

Augusta choked.

The werewolf youth continued: "When I was young, my brother slept with me. When I grew up, I lived in a dormitory, but I was still very scared by myself. My brother said that this is not good. He wanted to exercise me, so he sent me to Kavodi Mrs. En worked there, and Mrs. Cavodian sent me to you again..." He said, looking at Augusta expectantly, "You... you won't dislike me, right? I am I'm afraid of the dark, I'm not afraid of anything else, I'll work hard, please don't send me back." He choked up a sob, looking extremely pitiful.

Augusta's heart moved, and he couldn't help but feel pity for him. Speaking of which, this guy is quite miserable. If he is really returned to Cavodian, with the latter's bad personality, I don't know how to bully him. Augusta is as famous as Cavodian in people's mouth, but he is often choked speechless by Cavodian. Even leaving Kefir to fend for itself in a wilderness full of predators would be better than sending it back to Cavodian.

The magician remembered the pile of spells he had prepared. Casting spells is troublesome. said a lazy voice in his mind. Sending express is also very troublesome, I really don't want to spend so much express fee! If the consignee is asked to pay the shipping fee, and Cavodian refuses to pay, the courier will return it, and he will have to bear the shipping fee at that time, which is simply not worth the candle! Besides... besides, there is nothing wrong with having multiple people in the family. This werewolf can help him with laundry, cooking, housework, and housekeeping. His quality of life will be improved like a rocket, and he will be able to spare time for research. In the future, Liliana and Quentina probably won’t need to visit frequently to take care of his daily life (they always laugh at him for having zero life skills because of this)—thinking about it, there are many benefits!

Augusta covered her mouth, coughed twice, cleared her throat, and said quickly, "I won't send you back."

"Really!" Kefir's eyes lit up.

The magician sat cross-legged on the bed, pursed his lips, and signaled to the bedside, "Sleep on the floor."

The werewolf youth cheered with an "Aww", and put the pillow on the location designated by Augusta, as if making a sign of "Keep away from strangers" there, and brought a quilt from the next room, spread it on the floor, Get into the bed at lightning speed.

Augusta shuddered. He is used to sleeping alone, and suddenly there are more people in the room, he is not used to it.

"I won't disturb you, Your Excellency!" Kefir vowed.

Augusta sighed, forget it, let it be.

"Good night, sir."

"Good night."

Augusta turned off the lights. The bedroom was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything until his eyes adapted to the darkness, but he could feel the torching gaze of the werewolf youth on him, which made his skin crawl.

"Your Excellency Augusta," Kefir said angrily, "you are so kind to me."

The magician turned over and suddenly felt a little fever on his face.

"Shut up and go to sleep!" he shouted.

The next day, Augusta woke up on time under the call of the biological clock as usual. He sat on the bed, staring sleepily at the floor beside the bed. It was empty, there were no bedding, and there were no werewolves.

Yesterday... There was indeed a werewolf delivered to my house, right? He covered his head, thinking in a daze. It's not a dream, it's true. But where is he now

He sniffed the air and was surprised by the smell of fried eggs. All of a sudden, two thoughts of "something bad" and "there are such good things in this world" appeared in his mind at the same time. He didn't care about changing clothes, and rushed to the kitchen in his pajamas, and as expected, he saw Kefir working on the stove in his apron.

"Ah, Your Excellency Augusta, are you awake?" Kefir's energetic voice was mixed with the "sizzling" sound of fried eggs, "You got up really early, I heard Lord Cavodian say that most mages It’s almost noon before I’m willing to get up.”

Augusta stared at him blankly. "You... what are you doing?"

"Make breakfast!"

"You can cook?!"

"What do you think of me... I can still make a mere fried egg." Kefir said, tearing a piece of paper from the cabinet, "Don't worry about anything else, Miss Quintina left me the recipe, According to her," he imitated the high-pitched voice of the female vampire, "'just follow my recipe, and anyone can cook delicious food, unless you are an idiot or Mr. Augusta'."

... that damned female vampire!

"By the way, sir, I decided to move to the guest room next to yours," Kefir said again, "You have no objection?"

It was difficult for Augusta to keep up with the leaping thinking of the werewolf youth. "Ah? Okay, but why? Didn't you say you dare not sleep alone?"

Kefir looked embarrassed, "Because...Your Excellency, you grind your teeth at night, it's really noisy..."

"Get out! Get out now!" Augusta was furious.

"Woo, sir, I was wrong, I will move back to your bedroom, please don't drive me away!"

"Don't move back!"