My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 30: How much is in the salary card


Mu Xiaoya sat on the ground next to Bai Chuan, watching him put together a puzzle piece by piece, repeating the same movement 5,000 times, which should have been extremely boring, but it looked extremely wonderful in the picture that was constantly improving in front of her.

Some people say that the best state of men and women is that men dote on women, and women adore men. At this moment, Mu Xiaoya suddenly felt that her marriage was the best state. Whether it's recognizing the way, looking at the map, doing math problems, jigsaw puzzles... Every time Bai Chuan shows off one of his specialties, she can't help but want to admire him. Bai Chuan is far better than she imagined.

When Bai Chuan put the last piece of the puzzle in, Mu Xiaoya couldn't wait to take out her phone to take a picture.

"I'll send it to Nuonuo now, she thought a five thousand piece puzzle could stum me, hum!" Mu Xiaoya took a picture of the puzzle, and posted it on her Moments, with an extremely embarrassing caption:

The 5,000-piece puzzle took only two hours to complete. It was really easy, and I dared not to make it more difficult.

After a while, a bunch of messages appeared below:

"Mumu, this is a wedding photo. Be creative."

"This watermelon looks delicious."

"No no, the groom looks more palatable."

"I'm going to die, Xiao misses someone else's husband, so be careful Mumu comes to your door to find your real PK."

Fang Hui: "Bai Chuan did it."

Mu Xiaoya replied to Fang Hui: "Yes."

Liang Nuonuo immediately replied: "Don't rely on your husband if you have the ability."

Mu Xiaoya posted a picture of rolling her eyes and said, "I have a husband, why don't you rely on it, you can find one if you have the ability."

Liang Nuonuo: "I lost."

Seeing Liang Nuonuo admit defeat, Mu Xiaoya immediately felt refreshed, and happily replied a few messages before turning to Bai Chuan with a smile, "They are all envious of me."

"What are you envious of?" Bai Chuan didn't understand.

"I envy me for having a husband."

Bai Chuan was stunned for a while, feeling that this matter had something to do with him, so he couldn't help but light up.

"No, they should be envious of my husband being you. Not everyone's husband is so handsome and smart."

Bai Chuan's eyes, which had only a little light, suddenly gleamed. You are handsome and smart, do you make others envy Xiaoya

"I can also make bigger puzzles." He wanted to make others envy Xiaoya even more.

"I know, but this is already very big. Let's hang this puzzle first, shall we hang it on the bedside and use it as our wedding photo?" Speaking of which, they got married in a hurry, and they didn't walk normally. There was neither a banquet nor a wedding photo in the process, as if after being reborn, she would naturally become Bai Chuan's wife, and it was still the old-fashioned-wife model.

Seeing this puzzle at this time, Mu Xiaoya suddenly had the idea to make up a set of wedding photos.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan held up the puzzle, looked at the pure white wall, and began to think about how to hang it.

"I'm going to ask Uncle Li to help." Mu Xiaoya went out of the bedroom to find Uncle Li. Uncle Li heard the request and immediately climbed upstairs with the toolbox. Mu Xiaoya thought that Bai Chuan must be thirsty after working on the puzzle for so long, so she turned around and went to the kitchen to pour a glass of warm water for Bai Chuan.

Holding two glasses of water, when Mu Xiaoya was about to turn around and take it upstairs, Bai Zheng suddenly walked in from outside, also holding a water glass in his hand.

"Big brother." Bai Zheng is a man with his own aura, and he himself is unsmiling and doesn't look easy to approach, which makes Mu Xiaoya feel a little cautious every time he sees him.

"Yeah." Bai Zheng nodded, then walked in and poured himself a glass of water.

Mu Xiaoya stood at the door of the kitchen holding a water glass for a while, brewing for a while, and then opened her mouth to thank you: "Brother, thank you."

"?" Bai Zheng looked at Mu Xiaoya in surprise.

"Studio, decoration." Mu Xiaoya reminded.

"You're welcome." Bai Chuan was stunned and replied lightly. He just told his assistant about this, but he didn't worry too much about it, so he didn't feel that he had helped much.

