My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 35: No ethics, no responsibility


Not long after the two returned to the villa, Uncle Li, who drove Mu Xiaoya there, also came back. As soon as he entered the door, he hurried over to look at Bai Chuan, but found that Bai Chuan was sitting quietly in the restaurant eating.

"Second Young Master, are you okay?" Uncle Li asked worriedly.

"It's alright." Mu Xiaoya gently shook her head.

"Why did he suddenly get sick?" Uncle Li asked after heaving a sigh of relief. Bai Chuan had never gotten sick on the way from get off work or in the car before.

"I made an appointment with Bai Chuan to be home at 6 o'clock in the evening. He was in a traffic jam and was a little anxious, so... it's all my fault." Mu Xiaoya blamed herself.

"How can I blame you." Uncle Li didn't expect that Bai Chuan would suddenly become ill because he didn't go home in time, but this shouldn't be the fault of the second young lady, the fault lies in...

What's wrong? Is it because the second young master is too persistent, too inflexible, or cares too much about the agreement with the second young master? If you have to blame the same thing, you can only blame Er Shao's disease. Uncle Li looked at Mu Xiaoya with a face of self-reproach, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Second Young Master and Second Young Grandma are both good children, and they are such a pair, why is Second Young Master just...

"Fortunately, Xiaochuan has nothing to do, but he was in a hurry. Uncle Li, you should call your parents and let them not worry." Mu Xiaoya asked Uncle Li with a smile, she knew that Uncle Li must have put Bai Chuan out. The illness was told to the rest of the Bai family.

"Okay." Uncle Li went to make a phone call, but the husband and wife were already on their way back. Only after the young master heard it, he replied that he knew, as if he had no intention of coming back.

After Bai Guoyu and Li Rong went home, Bai Chuan had recovered as usual, with a calm mood and a rosy complexion. They let go of their hearts and comforted Mu Xiaoya again. They didn't say anything to blame during the whole process, they just told Mu Xiaoya a few words. Remind her that Bai Chuan's autism caused Bai Chuan's character to be stubborn and inflexible, with a strong sense of time, so Mu Xiaoya tried not to be fixed at a specific point in time when she was with Bai Chuan. Because once an accident occurs and the agreement cannot be reached, Bai Chuan will be easily impatient.

"Xiaoya, what your parents said is just to remind you kindly, not that you are doing something wrong. You must have been shocked when Xiaochuan did this. It's not your fault, so don't take it to heart." After that, Li Rong was worried that Mu Xiaoya would think too much.

"I know, I've only been with Xiaochuan for a while. I don't know many of his habits. You remind me for my own good. I'll pay attention to it in the future." How could Mu Xiaoya not know what Li Rong meant? She didn't think much about it, but Bai Chuan was ill today because of her illness, and she couldn't help but blame herself.

"You just understand."

"Dad, Mom, I'll go up and see Xiaochuan." Mu Xiaoya was worried about Bai Chuan, got up and went back to the bedroom.

After Mu Xiaoya left, Li Rong was still frowning. She looked at her husband worriedly: "Tell me, does Xiaoya think Xiaochuan is too troublesome?"

Bai Guoyu pondered for a moment, then said, "Xiaoya didn't say anything, guess what."

"Am I worried? If Xiaoya thinks Xiaochuan is in trouble and wants to leave..."

"We promised Xiaoya's parents that we would never stop Xiaoya if she wanted to leave." Bai Guoyu reminded, although he did not want Mu Xiaoya to leave.

"I'm... I'm afraid that Xiaochuan will be sad." If Mu Xiaoya really wanted to leave, Li Rong would neither stop nor stand in any way to stop her, but as long as she thought of Bai Chuan, she felt uneasy in her heart.

"Stop thinking about it, and..." Bai Guoyu said, "Let's talk as little as possible about Xiaochuan and Xiaoya."

"You also think that I deliberately reminded Xiaoya just now, how much will Xiaoya think?" Li Rong worried.

