My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 37


"You laugh so disgustingly." Augusta said with disgust.

"That's right, it's disgusting!" Gui Yan quickly echoed.

"I just like to disgust people." Cavodian said cheekily.

Guiyan pointed at Cavodian and complained to Augusta: "Look! How can there be such a person in the world! Can you tolerate such a person living in your home? No! Get him away quickly, use Blow him up with your magic or something!"

"...are you sure you want to do that? Your beautiful house may suffer as well."

Ji Yan suddenly realized: "That's right! What you said makes sense!"

Augusta sighed. The black dragon's IQ is such a problem, it's no wonder that Cavodian can enter the room.

"Let's sit down and talk," Cavodian sat down on the golden sofa, "You all know that I have bad legs and can't stand for too long."

"Don't believe him." Guiyan said to Augusta, "When fighting vampires, he ran faster than anyone else!" He sat angrily opposite Cavodian, who was staring Take a seat at Augusta.

"Seeing that you usually look like a paraplegic, you actually go after vampires?" Augusta sarcastically.

"The 'run' to escape." Guiyan added.

"Hehe, I should have thought of it... Damn, this sofa is so hard!" Augusta jumped up as soon as she sat down.

Cavodian pulled out a cushion from under his buttocks and threw it to Augusta: "That's an ancestor-level vampire master. If you're not fully prepared, you shouldn't fight recklessly. Is it wrong to choose a tactical retreat?"

Guiyan approached Augusta and whispered in Augusta's ear: "He knows how to find a way out for himself. If he can't beat him, he can't beat him."

"... I heard." Cavodian smiled politely.

Caught between these two tit-for-tat guys, Augusta felt an unprecedented embarrassment. He is not a family mediator, why would he get involved in this kind of thing? "Uh, let's get back to the topic. Cavodian, Guiyan is very annoyed at the fact that you have come to his house without invitation. Can you obey one of the masters and move out as soon as possible?"

Cavodian raised his eyebrows, raised his cane with his right hand, and then hit the ground heavily. "My friend, what you said is so strange. What do you mean I 'come uninvited'? We live together, and since this is the case, this is my home. Do I need other people's consent to go back to my own home?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Guiyan yelled, "There is no such thing! When did we live together?"

"I want to say the same! Augusta, you can't just listen to Guiyan's one-sided words, otherwise you will be misled."

Augusta struggled to support his forehead: "Don't argue... Cavodian, do you have evidence?"

"Nonsense. There is a fingerprint lock on the door of this apartment. Originally, only the fingerprint of Yuyan can open it. But I asked Yuyan," he stared at Heilong, "can I also enter my fingerprint, so that When I come to his house in the future, he doesn't have to go through most of the house to open the door for me. He agrees. This is equivalent to giving me the key of his own house and allowing me to come and go freely. So there is nothing at all' trespassing' issue."

Guiyan stared at the blond archmage in horror: "No! I... I... It's different from what you said! I didn't mean that at all! I'm just lazy to open the door for you every day. Free access'!"

"Also, I once asked you, your house is so big, can you spare a room for me to live in, otherwise when I come to see you, your house has a vacant room but you still want me to live in a hotel, that would be too strange Yes. You said yes, so I brought some personal items over here. I figured, this is what it means to accept me as a 'cohabitant.' Isn't that the case, Augusta?"

Augusta: "Hmmm..."

Guiyan gasped: "No, no, no! I didn't mean that! I just saw that you were poor and pitiful, and probably couldn't afford to live in any luxury hotel, so I gave you a random room! If you need anything, I will live there Excuse me, go back to your own home if you have nothing to do, that’s all, how come we have become cohabitants in your mouth?” He grabbed Augusta’s elbow and asked for help, “I know that in your human culture, There is a special meaning for two people to 'cohabitate', but I really don't mean that!"

Cavodian sneered: "Oh, really, so you just kindly helped the poor and transformed your home into a relief center?"

"That's right, that's pretty much what it means!" Gui Yan nodded.

"Then what do you mean by touching my bed in the middle of the night?"