"Uh..." Bai Zheng's answer was too cold, as if every word was expressing that he didn't want to talk to Mu Xiaoya. Mu Xiaoya was a little embarrassed, so she had to walk out silently with two glasses of water.

"That..." Who knew that Mu Xiaoya turned around, but Bai Zheng suddenly took the initiative to speak out.

Mu Xiaoya hurriedly turned around and looked at Bai Zheng.

"You really want to thank me?" Bai Zheng asked with a sullen face.

"Of course." Although she didn't know why Bai Zheng suddenly asked such a question, Mu Xiaoya still answered very succinctly.

"Then... can you do me a favor." A look of embarrassment flashed across Bai Zheng's face.

"What are you busy with?" Mu Xiaoya asked curiously.

"Cough... Can you let Xiaochuan go back to work next week, he has been on vacation for almost a month." Bai Zheng's eyes flickered, and he was embarrassed to look at Mu Xiaoya's face.

"Okay, I'll tell him." Mu Xiaoya smiled and agreed. She didn't ask Bai Zheng why he asked her to let Bai Chuan go back to work in the company, because she knew that if Bai Chuan had not rejected him, Bai Zheng would not have come to find her. Mu Xiaoya naturally wouldn't expose such a shameful thing.

"Thank you. When your studio opens, I will let someone send flower baskets." After speaking, Bai Zheng strode forward and left the kitchen one step ahead of Mu Xiaoya. That back, hurried, actually gave birth to a trace of embarrassment.

Mu Xiaoya glanced at it and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Back in the bedroom, Mu Xiaoya found that the puzzle had not been hung up, and suddenly glanced at Uncle Li in surprise.

"Second Master won't let me drive nails on the bed." Uncle Li was holding a hammer in his hand with a sad face, "But if you don't drive nails, how can you hang it up?"

Mu Xiaoya was stunned for a while, but she did not rush to ask, but first handed the water cup to Bai Chuan, waited for Bai Chuan to drink the water before asking, "Don't want to hang up the puzzle?"

Bai Chuan looked at the head of the bed and shook his head sullenly.

"Then why not let the nails be nailed."

"Uncomfortable." Bai Chuan frowned tightly, and there was a sense of grievance in his voice. He wanted to hang the puzzle, but as soon as Uncle Li said he was going to nail the nails, his head hurt. He didn't want to disappoint Mu Xiaoya, and he didn't want to make himself sick. He was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do, which was both uncomfortable and aggrieved.

Uncomfortable? Mu Xiaoya was stunned: "You don't like the sound of nails being nailed?"

Bai Chuan shook his head.

"That's why you don't like a nail on the head of the bed?"

"Yeah." Bai Chuan felt even more uncomfortable when Mu Xiaoya guessed. What he wanted to hang up, what he promised Xiaoya, he really wanted to, but why couldn't he just have one more nail there.

"I didn't disagree on purpose." Bai Chuan didn't know how to express his feelings, and finally he could only suffocate such a sentence.

He didn't deliberately disagree, but he couldn't explain the reason for his disagreement. Fortunately, Mu Xiaoya understood.

"Then we won't nail the nails." Mu Xiaoya comforted, "It can be hung without nails, but it's a little more troublesome, maybe tomorrow. Uncle Li, can I trouble you to help us fix this painting tomorrow? Hang it up without nails."

"Okay, no problem." Uncle Li stayed in Bai's house for so many years and watched Bai Chuan grow up. He immediately understood the meaning of Mu Xiaoya's words. Second Young Master is looking at a nail on the head of the bed, which is an eyesore. Then he will find a professional master tomorrow so that Second Young Master will not see the nail.

When Bai Chuan heard this, his brows suddenly loosened, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

After Uncle Li promised, he immediately returned to his residence with his toolbox. Bai Chuan carefully placed the puzzle that Mu Xiaoya was proud of on the desk, for fear of accidentally messing it up.

"Xiao Chuan." Mu Xiaoya walked to Bai Chuan's side and asked in a natural tone, "Did you get confused just now?"

"Tangled?" Bai Chuan rarely came across the word, and he couldn't understand it for a while.

"Tangled means that you are in a dilemma when deciding something." Mu Xiaoya explained patiently, "Did you just want to hang the painting and don't want nails, so you feel uncomfortable?"

