My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 43: A drunk solution to a thousand worries


As soon as Guiyan entered the house, he sensed a dangerous and unfamiliar atmosphere.

Someone broke into his house! Alarm bells rang in Heilong's mind. He must be a desperate little thief, otherwise how dare he break into a dragon's lair! He must teach the little thief a lesson and let him know the consequences of annoying the dragon. It's a pity that the times have changed, he can't casually punish human beings to death, if it was in the past, he would definitely let the little thief experience the horror that he will never forget in his life, and then swallow him in one gulp!

The black dragon sniffed the air, and soon found the location of the intruder—the wine cellar. The thief is not in the treasury full of gold and silver jewels, but in the wine cellar? He's interested in his own wine collection? It's quite elegant. Bah bah bah! Even if he is an elegant thief, he is undoubtedly a thief, and Guiyan will never let him go!

He used magic to hide his figure and footsteps, and went straight to the wine cellar. As soon as the door was pushed open, the strong smell of alcohol came to the face. Ah! The thief not only stole his wine, but even drank it on the spot in a big way! The prison flame was burning with anger, black scales appeared on the neck, and it was so angry that it almost changed back to its original shape! He held back the anger in his chest, walked through the wine cabinets, and finally found the thief.

The thief was lying on his side on the ground, holding a bottle of vodka in his arms that was older than his great-grandfather, like a child holding his beloved teddy bear. There were three or four empty wine bottles lying beside him, and some wine was spilled on the ground. It seemed that he had drunk a lot and was dreaming sweet dreams!

"Get up, little thief!" Guiyan yelled angrily, "Now kneel down and beg for mercy, I will spare you!"

Hearing the sound, the thief's eyelids moved, turned over, still holding the wine bottle, smacked his lips, and fell asleep again.

He was so angry that he wanted to breathe fire on the spot and burn the little thief to ashes! If it wasn't for the wine cellar being set on fire, he would have done it! He removed the invisibility magic, grabbed the thief by the collar, and lifted him up. The bottle of wine in his arms fell to the ground with a bang, but luckily it didn't break.

According to human age, the thief is very young, in his early twenties, handsome (in terms of human aesthetics), with blond hair that shone like gold in the light. Prison Yan likes gold, so he was a little stunned for a while. But he quickly woke up and shook the thief vigorously: "Wake up! Otherwise, I will throw you from the top floor!"

The little thief frowned and struggled hard against the sleeping god, and it took him a long time to open his eyes. He looked at Guiyan blankly, and it took a long time for his eyes to come into focus. His eyes were sea blue, like bright sapphires, which shone emerald at certain angles. The appearance of those precious gems emerged in Yu Yan's mind, and it was really inappropriate to compare them to the eyes of a thief, but he couldn't think of how to properly describe the eyes of the other party. After all they are so pretty.

"Are you... are..." the little thief said slowly, "Are you a dragon?"

"Nonsense! You don't know me—the master here, the great Black Dragon Prison?" the Black Dragon growled.

"I recognize it." The thief said slowly, "Please let me go, you are strangling me so hard that I can hardly breathe."

"You broke into my house privately and asked me to let you go? Ha, do you think I'm stupid?"

The thief didn't answer, but made a gesture. The black dragon immediately noticed a magical power gathered around the thief. The little thief touched Yuyan's hand, and in an instant, an electric current hit Yuyan's hand. Heilong let out a cry of pain, and subconsciously let go of him.

"You know magic?" Guiyan shook the hand hit by the electric current. He only hurt once, but was not injured. Having said that, a mere trick can't hurt him at all.

The thief sat down on the ground, grabbed the bottle of vodka, flicked the bottle, and the cork jumped out by itself. He took a sip from the bottle.

"My name is Cavodian, I'm... a disciple of His Excellency the Archmage Tevesi, and I heard that the wine cellar of Black Dragon Prison Flame is the best in the country, so I came here to visit." He said drunkenly, not knowing what he was talking nonsense , or tell the truth. But at least it's a compliment. Prison Yan likes to hear compliments.

He folded his arms and looked down at the young man named Cavodian. "If you really came to pay my respects, why didn't you come to the door openly, instead of breaking in privately?"

"You go out, I... I have been waiting for a long time." The young man stroked the wine bottle with his thumb, "I can't wait any longer."