Guiyan showed an expression of being bombarded by five thunders. "That's to help you meet your physical needs! I'm the host. Isn't it natural for the host to meet the needs of the guests? I'll give you food when you're hungry, and drink when you're thirsty. When it’s cold, I’ll adjust the temperature of the air conditioner for you. If you’re bored, I’ll take you out to play. If you have sexual needs, I’ll help you out…” His voice gradually trailed off, because Augusta was staring at you with terrifying eyes. with him. "He said it first! I asked him if there was anything he needed, and he said he wanted me, so I... Difficult, did I do it wrong? I just want to do my best, is there something wrong?"

Prison inflammation... Should I say that you are too thoughtful, or should I say that you have a problem with your brain... Augusta shook her head.

Unable to get any response from his allies, Guiyan stammered: "Miss, misunderstanding! We both misunderstood each other! Okay... okay! Let it be my fault! But you forced me to get married! What's going on? As far as I know, in human culture, even if you live together, you don't necessarily get married!"

"Forcing you? When did I force you? Didn't you propose to me first?"

"Absolutely not!" Guiyan grabbed Augusta's shoulder and shook violently, "Believe me, magician, I have never proposed to him! You must not trust him!" Augusta was shaken by him Almost had to bite off his tongue.

"Oh? Then how do you explain this?" Cavodian raised his left hand. On the ring finger of his left hand, he wore a diamond ring impressively, "You gave it to me, don't you forget?"

Guiyan's eyes straightened: "I haven't forgotten..."

"You put it on for me yourself. Is this my 'misunderstanding' too?"

Guiyan frantically scratched his hair: "No! It's not what you imagined! Augusta, tell me he thinks too much!"

Don't kick the ball to my side! Augusta coughed lightly: "Cough, Guiyan, give the other party a ring, and put it on the ring finger, which means a marriage proposal..."

"There must be something wrong! I simply showed him my treasure house to open his eyes, and then told him to pick whatever treasure he wanted, and I could afford anything. He picked one A diamond ring—well, I admit he has a good eye, and I like that ring. But I just gave it to him as a show of generosity! Not a proposal!"

Cavodian gave a long "Oh—" and said, "Then why did you put the ring on my ring finger?"

"Because your other fingers are not suitable!"

"Then why is it left-handed?"

"Because you were on crutches with your right hand at the time, it was inconvenient!"

Cavodian thoughtfully turned the diamond ring on his ring finger, his eyes were deep and unpredictable. After a while, he raised his head, with a bright smile on his face: "Really, I misunderstood. I didn't expect to cause you so much trouble. I'm sorry, Guiyan, it's all my fault."

Seeing his smile, Augusta shuddered. Cavodian is not the scariest when he is expressionless and stern. On the contrary, he is the scariest when he is smiling. God knows what he is thinking under that smile. The most frightening thing is that he is basically smiling all day long...

Prison Flame probably had already experienced the horror of Cavodian's smile, and hurriedly shook his hands: "Why is it your fault? It's all the fault of the cultural gap between humans and dragons..."

Cavodian took off the diamond ring and gently placed it on the coffee table: "Now that the misunderstanding has been clarified, I will return this to you."

Guiyan stretched out his hand towards the diamond ring, but quickly retracted it. "There's no reason to take back the gift you gave. Take it."

Cavodian curled his lips, stopped looking at Guiyan, and turned to a clump of golden flowers in the corner of the room: "I thought it had a special meaning to me, but I didn't expect it to be all my wishful thinking... It's meaningless to keep it. Take it back .” He stood up suddenly, leaning on a cane and walking towards the flowerpot.

"I..." Guiyan was completely stunned, and arched Augusta helplessly with his shoulders, "Hey, magician, in your human culture, can the ring used for marriage proposal be returned?"

"Uh... I think it's okay? Let's treat it as if you broke up. Anyway, you are not officially married, and you can regret your marriage at any time. Besides, even if you are married, you can still divorce."

"What happens if you regret the marriage?" Guiyan was very nervous.

"It's not going to be a big deal. Everyone goes back to their homes, and they live their lives as they used to."

"Will he hunt me down because I regret my marriage? You humans seem to like to hunt down those who don't keep their promises..."

"That's what time it is... Cavodian won't hunt you down, it should be... no."

"In other words, our life will return to the way it was before - when I didn't 'propose' to him? Other than that, no change?"

