My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 10: cute


"Xiaoya is very important to our family Xiaochuan, but we also know that this is not the reason why Xiaoya must marry Xiaochuan. We asked Professor Feng to come over, and we did not want to use these to gain sympathy, we just wanted to I want to prove to you that there is a special bond between the two children, and it is because of this bond that they got married."

"Of course, if you don't agree with this marriage, we can fully understand. But if you are willing to give Xiaochuan a chance, our Bai family will be very grateful. My father and I will definitely treat Xiaoya as our biological daughter. Protect her like you would protect Xiaochuan."

"Moreover, we can assure you that if one day Xiaoya feels tired and doesn't want to stay at Bai's house, she can leave at any time."

It has been a while since Bai Chuan's parents and Professor Feng left, but Mu Ruozhou and his wife Shen Qingyi couldn't calm down for a long time. They sat there, and their minds kept echoing what Bai Chuan's mother said before leaving. talk.

They are both parents, so they can naturally appreciate the love of Bai Chuan's parents for Bai Chuan. Not to mention that Bai Chuan is almost the child they watched grow up, even if it is a strange child, they will be moved when they see Bai Chuan's concern for his daughter in the treatment video. Bai Chuan is an autistic patient. What he likes is his courage to step out and embrace the world.

Obviously, Bai Chuan's family, like them, didn't think this marriage would last for a long time, and they were prepared that Xiaoya might leave at any time. Just as he and his wife were afraid that Xiaoya would be hurt in this marriage, why aren't Bai Chuan's parents afraid that Bai Chuan would be hurt.

But Bai Chuan's mother's last words almost gave Xiaoya the dominance of the marriage. With Bai Chuan's concern for Xiaoya, he would never take the initiative to break up in this marriage, but Xiaoya could withdraw at any time. This is equivalent to that they acquiesced in the harm that Xiaoya might cause to Bai Chuan. What a great trust and what a great sincerity. Mu Ruozhou only felt that his heart was heavy.

"Ah, where are you at home?!" Mu Xiaoya called out in fright. She had just returned home and found that the house was completely dark. She thought that her parents were going to the school to watch the students for their evening self-study. Who would have guessed that when the lights were turned on, the two gods sat on the sofa in a daze, scaring her into a cold sweat.

"Why, don't turn on the lights, it scared me a lot." Mu Xiaoya clutched her little heart and slumped on the sofa weakly.

Mu Ruozhou glanced at her daughter whose imageless slippers were almost thrown to the other end of the living room. Her already complicated mood became even more complicated. This girl usually looks so unsightly at home, how can she squeeze past billions of people in the world and run into Bai Chuan's world? Why did Bai Chuan look out of his own world because of this girl's attraction

"Mom, what do you want to eat at night? After running all afternoon, I'm so hungry now." This afternoon, she and Fang Hui even looked at more than a dozen places, but there was no one suitable for them. In the end, they both didn't want to eat their tired meals. When I got home now, Mu Xiaoya had a little appetite.

"I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you." Shen Qingyi stood up helplessly.

"Thank you Mom, put two eggs."

Shen Qingyi went to the kitchen, sorted the vegetables bought in the evening into the refrigerator, and simply cooked three bowls of noodles.

After eating the noodles, Mu Xiaoya also regained some strength, she took the initiative to stand up to help clean up, wash the dishes, and clean up the kitchen, Mu Xiaoya was wiping her hands and walking out, when she suddenly heard his father suddenly say: "Come on In time, ask Bai Chuan's family to formally meet."

"?!" Mu Xiaoya was stunned for a while before she regained her senses, "Dad, are you agreeing to my marriage with Bai Chuan?"

"Humph!" Mu Ruozhou hummed into the study, without even looking at Mu Xiaoya, as if he was not the one who spoke just now.

"Mom?" Mu Xiaoya went to see her mother again.

"Let's make an appointment." Shen Qingyi smiled. When Bai Chuan's parents left in the afternoon, she knew that her husband would agree.

