My Hot Pot Restaurant in the Underworld is Officially Open for Business

Chapter 154: Neon collapses


After a busy day at work, we can finally go back to our respective homes and have some fun.

Wen Ji built a small gazebo outside her house and poured herself wine in the gazebo.

She has many cups.

You need a glass for drinking, and every time you drink, you can match it with a suitable glass for better enjoyment.

Pink wine is suitable for small folds and transparent frosted marigolds, and it is also suitable for tall and thin champagne glasses.

Nowadays, sparkling wine is popular, and it tastes like soda, but in fact, it is sparkling drink with some alcohol in it. It is popular in the world, and Jiang Jiang occasionally makes some in the underworld, which suits the taste of female judges.

This bottle of wine has no bubbles and is a very pure wine.

Before drinking, just looking at it made her feel lubricated.

Wen Ji took the wine and took a sip.

The sweetness is sour, and the sourness is astringent. After the astringency, the naturally secreted saliva will take away the sourness just now, and finally there will be a slightly refreshing and sweet aftertaste.

What is this wine called

Wen Ji looked at the bottle curiously.

Not a single word was written on it.

She thought about it, and guessed in her heart that it might be the kind of wine that loves children.

Jiang Jiang is a man, but his mind has always been very delicate, and it is such a delicate mind that can brew many unique wines. There will be no repetition of ghosts hitting the wall for every kind of wine.

Wen Ji looked at the sky slowly, drank alone in the gazebo, and stopped after drinking half of the bottle.

Since the day has changed, I like to look at the sky when I have nothing to do.

Wen Ji put away the wine on the table, went back to her room, and figured out when to find Jiang Jiang for hot pot.

The days of the temple fair passed by in a blink of an eye, and the time passed quickly. Summer was skipped and autumn was easily entered.

Autumn is the day when chrysanthemums are in full bloom.

At the entrance of the Hell Hot Pot Restaurant, Qi Yaqiu put on the clothes of a ghost messenger, tied up her hair, took a writing brush from the side, and added one stroke to the menu hanging at the door: "Chrysanthemum Hot Pot."

Chrysanthemum hot pot is not considered a specialty of Fengdu, but a series of Henan dishes.

A person like Meng Xiaoni who likes to eat spicy hot pot is quite ordinary in this kind of light pot. But the problem is that their Jifu hot pot restaurant has opened a branch in Jiangnan.

There are quite a few people in the south of the Yangtze River who can eat spicy food. For example, in places like northern Jiangsu, they like to put some chili peppers. The traditional Jiangnan people in the coastal area also like ginger juice in everything they eat. Even the vegetable market has bottles of ginger juice for sale.

Tastes vary from place to place, so Mandarin Duck Pot was born.

For most people who can eat spicy food, eating mandarin duck pot does not mean "occasionally light", but eating mandarin duck pot completely means "I have a good relationship with you". Only when you have a good relationship can you be called a mandarin duck pot when the taste is not good.

When they arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, the number of people ordering clear soup mandarin duck hot pots skyrocketed, so Meng Xiaoni had to ask Qi Yaqiu to open up hot pots that were not at all spicy or had local characteristics.

Qi Yaqiu checked a lot of information, and asked a lot of Jiangnan people by the way, so he came up with Chrysanthemum Hot Pot.

There are several types of chrysanthemum hot pot, the most common two are clear soup and milk soup.

The clear soup is ordinary, while the milk soup is boiled with chicken and duck belly and elbows, and the light white soup is considered to be a good base soup.

There are not many shops selling chrysanthemum hot pot in Jiangnan. The only few shops here have similar ingredients, and the most important thing among them is of course chrysanthemum.

Fresh white chrysanthemum is one of the necessary ingredients for hot pot. The white chrysanthemum called "snowball" is white and clean in strands. Before it is put into the pot, it has a delicate fragrance. The fragrance seeps into the soup.

When eating chrysanthemum hot pot, most of the dishes that go with it are relatively solid dishes, which can be divided into four dishes and eight dishes.