"No. I just think that Xiaoya married into our family alone, and our family cares too much about Xiaochuan. After a long time, there will inevitably be misunderstandings. I think, let them move out and live." Bai Guoyu suggested, " In this way, some conflicts can be avoided in advance.”

"What if Xiaochuan gets sick again?" Li Rong was uneasy.

"Can you make Xiaochuan quiet in the car with just a phone call?" Bai Guoyu asked his wife.

No, Li Rong knew clearly that all they could do was to let Bai Chuan not hurt himself until he calmed down.

When Mu Xiaoya returned to the bedroom, Bai Chuan was sitting at the desk and writing something.

"Xiao Chuan, it's almost time to take a bath and rest." Bai Chuan had just finished getting sick, and Mu Xiaoya felt that he should rest earlier.

After Bai Chuan wrote the last stroke, he left the desk obediently, took the pajamas that Mu Xiaoya handed him, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When the sound of water came from the bathroom, Mu Xiaoya walked to the desk curiously, wanting to see what Bai Chuan was writing just now. It was a loose-leaf notebook. Bai Chuan didn't close the notebook. The notebook was spread out on the desk. On the white paper, Bai Chuan wrote densely on the whole piece of paper in beautiful italics: "It's six o'clock, I have to go home." .

With just one look, Mu Xiaoya endured tears all night, and it fell instantly. Suddenly, she didn't even respond, so why did she cry.

"I'm done washing." Mu Xiaoya was stunned for too long, Bai Chuan didn't know when he had finished washing and stood beside Mu Xiaoya.

"Okay, then I'll go wash too." Mu Xiaoya turned to leave, but was suddenly grabbed by Bai Chuan.

"You're crying." Bai Chuan frowned and asked with some self-reproach, "Is it because I didn't go home on time today?"

"No." Mu Xiaoya hurriedly wiped away her tears, as if just wiping away her tears could cover up the fact that she had cried.

"Then why are you crying?" Bai Chuan couldn't understand.

"I really didn't cry."

"I cried." Bai Chuan's tone was firm, his eyes were bright, and he had an expression that I had clearly seen.

"..." At this time, Mu Xiaoya desperately wanted to be alone for a while to sort out the bad emotions in her heart, but Bai Chuan couldn't understand or understand her words, she just kept asking persistently. Why is she crying. Mu Xiaoya didn't know how to answer, because there were so many emotions that she couldn't tell why she was crying. She just felt tired and sad.

"I don't want to say it, can I?" There was a hint of pleading in Mu Xiaoya's voice.

Bai Chuan was stunned for a while, struggled for a while, then suddenly leaned over to hug Mu Xiaoya, and softly whispered in her ear, "Don't cry, hug."

"Uuuu..." Mu Xiaoya's emotions accumulated in her heart, the emotions she wanted to sort out by taking a bath, were released in Bai Chuan's words as if coaxing a child, like a flood that had opened the gate.

"I just want to cry, why do you keep asking, keep asking?"

"Don't ask, don't ask." Bai Chuan awkwardly patted Mu Xiaoya's back.

After venting, Mu Xiaoya's mood improved a lot. After washing, she and Bai Chuan lay on the bed early. Before going to bed, Bai Chuan looked at Mu Xiaoya hesitantly, with a look on his face that I have something to say, not to mention the expression of not being able to sleep.

"What do you want to say?" Mu Xiaoya was helpless.

"I want to say." Bai Chuan immediately sat up from the quilt excitedly, "I won't ask about things you don't want to say in the future. Don't cry, okay?"

"...No!" Mu Xiaoya felt that she wanted to cry again now, "I cry if I want, why don't you let me cry."

"Then... Then you can do whatever you want." Bai Chuan lay back innocently. Grandma is right, women's thinking is really complicated.

Early the next morning.

At the breakfast table, Mu Xiaoya's mental state was obviously not very good. The rest of the Bai family knew what was going on when they saw it.

After breakfast, Mu Xiaoya sent Bai Chuan to the door. Bai Zheng also went to the company today, so Bai Chuan could take Bai Zheng's car directly to the company without waiting for the driver to pick him up.

