My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 39: A gift that wins by quantity


"Where are we going to eat?" The first time he skipped work to eat, Bai Chuan had a strange obsession with this meal.

"It's not time to eat, let's go for a while." Mu Xiaoya replied casually while driving.

"As I said, it's not time to eat yet." Bai Chuan, whose routine was disrupted, wrinkled his nose in discomfort, and couldn't help but muttered something in a low voice.

"... "Is this being complained about? Mu Xiaoya, who was complained by Bai Chuan for the first time, felt a little strange, so she deliberately did not answer, and drove the car silently, wanting to see what Bai Chuan could say next.

"We didn't eat until half past six." Mu Xiaoya helped him set this time.

"It's only five o'clock now." The company got off work at 5:30. They could obviously come out after get off work, and the time was completely in time.

After saying these three sentences, Bai Chuan was quiet for two minutes, and then repeated these three sentences.

"It's not time for dinner yet... I didn't eat until half past six... It's only five o'clock now." Bai Chuan whispered back and forth, with two to three minutes in between, as if he was set to order. Music loop playback software, repeating tirelessly.

At first, Mu Xiaoya didn't find it annoying, on the contrary, she found it a little cute, because Bai Chuan usually doesn't like to talk, but now she keeps thinking like a little old lady, which looks interesting and tight.

But as the time of talking got longer and longer, Mu Xiaoya slowly began to realize that something was wrong. Bai Chuan's babbling wasn't because he wanted to talk and kept chanting, he couldn't control himself at all. Just like that night, he kept writing in his notebook that he must go home at six o'clock. This was an obsession that was naturally triggered in his heart because of his incompatibility after the established rules of life were forcibly disrupted. This kind of obsession requires the disrupted life rules to get back on track in order to calm him down again.

Although the situation was not serious this time, Bai Chuan didn't get sick, but was only slightly uneasy, but Mu Xiaoya knew that her behavior today still made him uncomfortable.

Mu Xiaoya parked the car in the underground garage of a shopping mall in silence, turned off the fire, then turned her head, looked at Bai Chuan who was still thinking about it without knowing it, and asked a question: "What time is it now?"

"It's 5:20, ten minutes to get off work." Bai Chuan's subconscious mind was still thinking about the fact that he didn't get off work on time.

"When did we come out of Yifeng?" Mu Xiaoya continued to ask.

"Four fifty." She left work forty minutes earlier.

"Thirty minutes, half an hour, you keep repeating that the time hasn't come yet, you shouldn't get off work." Mu Xiaoya paused for a moment and asked, "Are you mad at me? Blame me for bringing you out?"

"No." Bai Chuan shook his head without thinking. Although he really shouldn't have come out earlier, he wasn't angry.

"Then why do you keep talking about it? If you keep talking about it, it means that you are not happy. If you are not happy, you are blaming me, which means that I have done something wrong. But I clearly asked you just now, and it was you who promised to come out with me. Yes, you are blaming me again when the results come out?" Mu Xiaoya's expression was a little sad, this sadness was not because Bai Chuan was talking about her, but because she saw Bai Chuan like this.

"I... I'm not angry, I don't blame you, I... I..." How to explain it? Bai Chuan's face was anxious, and his anxious face turned red.

He really wasn't angry, he was just a little uncomfortable. When he wasn't, he couldn't help but repeat the same thing over and over again. This is a disease state of autism.

Bai Chuan clearly knows all the characteristics of his illness. He has seen doctors since he was a child, and he has read many books on this subject. He can even accurately recite the various reactions that autistic patients will have when autism attacks. , but whenever the symptoms appeared, his brain cluttered. On the one hand, the right hemisphere was telling him that he should stop talking, but on the other hand, the left hemisphere acted on its own accord.

Bai Chuan sometimes hates the rationality of his right brain. He even hopes that when he is sick, the rationality of the right brain can disappear. In this way, he will not feel guilty after the disease, and will not be afraid of Xiaoya hating him.

"I went to the company to look for you because I wanted you to be happy. Since you blame me, I won't look for you in the future."

Mu Xiaoya was still talking, and every word she said made Bai Chuan uncomfortable. This kind of discomfort gradually gained the upper hand, helping the right brain to successfully suppress the behavior of the left brain, so that Bai Chuan's urge to talk gradually calmed down.

"I... I'm not going to read it anymore." If Xiaoya would be sad when she heard it, then he would stop talking like this in the future, at least, not aloud.

