My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 28: Not physically fit


Bai Chuan's biological clock is very stable, and he wakes up at six o'clock every morning. When he was in the cherry orchard before, because of the early morning sun, he got up half an hour earlier every day. But after returning home, with the curtain blocking, Bai Chuan's biological clock returned to its original state. Similarly, Mu Xiaoya's biological clock also recovered.

It's just that Bai Chuan's biological clock is six o'clock every morning, while Mu Xiaoya's biological clock is to sleep until he wakes up naturally, and then stay in bed again.

Bai Chuan had been up for five minutes. He stood at the head of the bed and looked at Mu Xiaoya, who was lying in bed, with a distressed expression, wondering if he should wake up again.

"Xiao Chuan, I'll run with you every morning, remember to wake me up." These are the words Mu Xiaoya left to Bai Chuan before going to bed last night.

but now…

"Xiaoya, get up and run." Bai Chuan carefully pushed Mu Xiaoya on the push bed.

"Oh, no, I don't want to get up." Mu Xiaoya wrapped herself in the quilt, turned over and continued to sleep.

This is the third time, and the only difference between the three times is probably the change in Mu Xiaoya's lines. From the first sentence let her sleep for another five minutes, now, don't get up at all.

After waiting for five minutes and calling twice, Bai Chuan finally recognized the reality that Mu Xiaoya, who had not woken up, could turn her face when she turned her head. Also, she hates getting up early.

After being rejected three times, Bai Chuan decided to go out for a run by himself. He agreed to Mu Xiaoya's matter and would not give up halfway through, even though Mu Xiaoya gave up first.

Run 100 meters more every day, I should run 2700 meters today.

After changing into sports clothes and putting on sneakers, Bai Chuan pushed the door downstairs, walked through the living room, and walked outside the yard, and then at the gate, he met Bai Zheng who was also going out for a run.

Bai Zheng's eyes widened when he saw his younger brother dressed in sports make-up, and his expressionless face showed a bit of shock: "Xiao Chuan, what are you... doing?"

Bai Chuan also noticed his eldest brother, and he replied dully.


Running, of course I know you are going to run, I know you are going to run when I look at your makeup, the question is, do you actually want to go for a run

Bai Zheng had a thousand words in his heart, but he only said one sentence: "Together?"

Bai Chuan didn't speak, and ran out by himself. He calculated that he ran down the mountain from the gate, and ran to the second traffic light for about a kilometer. Then he ran 350 meters forward, and then turned back, which was exactly 2,700 meters.

Seeing that his younger brother ran out first, Bai Zheng quickly followed. Bai Chuan's speed was not fast, and Bai Zheng caught up within two steps. The two ran for about 100 meters, and an intersection appeared ahead. Bai Zheng considered that his younger brother might not be familiar with the surrounding environment, so he proposed: "Xiao Chuan, run to the left, there is a small park on the left."

Bai Chuan ignored it, followed the route he had planned, and ran down the mountain without further ado.

Bai Zheng didn't get angry when he saw that his brother didn't listen to him, he turned around and continued to chase after him. Isn't it just changing the route? It doesn't matter. The point of running today is that he can run with his younger brother. This is something he has never even dreamed of. Thinking this way all the way, Bai Zheng only felt that the wind was blowing from the bottom of his feet, and he was running very briskly.

Not long after the two brothers of the Bai family ran out, the Bai family and his wife also got up. As soon as they sat in the living room, Uncle Li, the housekeeper, brought the coffee that had been prepared long ago. By the way, I reported the first-hand good news I got.

"Sir, madam, the eldest young master and the second young master went out for a morning run together."

"What?" Bai Guoyu almost spilled the coffee in his hand in shock.

"Cough cough..." Li Rong, who had already taken a sip of coffee one step ahead of her husband, coughed desperately.

"Uncle Li, what did you say? Xiaochuan went for a morning run?" After finally getting over, Li Rong's first thing was to ask Uncle Li to verify whether she had auditory hallucinations just now.

"Yes. Five minutes ago, Second Young Master came down from the second floor alone, and met with Young Master at the gate. The two went for a pleasant morning run together." Uncle Li repeated with a smile.

"Alone, Xiaoya not together?" Li Rong asked.

"Yes, the second young grandma is not together."

The Bai couple looked at each other in shock, with disbelief on their faces. Their youngest son, who was autistic, lonely, didn't like to talk, and couldn't even go downstairs, would actually get up and run in the morning. Morning run, what a positive, healthy and optimistic activity. How can this be the attitude of life that an autistic patient should have

The so-called seeing is believing. Before seeing it with their own eyes, the Bai family still chose not to believe it. The two adjusted their sitting positions, each holding a cup of coffee, and occasionally glanced at the gate.

"Sir, ma'am, the two young masters only went out for a morning run for less than ten minutes, and they didn't come back so soon." Uncle Li reminded intimately.

"Cough, I see." Bai Guoyu put down the coffee in his hand awkwardly.

Uncle Li smiled and went to the kitchen to tell the cook to cook more eggs. The two young masters should go out for a run and add more protein.

After being reminded by Uncle Li, Bai's husband and wife also woke up. It took half an hour for the morning run, so they didn't have to look at the door in such a hurry. So one picked up the phone, the other picked up the newspaper and went on with his own business.

But they only watched for a while when a servant's greeting came from outside the door: "Young Master, Second Young Master."

came back

As soon as the two of them put the mobile phone and newspaper in their hands, they looked at the door together, and saw that Bai Chuan's face was slightly flushed, and he walked in from the door while panting lightly. And Bai Zheng, who was behind him, was neither blushing nor panting, as if he hadn't gone out for a run at all.

