My Home is Not a Magical Creature Farm

Chapter 9


As the sun sets, the golden-red afterglow sprinkles on the sea-like forest, and the leaves reflect the faint light. On a spring day, the warm breeze blew through the treetops and up the hillside, shaking the broom branch carried by the werewolf Kefir on his shoulder and the corner of the rag on the arm of the vampire Quentina.

"I didn't expect that His Excellency Augusta's house actually had a stable." Kefir said in awe.

They are located at the rear of the mansion. In the corner near the east wing of the house stood a stable with only a single fence, covered with straw. However, there are currently no horses in the stables. The task of Quentina and Kefir today is to clean the stable.

"To be precise, it's not a stable, but a unicorn stable." Quintina explained to the ignorant youth.

"Unicorn?" Kefir was taken aback. "You mean the magical creature in fairy tales that looks like a horse, is covered in silver, and has horns on its head?"

"Yes. Are there any other unicorns?"

"There really are unicorns in the world?" Kefir sighed, "I always thought they were fabricated from fairy tales!"

"Of course there is." Quentina rolled his eyes at him, as if laughing at his rarity, "Mr. Augusta also has a horse. Here, look." She pointed to the stable, "Isn't it eating in the stable?" Grass?"

Kefir rolled his eyes. The stables were empty, not to mention unicorns, not even a horn. "Miss Quintina, I didn't see anything!" He panicked.

"Why can't you see it? It's such a big one!"

"There's really nothing in the stable!"

Quentina patted her thigh: "Ah, I know why you can't see."

"Why? Is there something wrong with my eyesight?" Kefir wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Unicorns are noble magical creatures, and only pure virgins can see them. Are you..." She bumped Kefir teasingly with her elbow, "Oh, I can't tell, you kid has a lot of experience. Is it rich?"

Kefir blushed quickly: "No, nothing!"

"You're still stubborn! If you can't see the unicorn, it means you're no longer... Puff Puff Puff!"

"I did date girls before, when I was in school, but...but..." Kefir said incoherently, "but everyone has had that kind of thing! I'm at this age! It's strange if I don't have one!"

"Who said, Mr. Augusta doesn't have one. He often goes out for a ride on a unicorn. As soon as people see him riding a unicorn, they know that he is still... Hahahaha I laughed so hard!" Quentina Leaning forward and backward with a smile.

"Wait, Miss Quentina, it doesn't seem right!" Kefir had a flash of light in his mind, "If only virgins can see unicorns, then the Lord Augusta who is riding a unicorn will appear in the eyes of most people." Isn't it just... suspended in mid-air? They don't know what the Lord Augusta is riding? And how can you see the unicorn? You have lived for hundreds of years, it is impossible not to have a lover Bar?"

Quentina stopped laughing. The two stared at each other, and after a while, Quentina rolled over on the grass with her stomach in her arms.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, don't you think it's true! Do you really think that only virgins can see unicorns?"

"What?! Could it be that you lied to me just now? There is no such thing as 'virgins can only see unicorns'?"

"Of course I lied to you! It turns out that things like "The Emperor's New Clothes" can actually happen in reality! Help me, I'm dying of laughter hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

She rolled around on the grass laughing. Kefir grabbed the broom and jumped on the spot: "Miss Quintina! How could you do this! It's too much!"

A window on the second floor of the mansion slammed open, and Augusta poked her head out of the window.

"What are you all arguing about? It's so annoying!" he shouted, "Don't tell anyone to study hard!"

Quentina got up and patted the blades of grass off her body. "Sorry sir, we'll get to work now!"

"Stop talking nonsense and do more!" Augusta closed the window forcefully.

Quentina was still overjoyed. But she put on a sullen face and instructed Kefir: "What are you looking at, go and clean the stables!"

The young werewolf grumbled as he walked towards the stables, casting resentful glances at the vampire now and then. He swept the hay and dust together from the stables while Quentina cleaned the posts and fences.

"Are there really unicorns?" Kefir wondered.

"Of course there is."

"Your Excellency Augusta raised one?"

"Yes, otherwise why would we clean the stables?"

"... You are not lying to me again, are you?"

"There's no need to lie to you! Just ask Mr. Augusta!"

Kefir was still a little unsure. "Where's the unicorn? Why isn't it in the stable?"

"Miss Liliana borrowed the unicorn when she visited last time. She said that her old classmate was about to have a wedding, so she borrowed the unicorn to pull the float."

Kefir imagined such a picture: on a day with a clear blue sky, the "Wedding March" resounded through the sky, and the rejoicing people scattered colorful petals to the sky, and on the avenue paved with petals, a float slowly approached , the beautiful bride in a white wedding dress was sitting in the car, holding a bouquet, waving to Repin, and a silver-white unicorn was pulling the float...

"Creatures like unicorns... can... borrow and borrow casually?"

"That's not 'casual' borrowing." Quentina said, "You have to charge money. To be precise, it should be 'renting'."

"What!" Kefir's world view was suddenly shaken, "Your Excellency Augusta actually wants to make money by renting out unicorns? Isn't he very rich?"

"Why can't you make money by renting out unicorns? No one's money comes from the wind. How can you just sit and eat! Besides, unicorns have grown up, and they can't always stay at home for free. How expensive is it to raise a unicorn? Ah, it has to go out to work and subsidize the family!"

Kefir stared blankly at Quentina. It's unbelievable. He came to Augusta's house for more than a week. He thought he knew the magician quite well, but he didn't expect that not only did he have no idea that there was another special family member in this house, but also Didn't know this family had such a special structure...

"Miss Quintina, is what you said true? Could it be that you lied to me again?... Ouch!"

