My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 25: First kiss


The thunderstorms in the mountains came and went in a hurry, and within half an hour of the rain, they began to call Jin Jin to withdraw troops.

Mu Xiaoya clearly felt that the rain outside was getting lighter, she looked down at Bai Chuan in her arms, her eyes were still tightly closed, her face was already pale, and she was obviously frightened. The two were soaked by the rain for almost half an hour. Although the picnic cloth had a certain waterproof function, the clothes were still wet. Mu Xiaoya shivered from the cold, and her lips were faintly purple.

"Xiao Chuan." Mu Xiaoya whispered Bai Chuan's name, her voice trembling a little because of the cold.

Bai Chuan's eyelashes moved, but he still didn't open his eyes, but Mu Xiaoya was relieved a lot, because, at least it means that Bai Chuan has recovered from the state of extreme fear just now, and has already responded to her voice. .

"Xiao Chuan, the rain has stopped, there will be no more thunder, let's go back." Mu Xiaoya tried to release the hand covering Bai Chuan's ear.

"Hmm~" Mu Xiaoya's hand was released, and Bai Chuan subconsciously trembled. I only felt that the thunder seemed to be still in my ears, and instinctively went straight into Mu Xiaoya's arms, making a humming sound in fear.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm here." Mu Xiaoya comforted her patiently, and she lost her mind for a while.

In fact, even a normal person would be afraid under such a dense thunderstorm, let alone an autistic patient like Bai Chuan. But ordinary people can quickly adjust their emotions after being frightened. When they realize that there is no danger, they will quickly get out of that fear. But Bai Chuan couldn't do it, the thunder in the outside world had stopped, but in Bai Chuan's world the thunder continued.

He had to find a way to make Bai Chuan divert his attention and make Bai Chuan feel that the thunder was not so scary, so that he could get out of his fear.

How to do it? Mu Xiaoya tried her best to calm down and thought carefully. At this time, Bai Chuan was not yet fully awake, and although Bai Chuan responded to her voice, this response was not enough to wake him up, so what else could he do

Just now, Bai Chuan leaned over regardless, and Mu Xiaoya covered Bai Chuan's ears again. At this time, she lowered her head and looked again. Mu Xiaoya suddenly found that from this angle, she was almost holding Bai Chuan's face. of. Bai Chuan's appearance is very good, and it is the kind of delicate good-looking, white porcelain-like skin, long and thick eyelashes, high nose bridge, thin lips... It seems that as long as he bows his head, he can kiss him.

This looks... weird and delicious, what's going on

Bai Chuan's world is very bad. Suddenly, a big and big dark cloud floated in his world. The dark cloud covered the sky, pouring rain, and the deafening thunder fell from the sky, resounding through the whole world, making He has nowhere to hide. Only the little warmth in front of him is the only support he can find in this darkness. Who is that? Who brought him warmth? So familiar, he must remember...

Bai Chuan thought hard, he had an intuition, as long as he remembered who the warmth belonged to, the thunder would stop.

Suddenly, something warmer and softer entered his world, and a familiar breath wrapped the warmth and filled his nostrils. Bai Chuan's chaotic brain seemed to be suddenly split open by an axe, and he recognized it after the world became clear.

This is Xiaoya's breath.

Bai Chuan opened his eyes abruptly, and in the dim light, he saw Mu Xiaoya who was very close. That was closer than when Xiaoya lay in his arms at night. At that moment, he even counted the number of eyelashes on Mu Xiaoya's eyes. Two eyes, upper and lower eyelids, a total of 268.

What is Xiaoya doing? Is she kissing me

That's right, Mu Xiaoya was kissing her, she couldn't hold it back, and after all, she was fascinated by the beauty and made Bai Chuan frivolous.

Mu Xiaoya noticed Bai Chuan's change and knew that Bai Chuan was awake, she opened her eyes in surprise, and then met Bai Chuan's pure and curious gaze. Bai Chuan didn't object, so he probably liked it, Mu Xiaoya thought so, and couldn't help but try to deepen the kiss, she stopped and coaxed softly, "Open your mouth."

Bai Chuan opened his mouth obediently, and Mu Xiaoya came over again and invaded the territory where she had obtained the real estate license.

Just when the two jerky little tongues were about to touch, an untimely phone rang in the narrow space, destroying the beauty of the entire space.

Mu Xiaoya let go of Bai Chuan abruptly, her face blushing like a boiled shrimp, she clearly started it herself, but at this time, she seemed to be a girl who had been cheated on her first kiss, and was too embarrassed to raise her head to meet anyone.

"Hey." Mu Xiaoya answered the phone that was too good for her, but the heavy rain didn't break it.

