My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 2: Proposal


Mu Xiaoya clearly remembered that she was dead, and the scene before her death was still vivid in her mind.

The constantly ringing mobile phone, the scattered medical records, the medical staff who rushed in, and the parents who were sad and crying, how could they be lying in their own room as soon as they opened their eyes

Milky white curtains, goose yellow walls, pink sofas, black and white patterned floors. All of this is the decoration design before I went abroad. After I went abroad, my parents changed the decoration of the home. My room has long since lost the old patterned floor, but replaced it with a wooden floor and installed floor heating underneath. .

Mu Xiaoya abruptly lifted the quilt and ran a few steps to the full-length mirror in the room.

In the mirror, Mu Xiaoya had shoulder-length medium-length hair. Because she had just woken up, her hair was a little messy, and she was still wearing childish cartoon pajamas.

This is not right!

Mu Xiaoya studied abroad for two years, and then found a job in a local company. In order to make her image more mature, she changed her curly hair before joining the job, and her hair is longer than it is now a lot of.

This is not who I am now, this is a bit like who I was a few years ago.

"Jingle Bell… "

A dull mobile phone rang, Mu Xiaoya lifted the quilt, found her mobile phone skillfully, picked up the phone that had already been eliminated, and answered the call not very skillfully.

"Mu Xiaoya, are you still sleeping? You're going to take a graduation photo today, have you forgotten!" Fang Hui's voice came from the phone in a lively voice.

"Fang Hui?" Mu Xiaoya was a little stunned, "Graduation photo?"

"I knew you forgot. We took a photo at eleven o'clock in our class. You should take a taxi right now." After speaking, Fang Hui hung up the phone ruthlessly.

Graduation photo? Mu Xiaoya is a little unbelievable, today is the day to take the graduation photo, which is June 2019? Mu Xiaoya turned to look at the calendar, and sure enough, the calendar at the bedside showed that today was June 12, 2019, and there were three words of graduation photo marked by herself with a pen next to it.

If it is not a dream, can I see my former classmates when I go to school, and can I take another graduation photo

That's right, as long as you go to the school and have a look, if what happened is the same as in your memory, it means that you are not dreaming, but are you really coming back

Mu Xiaoya ran out of the door excitedly. She didn't even remember to change her pajamas. She wore slippers and ran out with her phone in hand with her hair disheveled. Unexpectedly, as soon as she was discharged from the hospital, she met Bai Chuan head-on.

"Bai Chuan?!" Mu Xiaoya called out in surprise. The Bai Chuan in front of him had no scars on his face, which was different from the one he met in the hospital.

"I..." Bai Chuan had actually been standing at the door for a long time, he stood bewildered, he didn't dare to go in, and he didn't dare to leave, he kept expecting Mu Xiaoya to come out, and now someone came out, and he didn't know what to say . He lowered his head uneasily and looked at his toes.

"Are you looking for me for something?" Mu Xiaoya's voice was very soft, which was a habit she developed when talking to Bai Chuan. When Bai Chuan was seven years old, he was sent back here by his parents to live with his grandmother. Because Grandma Bai's house is next to Mu's house, Mu Xiaoya often sees Bai Chuan. In addition, there are not many children in this area, Mu Xiaoya often went to Bai Chuan to play when she was a child. However, Bai Chuan ignored her and was always immersed in her own world, which made Mu Xiaoya a little frustrated and angry. It wasn't until Grandma Bai explained Bai Chuan's difference to her that Mu Xiaoya understood.

Because of this, as long as Mu Xiaoya talks to Bai Chuan, her tone will be like that of Grandma Bai, gentle, delicate, and patient. Over time, little Bai Chuan was finally willing to pay attention to her.

Bai Chuan: "My grandma is dying, she wants me to get married, I... I want to marry you."

Mu Xiaoya's eyes widened in surprise, is it today

Yes, it is today.

Today is the day that Bai Chuan proposed to him.

"I... I want to marry you." Bai Chuan repeated it again. He was usually very reluctant to speak, but his grandmother taught him since he was a child that if he wanted the other party to understand what you meant, he had to say it.

So, this is going back in time. I really went back to four years ago and met Bai Chuan's marriage proposal again

Will you agree this time

Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Chuan who was standing in front of her. Bai Chuan was about the same age as her, but perhaps because he often lived in his own world, he still revealed a pure youthful aura. Pure white T-shirt, cotton slacks, white sneakers, with delicate facial features like a porcelain doll, standing against the light at the entrance of the courtyard, his body exudes scorching brilliance. Mu Xiaoya would bet that if he wasn't autistic, then Bai Chuan would definitely become a boy who fascinated thousands of girls.

It's just a pity that such a handsome face was burned down in later generations.

Mu Xiaoya could still clearly remember the face she saw in the ward, even if it was still covered by a mask and couldn't see it all, she could still feel the shock inside. What kind of fire does it take to burn a person like that

"Xiaoya, do you still remember Bai Chuan from Grandma Bai's house?" When she returned home during the Spring Festival one year, her mother suddenly talked about Bai Chuan.

"Bai Chuan, what happened to him?"

"I heard that he was burned, and the fire was set by his wife."

"Don't talk nonsense, the house is on fire, and his wife doesn't know that Bai Chuan is at home." Father frowned.

"How could my wife not know if my husband is at home or not." Mu's mother said, "There are rumors outside that this woman is greedy for the Bai family's property and does not hesitate to marry Bai Chuan, who has autism, and she ends up getting married. Later, I really couldn't stand Bai Chuan's autism, so I wanted to burn Bai Chuan to death in order to inherit Bai Chuan's legacy."

