My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 33


The corner of Augusta's mouth twitched, "That guy did such a thing, it's not surprising at all..."

The giant dragon youth nodded: "Really? Can you understand my difficulty?"

"I can't help you with this matter, please go back." Augusta cast a cold glance at him.

"Why? Aren't you an archmage with the same reputation as him?"

"I don't want to get involved with Cavodian's shit, no, it should be said that I get a headache when I hear his name."

The dragon youth exhaled from his nose, as if he was going to spray a fireball directly. "I see. You're afraid of him."

"The aggressive method is useless."

"I heard that you lost to him twice. It seems that even if you both have the title of 'Great Mage', the strength of the two of you is different."

"Kefir, see off the guests."

The werewolf squatting on the ground and counting gold coins raised his head in horror: "You want to drive him away? But he has so many..."

The young dragon waved his hand leisurely: "Go, servant of the werewolf, move my luggage to the best and most comfortable room in this house—although the whole house is small and broken, there is always a 'relatively speaking' that is better." room."

"What qualifications do you have to order me!" Kefir shouted.

"I'm a distinguished guest who came to your house. If the distinguished guest asks you to move your luggage, do you want to make a fuss?"

Augusta turned his head and ordered: "Kefir, throw his luggage out!"

The giant dragon youth stroked his chin: "Oh, it seems that I have hit the mark. Look at how angry you are."

Why is this dragon's tone so beating? Did Cavodian break into his house just to beat him up

"Where did you come from and go back to where!"

The dragon youth leaned comfortably on Augusta's sofa, curled his black hair with one hand, and looked at the ceiling thoughtfully.

"… don't want."

"Are you sick!"


"Looking at you, I seem to see Cavodian's deadpan face! What's the difference between you and him?"

"That's different, I'm a victim."

"I'm the victim!" Augusta was furious.

"If you reject me, aren't you afraid that I will burn your small house with fire?" the dragon youth sneered.

"That's a crime!"

The giant dragon youth was stunned: "That's right."

This guy has an IQ problem! How could Cavodian bully such a magical creature with low intelligence! Then again, why would he break into a dragon's lair? Could it be that you are finally getting impatient and want to pursue a "dragon slaying brave" death method

"Why did he break into your lair?" Augusta asked, "to plot your treasure? Cavodian doesn't seem like that kind of person."

Julong youth pondered: "I think... it's because he has a mental illness."

"Well, I think so too, but there must be a specific reason?"

"He said he would marry me."

An awkward silence.

"Well, he's really out of his mind." Augusta summed it up succinctly.

"Really? You think so too, right?" The dragon youth finally found an ally and said eagerly, "We don't have much contact with each other, how can we get married!"

"He's too strong!" As soon as he told others about this "friend" Cavodian, Augusta was particularly interested.

"We haven't known each other for ten years, but he wants to get married, which is too impatient!"

"Wait, wait a minute, ten years...?"

"During the period, we only traveled fifteen or six times together, and we still went to fight vampires who defected, catch wild monsters that scratched people, etc..."

"This number seems a bit..."

"Then I fell asleep twenty or thirty times on a whim, but it's definitely not a big deal to you humans, after all, humans can be in heat all year round."

"The amount of information seems a bit overwhelming, I can't react..."

"And there is an age problem between us! I am a dragon who has lived for hundreds of years, and he is a human who has only lived for a few decades—"

"Finally got to the point!"

"—But my appearance as a human being is about your twenties, but he looks older than me, how can this work! It's just messed up!"

"...that's totally missing the point!"

"You judge, how can we get married?"

Augusta stared silently at her toes with a look of hell, as if there was an open-air cinema on her slippers, and the three series of "Lord of the Rings" series were playing. How does this make him judge? How can it be justified? Cavodian seems to have never been separated from the men and women around him since he was a student, but a dragon? ! On the one hand, he felt that being alone was more suitable for that bastard, and on the other hand, he felt that it was a miracle in the history of evolution that there was a creature with such a strange brain circuit in the world that it could be called a natural pair with Cavodian. Forget it together!

"Why don't you talk!" Julong youth slapped his thigh hard.

"I'm... brewing..."

"No brewing!"

"Uh... well, first of all, what should you call me?"

The dragon youth raised his head: "You don't need to know my name, if you must address me, just call me 'Honorable Master Dragon'."