Guiyan was a little unhappy. He went out to visit friends, but only went there for three months, how long? Well, human life is so short, maybe three months is really a long time for them!

"Then you can't trespass!" Guiyan sternly said, "Still drinking my wine!"

"I'm sorry." Cavodine said vaguely, "I'll pay you the price, no, double the compensation... I just..." He took another gulp of vodka, "I just really want to drink."

Hearing the words "double compensation", Gui Yan felt much better. He lost a few bottles of wine, but got several times the compensation, it sounds like he made it! Of course, it would be even better if this guy who broke into the house could be punished!

Cavodian leaned against the wine cabinet and just raised his head to drink. Rao even such a big bottle of vodka couldn't stand his way of drinking it, and it was empty after a while. He found that no more wine flowed into his mouth, so he put the bottle aside regretfully. After drinking a bottle of wine, he probably got hot, so he unbuttoned the front of his clothes to expose his chest. He looked frustrated, his eyes lingered on the opposite wine bottle, as if looking for the next prey, and then suddenly waved his hand angrily, knocking over the bottle next to him violently.

Guiyan stared blankly for a moment, not understanding why he lost his temper suddenly. Humans are really moody.

Cavodian bent his legs, hugged his knees, and buried his head in his arms. After a while, Guiyan heard broken sobs. It turned out that he was crying. Yet he cried and cried, and suddenly laughed again. Heilong couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing. How unpredictable are human tempers!

"I've often heard people say that as long as you're drunk, you'll have nothing to worry about..." Cavodian giggled, but his voice was crying, "But why do I still feel bad... Is it because I drink too much, why? Can you even get drunk?"

Seeing his crazy and silly appearance, unable to speak clearly, Guiyan suddenly sympathized with him. Alas, human beings are so fragile. Sitting down beside the young man, he asked, "Why are you sad? Has your loved one died?"

Cavodian looked up at him slightly from his arms, as if smiling. "No, it's not."

"Then why are you crying?"

The corners of the young man's mouth curled downward, looking like he was about to cry again. "I lost a very good friend." He paused. "Best friend."

"Oh, so your friend is dead." Gui Yan nodded, "I know, you human beings will comfort others like this-'Sorrow and change'."

Cavodian laughed "puchi", as if he thought that Guiyan's words were very interesting. "He's not dead," said the young man, and then dropped his eyes sadly. He was happy for a while, and sad for a while, and the prison inflammation was almost driven crazy by him!

"Then what happened to him?"

"He was... mad at me and swore he'd never see me again. He's alive and I've lost him forever. It's worse than dead."

"Why is he mad at you?"

Cavodian stared at the wine bottle lying on the ground, "I betrayed him. I used his good intentions to achieve my own goals, and deliberately hit his weaknesses. I made him lose everything he longed for, because everything was my own. All you can think of."

"That is to say, you fought for the same thing with him, but you squeezed him out by tricks?"

"Well, let's put it that way."

"Is that something that must be obtained?"

Cavodian stared blankly at the bottle: "I think... yes. I must have it."

Guiyan stretched out his hand and slapped him on the back, Cavodian coughed violently.

"Since that's the case, no matter what trick you use, it's worth it! If you lose friends, you can make them again!"

Cavodian lowered his head in frustration: "But he is very important to me..."

Humans are so greedy. Prison Yan thought to himself. I want this too, and I want that too, but in most cases, I can't have both. Humanity! Sad!

"Then why don't you apologize to him?" Guiyan asked, "I heard that you humans are good at 'forgiveness', why don't you ask him to forgive you?"

"I have no face to meet him, and I don't want to bow to him. At least...not now."

"Is it okay after a while? Oh, our dragon clan seems to be the same. I quarrel with other dragons, and I often haven't seen each other for decades, but one day, everything will get better."

Cavodian smiled wryly: "You dragons can do it, but we humans can't. The lifespan of human beings is too short. If two people are always angry with each other, they will get old soon, and they will die soon, and then they will never recover chance."

"You human beings are so strange! You want to apologize to him, but you don't want to apologize to him. What do you want?"

"Human beings are like this, they are always so contradictory. If we weren't so contradictory, we wouldn't be sad." With a bitter face, Cavodian staggered to the opposite wine cabinet, trying to take out another bottle of spirits . But he couldn't walk steadily, and only heard a "plop", and he fell face down on the ground and didn't move.

