My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 16: You must be very dazzling


Professor Feng is a psychology professor at Yuncheng University. His main research direction is autism in children. He has been helping Bai Chuan with psychological counseling since he was five years old. It can be said that Bai Chuan was able to recover so well. Apart from the two windows, Grandma Bai and Mu Xiaoya, Professor Feng contributed greatly.

Today is the weekend. Professor Feng is doing voluntary tutoring at the nursing home for special children. When Bai Zheng called, he was chatting with an autistic child. When he heard that Mu Xiaoya was coming, Professor Feng specially spared 20 minutes.

Mu Xiaoya arrived half an hour early, because Professor Feng's treatment was not over yet, so she and Bai Chuan could only wait.

It was the first time for Mu Xiaoya to come to this kind of place, so she couldn't help being a little curious, so during the half hour of waiting, she took Bai Chuan for a walk in the yard. But after walking around for only ten minutes, Mu Xiaoya couldn't take it anymore. She took Bai Chuan back to the waiting room, feeling a lot of discomfort in her heart.

Bai Chuan looked at Mu Xiaoya, then leaned over and gave Mu Xiaoya a hug.

"Xiaochuan?" Mu Xiaoya called out in confusion.

"You are sad." Bai Chuan's voice came from behind Mu Xiaoya's ears, "When you are sad, you need a hug."

Mu Xiaoya was taken aback, this was what she taught Bai Chuan. But, is his expression so obvious? Obviously Bai Chuan can see it.

"Do you know what I'm sad about?" Mu Xiaoya couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." Bai Chuan shook his head, he didn't know why Mu Xiaoya was suddenly sad. He vaguely felt that he felt sad when he was walking in the yard just now, but they obviously didn't encounter anything.

"I saw those people outside, and I thought of you before." If there was no grandma Bai, if Bai Chuan hadn't been born in a wealthy family, would he be the same as those children outside. Wearing a hospital gown, squatting in the grass, looking up at the leaves, looking at the sky, no one cares, no one cares. Day after day, year after year, just like this for a lifetime

Those people outside? Bai Chuan turned his head and glanced out the window, as if he had only noticed the other children in the yard at this time. He looked at those children, and felt some familiarity in a trance. He remembered that he liked to stay like this before.

"I'm not outside." Bai Chuan didn't think there was anything wrong with staying like this. He liked to stay like this. The world was quiet and he could think about many things. But Mu Xiaoya likes to be lively, she is always chatting with him, so he has no choice but to respond.

"Well, fortunately you're not outside." This is the most fortunate place for Mu Xiaoya, fortunate that Bai Chuan loved his family so much, and did not give up on him or let him become one of those children outside.

Well, although I don't understand why Xiaoya doesn't like him outside, but since she doesn't like it, he won't go outside.

The understanding of the two people is very different, but they have reached a strange agreement.

"Sorry for keeping the two of you waiting." At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open and Professor Feng walked in.

Mu Xiaoya hurriedly stood up from Bai Chuan's arms, with a trace of embarrassment on her face: "Professor Feng."

"Hehehe..." Professor Feng smiled and looked at Mu Xiaoya, who was a little embarrassed, and teased, "The young couple have a good relationship."

"..." Mu Xiaoya blushed suddenly.

"Sit, sit, let's sit down and talk." Professor Feng motioned for the two to sit down.

Mu Xiaoya sat back in the chair as she said, and Bai Chuan also sat next to Mu Xiaoya. From the moment Professor Feng entered the door, Bai Chuan just glanced at him and turned away, all his attention was on Mu Xiaoya.

Well, Xiaoya is no longer sad. Bai Chuan raised the corner of his mouth happily.

Professor Feng, who noticed this scene, raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Mu Xiaoya, I've been waiting for you to come to me for a long time." Withdrew his gaze, Professor Feng looked at Mu Xiaoya.

"?" Mu Xiaoya was a little puzzled.

"You may not know, I have known you a long time ago, for about ten years." Professor Feng said with a smile.

"Have we met?" Mu Xiaoya was even more surprised, she didn't remember that she and Professor Feng had met, and she was a primary school student more than ten years ago.

"Yes, through Xiaochuan." Professor Feng looked at Bai Chuan with a smile.

When Bai Chuan heard his name, he glanced at Professor Feng subconsciously, but quickly moved away. But this look alone made Professor Feng very gratified. After all these years, Bai Chuan was still willing to take care of him.

"Through Xiaochuan?" Mu Xiaoya was puzzled.

"That's right." Professor Feng explained, "A long time ago, probably half a year after Xiaochuan followed his grandma back to the old house, I discovered your existence during a treatment."

"Xiao Chuan mentioned me to you?"

