My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 41


Kefir shrank under the quilt, with an ice pack on his forehead, his eyes were red and swollen, and he looked at Quentina and Augusta beside the bed pitifully.

"Oh! Kefir! Poor little thing! Look at you!" Quentina, who was full of maternal love, peeled an orange for Kefir. Kefir sniffed it carefully, then turned his head away, expressing that he didn't want to eat it. So Quentina stuffed the whole orange into Augusta's mouth.

Four days ago, Augusta successfully captured Herbert Gunther, but Kefir was concussed by Mr. Thief who fell from the sky, and he drank Augusta's (dubious quality) potion before, As a result, he was admitted to the hospital for two days, and he only came home yesterday, and now he is lying on the bed half dead.

"You are obviously a servant, but you want a housekeeper to serve you, what a disgrace!" Augusta reprimanded, chewing on an orange. Oranges are so sour, no wonder Kefir doesn't like them.

"It's not all your fault!" Quintina helped Kefir speak, "Why did you hit Kefir with Herbert!"

"I didn't do it on purpose! I didn't know that the teleportation vortex would appear in that position!"

"Hmph, it must be intentional to smash it so impartially..."


Augusta still wanted to argue a few words, but the doorbell rang suddenly. He said to the female vampire: "You take care of Kefir, and I will open the door."

He turned and left Kefir's bedroom. As soon as the magician left, Kefir grabbed Quentina with his back, and asked mysteriously, "Miss Quintina, do you think Your Excellency Augusta really hit me on purpose?"

"Well, I guess... um..."

He was on the verge of crying: "Wooooooow, Your Excellency must hate me..."

"Don't be sad!" the female vampire comforted him, "I'll teach you a method to test whether Mr. Augusta hates you. Come here with your ears!"

The moment he opened the door, Augusta thought he was dreaming. So he closed the door directly, stood there and waited for a while, until the doorbell rang again, before he opened the door—the scene outside remained unchanged, it seemed that he was not dreaming.

"Why did you close the door? It's so rude! The young people nowadays are not as good as the next generation!"

Augusta squinted at his guests: "Anyone who opens the door and sees a cat on the shoulders of a skeleton will be scared to close the door."

Mr. Leopold touched his bare skull: "Yes."

The great ruler of Movania squatted on his shoulders: "Meow."

"I didn't expect the two of you to... come here." Augusta had mixed feelings.

"I heard that Kefir was injured, so I came here to visit. I met His Excellency the Great Ruler on the way." Leopold said. Augusta noticed that he was carrying a basket of fruit in his left hand. "A fruit basket is a mere gift, not a respect."

The skeleton is holding a cake in its right hand. The Great Dominator said: "Your werewolf is also miserable. I asked Antusha to bake a cake." Augusta didn't quite understand the inherent logical relationship between the two sentences before and after tomorrow. Still, he invited them in.

"You know each other?"

"We met in the zombie world!" Leopold said excitedly, "Your Excellency, the Great Ruler, knows a lot about zombie culture. Its former owner was a necromancer, and it was nine years after my family Dai's distant relative, what a coincidence!"

... What a "pro" relationship. Augusta led them to Kefir's bedroom. The young werewolf didn't expect that someone would come to visit him, and he was so moved that he couldn't even speak well, and he almost burst into tears and tears.

"Woooooh, you guys came to visit me, I... I... I'm so happy..." Kefir sniffled.

Mr. Leopold exclaimed like a medieval bard: "You are so brave. You stand up to fight the villains, protect your master, and bravely suffer injuries. You are really a role model for contemporary young people!"

etc! "Injured" is genuine, but what happened to the previous string? Augusta stared in horror at the gushing Leopold. What to stand up, what to fight the villain bravely? How can he protect me? Also "heroically wounded"! It was obviously injured by Herbert! Mr. Leopold, what have you heard

Just as he was about to clarify the facts, the unicorn's heart-piercing scream suddenly came from outside the house: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't come here! You evil and depraved nightmare! Stay away from me! Stay away from me! I want to call the police Already!"

