My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 31


"No! If I really come across something very attractive, I will take you to see it together! Since it is such a wonderful and interesting thing, I am willing to share it with you. I believe you will like it too. I will take you to that vast world together... No, I will bring you that vast world instead of leaving you alone to pursue those things!"

"But there are some things that cannot be shared! It's like the trophy of the Magic Dao Challenge and the quota of the disciple of the Archmage. There is only one person who can get it!"

"If I can't share something with you, then it must not be a good thing! It's worth noting that kind of thing! There are thousands of beautiful things in the world, why leave them alone and insist on pursuing that one? "

"Because those things are very important to me! There are thousands of people in the world, who knows if you will think they are more important one day and give up on me?"

"That's impossible, because I like you! If you give up your words, what's the point of pursuing those things?"

Augusta interrupted him: "Enough! I've heard enough! None of this makes sense! I shouldn't have told you this at all! Get out!"

Kefir bit his lip and stared at Augusta. The magician repeated: "Get out! What are you still doing here!"

Kefir let go of his hand. Augusta is finally free. He immediately retreated to the middle of the bed and pulled up the quilt to cover himself. However, Kefir did not leave obediently. He grabbed Augusta's shoulder and kissed the magician's lips involuntarily.

Augusta froze. He instinctively pushed, but Kefir didn't move, instead hugging him tightly. At some point, he had already left the chair, and his whole body was on Augusta. I don't know if it was because of his weakness and weakness, but Augusta didn't use magic to bounce him away. Kefir forcefully pried open his jaw, and stuck his tongue in, licking his roof. The numbness rushed up the spine along the top of the head, making Augusta shudder.

He didn't know what to do. In the past, he would definitely beat Kefir away and give him a hard lesson so that he would not dare to be so presumptuous again, but now he doesn't want to do this. He doesn't want to do anything but let this moment go on forever, without thinking about anything, without worrying about anything. This kiss was tough and gentle, and the feeling of entwining lips and tongue was very strange, but it made him tremble with joy. At some point, he gave up his resistance and let Kefir kiss him deeply.

Kefir let him go when he was almost out of breath. Augusta covered her red and swollen lips, her shoulders trembled slightly, she didn't know whether she felt cold or angry.

"You... presumptuous!" His vocal cords twitched, and he could hardly complete a sentence, "Get out! I don't want to see you again!"

"I won't go! Even if you drive me away, I won't go!"

"You... you... you turn around!"

Kefir was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

"Turn around if you are told!"

Kefir turned around inexplicably, lying on the bed with his back to Augusta. Augusta hugged him from behind, wrapped her arms around his chest, and pressed her forehead against his back, hugging him tightly like a koala hugging a eucalyptus tree.

Kefir's heart was beating violently. Can Lord Augusta feel that his heart is beating faster? After a while, there was a faint sound like a mosquito screeching from behind.

"Don't go, Kefir..."

That voice was crying. Kefir felt that the clothes on his back were wet a lot.

"Don't leave me...don't leave me alone..."

He couldn't say a word. There seemed to be something choked in his throat, which made him not only unable to speak, but even unable to breathe. He could only hold Augusta's hand wrapped around his chest, comforting softly: "Well, I won't go."

Your Excellency Augusta has been deceived and betrayed, and has such a sad past. But now everything is different. Lord Augusta has him. Kefir seemed to understand the purpose of Lord Cavodian sending him to Augusta's house. Is he guilty, or is it for redemption? No, none of that matters. What matters is that he's here, next to Augusta National. He will do everything in his power to take care of him, protect him, and make every day of his life comfortable, fulfilling, and happy.

The sobbing behind her gradually stopped, Augusta's breathing became steady and regular, and she must have fallen asleep. Kefir happily enjoyed the feeling of being hugged by Augusta for a while, then carefully pulled the magician's arm away, pulled a pillow and stuffed it into his arms. Augusta didn't wake up, hugged the pillow and turned over, muttered a few dreams that no one could understand, and fell into a deep sleep.

Kefir tucked in the quilt for him, and smoothed the mage's messy brown hair. Augusta's eyes were stained with tears, but her brows were no longer furrowed. Kefir hoped that he had let go of the burden in his heart, that he would not have to worry even in his sleep.

He bent down and kissed the corners of Augusta's eyes: "Good night, Your Excellency." Then he picked up the tableware on the bedside table and quietly exited the room.

The next day, Kefir went to wake Augusta up with a cup of hot black tea. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that the bed was empty, and Augusta was sitting in front of the window in thin pajamas, looking into the distance ecstatically. Cold air was blowing into the bedroom through the wide open windows.

Kefir screamed, quickly put down his teacup, ran over to close the window, and blamed him, "How can you sit in front of the window in just your pajamas? It's so cold, and you're still sick!"

Augusta curled her lips and turned her head: "I'm ready."

Kefir put his palm on Augusta's forehead suspiciously. The magician shrank back subconsciously, and finally accepted it honestly. Kefir let out an "hmm". Sure enough, Augusta's forehead was no longer hot, and the heat miraculously receded. Aside from his still haggard complexion and his ill-groomed appearance, Augusta looked completely back to normal.

But Kefir was still worried. "Maybe it's just a temporary fever. You'd better go back to bed and lie down."

"...I already said it's fine."

Kefir took out the momentum he had learned from Quentina, and said in a strong tone: "No! What if you fall ill again? At least one more day of rest to ensure that the illness will not recur before getting up and moving !"

Augusta tugged on his pajamas, turned his head in the opposite direction to Kefir as if he was sulking, and said something vaguely. Kefir pricked up his ears: "What did you say?"