"Well, I have a headache." Bai Chuan nodded honestly.

"Then, did we figure out a way to solve this matter?" Mu Xiaoya asked again.

"Yeah." Although Xiaoya is not good at math and has a bad memory, she is still very smart in some aspects.

"So, have you discovered that in fact, many tangled things have the best of both worlds solutions. Next time you encounter such a tangled thing, don't worry, don't feel uncomfortable, just calm down and think more, Maybe we can think of a solution. Besides, it won't be a headache." Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Chuan encouragingly.

This paragraph of Mu Xiaoya is a bit long, and the causal relationship in it is also a bit complicated compared to Bai Chuan. Fortunately, Bai Chuan's memory is very good. He recited this sentence over and over again in his heart until he understood the meaning of Mu Xiaoya's words.

"Well, I'll think more about it in the future." Bai Chuan assured seriously.

"Awesome!" Mu Xiaoya couldn't help boasting.

Bai Chuan suddenly showed a shallow smile.

"The weekend after the day after tomorrow, let's go see my parents, okay?" After returning from the cherry orchard, Mu Xiaoya wanted to go back to visit her parents, but as a high school teacher, the second old man was too busy for the summer vacation, and stayed at the school every day to give the upcoming The students in the third year of high school make up for their classes and will not go home until ten o'clock in the evening. As a result, Mu Xiaoya could only find them on weekends when she was on the summer vacation.

As long as he is with Mu Xiaoya, Bai Chuan has no opinion on where he goes.

"There is one more thing I want to discuss with you." Mu Xiaoya said seriously, "I am going this time. I want to buy some gifts for my parents, and I may use your salary card."

Xiaoya wants to use her salary card, so use it. Bai Chuan looked at Mu Xiaoya and waited for her to continue.

Mu Xiaoya waited for a while, but she didn't see Bai Chuan's statement before she reacted abruptly. She didn't use the question just now, and Bai Chuan probably didn't know what to answer, so she immediately added, "Can it be used?"

Although Bai Chuan said that he would use all the money for her when he handed in the salary card, and Bai Chuan himself may have no concept of money, but as a husband and wife, Mu Xiaoya felt that she could spend Bai Chuan's money, but she should let Bai Chuan Know where you spend your money.

"It's all for you." Bai Chuan replied.

"Then I'm welcome." Mu Xiaoya smiled happily, this sentence is for you, I really can't help but feel happy every time I hear it.

After that, the two of them went to bed. Before going to bed, Mu Xiaoya held the phone and hesitated whether to set the alarm clock. If it is to have breakfast with the Bai family, then the alarm clock should be set at 7:30, but if you want to run with Bai Chuan, it must be set at 5:30.

It's half past five, so early, Mu Xiaoya felt very tired just thinking about it. However, she promised to run with Bai Chuan, eh...

Wait, I didn't seem to get up and run this morning.

"Xiao Chuan, didn't you run this morning?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"Run." Bai Chuan replied, "2700 meters." He wasn't slacking off.

"You went to run by yourself? Why didn't you call me?" Mu Xiaoya said in shock.

"You said you didn't want to get up." He clearly called three times.

I said that I didn't want to get up, so Bai Chuan didn't call himself, and then went out for a run by himself. Does that mean...

Mu Xiaoya was overjoyed and said coquettishly, "After that, in the morning, will you go for a run by yourself?"

"Okay." Bai Chuan nodded obediently.

Mu Xiaoya cheered softly, and then the alarm clock decided that it was 7:30, what a wonderful morning when you could sleep for two more hours.

So the next morning, Bai Chuan got up at six o'clock on time, changed his clothes, went out, met Bai Zheng at the door, and the brothers ran together again. Then Bai Zheng was delighted to discover that Bai Chuan continued to run forward at the spot where he turned back yesterday. Just when he thought he could finally run with Bai Chuan to the fullest today, Bai Chuan only ran 50 meters forward, and then turned back again decisively.

"..." Bai Zheng, whose joy was not completely over yet.

"You're not running 2,700 meters today?" Bai Zheng couldn't help asking.