Augusta felt a splitting headache. "It must be Cavodian coming..." The guy really picks the time to mess with him. "Quintina, take care of Kefir, I'll go downstairs and have a look."

He left the two guests behind and went downstairs. The unicorn's screams are getting louder and louder. It's time to give it a horror film dubbing job next time. It's definitely up to the task. Maybe it will win some award for best movie sound effects.

Augusta opened the door. Cavodian dressed like a dog as always, and stood outside the door in high spirits. Beside him, Gui Yan was holding a bouquet of flowers, yawning boredly.

"What are you doing here?" Augusta asked bluntly.

"What's your tone? An old friend comes to visit, and you treat him like this?"

"I don't remember inviting you."

"If everyone in the world had to wait for someone's invitation to come to the door, then everyone wouldn't have to go out!"

Augusta made a gesture to close the door, and Cavodian rushed into the room before him. "We're here to visit you. I heard that your werewolf servant was heroically wounded protecting you from thieves, so I'm here to offer my condolences. — Hellflame!"

The black dragon stabbed the bouquet in Augusta's face: "Take it! I really don't understand why you humans like the reproductive organs of plants. Will you give human reproductive organs as gifts?"

Not only will it be given away, but it will also be worshiped as the incarnation of God! Augusta thought sullenly.

"Is there anyone who gives you such condolences!" He snatched the bouquet, "And give such a flashy thing! I don't have a vase at home!"

"I guessed it a long time ago, my friend." Cavodian reached out and fished it behind him, and conjured a vase out of nowhere, "So I brought this along. No one in the world knows you better than me, right? He took the bouquet from Augusta, put it in a vase, and handed the vase with the bouquet inside to his friend.

Augusta stared at him coldly. Outside the door, the unicorn raced round and round the house like a roaring racing car. "Ahhhh help! Go away, evil nightmare! Don't let you enter my stable! Don't come near me! Be careful that I will kill you with a horn! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Behind it, Nightmare walked slowly across the grass, and became very interested in a clump of wild flowers, as if planning to try it. Cavodian looked calm, and closed the door with a "slam" to block out the noise made by the unicorn.

"You don't look like you're going to entertain me, so I—" Augusta thought he was going to say "so I'm leaving," but Cavodian had the cheek to walk through the hallway into the living room, "so I just Already." Guiyan followed suit. Augusta could only keep up with them holding the vase.

"I didn't expect Herbert Gunther to be a thief. No, it should be said that I didn't expect there to be a thief. I thought you were nervous and suspicious." Cavodian said cheerfully, "But he is now being arrested. You have been brought to justice, and everyone is happy. Your stolen research notes were found in Herbert's residence, confirming his charges. However, the notes must be used as evidence in court and cannot be returned to you for the time being. Wait for Herbert's trial to end Then you can take it back."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, anyway, I remember the contents inside."

"By the way, Liliana ran to the detention center and made a big fuss after knowing this. How dare Herbert Gunther use Liliana, tsk tsk. You didn't see that scene, really..." He shook his head sympathetically Shaking his head, "It's horrible."

Guiyan also shook his head: "It's horrific."

It can make the black dragon feel pity, it seems that Liliana really "educated" Herbert.

Cavodian and Black Dragon went upstairs. Augusta was very curious about how they knew which room belonged to Kefir. But Cavodian has his own way. He opened his throat directly: "Kefir! Where are you!"

"No!" A scream came from behind a certain door, followed by a murmur: "This voice is Lord Cavodian! My God, he is here! Should I pretend to pass out? It's too scary Miss Quintina!"

Cavodian pushed open the door from which the voice came out, and Shi Shi ran in.

Kefir covered his head with the quilt and curled up into a ball. The whole quilt and even the whole bed were shivering. Quintina and Leopold immediately retreated to the wall, moving like a sped-up movie. The big ruler jumped straight up to the cabinet, staring down with piercing eyes.

"Hello, Kefir, long time no see. It seems that your work is going well. It is indeed the right decision to introduce you to Augusta's house. Huh? Why are you shaking? It's because of a concussion Neurological sequelae?"