"That's right. But to be precise, I discovered you first." Professor Feng explained, "At that time, Xiaochuan didn't take the initiative to communicate with people. I discovered you in his paintings. Usually autistic Children with schizophrenia don't like to talk at first, and we have a very difficult time in treatment. We can only stimulate them through various auxiliary channels, and then find out what they are interested in from their reactions. Ogawa has savant syndrome, so he He has special talents in some aspects, besides mathematics, his paintings are also very good. Our first communication is through painting, from his paintings, we can see part of the world in his eyes. "

"In the beginning, Bai Chuan painted some meaningless landscapes, sometimes even intricate lines, and it was difficult for us to find what he was interested in. Until one day, there was a girl in his paintings. "Professor Feng looked at Mu Xiaoya with meaning.

Mu Xiaoya's heart skipped a beat, she could guess that the girl was herself without Professor Feng's words.

"That painting was put away by Xiaochuan's family. You should take a look when you have a chance." Professor Feng said, "It is the most vivid color of all the paintings that Xiaochuan has painted. It is conceivable that you are in his eyes. It must be very dazzling, he will use so many colors to render you."

I'm very dazzling in Bai Chuan's eyes

Mu Xiaoya was a little surprised when she heard these words for the first time. She turned to look at Bai Chuan and wanted to ask for evidence, but there was not much expression on Bai Chuan's face.

Professor Feng looked down at the time, and he was going to go to the next treatment in ten minutes.

"Bai Zheng said, do you want to consult me about something?" With ten minutes left, it should be enough to answer Mu Xiaoya's question.

"Yes." Mu Xiaoya quickly restrained her emotions and seriously consulted Bai Chuan's condition, "Professor Feng, I want to know what causes Xiaochuan to get sick? Is there any way to prevent it? Also, Xiaochuan and I are together. What should be paid attention to.”

Professor Feng frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Autistic patients respond differently to normal people when they receive stimuli from the outside world, such as sounds, colors, and movements, all of which will have different effects on their eyes. The same effect. It may be infinitely amplified and infinitely reduced. For example, some noises may be slight and almost non-existent in the ears of ordinary people, but in the ears of autistic patients, it seems that someone is holding a high decibel Your horn is roaring in your ear. Conversely, they can turn a deaf ear to something that might sound like noise to you. People with autism have weaker self-regulation, so if something is too stimulating, they will explode."

Mu Xiaoya immediately thought of the sound of electric current that stimulated Bai Chuan to get sick last night.

"In addition to noise, there are lights, and even some unreasonable objects." Professor Feng said, "The vast majority of autistic patients will have a certain degree of obsessive-compulsive disorder. In their living space, they will put Everything is placed where they think it should exist. If they mess up their things, they will feel uncomfortable and constantly want to get back to the way they were. If they can't get back to the way they were, they will be anxious, anxious to a certain extent, It will explode."

"So, I can't just touch Xiaochuan's things, right?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"Xiao Chuan's reaction in this regard is relatively mild. Although he also wants to restore things to their original state, this is not enough to stimulate him to develop a disease. At most, he is uneasy. too worried."

"Then besides these, what else should I pay attention to?" Mu Xiaoya nodded and continued to ask.

"Satisfy his curiosity."


"Yes, although autistic people are closed in their own world, it does not mean that they do not have curiosity. On the contrary, they have, not only have, but also very strong, but this kind of curiosity is rarely shown to the outside world. Come out." Professor Feng said, "So, once they have a strong curiosity about something in the outside world, they must be satisfied, otherwise they will be very anxious. It's like a child who wants to get It’s like crying all the time with a fresh toy. It’s just that people with autism have a harder time reconciling their emotions, they’re not as easy to coax as children.”

Mu Xiaoya nodded to indicate that she knew.

"Also, people with autism don't have high emotional intelligence, so they must be simple and straightforward when communicating with them. Although Xiaochuan is very smart, his emotional intelligence is still very low. He doesn't lie and doesn't know how to avoid it. These will cause some problems in life, such as asking some questions you don't want to answer, insisting you do some things you don't want to do, and you need a lot of patience. If you encounter this situation, the best solution The way is of course to follow him, but if you don't want to, don't perfunctory or avoid him, try to reason with him, he can understand."

Mu Xiaoya immediately thought of last night, Bai Chuan had to remove her clothes to check her injuries. It can be seen that this reasoning is probably not very good.

"Then, what else can I do to help Xiaochuan recover?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"Your company is the best recovery for him." Professor Feng smiled, "Of course, if you want some advice, I suggest you take him out for a walk, talk to him about some social topics, or do some Sports, these are all helpful for him to integrate into society. In short, it is to let him have more contact with the outside world, and then become interested. The more interested he is in the outside world, the faster he will recover."

"Then what should I do if Xiaochuan is sick?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"I... control." Bai Chuan, who had been quietly listening to the two chatting, suddenly answered.

Mu Xiaoya was stunned.

Professor Feng laughed happily: "At this rate, I think the chance of getting sick is very small. But even if he gets sick, it doesn't matter, let him calm down and give him a hug like just now."

Mu Xiaoya nodded solemnly.

"I'll control it so I won't get sick." Bai Chuan was still emphasizing.

"Okay, I see." Mu Xiaoya coaxed.

Bai Chuan frowned, he always felt that Mu Xiaoya was not very confident in him.

Then he must work harder and make Xiaoya have confidence in him.