"I will be back today at six o'clock." Before getting into the car, Bai Chuan assured Mu Xiaoya very seriously.

When Mu Xiaoya heard this, her smiling face froze. Again? Do you have to come every day from now on

"I will arrange for the driver to bring Xiaochuan back before six o'clock." Bai Zheng glanced at the froze Mu Xiaoya and said suddenly.

Mu Xiaoya glanced at Bai Zheng, and after understanding what the other party meant, she smiled and thanked him.

"...Let's go." Bai Zheng didn't say more, and opened the door to leave.

Mu Xiaoya's current expression, he is very familiar, it can be said that every once in a while, it will appear on his and his parents' faces. It was the feeling of responsibility, stress, exhaustion, and distress. It was the feeling when you truly realized that it was not easy to take care of Bai Chuan, and this kind of feeling can only be possessed by those who really care about Bai Chuan. He hoped that Mu Xiaoya could find a way to relieve the stress, and respected Mu Xiaoya's decision after she was not well resolved.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, Mu Xiaoya suddenly stopped Bai Zheng.

Bai Zheng got into the car for a while, and looked over again.

"Well, the driver who brought Xiaochuan back yesterday, Master Ma. He seems to have been accidentally injured by Xiaochuan because he wanted to prevent Xiaochuan from hitting the door." When she came back yesterday, Mu Xiaoya found the injury on the driver's face, but she At that time, I only cared about taking care of Bai Chuan, so I didn't have time to ask any more questions.

"...I see." Bai Zheng paused for a while, then nodded and knew what to do. Yesterday's incident, thanks to this driver's cleverness, the door was locked. If Bai Chuan accidentally ran off the car in that situation, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Haiyuan Road.

Fang Hui drove to work in high spirits. Before the car entered the parking lot, she saw Mu Xiaoya's Audi from a distance. She was wondering why Mu Xiaoya came earlier than her this morning, but found that Mu Xiaoya was sitting in the driver's seat in a daze, and the car didn't even turn off the fire.

What is this girl doing

"What are you doing?" Fang Hui parked the car and couldn't help walking over to knock on the window.

"Fang Hui?" Mu Xiaoya returned to her senses.

"I'm going, what a pair of panda eyes, are you overly indulging and staying up all night, or are you worried about the sales of our shoes and staying up all night?" Fang Hui couldn't help teasing.

"Because of Xiaochuan." Mu Xiaoya replied weakly.

"Because..." Fang Hui's expression changed abruptly, and her eyes suddenly showed a "yellow" light when she looked at Mu Xiaoya, "It's really overindulgent, you have finally become a real married woman..."

"Fang Hui, I have something to go out and come back in the afternoon." Mu Xiaoya ignored Fang Hui, as if she had made a sudden decision, she just reversed the car and backed out the car.

"..." Fang Hui, who was left bathed in a large amount of exhaust gas, "What are you doing?"

After Mu Xiaoya left the studio and went directly to Yuncheng University, she decided to talk to Professor Feng.

Because of the sudden arrival, Mu Xiaoya could only go to Professor Feng's office to try her luck. She was told that Professor Feng had a class in the morning, so she ran to the large classroom where Professor Feng was teaching and listened to a large class quietly. She waited until the students who went to the podium to ask Professor Feng's questions had all left, and then she stood up from her seat and smiled at Professor Feng.

"Did something happen to Xiaochuan?" On the boulevard of Yuncheng University, the two chatted about Baichuan as they walked.

"You see it?"

"Even if you don't see it, count the time, it's almost time for you to come to me?" Professor Feng said.

"How?" Mu Xiaoya was puzzled.

"It's not easy to get along with people with autism. Although Xiaochuan has recovered very well, there are still many things that are different from ordinary people. Normal couples will have problems when they get along for a long time, not to mention you and Xiaochuan." Professor Feng Said, "You came later than I expected."

Mu Xiaoya smiled bitterly.