"Mom, thank you." Mu Xiaoya ran over and hugged her mother tightly. Whether it is the last life or this life, whether she decides to stay abroad for development, or she decides her life-long event after the death, her parents always support her and love her like this without reservation.

Back in the room, Mu Xiaoya was going to call the Bai family and tell them what her parents had agreed to. But when she opened the phone's address book, Mu Xiaoya's fingers stayed on Bai Chuan's mother's business card for a while and then turned around, and finally pressed Bai Chuan's number.

During the day, Bai Chuan's WeChat reply is very timely, so he should also answer the phone.

Before Mu Xiaoya's thought could turn around, the phone was already connected.

"Xiaoya." Bai Chuan's voice was soft and low, and it sounded a little different from the face-to-face communication. Bai Chuan's voice at this time was as if he was whispering into your ear.

"Bai Chuan, I have something to tell you, and I need you to pass it on to your mother and them." Mu Xiaoya said.

"Xiao Chuan."

"Huh?" Mu Xiaoya was taken aback.

" called me Xiaochuan." Bai Chuan's voice revealed an indistinct stubbornness.

"..." Mu Xiaoya, who had reacted, couldn't help but help her forehead, isn't this guy not paying much attention to the name, why did he come to himself to be more serious. Although she felt a little helpless in her heart, Mu Xiaoya changed her name according to Bai Chuan's wishes: "Xiao Chuan."

"Hmm." Bai Chuan replied seriously, and then asked, "What do you want to convey?"

"My parents have agreed to our marriage, please ask your uncle and aunt to make an appointment." Mu Xiaoya said.

"Okay." After speaking, Bai Chuan clicked off the phone with a snap.

Neither expressing joy nor surprise, and even being a little rude, even Mu Xiaoya felt slightly uncomfortable. But on second thought, with Bai Chuan's character, it's quite good to be able to do this, how can he be asked to be as polite and thoughtful as ordinary people.

Here Mu Xiaoya was relieved, but Bai Chuan was stunned. He held his mobile phone and spent more than ten minutes in the bedroom before digesting the news just now. Then he turned around without saying a word and walked downstairs.

"Second...Second Young Master?" The first person to discover Bai Chuan was Uncle Li who was going upstairs to deliver fruit to Bai Chuan. The three of the Bai family, who were discussing something in the living room, immediately turned their heads and looked over.

Bai Chuan ignored Uncle Li and just focused on going down the steps. He walked step by step, steadily and slowly. If someone timed him at this time, you would find that Bai Chuan took the same time to go down each step.

Everyone didn't dare to interrupt him, and waited for him to come down with their breath held. After he went down to the last step, Bai Chuan suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the living room with burning eyes.

Bai's father, white mother, and Bai Zheng, the three of them immediately straightened their backs nervously. Bai Zheng didn't dare to put down the scented tea he was holding in his hand, as if he was afraid that the loud noise would irritate Bai Chuan, he held it up stiffly.

Are you here for us


Until Bai Chuan stopped in front of the three of them, the three dared to make such a conclusion.

"Xiao Chuan?" Bai Chuan suddenly took the initiative to come to them, Li Rong's excited voice trembled, she asked cautiously, "Are you looking for us?"

Bai Chuan blinked, looked down at the phone that he had been holding in his hand, and then his brain seemed to be connected, and replied: "Xiaoya said that her parents agreed, let, you two make an appointment."

"Oh, Xiaoya's parents agreed, what?! They agreed?" Li Rong, who was too excited, didn't pay attention to the volume.

"Be quiet, it's scaring Xiaochuan." Father Bai and Bai Zheng reminded nervously together.

Li Rong herself was startled, she covered her mouth and looked at Bai Chuan fearfully, for fear of scaring away Bai Chuan who had finally come to them to communicate.

"An appointment." Bai Chuan was not afraid. Not only was he not afraid, but he even repeated his appeal clearly.


"An appointment?" Bai Chuan frowned.

"Oh, oh oh oh~~ Okay, Mommy got it." Li Rong quickly agreed.

