My Husband With Scholar Syndrome

Chapter 40: Marriage room


Every morning, when Bai Chuan came back from running, Mu Xiaoya would wake up. After she finished washing, Bai Chuan had already packed up and waited for her to go downstairs for breakfast together in the room.

Mu Xiaoya walked into the cloakroom, went in, and saw Bai Chuan, who was sitting on a stool earnestly wearing shoelaces, with an empty shoebox at his feet. The huge H&Y logo on the shoebox was very eye-catching.

Mu Xiaoya smiled, walked over and said, "If you wear these shoes, you should wear light-colored clothes." After speaking, Mu Xiaoya sifted through Bai Chuan's wardrobe for a while, and quickly picked out an off-white T shirt and a pair of light-colored washed jeans, turned and handed it to Shirakawa.

Bai Chuan looked at the blue shirt he was wearing, took the clothes from Mu Xiaoya's hands obediently, put down the shoes he had just put on, and got up to change.

Bai Chuan is good-looking, so no clothes will look ugly on him, but Mu Xiaoya likes Bai Chuan to wear light-colored clothes the most, especially when he is sitting on the balcony reading, the sun shines on Bai Chuan's eyes and brows, as if All the years have softened for him.

"The clothes are not ready." Bai Chuan's T-shirt was not smooth, and his waist was wrinkled together. Mu Xiaoya stretched out his hand to help and tug it. Because of the height difference, the tip of her nose was just at the position of Bai Chuan's collarbone. When she was pulling on her clothes, she brought a scent of shower gel to the tip of her nose.

Bai Chuan had just returned from running. Although he had just taken a shower, the skin on his neck was still slightly red.

"Are you still tired from running recently?" Mu Xiaoya asked softly. When she took Bai Chuan out for a run for the first time, Bai Chuan's unlovable look left a deep impression on her.

"I'm not tired anymore." Bai Chuan shook his head gently. In fact, as early as half a month ago, he had already adapted to the intensity of running, and he also discovered that after running every morning, his mental state would also be better. on a lot.

"Do you still hate running now?"

"I don't hate it anymore."

"Then you have to continue to work hard and try to develop abdominal muscles." Mu Xiaoya said casually, but after speaking, her eyes moved down involuntarily, looking at Bai Chuan's abdomen, and her brain reminded Bai Chuan to take off his clothes. After revealing the picture of abdominal muscles, just thinking about it makes my eyes light up.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan agreed seriously.

Just relying on running, where can you train your abdominal muscles? Mu Xiaoya just casually had sex, but Bai Chuan's serious agreement still made her feel good: "Put on your shoes, let's go to dinner."

The two came downstairs and walked towards the restaurant. Walking into the restaurant and saying hello to the Bai family's parents, Mu Xiaoya vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the restaurant today. Just when she was wondering, Bai Zheng walked in in a suit. Seeing Bai Zheng, Mu Xiaoya's eyes lit up and she reacted suddenly, she knew what was wrong just now.

What's wrong is that today's Bai's parents are wearing too casual clothes.

On weekdays, Bai's father and Bai Zheng are always in suits and leather shoes, but today they are wearing sportswear, while Bai's mother, who is always well-dressed, only wears simple white T jeans today.

"Dad, are you not going to the company today?" Bai Zheng glanced at his parents, sat down and asked.

"I asked Guo Dong to play golf together today." Bai Guoyu replied.

"Isn't there an appointment for Guo Dong to meet at the company at ten o'clock?" Bai Zheng asked in surprise.

"It's not an important meeting, just discuss it while you're playing golf." Bai Guoyu said, glancing under the table as if there was nothing.

Bai Zheng followed his father's line of sight and glanced under the table, and at a glance he understood what was going on, and immediately showed disgust on his face.

play golf? The clubs are almost rusted at home, and there are no people who go out to play golf. Today, the meeting was specially changed to the golf course, so as to find a chance to wear new shoes.


Bai Zheng looked away in disgust, grabbed the sandwich and took a bite. Because of the private abandonment, there are still two days until the weekend, so can't you wait for the weekend to wear it

"Xiaoya, the shoes you designed are very good-looking and very versatile with clothes." Li Rong even stood up and showed it to her daughter-in-law, "Look, does it match my clothes very well."

"Yeah." Mu Xiaoya was a little embarrassed to be praised, this kind of small white shoes were originally a versatile style.

"Not only is the style beautiful, but it is also very comfortable to wear. The sole is soft and light, and it is comfortable to walk, not worse than those famous brands."

"As long as you like it."

"Xiao Chuan, look, the shoes your mother is wearing are exactly the same as yours." When Bai Chuan walked in, Li Rong saw the shoes on Bai Chuan's feet at a glance. Although the shoes were all sent by Xiaochuan, there were three pairs of shoes in total. It was a rare understanding that she and Xiaochuan could choose exactly the same shoes and wear them on the same day. Like her husband, there is no such tacit understanding. The eldest son, didn't even wear shoes.

"Yeah." Bai Chuan glanced at his mother's shoes and nodded in approval. This um, suddenly made Li Rong's smile brighter.

Mu Xiaoya on the side was embarrassed and could only bury her head and eat it. Although she understood the joy of the Bai family for receiving Bai Chuan's gifts, this kind of child-like request for praise and attention is really embarrassing. of. Especially these few, when they came out of this door, all of them were people with some face in Yuncheng.

Although Mu Xiaoya has not been in the Bai family for a long time, she found that the Bai family has an unwritten rule, that is, when the family eats together, as long as there are no special circumstances, even if someone finishes eating ahead of time, they will not take the initiative to leave the table. . They'll slow down and wait until the last person has finished eating, then get up and leave together. And the last person to finish eating is usually Bai Chuan.