Shouldn't he fall to his death? Guiyan stood up in fear, and cautiously poked Cavodian with his toe. There was no reaction at all. He knelt beside the young man and felt for his pulse. Fortunately, he didn't die, but passed out. Humans have a really bad capacity for alcohol, and they get drunk after just a little.

"Hey, wake up! Don't stay in my house! Wake up, pay me for the drink, and get out obediently!" Gui Yan shook the young man's body. Cavodian still didn't respond.

How could this be? Prison inflammation is very depressed. correct! He had heard that many drunks among human beings did not actually die of drunkenness, but were suffocated to death after their vomit blocked their windpipes after being drunk. Cavodian won't do the same! He quickly turned the young man over, supported his neck with his left hand, opened his teeth with his right hand, and put his fingers into his mouth.

"It's not blocked..." Guiyan groped Cavodian's mouth and said to himself. Cavodian whimpered, but didn't wake up.

For the first time in his life, Guiyan stuffed his fingers into the mouth of a human. He used to bake them and eat them... The human tongue was soft, wet and slippery. He tried to press it twice, Cavodian He took a breath impatiently.

Cavodian looked in disbelief, pushed away the prison inflammation and stood up, his injured right leg suddenly softened, and he groaned. Guiyan quickly supported his body.

"You have an old injury? Then don't move. I'll take you to rest."

Cavodian distractedly avoided him: "I didn't expect this to happen, it was too unexpected... I have to go, I still have a lot of things to do, and unfinished research..." He shook his head, as if trying to get rid of Gui Yan from his mind.

Black Dragon felt a little disappointed. He didn't want Cavodian to leave just like that, he hoped that the young magician could stay for a while, and he also wanted to study this human being more... to explore and develop his body more.

"Aren't you going to stay a little longer?" Guiyan tried to persuade him to stay.

Cavodian blinked in surprise: "Do you want me to stay?"

"Can't you?"

Cavodian picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on indiscriminately, "I really... have to go." He hesitated for a moment, then turned to the black dragon, "But I still have time... Can I visit you again?"

"Of course." Gui Yan helped him button up his jacket, "You can come whenever you want."

"No one has ever said anything like that to me," Cavodian said in a low voice, the corners of his mouth twitched, he bent upwards, and smiled, "Dragon tribe is so interesting."

"Human beings too." He Yan thought to himself, I want to "get to know" you more.

"You have to be mentally prepared. If you are entangled with me, it will not be so easy to get rid of it. Don't regret it in the future."

"Why regret it? I don't have these two words in my dictionary!"

Many years later, Guiyan sat in the house of Archmage Augusta, talking about the evening when Cavodian passed out drunk in his wine cellar, and recalled those words he said.

"Why did I say that? Why did I sleep with him? How strange! It just happened so naturally! He must have cast a spell on me!"

Archmage Augusta sat across from him, sipping a cup of coffee, and flipping through an academic journal of magic studies in boredom.

"You came all the way here just to tell me that 'Cavodian's weakness is in his chest, where it is particularly sensitive, and he will be too emotional to hold himself when touched'?" He sneered, "I know these have Ass!"

"I promised to tell you about Cavodian's weakness..." Guiyan was sweating coldly, "It's over, I will be restrained by that human being for decades until he dies!"

"Anyway, it's only a few decades, and it's over if you just mess around."

"No! I can't waste my time! Strange, what's wrong with me! It must be Kavodian who cast a spell!"

Augusta turned over a page of the magazine: "Let me know in advance when you come next time, and I will invite a gypsy witch who fortune-tells love to come over."

"This is not the trouble of being in love!"

"Ha. I laughed. Really."

Guiyan scratched his hair in frustration. He should learn from Cavodine, go into the wine cellar and have a good drink to forget all the troubles. But he was not drunk, and Cavodian must not allow him to drink, saying that alcohol is not good for health. He's so thoughtful... no! Why did he think Cavodian became cute again? Why is this so!

Prison Yan wants to cry but has no tears. "Human beings are really difficult to understand! So, is a few decades enough for me to understand a human being?"

Augusta squinted at him and sighed: "It's really hopeless..."

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