Bai Chuan relaxed, then continued to stare at Li Rong without speaking or leaving.

"..." Li Rong was a little confused, and looked at her husband and eldest son in confusion.

"Make an appointment." Bai Zheng reminded.

Didn't you already promise? Li Rong was stunned at first, but fortunately, her emotional intelligence was high and she responded quickly.

Li Rong took out her mobile phone on the spot, and while checking the date, she said to her husband and son, "When are you available?"

"I'll ask the assistant." Bai Guoyu called the assistant.

"I'll ask the secretary." Bai Zheng called the secretary.

"Are you free on Saturday?" Li Rong asked.

"No, I made an appointment with Li Dong on Saturday to discuss cooperation." Bai Guoyu said.


"I'm going to Beijing on a business trip on Sunday." Bai Zheng.

"It's all pushed to me!" Li Rong frowned, what kind of cooperation is on a business trip, is it important to have her son's marriage

"Push it!" The hostess spoke, and the father and son dared to refute. They had a tacit understanding on the spot and gave an order to the assistant/secretary on the other end of the phone, and then hung up together.

"That Saturday or Sunday?" Li Rong asked again.

"It's all right."

"Let's do it on Saturday, Hyatt Hotel, I'll reserve a private room." After speaking, Li Rong found the phone number of the manager of the Hyatt Hotel and made a reservation for dinner this Saturday on the spot.

"The reservation is made. This Saturday, at 7 o'clock in the evening, the Hyatt Regency Hotel will spend a good time on the full moon box." Once the box was confirmed, Li Rong couldn't wait to tell Bai Chuan the time and place.

Satisfied that the information was completely received, Bai Chuan turned around on the spot, and left without reluctance.

The three of the Bai family kept their necks together, and kept watching Bai Chuan walk back to the bedroom, only to look at each other in disbelief.

"Did Xiaochuan take the initiative to talk to us just now?" Li Rong couldn't believe what happened just now.

"Well, and he said a few more words." Bai Guoyu was also excited.

"Each sentence only took five seconds to respond." Bai Zheng looked relieved. It can be regarded as catching up with Mu Xiaoya's treatment.

Back in the bedroom, Bai Chuan sat on the chair on the balcony, turned on his mobile phone, and edited the message he just received into the chat box. I read it back three or four times, and only sent the message when I was sure that even the punctuation was correct. After sending it, he quietly stared at the phone again, waiting for a reply from there.

However, Mu Xiaoya seemed to be busy and did not reply to him immediately. Fortunately, Bai Chuan was not in a hurry, so he held up his mobile phone and waited patiently.

Finally, about twenty minutes later, the phone lit up again, along with Bai Chuan's eyes.

Mu Xiaoya: Did you make an appointment so soon

Bai Chuan: Hmm.

Mu Xiaoya: Okay, I'll tell my parents later.

Bai Chuan: Hmm.

Mu Xiaoya: See you on Saturday.

Bai Chuan: Hmm.

Mu Xiaoya: Can you change other words besides um

Bai Chuan stared at this line of words for about ten seconds, and then suddenly turned on the Baidu dictionary mode: OK, yes, I know, I will, see you then, see you soon, OK, seeyou...

Mu Xiaoya originally just wanted to tease Bai Chuan, but after seeing the long list of alternative words for um, she immediately sent a long series of ellipses to express her complicated emotions.

Bai Chuan: I don't understand.

Without words, Bai Chuan could not understand the meaning of Mu Xiaoya's message.

Mu Xiaoya: I praise you for being cute.

Bai Chuan's eyes suddenly lit up again: Thank you.

"Pfft~~" Mu Xiaoya, with wet hair in Mu's bedroom, fell down on the bed happily when she saw Bai Chuan's reply.

Why didn't I find Bai Chuan so cute before

As soon as this idea came up, Mu Xiaoya was surprised to find that since she went to university, she hadn't paid much attention to Bai Chuan. If the two worlds were added together, it would be almost eight years.