"Coincidentally, my unicorn told me the same thing, so I just called him 'Unicorn'. Well then, Dragon, I'm really…"

"...Call me Prison Flame."

Augusta held his forehead weakly: "Hell inflammation. I really don't know what to say, because at this age, it's the first time I've seen someone tell me about their troubles in love..."

Guiyan opened his eyes wide: "What do you call this?"

"The troubles of being in love," Augusta repeated.

"I see why you're on par—you're just as crazy as he is."

"Why are you scolding me! You are just like a character in a TV show!" My dear, he proposed to me, but I didn't say yes. I think it's all too sudden. Everything! My God, should I promise him?'—how could I know such a thing!"

Guiyan stared at Augusta. "Why do you suddenly imitate another person's speech, and then ask yourself?"

Augusta sighed in despair. Humans and dragons think so differently that they could never have a smooth conversation. Cavodian has been dating Guiyan for ten years? He had to admit that there was something extraordinary about that bastard! No, maybe it is because he is a jerk that he can communicate with dragons with that kind of alien-like thinking!

"If you don't have the slightest liking for him, why are you sleeping with him?"

Guiyan curled his hair in confusion, which seemed to be his habitual action. "Yeah, why? I can't remember what I was thinking at the time, it's so strange! Did I fall under his spell?"

"It's fine once or twice, you've been in bed twenty or thirty times, it's impossible to fall under his spell every time, right?!"

"But I really don't remember... why on earth did I sleep with him? It just seemed to come naturally... this is so weird! Must be witchcraft!"

Cavodian felt that there was a swarm of bees hiding in his cranial cavity, which made him want to scratch his own head. "This kind of thing... Prison Flame, I really can't control it. I suggest you find a gypsy witch who specializes in divination of love fortune. She might be more useful than me."

"I don't need a gypsy witch, I just want you to drive him away!"

"I said I can't do this kind of thing!"

Prison Yan's face darkened: "I understand, you human beings care about everything, and you will never do things that are not good for you. Tell me, what do you want? Wealth? I can give you a lot of money, so much that your house can't be piled up , are you willing to help me?"

"...Thank you, I am quite satisfied with my current financial situation."

"Really? You—a poor mage living in such a shabby house—don't want money?" Guiyan scratched his chin, "Then what about power? Besides gold, silver and jewelry, I have also collected a lot of magic items. All of them have amazing powers, and you can choose whatever you want."

"This is more attractive than wealth. But if I need a magic item, I will make it myself."

Guiyan propped his hands on his knees, arched his back, grinned his mouth, revealing his sharp teeth, his golden eyes narrowed, his fusiform pupils narrowed into a line, hissing like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter from his throat Voice.

"Do you want to know Cavodian's weakness?"

Augusta stood up with a "hula": "Deal! Kefir, send this distinguished guest to the guest room!"

While they were talking, Kefir, who was left alone, started building castles with gold coins out of boredom. Hearing what the archmage said, he quickly overturned the piled castle, pretending that he hadn't played with the gold coins of the distinguished guest just now.

"Guest room! I got it!" He hurriedly stuffed the gold coins into the damaged box. The box could no longer be carried, so Kefir had to hold it with both hands, "Please go this way, Lord Dragon!"

Guiyan looked at Kefir in surprise, and then nodded in satisfaction. "Magician, your werewolf servant is quite good."

"I'm not a 'servant'!" Kefir protested.

"Then what are you? Oh, I see, your mage master set you free, right? Well, free werewolf servant."

Kefir rolled his eyes at Tian and stopped arguing with him.

He led the prisoner to the largest and most luxurious guest room in the house (according to Augusta, it was usually reserved for Liliana), and the prisoner scoffed at the so-called "luxury" decoration of the room. "The shabby small room is not as good as my toilet. Forget it, you can only make do with it when you are away from home." He directed Kefir, "Put all the gold coins on the bed!"

"What? Are you sure? You have so many gold coins, it can cover a whole bed!"

"Nonsense, why do you think I bring so many gold coins?"

Kefir was very embarrassed, "But where are you going to sleep?"

"On the gold coins!"

"Don't you think it's too hard?"

"Don't you think the bed is too soft?"

"The bed in our house is ergonomic, not too hard and not too soft!" Kefir tried to justify the luxurious four-poster bed.

"My gold coins too!" He said angrily.

"There are no gold coins like that!"