"Well... there is a saying among us humans called 'even if we break up, we can continue to be friends', so theoretically it is possible."

Guiyan wept bitterly: "I know, when you humans say 'theoretically it is feasible', it means 'stop dreaming'."

"You wanted to drive Cavodian away, and now he's gone, shouldn't you be happy?"

"I just want him out of my house, not...not..."

Guiyan stared blankly at Cavodian, who watched the golden flowers in the pot for a while, then turned around and said, "I have no reason to stay, I just asked Nightmare to come in and help pack things, and I won't bother you any more in the future." is you."

"What do you mean!" Gui Yan jumped up, "You won't come again in the future?"

Cavodian looked at the ceiling melancholy: "I live here because I like you, but now I understand that my so-called 'like' is all my misunderstanding. Then why should I stay?"

"Aren't we friends?"

"...we can't be friends anymore."

"Why? Do you hate me?" Guiyan asked persistently.

"I don't hate you, it's you who hate me. You hate me to the point where you want to find Augusta to drive me away. Wouldn't it be unwise for me to stay in this way?"

He turned to leave. Guiyan caught up with him and grabbed his wrist: "I just want you to leave my lair, not to break up with you!"

"To me there is no difference between the two."

"I don't understand! Can't we go back to the way we used to be? Just being friends, not living together, getting married, etc... Why do we have to choose between 'unrelated' and 'lover'?"

Cavodian didn't shake off Guiyan's hand, but just looked at him sympathetically: "This is the crux of the problem! I never regarded you as a friend from the beginning! I gave you love, but in your eyes It's just friendship... maybe not even friendship. Now you want to enjoy my love and not want to admit that it is love. Sorry, I can't. I thought I was special to you ...I was wrong. I'm not noble enough to give my life for a love that will never be reciprocated. Maybe you dragons can do it, but I can't. Compared with you, human life span is too short , can’t afford it.”

"What should I do when you're gone?"

"You have lived for hundreds of years before you met me, so what if you don't have me? What's more, for you, decades are like a gust of wind. If you blink, there will be no more Kavodian in the world." This person."

Guiyan looked like he was frightened. He seemed to realize only now that there was a bottomless gap of "lifespan" between himself and Cavodian.

"Your lifespan is so short, how could I let you go? I can get angry with other dragons and not see each other for a hundred years, but I can't with you! Humans die too easily!"

Cavodian stared into the golden eyes of Hellfire: "Do you want me to stay?"

Guiyan looked around hesitantly. Cavodian sneered, turned around and left, Guiyan hugged him from behind: "No, no, no! Don't go! Stay! If you have to choose between 'breaking up' and 'marrying', I'll get married in ten days '!"

Cavodian turned around and tilted his head: "Are you sure? You won't regret it?"

Guiyan murmured in a low voice: "Even if one day I regret it... Anyway, your human lifespan is so short, bear with it and it will pass..."

Cavodian raised the corner of his mouth and let go of his cane. Without support, his body was crumbling.

"Hold me tight," he said.

Gui Yan hugged him obediently, put his hands under his armpit, and supported his body. Cavodian leaned on the black dragon's shoulder, took a deep breath, as if sniffing him, then raised his head and cast a triumphant glance at Augusta in the distance.

Augusta cursed secretly in his heart, "Damn it": What a trick to play hard to get! clever!

Cavodian and Hellfire hadn't been warm for long when the doorbell rang suddenly. Guiyan wanted to open the door, but Cavodian silently put his body weight on him, as if he was not good at walking, and without Guiyan, he couldn't even stand upright. Guiyan snorted a few times and said, "Magician Augusta, open the door!"

"I'm a guest! You want me to open the door!" Augusta cursed as she left the sofa and walked towards the door.

The bell that rings is the door leading to the roof. Could it be that the unicorn couldn't bear the cold wind and planned to enter the house to keep warm? Augusta unlocked the door, and the door was pushed open with a "bang", almost hitting Augusta in the face.

"Damn! Are you the one who opened the door like that! Wait for me, I'm going to cut off yours—" Augusta couldn't say the next words.

He really didn't know what to say.

What appeared before him was no unicorn, in fact, no "beast" at all.

Standing outside the door was a naked man with black hair and red eyes who was completely naked.