Yes, don't say it out loud, just repeat it in your heart, so Xiaoya won't find out. Or go home and write it down in the notebook, in short, as long as Xiaoya doesn't find out. If not discovered, Xiaoya will not hate herself.

"I won't do it in the future." After finding a solution, Bai Chuan had a lot of confidence to speak, and he said loudly, "I'm not angry, you don't want to come to me in the future." He likes Mu Xiaoya to look for it. When he likes to look up outside the office, he suddenly finds Xiaoya standing there. Bai Chuan even thought that maybe in the future, he would look outside subconsciously during work hours.

Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Chuan, who had sworn to her, and her mood was a little complicated: Is this the right guide for me

Professor Feng said that the life trajectories of autistic patients are very simple. They have no communication, live alone, and even study is single. Their daily life trajectory is like a straight line that never forks or turns. Therefore, once their identified trajectory is suddenly disrupted, and the straight line turns a corner, this change will make them uneasy. They express their unease and urgency through actions, words, whatever they can express. If the level of unease is too great, and it rises to anxiety, they are prone to the disease.

Not being able to go home on time made Bai Chuan anxious. Getting off work early and not eating within the stipulated time made Bai Chuan uneasy, but this sense of unease was not enough and made him anxious, it just made him repeat the same thing uncontrollably. He needs to relieve his anxiety through this repetition. So Bai Chuan's talk is actually a method of self-regulation. To be more serious, he is treating himself.

But now, Bai Chuan was willing to stop this treatment for her simple words.

Is it right to do it yourself? Mu Xiaoya was hesitant. On the one hand, she hoped that Bai Chuan would be more normal, even a little improvement. On the other hand, she did not want Bai Chuan to feel uncomfortable.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose, you just couldn't control it, right?" Facing Bai Chuan's guiltful little eyes, Mu Xiaoya finally failed to be ruthless.

"En." Bai Chuan nodded heavily, with a look of relief.

Xiaoya understood him.

"Then let's make an exchange, okay?" Mu Xiaoya suggested.


"Yes." Mu Xiaoya wanted Bai Chuan to become better, but she couldn't bear to make Bai Chuan feel too uncomfortable, so she wanted to make some compensation for Bai Chuan, "If similar things happen in the future, for example, what did I do to make Bai Chuan feel bad?" If you are uncomfortable, you can make a request to me. As long as this request is what I can do, I will agree to you. In exchange, you can no longer talk about me like this in the future. Uh... If you really can't bear it If you stay, you can't exceed it more than three times."

Mu Xiaoya held up three fingers and stretched it out in front of Bai Chuan. She hoped that her exchange would ease Bai Chuan's anxiety.

Bai Chuan stared blankly at the three fingers in front of him, and his brain began to analyze the meaning of Mu Xiaoya's words: Xiaoya means that whenever a similar situation occurs in the future, can he ask Xiaoya to promise him one thing unconditionally? Just thinking about it, Bai Chuan felt that the restlessness in his heart eased a lot.

After understanding, Bai Chuan decided to give it a try, so he couldn't wait to ask: "Then... can I make a request now?"

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Although Bai Chuan repeated it for thirty minutes today instead of three times, as the first "exchange of interests", Mu Xiaoya didn't mind being more generous. Moreover, she was also very curious about what requests Bai Chuan would make of her.



"I want you to be happy." Bai Chuan didn't like Mu Xiaoya's current appearance, his eyes were as heavy as the fog he saw when running in the morning, he didn't like it.

At this time, Mu Xiaoya actually wanted to cry, but in order to keep her promise, she still made herself smile. She didn't look in the mirror, but she was sure that her current appearance must not be ugly, because the warmth in her heart would definitely be conveyed to Bai Chuan's heart through a smile.

At the moment when Mu Xiaoya's smile spread, Bai Chuan also found that the ** he couldn't help but want to talk about was like the fog after sunrise, which disappeared.

After such a delay, it was almost six o'clock when the two of them got to the restaurant upstairs. Then took the number, ordered the dishes, and waited until the dishes were on the bus, Mu Xiaoya looked at the time, it was exactly 6:30, and it was actually the time of Bai Chuan.

Mu Xiaoya looked at Bai Chuan, who was the same throughout the whole process, and was undecided for a while, whether it was her "exchange" that played a role, or whether Bai Chuan was passively cured because she ate a meal within the specified time period.

But today, she doesn't plan to continue exploring. Bai Chuan's illness needs to be guided patiently. Mu Xiaoya feels that she has guided enough today.