Cavodian threw off the quilt. Kefir hugged his head and yelled: "Wooah! Help! Lord Cavodian is here!"

"You sound like a tornado!" Cavodian said. Then he noticed Kefir's wolf ears and bushy tail. "Wow, this is interesting! Augusta, I didn't expect your interest to be so special! But it looks kinda cool!" He grabbed Kefir's ears, "It's real ears, not wearing them! You How did you do it!"

"... It was an experimental accident." Augusta said dryly, "There must be something wrong with the formula of the alchemy potion. I don't know how it happened."

"No wonder Herbert wants to steal your research notes, this invention is very promising! Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Herbert to like this..."

"Nonsense! That's not true! And what does 'also' mean? I didn't make Kefir like this because I like it!—stop pulling his ears!" Augusta opened Cavodian's hand.

Guiyan looked at his lover with a look of fear: "You... you like this? Then I can also conjure dragon ears and tail..."

"No, it's disgusting." Cavodian resolutely refused.

"Why? Don't you like animals' ears and tails?"

"Humans like furry things, is your tail hairy?"

"The fur is not strong at all, unlike my scales, it combines beauty and defense..."

The door opened with a "bang". The unicorn rushed in. "Augusta! Augusta! Get rid of that nightmare! Ah, shameless dark creature, dare to eat the grass on our lawn! Pooh!" It looked back and hid in Augusta Behind him, "Oh my God! It's in the house! It's going up the stairs! It's coming this way! Ahh, stop it! It's going to pollute our house! Ugh! This house wasn't that good, but it's always It's better than being touched by a nightmare!" The unicorn vomited. Augusta was so worried that it actually spit on the floor.

With the clatter of horseshoes, Nightmare poked his head in from outside the door.

"Carvodian, that unicorn won't allow me to eat their grass."

"Then you have some oats, dear."

Nightmare: "..."

Augusta held his forehead, slid his palm over his cheek, and finally rested his chin with one hand. Why did the situation develop like this? There are nine creatures crammed into this tiny bedroom, most of them non-human: a werewolf in bed, a vampire with a mother's love, a dragon with a worrying IQ, a moving skeleton, a talking cat, and a cat on the verge of madness. A nightmare of unicorns and crazy unicorns. Among the remaining two cherished humans, Cavodian is basically unworthy of being a human being, so the only human being in the strict sense is Augusta. Why is this happening! This is his—Archmage Augusta Hollich—'s home, and it's not a magical creature farm. Why would such a bunch of weird creatures be crowded in!

This group of creatures completely ignored the existence of their masters, chattering into a mess, it didn't look like they came to visit a sick person, but rather they came to have a picnic - no, they actually started to share cakes and fruits! After the cakes and fruits entered everyone's stomachs, they got up to say goodbye and left the mansion one by one. Augusta resolutely sent them away, locked the unicorn in the stables, and hoped they would never visit again.

Quentina finally packs up her after-party bedroom and leaves too. Augusta moved the vase (and flowers) sent by Cavodian to Kefir's bedside, which is the only "visiting gift" left.

Kefir lay upright on the bed. Augusta thought he was tired, after all, he had been troubled by those guys for a long time. Even healthy people can't support their tossing. The magician brushed Kefir's hair away, and lightly touched the werewolf youth's forehead: "Are you okay? Are you uncomfortable?"

Kefir's wolf ears moved up and down: "Yes, a little..."

"It's all Cavodian's fault! If only he didn't come!"

Kefir looked at him expectantly. "Your Mightiness?"


"I'll be fine if you kiss me."

Augusta's face turned red. "Keep an inch!"

But he still bent down and pecked lightly on Kefir's lips.

"Satisfied?" he asked angrily.

Kefir licked his lips, and wrapped his arms around Augusta's neck with lightning speed. The magician lost his balance and fell headlong into the arms of the werewolf youth.

"Your Excellency," Kefir rubbed his cheek, "if you do something else with me, I guarantee that I will recover immediately."