My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 38


Augusta's scream caught in her throat.

For a moment, he thought that Kefir was coming, but the naked man was obviously not Kefir, and the werewolf youth was influenced by civilization, so he didn't run naked much now. So what's up with this naked man? What's wrong with Cavodian, is it true that all creatures related to him will end up as streakers

The naked man ignored the stunned Augusta, walked into the room, walked through the living room, and disappeared behind a door. After a while, he came back with a cold beer in his hand. He sat on the sofa with no one else around, opened the beer, and took a sip silently, like a tired office worker who just returned home, and he didn't feel that the gold-plated sofa under his buttocks was too hard.

Cavodian and Guiyan didn't seem to see this shocking naked man at all, and continued to flirt with each other, and they were about to gnaw together.

Augusta finally screamed: "What's wrong with you two? Don't you see a naked man coming in? Why are you ignoring him? Or is it only me who can see it? What is this... The Emperor's New Clothes? Does it look like he is wearing clothes?"

Cavodian raised his head from Guiyan's embrace, and said impatiently: "What's the fuss, it's Night Shadow, my nightmare."

"So that's it, it's your mount... Fuck you! Why did your nightmare enter the house without clothes? Perverted! Savage! Disrespectful!"

"You are so strange, animals don't wear clothes themselves, why bother? Do you feel shy when you see a cat without clothes?"

"But he's turned into a human!"

"The essence is still a nightmare. You can only see the appearance, so superficial." After that, Cavodian turned to Guiyan, "I am different from him. I like you equally whether you are in the form of a human or a dragon."

Yu Yan said: "Of course, I am much more majestic in the dragon shape."

"You two are enough!"

Nightmare on the sofa put down his beer, rubbed his brows, and said deeply: "This magician is as noisy as the unicorn outside. Who really has a pet."

Augusta thought that Mengmai was scolding him... But didn't Mengmai scold him too! Does he know that Cavodian is not a good bird!

"What did the unicorn do?"

Nightmare's expression was like a nightmare: "Perform a talk show."

That scene is really easy to imagine. "I didn't know that unicorns had such talent. In the future, there will be another way to make money from it."

Nightmare's expression became even darker. "... who has what pets."

Then he went on to drink his beer deeply.

Augusta pondered for a long time before recalling it. What does this guy mean he's long-winded like a unicorn? Nightmare's words were true. Cavodian's pet had the same eyes as him, arrogant and rude, and looked down on all living beings.

Augusta "cut": "Then I won't disturb the family reunion of the three of you, and I will leave now."

"Don't leave in a hurry, my friend, or it will appear that I have not treated you well." Cavodian gestured to Guiyan, and the black dragon obediently picked up the cane on the ground and handed it to the archmage, then froze for a moment, as if not Understand why I have to obey him like this.

Cavodian leaned on crutches, walked towards Augusta, and hugged his shoulders intimately: "At least stay for a meal."

Without any explanation, he grabbed Augusta's arm and pulled him to another room. This guy is obviously disabled, and he always looks weak at ordinary times, but his strength is so weak at critical moments. It seems that his usual state is really just pretending.

"Do you think it's thoughtful to have a meal?!"

Cavodian pointed to the door with his cane, and the door opened silently. "Guyan has a wine cabinet, and there are a lot of good wines in it. You must try it, otherwise it will be a waste of time."

"Wait, didn't I come here to drive you away, then I've come here for nothing..."

Cavodian interrupted him and said loudly: "Guyan! Do you mind if we drink a few bottles of wine?" He turned his head and smiled at Guiyan. The black dragon looked at Cavodian in a daze. "'s can drink all you want..." he said, then shuddered, looking around in horror, wondering why he agreed to Cavodian's request.

Cavodian led Augusta through room after room. Prison Yan’s apartment occupies an entire floor, so big that it looks like a palace, and the decoration is no less luxurious than a palace. Augusta is dazzled by seeing it (Gull Yan’s decoration taste is not flattering, I just like Gold, in fact Augusta is dazzled with gold most of the time). Finally, they came to the room where Guiyan stored wine.