"Mumu, where are you? It rained heavily just now, are you all okay?" Liang Nuonuo called.

"It's alright, we'll be back right now." Mu Xiaoya glanced at Bai Chuan subconsciously, Bai Chuan had completely calmed down at this time, his eyes even had a layer of light, he looked a little more energetic, but his face was still pale, " Help us prepare some ginger soup."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Xiaoya lifted the checkered tablecloth covering the two of them, and the sudden bright light made the two people's eyes narrow involuntarily.

"Look, the rain has stopped." Trying to ignore the embarrassment just now, Mu Xiaoya smiled at Bai Chuan.

Not embarrassed, not embarrassed, we are both husband and wife, what happened to a kiss. Besides, Bai Chuan didn't necessarily understand what it meant.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan responded. The rain stopped, he knew, when Mu Xiaoya brought him out of the darkness, he found out.

"Then let's go back." Mu Xiaoya pulled Bai Chuan to stand up, and it was rained for so long. The two of them could be said to be wet from head to toe, and from the inside to the outside. In addition, the clothes in summer were thin. It was all tightly attached to the body, uncomfortable.

Mu Xiaoya's black underwear was even more obvious under the white shirt.

Bai Chuan couldn't help staring straight at it.

"What are you looking at?" Mu Xiaoya subconsciously covered her chest.

Bai Chuan blinked, not understanding why Mu Xiaoya was hiding, he just subconsciously felt that the black in Mu Xiaoya's white clothes was very eye-catching.

"Black." But since Xiaoya asked what he was looking at, he still had to answer.

"..." Mu Xiaoya suddenly felt a panic in her heart, this kind of straight-line answer was really choking.

Black, black underwear, or just looking at black? Mu Xiaoya's rationality was telling her that the black in Bai Chuan's mouth definitely meant that he was looking at black things, but her brain couldn't help but think of things that were not suitable for children.

The most unreasonable thing is that she is still helping her husband and making up for him to take advantage of her, that's enough!

"Xiao Chuan." Taking a deep breath, Mu Xiaoya tried to calm herself down, "If a girl's clothes are wet, it's impolite to stare at others like that."

"Yeah." Bai Chuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Mu Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, when Bai Chuan asked again, "Isn't it okay to look at you?" He likes to look at Mu Xiaoya, whenever he sees Mu Xiaoya, he will feel inexplicably at ease.

If your husband asked you if he could look at your clothes when they were wet, how would you answer.

"..." Oh my God, Mu Xiaoya wailed in her heart with shame, if she didn't know that Bai Chuan didn't understand anything, she would really suspect that Bai Chuan was teasing her.

"Isn't it okay?" Bai Chuan was a little disappointed, but still obediently turned his back and stopped looking at Mu Xiaoya.

"Okay." Mu Xiaoya gritted her teeth, "It's okay only when the two of us are together."

Forget it, I got all the certificates, and I kissed him on the mouth. Show him and show him, and there will be no less meat.

Bai Chuan was immediately happy again.

"Come on, help me collect the things, we're going back." The rain just now washed the things they brought everywhere. Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan picked them up and took them away to prevent pollution from being left in the mountains and forests. surroundings.

Back at the cherry orchard, Liang Nuonuo was startled when she saw such a miserable appearance of the two of them. He hurriedly asked the two of them to take a bath and change their clothes, and then prepared ginger soup and cold medicine, but the next day, Mu Xiaoya still caught a cold.

The cold was coming and Mu Xiaoya spread out on the bed and couldn't get up at all.

"You said you were dragging Bai Chuan for a run. It was also raining, but Bai Chuan didn't have anything to do with it. You've become such a bear." Liang Nuonuo said while taking the cold medicine for Mu Xiaoya, " I think you should exercise more by yourself in the future."

"I'm already like this, and you still mock me." With Bai Chuan's help, Mu Xiaoya sat up from the bed and took the cold medicine with the hot water handed over by Liang Nuonuo.

"Try to see if you have a fever." Liang Nuonuo handed over another thermometer.

"No need."

"There is no doctor in the village. If you have a severe fever, I have to drive you to the county seat in advance. Take a test quickly. If the temperature is high, I will take you to the hospital."

Mu Xiaoya felt that her body temperature was not too high, and when she wanted to refuse again, Bai Chuan suddenly reached out and took the thermometer in Liang Nuonuo's hand, and then said nothing, just stared at Mu Xiaoya with the thermometer. Bai Chuan actually didn't like hospitals, but he knew that hospitals were places to treat diseases. He didn't want Mu Xiaoya to go to the hospital, but he wanted her to be healthy.

"I'll test." Being stared at by Bai Chuan, Mu Xiaoya accepted her fate and took the thermometer in less than three seconds, put it under her armpit, and then lay back on the bed softly.