"I said, I've been thinking about it since I opened my eyes today..." He lowered his head, his voice became softer as he spoke, and Kefir had to concentrate fully to distinguish his pronunciation, "Should we... Shall we try to date? "

The fur on Kefir's tail is blown up. He couldn't believe his ears! Did His Excellency Augusta say something explosive just now? Is he dreaming

"I seem to have misheard..."

"You heard me right."

"Are you talking about the 'communication' I understand?" Kefir's expression was like a dream.

Augusta's head dropped even lower. Kefir saw the blush spread from his cheeks to the base of his ears.

"It's fine if you don't want to." He muttered quickly.

"Why don't you want to! I would! I'm so willing!" Kefir hugged Augusta, shook the magician's body vigorously, and almost spun three times on the spot holding the magician with his feet off the ground .

"I must be dreaming! Woohoo... How could I dream of such a beautiful thing... You slap me and tell me I'm not dreaming!"

Augusta nodded, instead of slapping him, he grabbed the wagging tail behind Kefir and pulled it hard...

"Oh!" Kefir burst into tears with pain, "Don't pull it! It hurts! I know it's real! It's not a dream! Please stop pulling!"

"Hmph." Augusta returned to the bed with a displeased expression on her face, and got under the quilt.

Kefir rubbed his butt, his tail drooped weakly, thinking that it is reasonable for humans to lose their tails in the process of evolution, the tail is a huge weakness!

"Well... should I, should I do something? I mean, since we... shouldn't there be some changes?" He asked sheepishly.

Augusta squinted her eyes: "It's fine as usual."

"Oh... Then I'll bring you breakfast later."

After speaking, Kefir happily leaned forward and kissed Augusta on the cheek. Although the magician was full of displeasure, he did not refuse. Kefir ran downstairs dancing and dancing. People who didn't know might think he was performing a musical.

Lord Augusta accepted him... Lord Augusta accepted him... He never dreamed that this day would come true! Today's air seems to be very fresh, the weather is also very bright, today's unicorn looks very cute, even today's doorbell sounds very pleasant...

"Doorbell!" Kefir knocked on his head. He was so happy that he almost ignored the doorbell. He hurried to the entrance and opened the door. Outside the door stood a skeleton wearing a black cloak and carrying a bucket. There were several suitcases piled up at the feet of the skeleton. Kefir recognized them at a glance. previously lost in the forest. They even forgot to go back and get it!

"Uh... Are you... Mr. Landlord?" Kefir hesitated. The skeletons looked alike to him, and God knows if this skeleton was Mr. Leopold, the landlord of the holiday cottage.

"Do you have prosopagnosia?" Skeleton said.

"It's Mr. Leopold... what's your business all the way here?"

"I found out that you left your luggage in the forest." The skeleton said, "After you left, I calmed down and thought about it carefully, and found that there was something wrong with me. After all, you are renters who paid for it. I should have gotten a lawyer to deal with the drawbridge. I can't just throw you out. Besides, Mr. Augusta was sick. I found out later that the drawbridge had been repaired—by magic, I guess—yours The luggage was left by the bridge. So I brought the luggage over to you."

This is really an unexpected result! Kefir originally thought that they would never meet the skeleton landlord again, but he didn't expect such an adventure.

"Thank you very much! Come in quickly, you must be tired from running all the way..." Kefir didn't know if the skeleton would be tired, but it was definitely right to be polite.

"No, no, Mr. Augusta isn't in good health, is he? I'm sorry to disturb him. Please accept this small gift. Mr. Augusta doesn't hate this, right?" The skeleton handed the bucket to Kaifei you. The barrels are full of live fish. Kefir remembered that there was a pond near the holiday cottage. They had originally planned to go fishing, but unfortunately, His Excellency Augusta fell ill and the plan could not be completed.

"I think he likes fish very much," Kefir said. "How did you find this place? We didn't say the address..."

"I knew that Holwich's family was in the town of Ladier in Holly County, so I went to the town and asked the local residents. As soon as I said Archmage Augusta, they knew who it was."

Kefir imagined that Mr. Skeleton grabbed a passerby on the street and asked him, "Do you know where the Archmage Augusta Holwich lives?" The passerby was trembling with fright and had to tell the truth. "Did you just go to town so casually..."

"There happened to be an event in town called 'Zombie Parade' or something, and a lot of people were dressed up in weird ways, and I didn't really stand out. And people complimented me on how good my makeup was and how well I looked! Even though I couldn't hear it I understand what they mean, but this should be a compliment, right?"

"Uh, how should I put it... it should be... I don't understand either." Kefir briefly mentioned it without comment. The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and the skeleton landlord said goodbye, saying that he was going to the town to see the so-called "zombie parade" event. Kefir waved him off and moved the luggage into the house. Just as the door was about to close, the unicorn suddenly appeared at the door treacherously.

"What good things did that skeleton give you?" Its eyes sparkled with excitement, "I have a share, too?"

"A bucket of live fish. Do you want to eat it? Hey, don't you eat grass?"

"Huh! Poor skeleton! A few broken fish, did he think it was a beggar? Could it be that we can't afford fish? I don't know how to give away some good ones!"

"You have the guts to say it! If you hadn't stepped on the suspension bridge, we should still be living in a holiday cottage. Not only can we eat and eat, but we can go fishing by ourselves! Also, you forgot to bring your luggage back. How dare you let them lie in the forest for so long!"

"How do I get my luggage? I don't have fucking hands, you idiot!"