This is not just a "wine cabinet" anymore, it can be called a wine cellar. The room is full of wine cabinets, and bottles of fine wine are arranged in order of year. For those who are addicted to alcohol, this place is simply a paradise. Cavodian shuttled through the wine cabinets with ease, took down a bottle of wine, looked at the label, and nodded with satisfaction. Judging by his posture, it seems that he is familiar with this place. Guiyan actually let him drink casually in his wine cellar? Is he too worried about Cavodian, or is he too indifferent to his own wine

Augusta asked in a low voice: "Did you really not cast any fascination spell on Guiyan?"

Cavodian raised his cane and summoned two floating wine glasses, "I was born with a charm called Charm."

"... I don't understand how a person's skin can be as thick as yours."

"I took it as a compliment."

"It's really time to introduce you to unicorns. You must have a lot in common in the field of 'narcissism'."

Cavodian cast a spell that caused the cork to pop open on its own, leaving the bottle and glass floating in the air, an invisible hand holding the bottle and causing it to tip, filling both glasses. Cavodian reached out to grab one of the wine glasses, and Augusta hesitantly grabbed the other.

"Cheers, friend."

"You didn't drug your wine?"

"I think you still need to spend so much time on the medicine?" Cavodian drank the red wine in one gulp, and the floating wine bottle automatically filled another glass for him, "Oh, it's such a good place, but it's a pity that you can't drink too much , Alcohol can make people lose self-control, and drinking too much often causes some...unexpected things... "

"what happened?"

Cavodian looked at Augusta teasingly: "Anyway, it's something that never happened to you, since you can still ride a unicorn now."

Augusta's face seemed to have been poured with a glass of red wine: "You... you know what a fart! The so-called 'unicorns can only carry virgins' is a myth. I have personally tested it. As long as the unicorn is willing, it will It can carry anything."

"Wow, why don't you write a paper on this? I'm sure The Magician would love to publish it."

"It's not as good as you. You tested the dragon's IQ with practical actions and filled the academic gap in this field."

"Gu Yan's IQ is beyond your imagination. After all, he has lived for hundreds of years."

"It's not that you fooled me around."

Cavodian raised his eyebrows: "How could I lie to him?"

Augusta laughed dryly: "Don't tell me what you just said was your true feelings."

"Huh? Why not? Am I not qualified to find true love?"

Augusta thought for a while, and replied affirmatively: "Not qualified." He took a big sip of wine, "A person like you deserves to die alone. It's best for everyone to stay away from you, otherwise you will be punished." You take advantage."

"I see. You're still brooding over what happened back then."

"Unless you've got Alzheimer's, that's going to be on anyone's mind!"

Cavodian held the wine glass in one hand, and put his arm around Augusta's shoulder, "I'm sorry, I admit it, even if I go back in time, I would still do that," he took a sip of his wine, ignoring Augusta's shoulders. Knife-like eyes, "But I swear to make up for my mistakes, have you seen how hard I worked?"

Augusta shook his head slowly.

"How about the werewolf I sent you? A nice young man, isn't he?"

What's up! Augusta's face burned. You can't tell Cavodian that he and Kefir have developed a relationship beyond friendship! Cavodian would definitely twitch with laughter on the spot!

"Just like that..." he replied vaguely.

"I can tell from your radiant appearance that the werewolf must have served you well."

Augusta changed the subject, "Why did you send me a werewolf?"

Cavodian shrugged his eyebrows. "You look like you can't take care of yourself, and I have a werewolf here that needs work, so I made a reasonable decision. He's a nice young man, isn't he?"

"...he's hardworking, but a little stupid."

"Sometimes being too smart is not a good thing."

"Like you?"

"Are you praising me for being smart? Thank you!"

"I should really introduce you to the unicorn, and you will definitely become close friends."

Cavodian patted Augusta on the shoulder: "It is enough for me to have you as a bosom friend in my life."

"Ouch, come on, disgusting!" Augusta avoided him, "I'm going home! Save your nasty energy and use it on Guiyan!"

"But you just drank alcohol! Aren't you afraid of a traffic accident?"