"I'll be here in ten minutes." Liang Nuonuo got up and went out to do his own business.

Mu Xiaoya felt uncomfortable and worried about Bai Chuan. She looked back at Bai Chuan and said, "You should also take some cold medicine to prevent it."

"I don't have a cold." Bai Chuan doesn't like taking medicine. Since he was a child, his grandmother has given him a lot of medicine, especially when he is sick, he takes dozens of different medicines a day. After eating, he would feel sick to his stomach and couldn't turn his head.

"But I have a cold. You will be infected when you stay with me every day."

"It's ok."

"..." Mu Xiaoya found that Bai Chuan was sometimes difficult to coax, "Then if you don't take medicine, you are not allowed to stay with me."

Bai Chuan glanced at Mu Xiaoya silently, then obediently picked up the medicine to prevent colds from the medicine box, and took the medicine with the water that Mu Xiaoya had not finished drinking just now.

Mu Xiaoya was instantly satisfied, although sometimes it was difficult to coax, but it was still obedient. However, the biggest surprise of this incident was not that she was the only one sick, but this time Bai Chuan recovered very well after the disease. There are hardly any negative emotions, and there is no guilt and self-blame to apologize to her. Does this mean that Bai Chuan has improved again

Ten minutes later, Liang Nuonuo came back and glanced at the thermometer, Mu Xiaoya had a low fever and did not need to go to the hospital. Although she didn't need to go to the hospital, Mu Xiaoya's recovery was not good. She was dizzy for two days and coughed for three days before she regained her spirits.

On this day, Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan, who had recovered from the illness, went out for a walk, and when they came back for lunch, they saw Liang Nuonuo with a dark face and didn't know who he was calling.

"Nuo Nuo, what's wrong with you?" Mu Xiaoya asked concerned when Liang Nuonuo finished the phone call.

"My nephew, that little ancestor didn't eat, so I was mad at me." Liang Nuonuo looked helpless.

The nephew in Liang Nuonuo's mouth is her sister's child. Liang Nuonuo's sister got married early, so now the children are almost ten years old and are in the third grade of primary school. Liang Nuonuo's parents came back from the eldest daughter's house in the past few days when she was sick, and brought back their grandson by the way. However, after the old couple came back, they threw the child in the cherry orchard and let Liang Nuonuo take care of them, and then they left it alone. Before, Liang Nuonuo complained to her once.

"Is it hot, do you want him to eat watermelon?" When the weather is hot, it is easy for people to lose their appetite.

"When the weather is hot, he just doesn't want to eat, so he knows how to do the problem."

"Do questions?"

"Yeah." Liang Nuonuo said helplessly, "My nephew is a nerd. When other children are so old, they can't wait to play games every day, but he loves to study. Whether it's winter and summer vacations, weekends or New Year's holidays, He was either reading or doing questions. His grades were good, he was always in the top three, but my sister was afraid that he would become a nerd, so she forced him to come here, and wanted him to spend a good summer in the country. As a result, he It's good, I brought a book of Olympiad problems, and I do math problems in it every day."

"How about a child who loves studying so much?" Mu Xiaoya was stunned.

"You think it's weird too." Liang Nuonuo said with a wry smile, "I went to ask him to eat just now, but he insisted that I disrupted his thinking, and he had to solve the Olympiad problem in his hand before eating. If you want him to come to dinner, let me help him solve the problem."

"You can't solve it?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"You didn't see that, where is elementary school mathematics? I can't understand the topic." Not only did she not solve it, but she was deeply despised by her little nephew, saying that her little aunt had gone to college for nothing, and she was in primary school. Can't do math. Liang Nuonuo only felt her face hurt, but she couldn't refute it.

"I just called my sister, and my sister said that when my nephew was doing the question, she couldn't move, and let me figure it out." Liang Nuonuo said fiercely, "I'll go grab him right now. "

Wen's can't, Liang Nuonuo intends to use force.

Mu Xiaoya raised her eyebrows, watched Liang Nuonuo go in, and came out with a chubby kid with glasses.

"Give me a meal first."

"Don't eat, I haven't solved the problem yet."

"Eat and then solve."

"No, the train of thought is interrupted."

"If you're interrupted, think about it again and feed me."

"Why don't you give me a computer and I'll go online and ask my classmates."

"Don't think about it, your mother said that you don't want to do anything except play this summer."

Mu Xiaoya saw that the more the two were arguing, the more intense it was, and it seemed that the meal was going to be cold. Although it was cold in the summer, it would not affect the taste.

"Hey, isn't it just a question, bring it here, I'll help you solve it."

The two people who were pulling together stopped at the same time, and said in unison, "Can you do it?"

Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Chuan with a smile.