Quentina rewarded him with a chestnut.

"You stupid werewolf, can't even tell the truth from the lie?"

Kefir rubbed his red forehead: "If everyone can tell the difference, no one in the world will be deceived!"

"How dare you talk back!" Quentina made a gesture to beat him up again. She raised her hand, but her movement changed in mid-air, pointing to Kefir's back instead: "Look! The unicorn is back!"

Kefir pouted: "Again! Your tricks are too old, so I won't do it..."

Before he could utter the word "Dang", he was knocked into the air by a huge force from behind, like a deer hit by a speeding car on the highway, flying more than ten meters in the air before landing heavily On the grass, it took five or six rolls before it stopped. If Kefir wasn't a werewolf, he would have been seriously injured. But his body was naturally stronger than ordinary humans, and he jumped up immediately after lying on the ground for a few seconds.

"Who! Who hit me!"

He rubbed his aching back, grinned and turned towards Quentina, then froze.

Beside Quentina stood a white creature. It was shaped like a horse, but taller, with a silvery mane that flowed down its slender neck like flowing water. The biggest difference between it and a horse is its forehead: there is a silver spiral pointed horn on the forehead of this creature, which looks very sharp, and it is easy to stab people to death.

"Alone alone unicorn!" Kefir stammered, pointing at the beautiful creature.

The side of the silver-white unicorn's head asked Quentina, "Where did the bumpkin come from?" Its voice was deep and beautiful, and it sounded like a young man.

"Mr. Augusta's new slave... oh no, valet," Quentina replied.

"Ha, so you finally lost your job?" The unicorn gloated.

"It's a promotion, I've become a housekeeper, you silly horse!" Quentina punched the unicorn.

The unicorn backed away in horror. "Don't touch me casually! Fallen woman! Keep a safe distance of at least one meter from me!"

While they were talking, Kefir approached the unicorn curiously, and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch this legendary magical creature. But before his fingertips touched the unicorn's mane, the legendary creature moved in the opposite direction in panic and swiftly. Neither Kefir knew that a horse/unicorn could still move that way.

"Get your dirty hands off you, dirty man!" the unicorn screamed.

Kefir froze. He swore he didn't have any malicious intentions, he just wanted to touch this beautiful creature, but why does the current situation look like a werewolf trying to rape a pure girl

"I won't hurt you!" Kefir said as kindly as possible, "My name is Kefir, and I'm a servant of Lord Augusta. I just want to touch you..."

"Don't touch! Don't come close to me! Get away!" the unicorn shrank back into the stable, hysterically shouting.

Kefir showed a hurt expression. He is hated by such a pure and kind beautiful creature, does it mean that he is actually an evil person deep down

He looked at Quentina sadly. The female vampire comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, the silly horse has this virtue, it has a cleansing habit, unless it is a pure virgin, or it has a good acquaintance, otherwise it is not allowed to touch it."

"So, only Lord Augusta can touch it?"

"Yeah, though sometimes it's not even Mr. Augusta's way..."

The windows on the second floor of the mansion opened again with a "bang". Augusta leaned out half of his body and roared: "What are you arguing about?! It's so annoying! Why don't you ask people to do research!!"

Quentina clasped her hands to her mouth and shouted, "Sir! The unicorn is back!"

"What? Liliana sent it back?"

"No! It's the only one!"

"I'm going down now!"

Augusta closed the window, and after a while, he ran out of the house on fire and came to the stables, panting.

"Unicorn, are finally back." He put his hands on his knees. It's just that after running for a short distance, he was panting like this, which shows how little exercise he usually has. "Where is Liliana? Didn't she say that she would send you back in person?"

"You have the guts to say it!" The unicorn kicked the ground with its front hooves, looking very angry, "You actually asked me to work for that treacherous woman! I knew a long time ago that you are not good people!"

"What the hell happened? Didn't you go to the wedding to pull the float? What happened to Liliana?"

"It's true that I went to pull the float, but that woman originally agreed to send me back in person, but she met a man at the wedding, and the two got together immediately, forgetting about me completely! I thought about waiting for her Come to think of me, the sun turned into a fucking red giant, so I went to find her. Do you know what she did? She actually said she would book me a plane ticket and let me fly back by myself! Plane! I am a unicorn Beast, she put me on a plane! Finally I ran back by myself! It took a whole hour and a half! Huh, plane!"

The unicorn cursed. Kefir was dumbfounded. Such a noble and pure legendary creature would actually swear at that kind of swearing... Any creature in the world should not be judged by its appearance!

Even more jaw-dropping than Kefir was Augusta. With an expression on his face that the world was destroyed three seconds ago, he asked in an unlovable tone: "You just said... Liliana is dating a man?"

"Yes!" cried the Unicorn. "It's as sticky as sticky fire!"

"How dare she!!!" Augusta yelled crazily, "She actually betrayed me! On Valentine's Day, she even bought tickets for an odd-numbered seat in the Optical Theater with me, and she betrayed me in just a few days! Unforgivable! Ahhh! Traitor! Renegade! Our friendship has come to an end!"

He tore his hair frantically, jumped up and down as if his body was on fire, ran around the grass several times like a headless fly, and finally went back into the big house without seeing anyone.

Kefir and Quentina looked at each other.

"What happened to him?" the werewolf asked, "Miss Liliana is not his lover, why did he react so violently?"

Quentina shrugged. "They seem to have joined a secret society, like the ancient fraternity, what is it called the 'Couple to Die Group'? If they fall in love, it is equivalent to betraying the organization? I don't know too well. Alas, I am old, you young people I can't understand these new gadgets... "

"Miss Quintina... don't speak in such a vicissitudes of life, okay..."