My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 1: rebirth


Mu Xiaoya was about to die. To be precise, ten days ago, she could clearly feel that she was getting closer to death.

Ten days ago, when she returned to China to visit relatives, she fainted on the side of the road as soon as she got out of the airport. She fainted suddenly, causing a lot of panic. Fortunately, the rescue measures at the airport were appropriate, and she was quickly sent to the hospital.

When she woke up again, her family members had already been called, so she didn't need to ask any further questions, she just glanced at her parents' red and swollen eyes, and Mu Xiaoya knew that she was afraid that her illness was serious this time, otherwise her parents who had always been stable wouldn't So gaffe. She wanted to ask, but she didn't even have the strength to open her mouth.

Later, she began to fall into a coma again, and she was groggy. When she woke up, she woke up, her body became weaker and weaker, and there were more and more medical instruments beside her bed.

By the time her groggy state improved, she had been in the ICU twice, and a week had passed. It wasn't until this time that she figured out what had happened to her.

"Miss Mu, you have a very rare genetic disease." The attending doctor said with sympathy towards Mu Xiaoya, "This genetic disease is sudden, the probability of onset is very low, and before the onset of the disease , the body will not have any abnormality, but once the disease occurs, the body will collapse rapidly."

"Then... Can it be cured?" After Mu Xiaoya asked, Mu Mu who was beside her couldn't help sobbing. She didn't need the doctor to answer, Mu Xiaoya guessed the answer by herself.

"Sorry, there is currently no treatment for this disease." The doctor regretted.

"I see." Mu Xiaoya's reaction was relatively calm. She was not completely unconscious during the coma for the past week. As the owner of her body, she clearly understood the changes in her body, so she was already mentally prepared. "Then how much time do I have left?"

"Your organs have already begun to fail. According to the speed of failure, if you are optimistic, there are about five days left." These five days were won by the doctor with various precious medicines. If left alone, Mu Xiaoya would only have about five days left. Live another day.

Since she was destined to die, Mu Xiaoya actually didn't want her parents to waste money on her, but she also knew that this was the last thing her parents could do for her. more sad.

In the next five days, Mu Xiaoya not only comforted her parents, but also received visitors. All the relatives who were close to their family who were close to her family had visited her in the hospital. The same regret and sympathy made Mu Xiaoya feel numb.

On the fourth day, Mu Xiaoya suddenly became a lot more energetic, and her sudden energy made her think of a bad word: return to light and return to light.

Is she not alive for the fifth day

The weak Mu Xiaoya finally had the strength to move, she propped up the bed and sat up, laboriously opened the drawer by the bedside, and got her mobile phone. The phone was already out of power and turned off. Mu Xiaoya pressed the button on the bedside to call the nurse: "Hello, do you have a charger, can you lend it to me?"

"I'll get you a power bank." The socket by the bed was already full of various instruments, and there was no space to charge Mu Xiaoya's mobile phone. Moreover, the doctor has already explained that the patient in this ward may die at any time in the past few days, so the little nurse contributed her own power bank, so that this girl who is about the same age as herself can use her mobile phone quickly.

Connected to the power bank, the phone will automatically turn on in a short while, and then there will be a continuous prompt tone. Countless phone calls, WeChat messages, and emails bombarded her phone.

Mu Xiaoya looked at it slowly, half from her work, and half from her two best friends. She didn't read any information about her work, but just clicked on the messages sent by her two friends.

Fang Hui: What is Xiaoya doing? She is doing her own creations in seclusion again. Why haven't she seen anyone for several days? Don't call back

Liang Nuonuo: Xiaoya, when are you going back to China? Remember to come and play here. Now all the cherries in the mountains are red, I invite you to eat enough when you come.

Yes, I have always promised Nuonuo to see her. I didn't have time to go before, but now I'm afraid I won't be able to go again. With a wry smile, Mu Xiaoya was going to say goodbye to her two girlfriends.


Suddenly, the door of the ward was rudely pushed open, and a man broke in. The nurse behind him anxiously discouraged: "Sir, what are you doing, this is a ward, you can't barge in."

The intruder ignored the nurse, holding a stack of documents in his hand, staring blankly at Mu Xiaoya on the hospital bed, letting the nurse pull him, but neither explaining nor leaving.

Mu Xiaoya stared at the man who suddenly appeared in her ward in surprise. The man was wearing a hat and sunglasses, covering his face tightly, only showing a pair of eyes. This appearance did not look like a good person. But the strange thing is that Mu Xiaoya felt that this person's eyes were very familiar, and she seemed to have seen it somewhere.

The nurse's movements became bigger and bigger, and the man dodged in a panic. During the pulling, the man's hat fell off, revealing mottled scars on his ears. The area of the scar is huge, extending from behind the ear to under the mask, and then from under the mask into the collar. The nurse was startled, and unconsciously stopped pulling.

"Bai Chuan?" Mu Xiaoya recognized the person.

Hearing his name, the man's eyes lit up, still staring blankly at Mu Xiaoya without saying a word.

"Miss nurse, this is my friend." Recognizing the person, Mu Xiaoya explained to the nurse.

