My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 5


In the blink of an eye, nearly a week had passed since Kefir came to Augusta's house. These days, under the guidance of Quentina's exclusive recipes, his cooking skills have improved a lot. Even Augusta, who has always been stingy with compliments, once or twice praised his cooking skills, which made Kefir very happy dizzy. If Augusta hadn't forbidden him to pounce on him and lick him, he would have licked the whole body of the magician.

Early this morning, Kefir was leisurely preparing breakfast, and the sound of footsteps on the stairs of the mansion made him perk up his ears keenly. Lord Augusta must have woken up. Kefir got out of the kitchen, still holding the spatula in his hand.

"Good morning, Your Excellency Augusta," greeted the energetic young werewolf, "Breakfast will be ready soon, you first... who are you?!"

A strange man jumped down the stairs in a panic. He was wearing a crisply pressed shirt, gray trousers, and a green tie, unfastened, around his neck. He has short dark brown hair, waxed, and combed into a rather fashionable hairstyle. His thin face is clean, with regular features and a bookish look. His lips are drawn into a thin arc, emerald green. The eyes rolled around restlessly.

"Kefir," the strange man called out the young werewolf's name, "I have a black windbreaker. I put it in the living room last night, but I can't find it today. Have you seen it?"

Kefir stared blankly at the man, and it took a while before his brain started to function like a river that finally melted in spring after being frozen for a whole winter. The man's voice is very familiar, and Kefir can hear it every day, and it is absolutely impossible to hear it wrong...

"Your Excellency Augusta?" the werewolf youth asked tentatively.

The brown-haired man frowned: "Have you lost your memory? Is the werewolf's memory only seven days like a goldfish?"

"No, no, no! I just... I... I didn't recognize it for a while!" Kefir stammered.

He really is Lord Augusta! Kefir could hardly recognize him! From the first time Kefir met Augusta, the magician was always disheveled, either in crumpled pajamas or a dark robe, with his hair disheveled like a bird's nest , unshaven, as if he hadn't shaved in a month. However, His Excellency Augusta is now dressed so cleanly and tidy, with a completely new look, even if he went directly to the wedding, it would not violate the harmony. Is today an important day

"I've hung that windbreaker in the closet." Kefir's eyes were glued to Augusta's body, and he couldn't leave at all.

"That's what I'm going to wear today, I took it out on purpose, why did I hang it up?" the magician complained, while clumsily tying the tie.

"I'll take it out for you right now..." Kefir said, but his legs were reluctant to move his steps. He wanted to see His Excellency Augusta like this for a while, even if it was only for a second.

"Come on!" Augusta urged.

Only then did Kefir reluctantly move, and went to Augusta's closet to take out the windbreaker. The windbreaker was originally covered with a dust cover, and it seemed that Augusta didn't usually wear it. It's pretty retro, but retro is trendy these days, and magicians love it. Kefir put the windbreaker on his arm and rushed back to the restaurant like a rabbit. Augusta just had his tie on. Kefir helped him put on the windbreaker, and watched the magician carefully adjust the collar and cuffs.

"Why are you standing here?" Augusta noticed Kefir who was standing still on the spot, and his tone was a little impatient, "Go prepare breakfast!"

"Ah! Yes!" Kefir came back to his senses and remembered the food in the kitchen pot. He hurried back to the kitchen, took out the food that was on the verge of burnt, and served it to the table. Augusta is already seated at the table.

"Please use, Your Excellency." Kefir put down the tableware, put his hands into the apron, and grabbed the fabric nervously.

Augusta squinted at him: "Your expression is so strange, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just... I'm curious, Your Excellency is dressed so grandly today, is there something important?"

"Oh, nothing." Augusta spread the napkin on her knees. "My friend Liliana the Witch is coming to visit today—she comes once a week—so I tidied up a bit."

"a little"! The word he used turned out to be "slightly"! How can this be considered "slightly"! It's really painstaking and well-dressed! Even if Master Cavodian arrives, I'm afraid he won't be treated so solemnly! This Miss Witch must have a very close relationship with His Excellency Augusta, otherwise why would Your Excellency attach so much importance to her

"Your Excellency, this Miss Liliana is your...girlfriend?" When the word "girlfriend" was said, Kefir felt a bit of bitterness in his mouth. His Excellency Augusta has a lover. It is not surprising to think about it carefully, but when he heard the news, why did he feel a sense of disappointment in his heart

What the werewolf youth didn't expect was that Augusta sneered from his nose: "Girlfriend? Her? A joke, I'm crazy to fall in love with her! We're just ordinary friends!"

He turned to Kefir: "What's wrong with you? Your expression is so strange, it's like winning a lottery jackpot of 10 million yuan."

Lord Augusta said they were not lovers! Kefir seemed to have a volcano in his heart ready to go. It was only a little bit short, and the magma was about to erupt!

"It's nothing!" Kefir puffed up his chest, trying his best to pretend nothing had happened. Augusta put her head down and ate her breakfast. But as long as he paid a little attention, he could find that the werewolf youth's body was trembling with excitement.

"But, if it's not a lover, why do you have to be so meticulous..." Kefir wanted to say "dressing up", but he swallowed the word back and said it differently, "Prepare?"

"Liliana comes to see me dressed up every time. I can't see her in a sloppy manner, right? How impolite. Besides, we may have to go out, and that is a social occasion, which cannot be generalized from being at home. "

"Go out!" Kefir exclaimed in surprise, "Are you still going out?"

"What? Can't I go out?"

"No, I, I mean, the only time I've seen you out since I've been at your house was at the barbecue in the yard, and other than that you don't go out. Miss Quentina says you're more dead than a vampire. ’, so I was shocked to hear that you were going out…”

Augusta meowed at him: "Do you think I'm a ghost that can only wander in the haunted house? Of course, I also occasionally go out for dinner with friends. But I may not go out today. Liliana will bring food, So you don't have to cook today."

"Okay." Kefir wandered around the magician, rubbing his hands together.

"Why are you running around me like a blowfly in May?" Augusta put down the spoon, "Is there anything else?"

"That... you and Miss Liliana are really not lovers? Is it possible that you just didn't realize it?"

"What the hell question!"

"Listen to your description, the relationship between you and that lady is really extraordinary! She visits you every week, brings you food or goes out on dates, you treat her so seriously, if you are not lovers, It's too weird!"

Augusta looked at Kefir with a strange expression: "This is called friendship."

"... How can there be such a friendship!"

"Last Valentine's Day, the two of us bought out all the odd-numbered seats in the cinema together. What do you think this is?"


"Very good." Augusta nodded. After a while, he shook his head again. "You must have very few friends. Poor," he said sympathetically.

"But..." Kefir still had doubts.

The magician interrupted him: "Besides, I don't like women at all."


The volcano in Kefir's heart erupted. The magma filled his limbs and bones in an instant, making him almost shoot into the sky like the hot gas from a steam train.

"Doesn't like women mean...?"

"I like men." Augusta replied calmly, "Your face is so red, does this kind of thing embarrass you?" He raised a hand, ready to pull Kefir.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Kefir avoided him, covered his face and ran back to the kitchen screaming.

Augusta let out a long "uh—" with his hands hanging in the air.

"What's wrong with this werewolf today, the reaction is so strange." The magician thought to himself, and then slapped his thigh, "Ah! It's because spring is here! Animals will go into heat in spring, so he must miss the female werewolf. No wonder he cares so much about me. There is no question of a girlfriend. It must be true!" He nodded to himself, very proud of his reasoning ability.