"2800 meters today." Bai Chuan, who has been running for more than half a month, has become accustomed to the amount of exercise in running, and he can speak easily while running. But even though he didn't feel tired, he didn't want to run even one more meter.

"Yesterday 2700, today 2800, the increment is 100 meters every day?" Bai Zheng mastered the rules.


So, according to this increasing ratio, if he wants to run five kilometers with his younger brother, he has to… do the math… 22 days

And... Did Mu Xiaoya say anything about letting Xiaochuan go back to work

After breakfast, Bai Chuan sent Mu Xiaoya to work as usual. When Mu Xiaoya arrived at the store, Fang Hui was holding a pancake and eating it.

"Have you had breakfast?" Fang Hui asked Mu Xiaoya.

"Have eaten." Mu Xiaoya replied, then turned on the computer and said, "I read the resume you sent me in the mailbox yesterday, I think it's fine, just let someone come over for an interview."

"Okay, I'll ask someone for an interview later, and you're in charge of putting the shoes on the shelves. It's best to hang up a few design samples, so that you can see that it's a brand we designed independently." Fang Hui said.

"Okay." People who study design naturally know how to draw, so it's hard for Mu Xiaoya to get a Taobao page. It's just that this kind of thing takes a lot of time, and she just finished the page of a shoe all morning.

At noon, when the two went to a shopping mall not far away for dinner, Fang Hui suddenly asked Mu Xiaoya, "Your Bai Chuan is so clingy to you, if you run out to work every day, will Bai Chuan make trouble at home?"

"No, Bai Chuan is very quiet. You don't care about him, he can read a book quietly all day by himself." Although Bai Chuan has autism, he is not troublesome.

"It's not good to be doing nothing like this. Didn't you say last time that the professor said that Bai Chuan should be more active and have more contact with the outside world, which will be good for recovery? How about you bring him to the studio, Don't worry, I don't mind you spreading dog food." Fang Hui said generously.

"Who said that Bai Chuan has nothing to do, our family Bai Chuan has a job." Mu Xiaoya said dissatisfied.

"Have a job? What kind of job?" Fang Hui asked curiously.

"It seems to be programming. I'm not very clear. Last time, Bai Chuan's mother said it accidentally, but I didn't ask."

"Oh, if you have a job, it means you can make money."

"Of course, Bai Chuan's salary card has been given to me. After a while, I will use Bai Chuan's money to buy gifts for my parents." Mu Xiaoya murmured.

Let you discriminate against our Bai Chuan. Our Bai Chuan is very powerful, not worse than normal people at all.

"Wage card? How much is his salary card? How much is his monthly salary?" Fang Hui couldn't help but wonder.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it yet."

"Look at it later?" Fang Hui suggested.

Mu Xiaoya was also a little curious, so she nodded, the two of them speeded up their meal, and then went to the ATM machine on the first floor to check the balance.

When Mu Xiaoya typed in the password, Fang Hui didn't follow him to watch. She stood outside the door of the ATM compartment, waiting for Mu Xiaoya to tell her the answer. As a result, after waiting for a long time, she didn't see any movement from Mu Xiaoya, so she thought the ATM was broken.

"Is the machine broken?" Fang Hui asked.

Mu Xiaoya didn't answer, she silently withdrew from the bank card, walked out of the ATM compartment with a dull face, and then made a gesture of eight to Fang Hui.

"Eight hundred thousand?"

Mu Xiaoya shook her head.

"Eight million?"

"Eight digits." Mu Xiaoya took a deep breath.

"I'm going, so much money? Are you sure it's a salary card, not the shares that Bai Chuan gave to Bai Chuan?" According to Bai Chuan's age, even if he worked, he must have been working for a few years. Where did he earn so much money? If it is said that the company shares dividends, it is possible.

"Don't worry." Mu Xiaoya clenched the bank card tightly in her hand, "Hao" said dryly, "I'm going to buy that 30,000 yuan massage chair just now and send it to my parents. "

"Promising." Fang Hui glanced at Mu Xiaoya with contempt, holding her husband's 8-digit salary card, and buying something for 30,000 yuan, do you still need to grit your teeth like this

"Go, go and place an order!" Mu Xiaoya walked straight to the showroom on the first floor.