During the entire breakfast process, Bai Zheng was extremely silent. When Bai Chuan had almost eaten, he said aloud, "I have already bought the house."

house? Is Bai Zheng going to buy a house and move out? Mu Xiaoya looked over curiously, and found that Bai Zheng was looking at what she said.

"It's in the community next to your studio. The top floor is a duplex. It's been renovated. It's been almost a year since the renovation. You can move in directly."

"Why... Bought it next to my studio?" Mu Xiaoya asked blankly.

"The location there is good, it's not far from Yifeng, and Xiaochuan is also convenient to commute to get off work." Bai Zheng said, "The developer of this community is a friend of mine, and he left this house for himself, so the decoration inside There should be no need to make it again. But you need to choose the furniture yourself." After speaking, Bai Zheng took out a purple card from his pocket and handed it to Mu Xiaoya.

"This is the shopping card of Meihe Furniture Mall. There is one million in it. During the weekend, you and Xiaochuan can go and pick some furniture together."

"Did you buy the house for us?" Mu Xiaoya asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I didn't promise you before that when you get married, I will buy a new house for you so that you can move out." Li Rong said.

Although Mu Xiaoya never mentioned it, they knew that Mu Xiaoya was not comfortable living in the villa. Every day when she came back from get off work, except for dinner, she and Bai Chuan stayed on the second floor and seldom came down. They all saw this. In addition, they had promised to let Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan live alone after they got married. Professor Feng also suggested that they give Bai Chuan a more comfortable environment, so they discussed it and asked Bai Zheng to prepare this house. .

"But... there's no need to buy a new house. If we want to move out, we can just move back to the family's yard. Grandma's yard is still empty. Besides, Xiaochuan and I are familiar with that place." Mu Xiaoya said.

"The yard is also reserved for you, and this one is reserved for you. You can live wherever you want." Li Rong said with a smile.

"That's right, your studio has just started, and you will be very busy at the beginning of your business. With a house nearby, it is convenient to work." Bai Guoyu is also a self-made man, and he knows the hardships in the early days of starting a business best. Although the Bai family does not lack the money that Mu Xiaoya earns, he appreciates Mu Xiaoya's determination and ambition to create her own brand, especially after wearing the shoes designed by Mu Xiaoya herself.

"Then...then we don't need the shopping card, we will buy the furniture ourselves." Seeing that Mu Xiaoya couldn't shirk the house, she had to push the shopping card back.

"Furniture is a housewarming gift I gave you." Bai Zheng said expressionlessly.

"The house has already been delivered..." Mu Xiaoya whispered, she was really embarrassed to accept it.

"The house was given by my parents, I only send the furniture." Seeing that Mu Xiaoya didn't want to take it, Bai Zheng frowned and asked, "Or, do you prefer the house?"

"No no no... No, thank you eldest brother." Mu Xiaoya was afraid that Bai Zheng would really buy another house, so she hurriedly put away the shopping card.

Mu Xiaoya has found out that with the Bai family, you can't be polite at all. The more polite you are, the more gifts you will receive.

After breakfast, everyone went out together in an orderly manner. Bai Zheng and Bai Chuan went to the company, Bai's father went to the golf course, and Bai's mother asked her best friend to go out on a green trip. The four of them rarely went out together.

Uncle Li came over with Father Bai's golf club, looked at the makeup of several people, and praised with great discernment: "Mr. and Mrs., Second Young Master, what you are wearing today, whether it is from clothes or shoes, look at It's just a family."

Bai's father and Bai's mother suddenly smiled happily.


A cold snort came from Bai Zheng in a suit.

Bai Zheng's work efficiency is very high. He only mentioned the house in the morning, and after he went to the company for a while, he asked his assistant to send over the real estate certificate. Mu Xiaoya opened it and saw that she and Bai Chuan's names were written on the property deed.

"Not only your name, nor just Bai Chuan's name, but both of you." Fang Hui glanced at the property certificate and said, "The Bai family also put a lot of thought into it."

With the financial resources of the Bai family, it is completely possible to buy a house for Mu Xiaoya, but the Bai family did not do this, but specifically wrote the names of Mu Xiaoya and Bai Chuan on the property certificate. They were telling Mu Xiaoya in this way that they put her and Bai Chuan in the same position.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either." Mu Xiaoya's heart was warm.

If only her name was written on the real estate deed, Mu Xiaoya would turn around and transfer the house to Bai Chuan, but now that the two of them were written on the real estate deed, she would not be able to do anything. The Bai family's intentions are already so obvious, if she does anything else, it will be hypocritical.

"This house is more than 130 square meters, and it has an attic. There must be a lot of rooms in it. Come back and save one for me. If it's too late to work overtime in the future, I'll stay at your house." Fang Hui joked.

"If you want to be a light bulb, you can come." Mu Xiaoya glanced at her.

"Student Mu Xiaoya, I found that since you married into a wealthy family, you've become more and more stingy. In the past, you were willing to give me half of the 1.5-meter bed, but now you are not willing to give me half of the 130-square-meter bed. Got a bed?"

"Who made me have a family background, if I'm still single, let alone a bed, the house will be given to you." Mu Xiaoya said generously.

"Cut..." The joke was over, Fang Hui suggested, "After lunch, I'll accompany you to see your new house?"

"No... I want to wait until the weekend to watch with Bai Chuan." Mu Xiaoya said.

"Okay, then I won't get involved. I'll go to see when you've arranged it." Fang Hui nodded understandingly. As for the wedding room, compared to best friends, she should go to see it with her husband first.

"If you're okay this weekend, come over too." Mu Xiaoya invited.


"Didn't you always want to see Bai Chuan?" Mu Xiaoya smiled.