"Your friend? Then why don't you talk?" The nurse was a little angry and asked him for a long time, but the man didn't say a word. She almost thought he was dumb.

"Sorry." Mu Xiaoya quickly apologized, she knew Bai Chuan's anomaly, but others didn't. Bai Chuan is her neighbor, an autistic child with savant syndrome. He has lived with his grandma since he was a child, but four years ago, after grandma Bai passed away, Bai Chuan also left the staff dormitory compound, and they never saw each other again.

"Bai Chuan, why are you here?" Mu Xiaoya asked softly at a low speed.

"I, I have studied all your medical records, but I have no way to save you." Bai Chuan's scarred face was full of anxiety, his arms holding the medical records were trembling, and the words he spoke were also intermittent, and the foreword did not fit. postscript.

Mu Xiaoya was a little stunned: "Are you a doctor?"

"I'm not." Bai Chuan shook his head angrily. For the first time, he felt a strong sense of remorse. Why didn't he study medicine in the first place? Grandma said he was a genius, so if he studied medicine, would he be able to cure Mu Xiaoya now

Mu Xiaoya's disease is a sudden genetic disease, and there is absolutely no possibility of cure unless the gene is changed. But Bai Chuan was the only one who tried to cure her among all the people who came to see her in the hospital after she fell ill.

Mu Xiaoya couldn't help but be a little curious: "Why did you cure me?" She asked herself, it seemed that she and Bai Chuan didn't have much interaction.

Bai Chuan: "I want to marry you."

These four simple words directly pulled Mu Xiaoya back to a memory that she almost forgot. The last time he saw Bai Chuan, he seemed to be proposing to himself.

Bai Chuan: "My grandma is dying, she wants me to get married, I... I want to marry you."

She just came out of the house that day when Bai Chuan walked over and said this without thinking. Mu Xiaoya didn't remember how she answered at that time, but she refused anyway. Fortunately, he refused. If he hadn't refused, Bai Chuan would be a widower now.

So she smiled and said jokingly, "If you marry me, you will soon become a widower."

"I want to marry you." Bai Chuan, who has cognitive impairment, couldn't express his meaning clearly, he could only repeat it over and over again.

Bai Chuan's firmness shocked Mu Xiaoya, does he not know the meaning of death, or does he really like him so much

Facing Bai Chuan's innocent eyes, Mu Xiaoya tried her best to make her smile look better. She knew that she must be looking very bad now, but she wanted to smile and thank Bai Chuan, and also thank the guy who proposed marriage at her door four years ago. teenager.

"Thank you." Although I still couldn't promise you this time.

"I… "

"Xiao Chuan?!" At this moment, a man in a suit and leather shoes burst in. As soon as he came in, he grabbed Bai Chuan nervously and checked up and down, "Are you all right? Why did you run out alone?"

Bai Chuan ignored the man, he tried to break free from the man's arm and continued to talk to Mu Xiaoya.

"Miss Mu, I'm sorry, my brother bothered you." After making sure Bai Chuan was all right, the man was free to talk to Mu Xiaoya.

"It's fine." It turned out to be Bai Chuan's brother, no wonder he looked a bit like Bai Chuan before the burn.

"Then you have a good rest, we will go first, I wish you..." The man paused, "Have a good rest."

After speaking, the man picked up the hat that fell from the ground, put it on his brother's head again, and then forcibly took Bai Chuan away regardless of Bai Chuan's struggles. And because Bai Chuan struggled so hard, the information in his hand fell to the ground and flew all over the ground.

The nurse came in after Bai Chuan walked in, and after muttering a few words, picked up the papers scattered on the ground. Mu Xiaoya asked for the paper, she glanced at it, and found that it was full of her medical records and some materials, and the blank space of the materials was densely packed with notes and annotations. A thick stack, it is estimated that there are hundreds of them.

Mu Xiaoya smiled weakly, a little moved. She neatly placed the documents in her hands on her lap, then picked up the phone again, and pulled Fang Hui and Liang Nuonuo into the group together, ready to say goodbye to them.

Mu Xiaoya originally wanted to make a video, but after finishing the group, the sudden energy in her body suddenly began to dissipate. Mu Xiaoya knew that she didn't have much time left, so she gave up her plan to make the video, and just sent a voice to the group with difficulty: "Fang Hui, Nuonuo, I'm leaving, don't be too sad. If you have time, don't be too sad. , go see my parents for me."

He released his fingers, the voice came out, and the mobile phone fell from Mu Xiaoya's palm, carrying the stack of documents on her lap, and fell to the ground again.

The phone was buzzing, someone was calling, but Mu Xiaoya no longer had the strength to answer it, a sudden force took away her strength, and then her vision gradually blurred.

As she was dying, she heard the cries of her parents, her mother was holding her hand and calling her name over and over again.

Mom and Dad, I'm sorry.

If I can do it all over again, I will definitely not study abroad after graduating from university. I will stay with you for a few more years.

Mu Xiaoya's last consciousness disappeared in a dazzling white light, and when she regained her senses, she returned to the summer four years ago.

The day Bai Chuan proposed to him.

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