"Don't talk nonsense about things without evidence." Father Mu didn't want his wife to spread such bad gossip, so he just said to his daughter, "You didn't have a good relationship with Bai Chuan before, so go see him when you have time."

Later, Mu Xiaoya really went to Bai's house to see Bai Chuan, but she didn't see anyone, only Bai Chuan's father. Bai Chuan's father told her that Bai Chuan had been sent abroad for treatment. Later, Mu Xiaoya went abroad to study and then stayed abroad to work. She didn't see Bai Chuan again until she died.

"I want to marry you." In front of him, Bai Chuan was still repeating his request.

"Why do you want to marry me?" Mu Xiaoya asked curiously. Bai Chuan's situation is too special. He is an autistic patient. Although he has been taught by Grandma Bai, Bai Chuan's performance is much better than other autistic patients. As long as he is willing, he can communicate with people smoothly. But Bai Chuan, who still has character flaws and cognitive impairments, does he really understand what he means in his words

"Grandma said that everyone... will have a partner, a partner... if you... the person you like." Bai Chuan said seriously, but he would always say in a long sentence, "Grandma's dream, I Get married, have a partner. Grandma is dying, and I want to marry you."

Because Grandma Bai is dying, and her biggest wish is to see you get married and have a partner to accompany you for her. And you like me, so you came here to propose to me

What Bai Chuan said was sloppy, but Mu Xiaoya understood, she looked into Bai Chuan's eagerly looking forward eyes, and suddenly wanted to agree.

If the scene in the hospital was not a dream, if he really returned to four years ago, then he would still fall ill and die four years later. Just ask, a person who knows that he will not live long, will he marry and have children? Others don't know, but Mu Xiaoya doesn't, she just spends the rest of her time with her parents.

But Bai Chuan was different. Bai Chuan didn't mind her death. Even if he knew he was going to die soon, he would still say what he wanted to marry her in the hospital.

In front of Mu Xiaoya's eyes, suddenly, the scattered medical records, the dense notes on the medical records, and Bai Chuan's flustered struggles when he was taken away by his elder brother.

Bai Chuan should really like her, right? Mu Xiaoya thought blankly, if she was destined to live only four more years, why not marry Bai Chuan? The only way he could avoid the tragedy of the previous life is to thank him for the medical records scattered all over the place.

"Okay." Mu Xiaoya agreed, almost impulsive.

Bai Chuan's eyes widened, and there were ten thousand stars in his eyes, as if the stars were lit up in the dark night, and finally smudged into a bright starry sky.

That was the most beautiful scenery Mu Xiaoya had ever seen in her two lifetimes.

Bai Chuan looks so good-looking, Mu Xiaoya sighed, even for this face, she would marry him, she must not let the fire go to waste.

"Let's go!" Bai Chuan was excited and took the initiative to grab Mu Xiaoya's hand, he was very strong, and when he pulled it suddenly, Mu Xiaoya was stunned, almost lost her footing, and half of her slippers flew out. However, it was this move that made Mu Xiaoya suddenly realize that she was still wearing pajamas.

"where to?"

"Hospital, find grandma."

"I need to change clothes first."

Bai Chuan looked at Mu Xiaoya in confusion, as if he didn't understand why she was going to change her clothes.

"I'm wearing pajamas, so it's not good to go out like this." Mu Xiaoya explained patiently, and then dragged Bai Chuan's hand back to her house. She left Bai Chuan in the living room and went back to the bedroom to change a set of clothes. Then the two went out and took the car to the hospital.

When the car drove to the hospital, Fang Hui's phone called again, and Mu Xiaoya picked it up. Well, you haven't arrived yet, the whole class will be waiting for you."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Mu Xiaoya really forgot about this, but what is more important than grandma Bai and graduation photos? And she's all at the door of the hospital, so it's impossible to go to school to take graduation photos.

"Fang Hui, you apologize to everyone for me, I can't make it through today, you can shoot it yourself." Although it is a bit regretful, it can only be so.

"What?! You'd better give me a reason, what could be more important than taking a graduation photo?" Fang Hui was obviously angry.

"I'm getting married!" Mu Xiaoya threw a bomb over.

Mu Xiaoya's words were like a switch, which activated Bai Chuan in robot mode with one click. Although Bai Chuan still didn't have a big expression, but in Poland's unsurprised eyes, bursts of light suddenly overflowed.

"Wocao!" Apart from these two words, Fang Hui didn't know what adjectives to use to describe her mood at this time.

"I'll bring you candy tomorrow." After speaking, before Fang Hui could respond, Mu Xiaoya hung up the phone and took Bai Chuan's hand to the hospital building.

Bai Chuan followed quietly, keeping his eyes fixed on Mu Xiaoya's back.

"What floor does grandma live on?" Mu Xiaoya asked Bai Chuan aloud until she was in the elevator.

Bai Chuan silently pressed the button on the top floor.

The elevator started and slowly ascended. Bai Chuan looked at the palm of his hand that was released by Mu Xiaoya, and held it a few times with some discomfort.

When the elevator was halfway up, Mu Xiaoya suddenly yelled out, "Why did I come here empty-handed?" She came to visit the doctor, but she forgot to buy a gift, Mu Xiaoya frowned angrily.

At this time, Bai Chuan silently put his hand into Mu Xiaoya's palm, held it back, and said, "It's not empty hand."

Mu Xiaoya looked at her right hand that was suddenly "not empty", and a strange thought arose in her heart: Could it be that Bai Chuan really thinks that he will not be empty-handed in this way

Bai Chuan stared at the constantly changing floor numbers on the elevator for a moment, and his mood finally calmed down again.