"But I'm still very happy that you can come to me." Facing Mu Xiaoya's surprised eyes, Professor Feng smiled, "This proves that you didn't intend to give up Xiaochuan, you came to me to change Xiaochuan. better, right?"

"Yeah." This was exactly what Mu Xiaoya thought.

"Let's go, have a cup of tea in my office and see if I can help you." Professor Feng smiled gratified and led Mu Xiaoya to his office.

In the office, Mu Xiaoya told Professor Feng the situation before and after Bai Chuan's onset in detail. Professor Feng listened carefully and then said.

"Usually autistic patients are disrupted in their own established trajectory, or fail to complete what they think must be done. If they can't get it done right away, it is difficult for them to calm down in a short period of time."

"I know, Xiaochuan got sick yesterday because of this." Mu Xiaoya nodded.

"No, you misunderstood what I meant." Professor Feng smiled, "Yesterday, Xiaochuan didn't come home, but you calmed him down."

"What's wrong with this?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"No, this is very good, very good." Professor Feng said two good words in a row, his voice a little excited, "I don't know that flexibility is a common feature of autistic patients, but you taught Xiaochuan to be flexible yesterday."

"Workaround?" Mu Xiaoya was taken aback.

"That's right." Professor Feng said, "We have always believed that autism is actually like a glass cover, which separates autistic patients from normal people, but once you break through this glass cover, you can communicate smoothly. In fact, there is not much difference between autistic people and ordinary people. In theory, what normal people can do, they can do too.”

"The way you dealt with it yesterday was a very successful case. When Xiaochuan couldn't get home in time, you offered to take the initiative to find him, he understood and accepted, and then he quieted down. Although, this is thanks to you guys. Good communication skills, and Xiaochuan's high acceptance of the information you convey, but at that moment, you let Xiaochuan realize that there is another possibility for the solution of one thing. This is almost common sense for ordinary people It is very difficult for autistic patients, especially emotional autistic patients. If you can make Xiaochuan realize this independently, he can slowly learn to be flexible."

"I realize it on my own? Then what should I do?" Mu Xiaoya frowned.

"Don't worry, don't be too stressed, didn't I just say that this requires good communication." Professor Feng smiled and reassured, "So, you have done a good job now, you just need to stay with him like this all the time. , he will naturally grow up slowly."

"I know, I will definitely." Mu Xiaoya assured.

"After talking about Xiaochuan, let's talk about you." Professor Feng said suddenly.

"Me?" Mu Xiaoya was taken aback.

"Actually, the family members of autistic patients need more psychological counseling than those with autism." Professor Feng pointedly said, "Actually, autistic patients only live in their own world, they have no pressure, and also They don't feel the pressure, but the pressure is with their families. In nursing homes, more than half of the parents give up their children's rehabilitation every year. And every once in a while, some parents leave their children with autism in The door of the nursing home."

"I didn't want to give up." Mu Xiaoya hurriedly explained.

"Don't get excited, I just want to tell you that if you feel tired and sad, even if you have the idea of giving up, it's normal, don't be too harsh on yourself, don't put too much pressure on yourself. When If you want to chat, you can come to me anytime." Professor Feng said.

Mu Xiaoya understood the meaning of Professor Feng's words. Professor Feng was afraid that she would be trapped in a huge circle that must not give up Bai Chuan and must be responsible to Bai Chuan. crushed. It was because she saw that her mental state was not very good today, and she was giving her psychological counseling to relieve her stress.

However, how could she be kidnapped by morality? She never even thought that she had any noble sentiments. If she had, she should have agreed to Bai Chuan's marriage proposal in her last life.

What she is doing now is all she wants and wants to do.

No ethics, no responsibility.

She has experienced a world without Bai Chuan, and she does not yearn for it. Comparing the two, she cherishes the present more.

"Thank you Professor Feng, I understand what you mean. I won't trap myself in it." Mu Xiaoya replied.

No matter whether she is happy or sad, it is the future she is willing to go to with Bai Chuan. She thought it was too short, how could she let go easily.