Bai Zheng was a little depressed. He had just warmed up and Bai Chuan suddenly stopped running. Just over a kilometer after running, Bai Chuan suddenly turned his head and ran back home. He hurried to catch up, and suggested that Bai Chuan could run for a while longer, so as to exercise the effect, but Bai Chuan replied to him:

"Xiaoya said, I only need to run 2,700 meters today."

"..." Xiaoya said, Xiaoya said, I'm not talking about what I said, she can still have my major when it comes to exercise. Bai Zheng, who has been working out for seven or eight years, couldn't help but compare them fiercely in his heart.

"Xiao Chuan, did you go out for a run?" Li Rong waited for Bai Chuan to approach, and couldn't help asking.

Bai Chuan stopped, looked at his mother, and nodded lightly.

"Why did you suddenly think of running?" Without asking, Li Rong had already guessed the answer, and Xiaoya must have asked him to run again. But even if Li Rong knew it, she still wanted to chat more with her son, because she knew that as long as it was about Mu Xiaoya, Bai Chuan would definitely answer.

"Xiaoya said I'm not physically fit."

"Pfft~~" Bai Guoyu, who was lucky enough to escape just now, finally sprayed this cup of coffee.

The three of the Bai family were shaken in place by Bai Chuan's lack of physical strength, and they would not recover until Bai Chuan went upstairs and left.

"Yes... is that what I understand?" Li Rong asked her husband.

"Cough..." Bai Guoyu blushed, "Don't think blindly, what does Xiaochuan know?"

Bai Zheng thinks what his father said is reasonable. His younger brother is more simple than a teenager, and it's definitely not the things that slipped through his mind just now.

"Hey... I hope Xiaochuan understands a little bit, so that I can hug my grandson sooner." After the shock, Li Rong began to regret. If what Mu Xiaoya said about his lack of physical strength really meant that, then their Bai family would not be getting a baby soon.

"Don't be too greedy, Xiaochuan can do this now." Bai Guoyu advised.

"I know, I can't help looking forward to it." Li Rong sighed, "In the past, I only thought about Bai Chuan growing up healthy and healthy, but as for work and marriage, we didn't even dare to think about it. But now, Xiaochuan is not only able to work, but also married. It's all going well, can I think about it? Besides, what if it happens?"

Bai Guoyu followed his wife's words and thought to the next, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"It's a pity." Li Rong said sadly, "We Bai Chuan don't understand anything, we're just like a piece of white paper, and we don't know if it will be... what."

As soon as those three words came out, Bai Zheng's face turned black. He never thought that one day he would sit down with his parents to discuss... what.

"Bai Zheng." Li Rong suddenly looked at her eldest son.

"Ah?" Bai Zheng raised his head.

"Or... you go and teach your brother."

"Pacha!" Bai Zheng excitedly knocked over the coffee brought by the servant, and the hot coffee spilled all over him.

"Young Master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The servant was so scared that he almost cried, why did he make such a mistake early in the morning.

"It's okay, take the things away." Bai Zheng wiped it with a few napkins himself, and when the servant left, he couldn't help but frown at his mother-in-law: "Mom, what did you say? Woolen cloth."

Li Rong saw that her eldest son's brows were furrowed, and she knew he was angry, so she didn't dare to mention Bai Zheng's help, but turned to look at her husband.

"Cough... Bai Zheng, what's your opinion on the project mentioned by the project department before?" Bai Guoyu began to change the subject.

Li Rong rolled her eyes, looked in the direction of the second floor, and began to wonder: Do you want her mother-in-law to hint at Mu Xiaoya? Would that make it seem like he was giving birth? This is not what a good mother-in-law should do.

Mu Xiaoya, who was lying in bed, was completely unaware of the series of events triggered by Bai Chuan's words, but during breakfast, she suddenly realized that the eyes of everyone looking at her were a bit wrong.

It must be that Bai Chuan went out for a run in the morning and shocked them.

Mu Xiaoya quickly found the perfect explanation for herself.

After breakfast, everyone got ready to go to work one after another, and even Mu Xiaoya and Fang Hui made an appointment to meet in the studio.

Bai Chuan sent Mu Xiaoya to the door.

"I'll be back tonight." Mu Xiaoya said.

"When?" Bai Chuan asked.

"Well~ at six o'clock, I must be back at six o'clock in the evening."

"Okay." Bai Chuan nodded and watched the other party leave until the car was no longer visible, then turned around and walked into the villa, preparing to go back to the room and wait for Mu Xiaoya to come back.

At six o'clock in the evening, he read a book for a while and then passed by.

Bai Chuan returned to his room and picked a book from the bookshelf. Just as he was about to go to the balcony to read for a while, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Bai Zheng stood outside the door, not sure if Bai Chuan would open the door. Before they entered Bai Chuan's room, they never knocked on the door, because Bai Chuan would not necessarily open the door for them. So every time they asked Bai Chuan for something, or a servant came up to deliver something, they would just push the door and go in directly. But now that Bai Chuan is married, the room is no longer owned by Bai Chuan alone. Bai Zheng doesn't push the door directly as before.

He had already thought about it, if Bai Chuan didn't open the door after five minutes, he would wait until the evening.


The door opened, Bai Zheng looked at Bai Chuan inside the door in surprise, and immediately confirmed again that Bai Chuan was really much better than before.

They all learned to open the door~

"It's not Xiaoya." Bai Chuan's disappointment was evident when he saw Bai Zheng's face.

"..." I'm really sorry, I'm not your daughter-in-law.

Bai Zheng took a deep breath and let out a sigh, and asked, "Xiao Chuan, when are you going to go back to work?"

"Don't go." After speaking, Bai Chuan slammed and closed the door from the inside.

"… "

If you weren't my brother, I would fire you a hundred times.