Meng Xiaoni's hot pot restaurant is not too high-end, so she simply chooses four dishes for customers to choose from. The four dishes include four raw slices, four pastries, and four vegetarian dishes.

The four raw slices include fish slices, chicken slices, waist slices, and group liver slices. Four fried pastry is fried four dishes, including deep-fried dough sticks, fried dough twist and so on.

If guests really want to eat something extravagant, they can also order eight dishes, plus beef, shrimp and so on.

The pot is clear soup, and the dipping sauce still needs to be served with a plate of chili oil.

This is Meng Xiaoni's last stubbornness as a Fengdu native.

Qi Yaqiu finished writing at the door and returned to the shop.

When Wen Ji and Jiang Jiang met to eat hot pot in the restaurant, the restaurant was already full of ghosts.

The Nether ghost graciously cleared the way for the two judges, leading them to a corner where they did not attract attention.

The two judges came for the chrysanthemum hot pot, so of course they ordered this pot.

Seeing them eating hot pot, Qi Yaqiu naturally went up to say hello, and then went to work on her own without disturbing the two judges eating hot pot.

Jiang Jiang and Wen Ji ate hot pot in peace and contentment, and they didn't even go beyond the slightest bit.

After eating, Jiang Jiang said that he and Qi Yaqiu had something to talk about, so Wen Ji went to wait for Jiang Jiang at the door.

Qi Yaqiu got himself a small table and chair that didn't get in the way in the back kitchen, where he bowed his head and flipped through ancient books. He is now working hard for the hot pot restaurant, and he has almost developed his own new interest.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

When Jiang Jiang went to Qi Yaqiu's place, he did not know where to find a small jar of wine: "The wine made from chrysanthemums, do you want to try it? It tastes good with this hot pot."

Qi Yaqiu looked up at Jiang Jiang: "Does this mean to cooperate with the hot pot restaurant?"

Jiang Jiang didn't mean that.

He pushed the wine over and said in a low voice, "I want to ask, what do you think Wenji and I..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Yaqiu caught something.

Qi Yaqiu looked at Jiang Jiang in surprise, not understanding why this question was asked to him.

Jiang Jiang quickly explained in a low voice: "The other colleagues are too familiar with it. Maybe this word will spread around tomorrow. It's not good."

Qi Yaqiu nodded, although she didn't understand why this was not good. In his social concept, he couldn't understand Jiang Jiang's idea of "if it is revealed, it will be embarrassing and reincarnated". Fortunately, he has the habit of keeping secrets for others.

Seeing that Qi Yaqiu was silent, Jiang Jiang could only continue to add what he had just said: "I have known Wen Ji for many years. You should understand that it is actually very difficult to be together again after we have known each other for many years."

Qi Yaqiu's eyes were a little dazed, he didn't understand at all.


Jiang Jiang said to himself: "Recently, the judges handed in several married couples. During this period of time, we have cooperated again, running around in the world to do tasks. I think the two of us are quite suitable, and we are very compatible..."

Qi Yaqiu thought to himself, it would be nice if they fit well, why do you want to go further all of a sudden

Qi Yaqiu, who was obsessed with scientific research and later became obsessed with hot pot, couldn't understand this emotion at all, and his eyes became even more confused.

Jiang Jiang smiled lightly: "It's the same as Tianping. On the one hand, we are together, and on the other hand, she rejected me. I can't make a good choice."

Qi Yaqiu is very experienced in this kind of multiple-choice questions. He turned the page of his notebook and handed it over: "Analyze the pros and cons. If the pros outweigh the cons, you should do it."

Jiang Jiang looked at the densely written words on it, and was surprised that this analysis method was really interesting.

He nodded: "This method is good."

He stood on the spot and thought for a while, briefly thought about the pros and cons, and then laughed: "After thinking about it, the cons are just reincarnation."

Who wouldn't be reincarnated as a ghost in the underworld

It's just reincarnation.

Jiang Jiang has been a judge for so many years, so he is actually quite open-minded. It's like working too long and needing a break.

He sincerely expressed his thanks to Qi Yaqiu, and then left, leaving Qi Yaqiu in the same place to think about it. He didn't want to understand Jiang Jiang's entangled mentality just now, and he felt that the list of hot pot ingredients is more understandable.