"After dinner, I'll take you to a place."


After eating, Mu Xiaoya took Bai Chuan to the east area on the third floor, where all kinds of shoe stores in the mall were concentrated. This is also the main purpose of Mu Xiaoya coming to this mall, because one of the shoe stores in this mall belongs to Uncle Fang Hui. Inside, there are three shoes she designed and listed recently.

Walking into the store, she simply scanned around. Mu Xiaoya quickly discovered that the three shoes she designed by herself were placed in the center of the store, a hot-selling area for new models.

"Xiao Chuan, look." Mu Xiaoya picked up one of the shoes and showed it to Bai Chuan.

"You drew it." Bai Chuan did not disappoint Mu Xiaoya, and recognized the shoes at a glance. This was drawn by Xiaoya sitting by the creek when they were still in the cherry orchard, and there was a big thunderstorm that day.

"Yeah." Mu Xiaoya said a little proudly, "I watched the game you developed today, and I also showed you the shoes I designed. This is a brand co-founded by Fang Hui and I, and our studio is on it. Where is the LOGO?” After speaking, Mu Xiaoya showed the sole of the shoe to Bai Chuan. On the white sole, there was a small circular pattern, which was an artistically processed pattern of the two English letters H and Y. It looks like a flower, and if you look closely, you can see that it is two letters.

"H is Fang Hui's Hui, Y is..."

"Xiaoya's elegance." Bai Chuan replied quickly.

"That's right."

"You two, do you like this shoe?" At this time, the clerk of the specialty store came over, glanced at the shoes in the hands of the two and immediately began to sell, "This is a shoe jointly designed by our company and H&Y studio. , this year's new model. These shoes are simple and elegant in appearance. They are very comfortable after wearing. The upper fabric is breathable, so you won't feel stuffy even in summer. These shoes are selling very well in our store. , I just sold a pair, do you need to bring a pair back?"

"Need not… "

"Yes." Bai Chuan interrupted Mu Xiaoya, "I want this pair, this pair, and this pair."

Bai Chuan pointed to three pairs in a row, each pair was designed by Mu Xiaoya, and he remembered every pair of shoes Mu Xiaoya designed in the cherry orchard.

"Okay, what size do you want?" After buying so much, the already enthusiastic clerk's tone was even more eager than before.

"One pair of 36, 37, 43, and 44, and two pairs of 45." Bai Chuan reported a series of numbers.

"Then... which size and which pair to take?" the clerk confirmed.


"You mean... you have to buy three pairs of each shoe size?" The clerk couldn't believe it.

"Six pairs of 45." Bai Chuan was afraid that the clerk made a mistake.

"You... Are you sure?" This is where to buy shoes, this is wholesale...

"Sure." Bai Chuan nodded affirmatively, he would never miscalculate a number.

"Xiao Chuan, what are you doing..." Mu Xiaoya, who was shocked and speechless since Bai Chuan started reporting the size, came back to her senses. She smiled awkwardly at the clerk, and decisively pulled Bai Chuan aside and whispered, " Why do you buy so many shoes, besides, even if you want shoes, you can tell me, why spend money to buy them, I have a bunch of them." Fang Hui only asked for several pairs of sample shoes from the factory yesterday. , just piled up in the studio. If Bai Chuan likes these shoes, she can take them home directly without spending money to buy them.

"If you want to buy it, you have to support it." Bai Chuan said firmly.

"Then you don't have to buy so much, just buy a pair."

"Send it away." Bai Chuan said again.

"Who to give it to?" Mu Xiaoya was curious, Bai Chuan could still take the initiative to buy things as gifts.

"As you said, when your studio officially opens, you will give your parents, as well as Big Brother's shoes." Bai Chuan felt that Mu Xiaoya must have forgotten it again.

"..." Mu Xiaoya didn't forget, she did say at the breakfast table of Bai's family that she would give them shoes, but Mu Xiaoya promised to help them make shoes, not to send the two or three hundred mass produced by this factory. A pair of shoes.

"Then you don't need to buy so many, three people, just buy three pairs." Mu Xiaoya said.

"Six people." Bai Chuan counted, "My parents, your parents, eldest brother, and me."

In the end, Mu Xiaoya happily swiped Bai Chuan's salary card, bought 18 pairs of shoes she designed, and then returned to the villa to give Bai's parents and Bai Zheng three pairs each.

Everyone in the Bai family: ... Our family Xiaochuan is really generous, and we will give away three pairs as soon as we give it away.