"I didn't come here by car!"

Cavodian casually took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet and stuffed it into Augusta's arms: "Then take this. It's a small gift, thank you for bringing back the hell."

Augusta glanced at the year label on the wine bottle, secretly speechless. "Could it be that you came to Guiyan for this wine cellar?"

"That's one of the reasons."

Augusta deeply sympathized with the big stupid dragon who was dazzled by love. I hope that Cavodian will not exhaust Hellfire's family property before exhausting his lifespan.

"Come on, I'll take you out, I guess you don't know the way." Cavodian waved his cane, and the door of the wine cellar opened silently, "I will have a wedding with Yuyan soon, can you be my best man?"

... You really want to marry him! "I think about it. Liliana is probably getting married soon. If your wedding dates collide, I can only choose one side."

"Liliana? Is it that fast?" Cavodian asked in surprise.

"She recently made a boyfriend, and I think she is probably not far away from getting married."

"I did hear she had a new boyfriend, but never met. Married? Are you sure?"

"Huh, I thought Liliana was already showing off her sweetheart to everyone. She must have kept you from introducing you because you're not on good terms—actually you're not on good terms with anyone."

"Then I really have to ask her carefully."

Cavodian sent Augusta out, and as soon as he stepped onto the roof, he heard a long howling: "Augusta! That nightmare scolded me! And it didn't even wear clothes! Immoral!"

Cavodian turned to Augusta: "This is the 'confidant' you want to introduce me to?"

"...act like I never said it."

When I got home, it was the moment when the stars were rising. After a long day of running around (and enduring unicorn babble along the way), Augusta was too tired to even speak. He sent the unicorn back to the stables (which, of course, erupted in an earth-shattering protest) and walked on heavy legs to the gates of the mansion. Before ringing the bell, the door opened. Kefir rushed out like a whirlwind, hugged Augusta, and turned around on the spot.

"I thought you weren't coming back, Your Excellency Augusta!" Kefir said with a sad face.

Augusta tried hard to reach the ground with his toes, but unfortunately failed. "If I don't come back at night, I will call you in advance." He rubbed Kefir's wolf ears, "Put me down!"

"Maybe Lord Cavodian locked you up, you can't touch the phone at all!" Kefir put Augusta down and touched him from head to toe, "Are you not injured? Lord Cavodian is right Did you do anything?"

"Does he dare?"

"I don't think there is anything in the world that he is afraid to do..."

It was late and the night was dark, but the house was lit with orange lights. The light shines through the doors and windows, sprinkled on Kefir's body, and outlined a layer of gold for him. Looking at the worried expression on the werewolf youth's face, Augusta suddenly felt that all the fatigue of the day was swept away. There are people here who are waiting for his return, and there are people who will worry about him. He never knew that it was such a heart-warming thing to be welcomed home after a long journey.

Augusta suddenly thought of Cavodian and Hell Flame. Cavodian's "playing hard to get" trick is really wonderful, it eats the prison flames to death, and he wants to try it too...

So he put away his gentle expression, and said sternly: "Don't touch me! Go away!"

Kefir looked at him in panic: "Your Excellency Augusta, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't want to see you!" Augusta said pushing Kefir away and walking into the house.

He returned to his bedroom to change clothes, and when he took off his coat, he took out a photo from his pocket—it was the kissing photo he and Kefir took in the Great Dominator's store. He stared at himself in the photo for a while, sighed, found a wooden photo frame from the cabinet, and put the photo in it. Just the right size. He put the photo frame on the bedside table and went downstairs to have a late dinner, but saw Kefir crying and dragging a huge box from the storage room.

", I'd better send myself back..." He burrowed into the box while wiping away his tears.

... So Augusta had to spend the rest of the day comforting Kefir, telling him that he was just joking and didn't really want to drive him away.

Why is this happening! Why "playing hard to get" doesn't work! The magician thought sadly. Kefir hugged his waist and was rubbing his tears and snot on him. What the hell went wrong! Why did Cavodian use this trick to catch him, but he used it to cause such consequences! Ah, I can't figure it out!