Jiang Jiang went out to Wen Ji.

Wen Ji smiled at Jiang Jiang, and didn't ask Jiang Jiang why he was looking for Qi Yaqiu just now.

She always knows how to advance and retreat in this way, and has a sense of proportion.

After eating the hot pot, they still have to go to the world.

Jiang Jiang and Wen Ji walked out of the ghost gate together, greeted the judges, and went directly to the human world, and arrived at a very ordinary hospital. There are people coming and going in the hospital, full of the smell of disinfectant.

Although the environment is very ordinary, there is no familiar person in the surrounding area.

Wen Ji installed the device on the top floor, and after triggering the converter, she turned to look at Jiang Jiang with satisfaction.

Jiang Jiang was looking at her.

Those eyes unexpectedly contained the emotion that Wen Ji could recognize, it was a look that only a man would have when he had his sweetheart.

She subconsciously took a step back.

Seeing Wen Ji take a step back, Jiang Jiang froze for a moment, then joked, "Suddenly scared by me?"

In his heart: he was frightened.

Wen Ji looked at Jiang Jiang again, but she couldn't see the profound look in her eyes just now.

She thought she was wrong, so she quietly hid the little thoughts in her heart: "No. There seemed to be something behind you just now."

Jiang Jiang glanced behind him, but saw nothing.

He turned back and smiled at Wen Ji, without saying anything.

The return of the two judges this time was unusually silent.

Silent until he was about to open the space to return to the underworld, Jiang Jiang's throat tightened, and he said dryly: "I..."

Wen Ji looked at Jiang Jiang.

Jiang Jiang didn't dare to look at Wen Ji, trying to decide the language in his mind.

He is a little short of words.

Those who had prepared courageously just now, who knew that Wen Ji would back off all of them, were all frightened back.

He let out a long breath, closed his eyes and opened them again: "I want to say, I... have made a lot of wine. Are you interested? Try every kind of wine."

He has never expressed this kind of liking, the only thing he can say is that he wants to give the other party the best of himself.

Wenji knew this aspect by nature.

As a judge, he is well-informed, and he can hear the multi-layered meaning behind the words when he is obedient.

She understood it keenly. Hearing the sound of her heart beating suddenly, she almost suspected that she had encountered some kind of illusion.

Jiang Jiang's heart was up and down, and he smiled awkwardly: "If you are not interested, I will drink alone..."

Wen Ji is not much better than Jiang Jiang.

Her little heart was about to jump up and down.

Obviously they have lived for so long and are used to the daily life of getting along, but when they said something with another meaning, it sounded wrong instead.

Wen Ji is very clear that if they are not suitable in the future, the end will not be good.


You can try it once, just try it once.

She used to think that Jiang Jiang was not interested, and her long-term habit made her shrink into the ball vigilantly.

Wen Ji pursed her lips, her eyes were a little bright, and she agreed: "I'll drink with you."

She repeated her own words, feeling as if she came back to life: "I'll drink with you."

Jiang Jiang smiled suddenly, this time the smile was very bright: "Okay."

The little white dragon next to him accidentally opened the wrong door between the world and the underworld, witnessed this, and signaled the little green next to him to leave quickly with his eyes.

Xiaolu tiptoed to close the door for Xiaobailong.

The gate of hell was closed, and the judge on duty stared dumbfounded at the pair of judges who suddenly confessed their love in the human world, feeling that he had witnessed something extraordinary.

Jiang Jiang and Wen Ji turned their heads: "..."

Xiao Bailong immediately raised his hand: "I wish you a happy relationship for hundreds of millions of years. I didn't see anything. This door is about to close, goodbye."

After speaking, close the door.

Jiang Jiang and Wen Ji paused in place for a long time, and then couldn't help laughing.


The author has something to say: After the full text, I bow to everyone.

To sum up this article, although it is a food article, the outline is still broken by me. I am very grateful to everyone who can still watch and support, and give everyone a big heart. Meme me chirp!

I will work hard in the next article!

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